view src/ui3/mfw/mfw_mfw.h @ 639:026c98f757a6

tpudrv12.h & targets/gtm900.h: our current support is for MGC2GSMT version only As it turns out, there exist two different Huawei-made hw platforms both bearing the marketing name GTM900-B: one is MG01GSMT, the other is MGC2GSMT. The two are NOT fw-compatible: aside from flash chip differences which should be handled by autodetection, the two hw platforms are already known to have different RFFEs with different control signals, and there may be other differences not yet known. Our current gtm900 build target is for MGC2GSMT only; we do not yet have a specimen of MG01GSMT on hand, hence no support for that version will be possible until and unless someone provides one.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 30 Jan 2020 18:19:01 +0000
parents e8ddbb0837ed
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT: MMI-Framework (8417)         $Workfile:: mfw_mfw.h       $|
| $Author:: Kk  $ CONDAT GmbH           $Revision:: 13              $|
| CREATED: 21.09.98                     $Modtime:: 23.03.00 16:37   $|
| STATE  : code                                                      |


   PURPOSE : Framework common types & constants

   EXPORT  :

   TO DO   :

   $History:: mfw_mfw.h                                             $

	Sep 14, 2007	REF: OMAPS00145866  Adrian Salido
	Description:	FT - MMI: Wrong trace class 
	Solution:		Added some event trace function so that internal event traces for events that 
					are too low for non-MMI people and against TI coding convention.
 * *****************  Version 14  *****************
	Dec 22, 2005    REF: ENH  xdeepadh
	Description: Image Viewer Application
	Solution: Implemeted the Image Viewer  to view the jpeg images
* Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
* Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
* Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32

 * *****************  Version 13  *****************
 * User: Kk           Date: 24.03.00   Time: 11:02
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 12  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.03.00   Time: 14:43
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * Added 'mfwParent(elem)'
 * *****************  Version 11  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.02.00   Time: 15:45
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * fixed alloc/free bug (shrink)
 * changed MfwMemLarge macro
 * added constants for MMI event handler return values
 * *****************  Version 10  *****************
 * User: Kk           Date: 10.01.00   Time: 14:03
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 9  *****************
 * User: Le           Date: 6.01.00    Time: 9:23
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * Alignment of MFW versions
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Xsp          Date: 8/12/99    Time: 15:34
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * Patch for CHAR botch...
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 22.11.99   Time: 10:29
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.11.99   Time: 16:35
 * Created in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * Initial
 * *****************  Version 8  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 14.06.99   Time: 12:14
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 6  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 25.02.99   Time: 9:53
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 20.02.99   Time: 11:54
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 17.02.99   Time: 20:00
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 14.01.99   Time: 17:19
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.12.98   Time: 16:19
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW

#ifndef _DEF_MFW_MFW_H_
#define _DEF_MFW_MFW_H_

	x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) 
	MMI Internal Development trace events replacement
#include "vsi.h"		/* for TRACE_FUNCTION dependency */
#define MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P1(f, a1) 			TRACE_FUNCTION_P1(f, a1)
#define MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P2(f, a1, a2) 		TRACE_FUNCTION_P2(f, a1, a2)
#define MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P3(f, a1, a2, a3) 	TRACE_FUNCTION_P2(f, a1, a2, a3)
#define ENTITY_MFW

#ifndef NO_ASCIIZ
#define NO_ASCIIZ

/* Ring tone definition */
#define CALLTONE_SELECT      41
#define SMSTONE_SELECT       42

/**************************************//* PORTABILITY TYPES        */

#define U8  unsigned char
#define S8  signed char
#define U16 unsigned short
#define S16 signed short
#define U32 unsigned long
#define S32 signed long

/**************************************//* MMI EVENT HANDLER RETURN */

#define MFW_EVENT_CONSUMED	1			/* return, if event handled */
#define MFW_EVENT_REJECTED	0			/* return, if event unknown */

#define TIMER_START(C,I,T)         vsi_t_start_nc(I,T)
#define TIMER_PSTART(C,I,T,R)      vsi_t_pstart_nc(I,T,R)
#define TIMER_STOP(C,I)            vsi_t_stop_nc(I)
#define TIMER_STATUS(C,I,T)        vsi_t_status_nc(I,T)
#define SUSPEND_SELF(C,T)          vsi_t_sleep_nc(T)
#define SYSTEM_TIME(C,T)           vsi_t_time_nc(T)               
#else /* TI_PS_OP_VSI_NO_CALL_ID */
#define TIMER_START(C,I,T)         vsi_t_start(C,I,T)
#define TIMER_PSTART(C,I,T,R)      vsi_t_pstart(C,I,T,R)
#define TIMER_STOP(C,I)            vsi_t_stop(C,I)
#define TIMER_STATUS(C,I,T)        vsi_t_status(C,I,T)
#define SUSPEND_SELF(C,T)          vsi_t_sleep(C,T)
#define SYSTEM_TIME(C,T)           vsi_t_time(C,T)               
#endif /* TI_PS_OP_VSI_NO_CALL_ID */

