view src/ui3/mfw/mfw_mp3test.h @ 639:026c98f757a6

tpudrv12.h & targets/gtm900.h: our current support is for MGC2GSMT version only As it turns out, there exist two different Huawei-made hw platforms both bearing the marketing name GTM900-B: one is MG01GSMT, the other is MGC2GSMT. The two are NOT fw-compatible: aside from flash chip differences which should be handled by autodetection, the two hw platforms are already known to have different RFFEs with different control signals, and there may be other differences not yet known. Our current gtm900 build target is for MGC2GSMT only; we do not yet have a specimen of MG01GSMT on hand, hence no support for that version will be possible until and unless someone provides one.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 30 Jan 2020 18:19:01 +0000
parents e8ddbb0837ed
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT:	MMI-Framework (8417)		$Workfile::	mfw_mp3test.h	$|
| $Author::	NDH							$Revision::	1			    $|
| CREATED:	21.05.04		     		$Modtime::	21.05.04	 	$|
| STATE  :	code												     |


   PURPOSE : This module contains the definitions for the Midi Riveria Interface.

   HISTORY :  

 	Sep 11, 2006 DR: OMAPS00094182 xrashmic
 	Description: midi and mp3 files is not being populated on accessing corresponding menu, but only during bootup
 	Solution: Populate files on accessing the "browse files" list

   Jun 02,2006 REF: DR OMAPS00079746  x0039928  
   Bug:MMI displays 'Playing' when trying to play a wrong file
   Fix: MP3 playback error is handled.

   Nov 16,2005 REF: DR OMAPS00049192  x0039928
   Bug:MP3: The screen is not refreshed after the mp3 file completes playing
   Fix: The AUDIO_OK event recieved after mp3 file play completes is now handled 
   in mfw_mp3_test_start_cb()

   Nov 14, 2005    REF: OMAPS00044445 xdeepadh
   Description: Implementation of Test Menu for AAC
   Solution: The existing MP3 test Application has been enhanced to support the AAC file testing.
   The interfaces have been made generic to support both MP3 and AAC files.


** Midi Test Return Values

#define MFW_PLAYER_MP3 	0
#define MFW_PLAYER_AAC 	1

#define MFW_PLAYER_TEST_OK					(0)

// Nov 16,2005 REF: DR OMAPS00049192  x0039928
//  Jun 02,2006 REF: DR OMAPS00079746  x0039928  
// Fix: Added a new parameter to the callback function.
typedef struct
	T_MFW_HND focus_win;
	void (*callback)(T_MFW_HND, SHORT);

** Midi Test Functions Prototypes

SHORT mfw_audio_player_set_channel_mono(void);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_set_channel_stereo(void);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_play(void);
char* mfw_audio_player_return_file_name(int index);
int   mfw_audio_player_return_file_number(void);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_save_selected_file_idx(int index);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_play(void);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_pause(void);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_resume(void);
SHORT mfw_audio_player_stop(void);
void  mfw_audio_player_init(void);
 char *mfw_audio_player_GetExtension(char *src);
void mfw_audio_player_unpopulate_files(void);//Sep 11, 2006 DR: OMAPS00094182 xrashmic