view src/cs/layer1/dyn_dwl_include/l1_dyn_dwl_proto.h @ 624:012028896cfb

FFS dev.c, Leonardo target: Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 #if 0'ed out The FFS code we got from TI/Openmoko had a stanza for "Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 stacked device", using a fake device ID code that would need to be patched manually into cfgffs.c (suppressing and overriding autodetection) and using an FFS base address in the nCS2 bank, indicating that this FFS config was probably meant for the MCP version of Leonardo which allows for 16 MiB flash with a second bank on nCS2. We previously had this FFS config stanza conditionalized under CONFIG_TARGET_LEONARDO because the base address contained therein is invalid for other targets, but now that we actually have a Leonardo build target in FC Magnetite, I realize that the better approach is to #if 0 out this stanza altogether: it is already non-functional because it uses a fake device ID code, thus it is does not add support for more Leonardo board variants, instead it is just noise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 22 Dec 2019 21:24:29 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

/************* Revision Controle System Header *************
 *                  GSM Layer 1 software
 *        Filename l1_dyn_dwl_proto.h
 *  Copyright 2004 (C) Texas Instruments
 ************* Revision Controle System Header *************/

#if (L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD == 1)

#ifndef _L1_DYN_DWL_PROTO_H_
#define _L1_DYN_DWL_PROTO_H_

/* Functions declared in l1_dyn_dwl_apihisr.c */
void   l1_dyn_dwnld_apihisr(void);
BOOL   l1_dyn_dwnld_apihisr_error_handler(void);
UWORD8 l1_dyn_dwnld_copy_patch_process (BOOL new_patch);

/* Functions declared in l1_dyn_dwl_afunc.c*/
void    l1_handle_particular_cases_for_TCS211(UWORD32 msg_code, BOOL *return_flag);
BOOL    l1_does_the_incoming_primitive_trigger_dynamic_dwnld(UWORD32 msg_code, BOOL delay_flag);
UWORD16 l1_lookup_primitive_patch_matrix(UWORD32 msg_code, UWORD16* patch_id_p);
BOOL    l1_is_patch_already_installed (UWORD16 patch_id);
BOOL    l1_is_patch_id_in_uninstall_set (UWORD16 patch_id, UWORD16 *uninstall_patch_vect, UWORD16 num_of_uninstall_elem);
BOOL    l1_manage_patch_incompatibilty(UWORD16 num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld, UWORD16 *num_of_uninstall_elem, UWORD16 *uninstall_patch_id_vect);
void    l1_update_semaphores_for_all_state_machines(UWORD16 num_of_patch_id_to_dwnld);
void    l1_set_semaphores_for_all_state_machines_involved(UWORD16 delay_num_patch, UWORD16* delay_patch_array);
void    l1_reset_semaphores();
void    l1_disable_DSP_trace();
void    l1_enable_DSP_trace();
BOOL    l1_pop_Primitive(UWORD32 *p_primitive);
UWORD32 l1_check_Fifo_Primitive();
BOOL    l1_push_Primitive(UWORD32 primitive_id);

/* Functions declared in l1_dyn_dwl_async.c */
BOOL    l1_dynamic_download_manager(UWORD32 SignalCode, BOOL delay_flag);

/* Functions declared in l1_dyn_dwl_func.c*/

void l1_set_uninstall_parameters(void);
BOOL    l1_set_dyn_dwnld_install_vect(UWORD16* size_p, UWORD32* dest_addr, UWORD16* crc_vect, const UWORD8 *patch_array_code, UWORD16 i);
UWORD16 l1_initialize_patch_parameters();
void    l1_initialize_pointers_for_copy(UWORD16 **pp_dest_mcu, UWORD16 **pp_src_mcu);
void    l1_copy_till_the_end_of_the_patch_and_update_write_pointer(UWORD16 tmp_patch_size, UWORD16* p_dest_mcu, UWORD16* p_src_mcu);
void    l1_copy_till_end_of_dwnld_area_and_update_write_pointer(UWORD16 tmp_dwnld_area_size,UWORD16 *p_dest_mcu, UWORD16 *p_tmp_patch_size, UWORD16 **pp_src_mcu);
BOOL    l1_copy_first_N_words (UWORD16 *dwnld_area_size_p, UWORD16 *patch_area_size_p, UWORD16 **pp_dest_mcu, UWORD16 **pp_src_mcu);
UWORD16 l1_initialize_download_area_parameters();
BOOL    l1_init_pointers_and_copy_first_block_of_data(UWORD16 *dwnld_area_size_p, UWORD16 *patch_size_p, UWORD16 **pp_dest_mcu, UWORD16 **pp_src_mcu, BOOL new_patch);

/* Functions declared in l1_dyn_dwl_init.c*/

void l1_dyn_dwnld_initialize_var();
void l1_dyn_dwnld_reset();
void l1_dyn_dwnld_reset_api();

#endif    // _L1_DYN_DWL_PROTO_H_
#endif    // L1_DYN_DSP_DWNLD