/**************************************//* COMMON MFW TYPES         */

typedef void * MfwHnd;                  /* MFW element handle       */
typedef U32 MfwEvt;                     /* MFW event mask           */
typedef int (*MfwCb) (MfwEvt, MfwHnd);  /* MFW event handler        */

typedef struct MfwRectTag               /* RECTANGLE SPEC           */
    U16 px;                             /* top left pos x           */
    U16 py;                             /* top left pos y           */
    U16 sx;                             /* horizontal size          */
    U16 sy;                             /* vertical size            */
} MfwRect;

typedef enum                            /* Error codes              */
    MfwResOk = 0,                       /* no error                 */
    MfwResDone,                         /* OK, handler ready        */
    MfwResErr,                          /* unspecific error         */
    MfwResNoMem,                        /* insufficient memory      */
    MfwResIllHnd,                       /* invalid handle           */
    MfwResDriver                        /* driver error             */
} MfwRes;

typedef enum                            /* MFW commands to modules  */
    MfwCmdNone = 0,                     /* no command               */
    MfwCmdDelete,                       /* delete element           */
    MfwCmdUpdate                        /* repaint visibles         */
} MfwCmd;

typedef enum                            /* MFW element types        */
    MfwTypNone = 0,                     /* no element (first !!)    */
    MfwTypWin,                          /* window                   */
    MfwTypEdt,                          /* editor                   */
    MfwTypMnu,                          /* menu handler             */
    MfwTypIcn,                          /* icon handler             */
    MfwTypKbd,                          /* keyboard                 */
    MfwTypTim,                          /* timer                    */
    MfwTypMme,                          /* misc. mobile equipment   */
    MfwTypVmm,                          /* MDL virtual machine      */
    MfwTypNm,                           /* network                  */
    MfwTypSim,                          /* SIM card                 */
    MfwTypCm,                           /* call handling            */
    MfwTypPhb,                          /* phonebook handling       */
    MfwTypSms,                          /* short message handling   */
    MfwTypSs,                           /* supl. services handling  */
    MfwTypSat,                          /* SIM Toolkit handling     */
    MfwTypLng,                          /* language handling        */
    MfwTypInp,                          /* input handling           */
    MfwTypNode,                         /* node element             */
    MfwTypCphs,                         /* CPHS element             */
    MfwTypGprs,                         /* GPRS handling            */
    MfwTypEm,							/*MC, SPR 1209 Eng Mode handling*/
    MfwTypTd, 							/*MC, SPr 1725, Time/date handling*/
  MfwTypBt,                           /* bluetooth handling       */
  MfwTypBte,                           /* bluetooth handling       */
   MfwTypCt,                           /* camera test handling*/

    MfwTypMax                           /* end of types (last !!)   */
} MfwTyp;

typedef struct MfwHdrTag                /* header structure         */
    struct MfwHdrTag *next;             /* next header              */
    MfwTyp type;                        /* elem type code           */
    void *data;                         /* elem control structure   */

} MfwHdr;

// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
typedef struct                          /* memory management header */
    U32 next;                           /* index of next free block */
    U32 len;                            /* length of this block     */
} MfwMemHdr;
								/* sizeof(MfwMemHdr) must be 2^n !! */
                                        /* align with header length */
#define mfwMemLarge(x) (((x)+sizeof(MfwMemHdr)-1)&(~(sizeof(MfwMemHdr)-1)))
/* not used:     #define mfwMemShrink(x) ((x)&(~(sizeof(MfwMemHdr)-1))) */

/**************************************//* MFW EXPORTED VARIABLES   */

extern MfwHdr *mfwFocus;                /* the focus node           */
extern MfwHdr *mfwRoot;                 /* root of MFW elements     */
extern MfwCb mfwCommand [];             /* MFW commands to modules  */

/**************************************//* MFW FUNCTION PROTOTYPES  */

// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32

MfwRes mfwInit (void *externalRoot, U32 dynMemSize); 
void mfwExit (void);
MfwHdr *mfwAppend (MfwHdr **h, MfwHdr *e);
MfwHdr **mfwRemove (MfwHdr *e);
MfwHdr *mfwInsert (MfwHdr *h, MfwHdr *e);
MfwHnd mfwParent (MfwHdr *h);
MfwHnd mfwControl (MfwHdr *h);
U8 *mfwAlloc (U32 size);
void mfwFree (U8 *mem, U32 size);
MfwHnd mfwHeader (void);
MfwRes mfwSetSignallingMethod (U8 method);
U32 mfwCheckMemoryLeft(void);
void mfwSetFocus(MfwHdr *w);
void mfwSetSatIdle(MfwHdr *w);
char *mfwStrncpy(char *cpyto, const char *cpyfrm, size_t len);

extern U8 mfwSignallingMethod;
/**************************************//* PRELIMINARIES ES!!       */

#define T_MFW int
#define T_MFW_HND MfwHnd
#define T_MFW_EVENT MfwEvt
#define T_MFW_HDR MfwHdr
#define T_MFW_RES MfwRes
#define T_MFW_CB MfwCb
#define MFW_TYP_SIM MfwTypSim
#define MFW_TYP_NM MfwTypNm
#define MFW_TYP_CM MfwTypCm
#define MFW_TYP_PHB MfwTypPhb
#define MFW_TYP_SMS MfwTypSms
#define MFW_TYP_SS MfwTypSs
#define MFW_RES_ILL_HND MfwResIllHnd
#define MFW_RES_OK MfwResOk
#define MFW_RES_ERR MfwResErr
#define T_MFW_PREF_PLMN_LIST MfwNmPrefPlmnList
