view cdg-hybrid/cdginc/m_ss.val @ 624:012028896cfb

FFS dev.c, Leonardo target: Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 #if 0'ed out The FFS code we got from TI/Openmoko had a stanza for "Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 stacked device", using a fake device ID code that would need to be patched manually into cfgffs.c (suppressing and overriding autodetection) and using an FFS base address in the nCS2 bank, indicating that this FFS config was probably meant for the MCP version of Leonardo which allows for 16 MiB flash with a second bank on nCS2. We previously had this FFS config stanza conditionalized under CONFIG_TARGET_LEONARDO because the base address contained therein is invalid for other targets, but now that we actually have a Leonardo build target in FC Magnetite, I realize that the better approach is to #if 0 out this stanza altogether: it is already non-functional because it uses a fake device ID code, thus it is does not add support for more Leonardo board variants, instead it is just noise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 22 Dec 2019 21:24:29 +0000
parents e7a67accfad9
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK                                                 |
| FILE    : m_ss.val                                                       |
| SOURCE  : "msg\ss.mdf"                                                   |
| LastModified : "2003-02-04"                                              |
| IdAndVersion : "6147.601.97.104"                                         |
| SrcFileTime  : "Wed Nov 28 10:21:24 2007"                                |
| Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5A on Fri Oct 14 21:41:52 2016                   |
|           !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!                |

 * PREFIX                 : NONE

#ifndef M_SS_VAL
#define M_SS_VAL


#define CDG_ENTER__M_SS_VAL__LAST_MODIFIED _2003_02_04
#define CDG_ENTER__M_SS_VAL__ID_AND_VERSION _6147_601_97_104

#define CDG_ENTER__M_SS_VAL__SRC_FILE_TIME _Wed_Nov_28_10_21_24_2007

#include "CDG_ENTER.h"



 * Value constants for VAL_ver
#define SS_VERSION_PHASE2              (0x0)      /* phase 2 service and error handling, ellipsis notation */

