view src/gpf2/tst/tstdriver.c @ 624:012028896cfb

FFS dev.c, Leonardo target: Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 #if 0'ed out The FFS code we got from TI/Openmoko had a stanza for "Fujitsu MB84VF5F5F4J2 stacked device", using a fake device ID code that would need to be patched manually into cfgffs.c (suppressing and overriding autodetection) and using an FFS base address in the nCS2 bank, indicating that this FFS config was probably meant for the MCP version of Leonardo which allows for 16 MiB flash with a second bank on nCS2. We previously had this FFS config stanza conditionalized under CONFIG_TARGET_LEONARDO because the base address contained therein is invalid for other targets, but now that we actually have a Leonardo build target in FC Magnetite, I realize that the better approach is to #if 0 out this stanza altogether: it is already non-functional because it uses a fake device ID code, thus it is does not add support for more Leonardo board variants, instead it is just noise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 22 Dec 2019 21:24:29 +0000
parents cd37d228dae0
line wrap: on
line source

|  File:       tstdriver.c
|  Copyright 2004 Texas Instruments Deutschland, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Deutschland, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This Modul contains a table of all the drivers that may be
|             used for the test interface.

#ifndef __TST_DRV_C__
#define __TST_DRV_C__
/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/

#include "string.h"

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "gdi.h"
#include "drvconf.h"
#include "tstdriver.h"
#include "tst_mux.h"

/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

T_TST_MUX_CHANNEL tst_mux_chan_struct[ MAX_TST_CHANNEL ];
T_HANDLE tst_mux_drv_handle;

 * just a hack - clean up needed
#define MAX_PROT_PRIM_SIZE 236
ULONG DrvSndData[(MAX_PROT_PRIM_SIZE + sizeof(T_PRIM_HEADER) + 3) / 4];
ULONG X_PrimData[(sizeof(T_PRIM_X) + sizeof(T_S_HEADER) + 3)  / 4 ]; 

/*==== EXTERNALS ==================================================*/

extern T_HANDLE TST_Handle;
extern T_HANDLE TIF_Handle;
extern UBYTE TST_DrvState;

#ifndef _TARGET_
extern USHORT TIF_Init      ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc,
                              T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo );
extern USHORT TR_Init       ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc,
                              T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo );
extern USHORT NODRV_Init    ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc,
                              T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo );
extern USHORT socket_Init   ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc,
                              T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo );
extern USHORT SER_Init      ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc,
                              T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo );

/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
#ifdef _TARGET_
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
const T_TST_DRV_ENTRY tst_drv_list[ MAX_AVAILABLE_DRV ] =
  { { NULL,            NULL,           NULL,   NULL }, 0 }
#endif /* RUN_INT_RAM */
#else /* _TARGET_ */

const T_TST_DRV_ENTRY tst_drv_list[ MAX_AVAILABLE_DRV ] =
  { { TIF_NAME,        TIF_Init,       "TST",  NULL }, 1 },
  { { TR_NAME,         TR_Init,        NULL,   NULL }, 2 },
  { { SOCKET_NAME,     socket_Init,    NULL,   NULL }, 3 },
#if !defined (_LINUX_) && !defined (_SOLARIS_)
  { { SER_NAME,        SER_Init,       NULL,   ""   }, 3 },
  { { NODRV_NAME,      NODRV_Init,     NULL,   NULL }, 3 },
  { { NULL,            NULL,           NULL,   NULL }, 0 }
#endif /* _TARGET_ */

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/

#ifndef _TARGET_
| PROJECT : GPF                        MODULE  : TSTDRIVER           |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : NODRV_Init          |

  PURPOSE : initialize empty driver

GLOBAL USHORT NODRV_Init ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc, T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo )
static const T_DRV_EXPORT NODRV_Info =
#ifdef _TOOLS_

  *DrvInfo = &NODRV_Info;
  return DRV_OK;           
#endif /* ndef _TARGET_ */

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GPF                        MODULE  : TSTDRIVER           |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : tst_drv_open        |

