view src/cs/layer1/tm_include/l1tm_defty.h @ 624:012028896cfb

FFS dev.c, Leonardo target: Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 #if 0'ed out The FFS code we got from TI/Openmoko had a stanza for "Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 stacked device", using a fake device ID code that would need to be patched manually into cfgffs.c (suppressing and overriding autodetection) and using an FFS base address in the nCS2 bank, indicating that this FFS config was probably meant for the MCP version of Leonardo which allows for 16 MiB flash with a second bank on nCS2. We previously had this FFS config stanza conditionalized under CONFIG_TARGET_LEONARDO because the base address contained therein is invalid for other targets, but now that we actually have a Leonardo build target in FC Magnetite, I realize that the better approach is to #if 0 out this stanza altogether: it is already non-functional because it uses a fake device ID code, thus it is does not add support for more Leonardo board variants, instead it is just noise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 22 Dec 2019 21:24:29 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

/************* Revision Controle System Header *************
 *                  GSM Layer 1 software 
 *        Filename l1tm_defty.h
 *  Copyright 2003 (C) Texas Instruments  
 ************* Revision Controle System Header *************/

// Max size of data portion of a testmode packet


typedef struct
  UWORD32   toa_sum;
  UWORD32   toa_sq_sum;
  UWORD32   toa_recent;  
  UWORD32   pm_sum;
  UWORD32   pm_sq_sum;
  UWORD16   pm_recent;  
  WORD16    angle_sum;
  UWORD32   angle_sq_sum;
  WORD16    angle_min;
  WORD16    angle_max;
  WORD16    angle_recent;  
  UWORD32   snr_sum;
  UWORD32   snr_sq_sum;
  UWORD32   snr_recent;  
  UWORD8    rssi_fifo[4];
  UWORD8    rssi_recent;  
  WORD32    loop_count;  //Must be signed for divide operation in statistics!!!
  WORD32    flag_count;  //Must be signed for divide operation in statistics!!!
  UWORD32   flag_recent;
  UWORD8    bsic;
  UWORD32   fn;
  UWORD32   qual_acc_full;      // Fullset: accu. rxqual meas.
  UWORD32   qual_nbr_meas_full; // Fullset: nbr meas. of rxqual.
  #if L1_GPRS
    UWORD8    nb_dl_pdtch_slots;

typedef struct
  UWORD8  dedicated_active;
  UWORD32 rx_counter;
  UWORD16 num_bcchs;
  #if L1_GPRS
    BOOL packet_transfer_active;

typedef struct
    UWORD16 prbs1_seed;
 // UWORD16 prbs2_seed; 	//for future use

// Global TM variable
typedef struct
  BOOL       tm_msg_received;
  T_TM_STATS tmode_stats;
  T_TM_STATE tmode_state;
  T_TM_PRBS  tmode_prbs;

typedef struct
  UWORD16     bcch_arfcn;
  UWORD16     tch_arfcn;
  UWORD16     mon_arfcn;
  #if L1_GPRS
    UWORD16     pdtch_arfcn;
    UWORD8      multislot_class;
  UWORD8      down_up;
  UWORD8      channel_type;
  UWORD8      subchannel;
  UWORD8      tmode_continuous;
  UWORD8      reload_ramps_flag;
  BOOL        mon_report; //Used to determine wether RX stats are done in Monitor channel or TCH channel 
  BOOL        mon_tasks;  //Used to enable tasks associated with Monitor Channel

typedef struct
  UWORD8      slot_num;
  WORD8       agc;
  WORD8       lna_off;
  UWORD8      number_of_measurements;
  UWORD8      place_of_measurement;
  BOOL        pm_enable;
  UWORD8      rssi_band;
  #if L1_GPRS
    UWORD8      timeslot_alloc;
    UWORD8      coding_scheme;

typedef struct
  UWORD8      tsc;
  UWORD8      txpwr;
  UWORD8      txpwr_skip;
  UWORD8      timing_advance;
  UWORD8      burst_type;
  UWORD8      burst_data;
  #if L1_GPRS
    UWORD8      timeslot_alloc;
    UWORD8      txpwr_gprs[8];
    UWORD8      coding_scheme;
    UWORD8      rlc_buffer_size;
    UWORD16     rlc_buffer[27];

typedef struct
  UWORD32     num_loops;
  UWORD32     auto_result_loops;
  UWORD32     auto_reset_loops;
  UWORD8      stat_type;
  UWORD16     stat_bitmask;
  #if L1_GPRS
    UWORD8      stat_gprs_slots;

typedef struct 
  T_TM_RF_PARAMS    rf_params;
  T_TM_RX_PARAMS    rx_params;
  T_TM_TX_PARAMS    tx_params;
  T_TM_STATS_CONFIG stats_config;

typedef struct
  UWORD8  cid;
  UWORD8  index;
  UWORD8  status;
  UWORD16 size;  // size of result[] array

typedef struct
  UWORD8  cid;
  UWORD8  index;
  UWORD8  status;
  UWORD16 size;  // size of result[] array
  UWORD8  result[5];