 * Value constants for VAL_cs
#define CAUSE_UNASSIGN                 (0x1)      /* Unassigned (unallocated) Note 9 number */
#define CAUSE_NO_ROUTE                 (0x3)      /* No route to destination        */
#define CAUSE_CHAN_UNACCEPT            (0x6)      /* Channel unacceptable           */
#define CAUSE_BARRED                   (0x8)      /* Operator determined barring    */
#define CAUSE_CALL_CLEAR               (0x10)     /* Normal call clearing           */
#define CAUSE_USER_BUSY                (0x11)     /* User busy                      */
#define CAUSE_NO_RESPONSE              (0x12)     /* No user responding             */
#define CAUSE_ALERT_NO_ANSWER          (0x13)     /* User alerting, no answer       */
#define CAUSE_CALL_REJECT              (0x15)     /* Call rejected                  */
#define CAUSE_NUM_CHANGED              (0x16)     /* Number changed                 */
#define CAUSE_PREEMPTION               (0x19)     /* Pre-emption                    */
#define CAUSE_USER_CLEAR               (0x1a)     /* Non selected user clearing     */
#define CAUSE_DEST_ORDER               (0x1b)     /* Destination out of order       */
#define CAUSE_NUM_FORMAT               (0x1c)     /* Invalid number format (incomplete number) */
#define CAUSE_FACILITY_REJECT          (0x1d)     /* Facility rejected              */
#define CAUSE_STATUS_ENQUIRY           (0x1e)     /* Response to STATUS ENQUIRY     */
#define CAUSE_UNSPECIFIED              (0x1f)     /* Normal, unspecified            */
#define CAUSE_NO_CHAN_AVAIL            (0x22)     /* No circuit/channel available   */
#define CAUSE_NETWORK_ORDER            (0x26)     /* Network out of order           */
#define CAUSE_TEMP_FAIL                (0x29)     /* Temporary failure              */
#define CAUSE_SWITCH_CONGEST           (0x2a)     /* Switching equipment congestion */
#define CAUSE_INFO_DISCARD             (0x2b)     /* Access information discarded   */
#define CAUSE_REQ_CHAN_UNAVAIL         (0x2c)     /* requested circuit/channel not available */
#define CAUSE_RESOURCE_UNAVAIL         (0x2f)     /* Resources unavailable, unspecified */
#define CAUSE_QOS_UNAVAIL              (0x31)     /* Quality of service unavailable */
#define CAUSE_FACILITY_UNSUBSCRIB      (0x32)     /* Requested facility not subscribed */
#define CAUSE_BARRED_IN_CUG            (0x37)     /* Incoming calls barred within the CUG */
#define CAUSE_BEARER_CAP_AUTHORIZ      (0x39)     /* Bearer capability not authorized */
#define CAUSE_BEARER_CAP_UNAVAIL       (0x3a)     /* Bearer capability not presently available */
#define CAUSE_SERVICE_UNAVAIL          (0x3f)     /* Service or option not available, unspecified */
#define CAUSE_BEARER_NOT_IMPLEM        (0x41)     /* Bearer service not implemented */
#define CAUSE_ACM_MAX                  (0x44)     /* ACM equal to or greater than ACMmax */
#define CAUSE_FACILITY_NOT_IMPLEM      (0x45)     /* Requested facility not implemented */
#define CAUSE_RESTICT_BEARER_CAP       (0x46)     /* Only restricted digital information bearer capability is available */
#define CAUSE_SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEM       (0x4f)     /* Service or option not implemented, unspecified */
#define CAUSE_INVALID_TI               (0x51)     /* Invalid transaction identifier value */
#define CAUSE_USER_NOT_IN_CUG          (0x57)     /* User not member of CUG         */
#define CAUSE_INCOMPAT_DEST            (0x58)     /* Incompatible destination       */
#define CAUSE_INVALID_TRANS_NET        (0x5b)     /* Invalid transit network selection */
#define CAUSE_INCORRECT_MESSAGE        (0x5f)     /* Semantically incorrect message */
#define CAUSE_INVALID_MAND_INFO        (0x60)     /* Invalid mandatory information  */
#define CAUSE_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEM  (0x61)     /* Message type non-existent or not implemented */
#define CAUSE_MESSAGE_TYPE_INCOMPAT    (0x62)     /* Message type not compatible with protocol state */
#define CAUSE_INFO_ELEM_NOT_IMPLEM     (0x63)     /* Information element non existent or not implemented */
#define CAUSE_COND_INFO_ELEM           (0x64)     /* Conditional IE error           */
#define CAUSE_MESSAGE_INCOMPAT         (0x65)     /* Message not compatible with protocol state */
#define CAUSE_TIMER                    (0x66)     /* Recovery on timer expiry       */
#define CAUSE_PROTOCOL                 (0x6f)     /* Protocol error, unspecified    */
#define CAUSE_INTERWORKING             (0x7f)     /* Interworking, unspecified      */

 * Value constants for VAL_cs2
#define CS_Q931                        (0x0)      /* standardized coding as described in CCITT Rec. Q.931 */
#define CS_INTERNATIONAL               (0x1)      /* reserved for other international standards */
#define CS_NATIONAL                    (0x2)      /* national standard              */
#define CS_GSM_PLMN                    (0x3)      /* standard defined for the GSM PLMNS as described in 10.86/GSM 04.08 */

 * Value constants for VAL_loc
#define VAL_LOC___DEF                  (0x0)      /* reserved                       */
#define LOC_USER                       (0x0)      /* user                           */
#define LOC_PRIV_NET_LOCAL_USER        (0x1)      /* private network serving the local user */
#define LOC_PUB_NET_LOCAL_USER         (0x2)      /* public network serving the local user */
#define LOC_TRANSIT_NET                (0x3)      /* transit network                */
#define LOC_PUB_NET_REMOTE_USER        (0x4)      /* public network serving the remote user */
#define LOC_PRIV_NET_REMOTE_USER       (0x5)      /* private network serving the remote user */
#define LOC_INTERNATIONAL_NET          (0x7)      /* international network          */
#define LOC_BEYOND_POINT               (0xa)      /* network beyond interworking point */

 * user defined constants
#define L3MAX                          (0xfb)     
#define MAX_SS_VERSION                 (0x1)      

#include "CDG_LEAVE.h"