SHORT tst_drv_open (char *drv_name, T_TST_DRV_ENTRY **drv_info )

  for ( i = 0; i < MAX_AVAILABLE_DRV; i++ )
    if ( tst_drv_list[i].entry.Name && drv_name 
      && !strcmp ( drv_name, tst_drv_list[i].entry.Name ) )
      *drv_info = (T_TST_DRV_ENTRY*)&tst_drv_list[i];
      return VSI_OK;
  return VSI_ERROR;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-GPF (8415)             MODULE  : TSTDRIVER           |
| STATE   : code                       ROUTINE : tst_drv_write       |

  PURPOSE:  Send a message via the test interface 

GLOBAL SHORT tst_drv_write ( T_HANDLE caller, ULONG opc, char *dest, char *Buffer )
T_S_HEADER *s_hdr;
T_VOID_STRUCT *ptr = (T_VOID_STRUCT*)Buffer;  /* just to reduce number of alignment warnings */
T_VOID_STRUCT *snd_ptr;
T_PRIM_X *x_prim = (T_PRIM_X*)X_PrimData;

  x_prim->prim_ptr = NULL;
  prim = (T_PRIM_HEADER*)DrvSndData;
  prim->opc = opc;
  if ( opc == 0 || opc == SYS_MASK )          /* opc = 0 -> trace -> to PCO */
    prim->len = sizeof(T_PRIM_HEADER);
    if ( Buffer != NULL )
      prim->len += strlen(Buffer);
      strcpy ((char*)P2D(prim), Buffer );
    x_prim->prim_ptr = prim;
    x_prim->p_hdr.opc = opc;
    if ( D_LEN(ptr) <= MAX_PROT_PRIM_SIZE )
      prim->len = D_LEN(ptr);
      memcpy ((char*)P2D(prim), Buffer, (D_LEN(ptr)-sizeof(T_PRIM_HEADER)));
       * modify type to trace and send warning 
      prim->opc = 0;
      strcpy ((char*)P2D(prim), "Error: DirectDrvWrite -> Primitive to large to be transmitted");
      prim->len = strlen((char*)P2D(prim)) + sizeof(T_PRIM_HEADER);
  prim->sh_offset = S_HDR_OFFSET(prim->len);
  s_hdr = (T_S_HEADER*)((ULONG*)prim + prim->sh_offset);
  s_hdr->snd[0] = (char)caller;
  if ( caller )
    s_hdr->snd[0] |= (char)HANDLE_BIT;
  if ( dest )
    strcpy (s_hdr->rcv, dest);

  if ( TST_DrvState == TST_DRV_CONNECTED )
     if ( x_prim->prim_ptr != NULL )
       /*lint -e419 suppress - Warning -- Apparent data overrun for function 'memcpy... */
       memcpy ( ((char*)x_prim) + sizeof(T_PRIM_X), s_hdr, sizeof(T_S_HEADER) );
       /*lint +e419 */
       x_prim->p_hdr.sh_offset = sizeof(T_PRIM_X)>>2;
       snd_ptr = (T_VOID_STRUCT*)x_prim;
       snd_ptr = (T_VOID_STRUCT*)prim;
     if ( vsi_d_write ( TST_Handle, TIF_Handle, (void*)snd_ptr, prim->len ) != VSI_OK )
       return DRV_BUFFER_FULL;
       return DRV_OK;
  return DRV_OK;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
|  Function     :  tst_mux_send
|  Description  :  send message via specified test interface channnel
|  Parameters   :  id     - channel ID
|                  buffer - pointer to message
|                  size   - message length 
|  Return       :  DRV_OK 
|                  DRV_BUFFER_FULL
|                  DRV_BUFFER_FULL
int tst_mux_send ( U8 id, void * buffer, int size )
int chan_id;
int i;
int snd_size;
char *p_dst;
char *p_src;
  snd_size = size + 3;  /* 3 additional bytes for framing and chan id */
  if ( size > MAX_TST_MUX_CMD_LEN-3)

  for ( chan_id = 0; chan_id < MAX_TST_CHANNEL; chan_id++ )
    if ( tst_mux_chan_struct[chan_id].channel_id == id )
      p_dst = (char*)tst_mux_chan_struct[chan_id].send_data;
      p_src = (char*)buffer;
      *p_dst++ = 0x02;
      *p_dst++ = id;
      for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
        if ( *p_src == 0x10 || *p_src == 0x02 )
          if ( snd_size < MAX_TST_MUX_CMD_LEN-1 )
            *p_dst++ = 0x10;
        *p_dst++ = *p_src++;
      *p_dst = 0x02;

      if ( vsi_d_write ( 0, tst_mux_drv_handle, tst_mux_chan_struct[chan_id].send_data, snd_size) != VSI_OK )
        return DRV_BUFFER_FULL;
      return DRV_OK;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
|  Function     :  tst_mux_register
|  Description  :  register callback that is called if data is received on 
|                  specified test interface channnel
|  Parameters   :  id       - channel ID
|                  callback - callback function 
|  Return       :  DRV_OK 
|                  DRV_INITFAILURE
int tst_mux_register ( U8 id, void (*callback)(void * buffer, int size))
int i;

  for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TST_CHANNEL; i++ )
    if ( tst_mux_chan_struct[i].channel_id == 0 )
      tst_mux_chan_struct[i].channel_id = id;
      tst_mux_chan_struct[i].rcv_callback   = callback;
      return DRV_OK;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
|  Function     :  tst_mux_callback
|  Description  :  callback that is called if data is received on 
|                  specified test interface channnel
|  Parameters   :  id       - channel ID
|                  buffer   - data 
|                  size     - number of received bytes
|  Return       :  DRV_OK 
|                  DRV_INITFAILURE
void tst_mux_callback ( U8 id, void * buffer, int size )
  char * rcv_ptr;
  char * dta_ptr;
  char * p_rd;
  char * p_wr;
  int rd_bytes       = size;
  int bytes_to_read  = size;
  int total_wr_bytes = size;
  int total_rd_bytes = 0;
  int i;
  int stuffed_byte = 0;

  MALLOC(rcv_ptr, size);
  p_rd = rcv_ptr;
    vsi_d_read ( 0, tst_mux_drv_handle, (void*)rcv_ptr, (ULONG*)&rd_bytes );
    total_rd_bytes += rd_bytes;
    if ( total_rd_bytes < bytes_to_read )
      rcv_ptr += rd_bytes;
      rd_bytes = bytes_to_read - total_rd_bytes;
  } while ( total_rd_bytes < bytes_to_read );

  MALLOC(dta_ptr, size);
  p_wr = dta_ptr;
  for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
    if ( stuffed_byte == 1 )
      stuffed_byte = 0;
      *p_wr++ = *p_rd++; 
    if ( *p_rd == 0x10 )
      stuffed_byte = 1;
      *p_wr++ = *p_rd++; 

  if ( tst_mux_chan_struct[id].rcv_callback != NULL )


#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
|  Function     :  tst_mux_init
|  Description  :  register callback that is called if data is received on 
|                  specified test interface channnel
|  Parameters   :  id       - channel ID
|                  callback - callback function 
|  Return       :  DRV_OK 
|                  DRV_INITFAILURE
int tst_mux_init ( void )
int i;

  if ( (tst_mux_drv_handle = vsi_d_open ( TST_Handle, (char*)TR_NAME )) == VSI_ERROR )
  for ( i = 0; i < MAX_TST_CHANNEL; i++ )
    tst_mux_chan_struct[i].channel_id = 0;
    tst_mux_chan_struct[i].rcv_callback   = NULL;
    tst_mux_chan_struct[i].rcv_data_ptr   = NULL;
    tst_mux_chan_struct[i].rcv_data_size  = 0;
  return DRV_OK;