view src/cs/drivers/drv_app/sim/sim.c @ 605:07d0dc4431f4

bootloader.s: same MEMIF fix as in int.s plus DPLL BYPASS fix Both MEMIF and DPLL settings are now the same between int.s and bootloader.s assembly code paths. Previously bootloader.s was setting DPLL BYPASS /2 mode, which persisted until _INT_Initialize code with the bootloader body omitted, or was changed to /1 in the hardware init function in the bootloader.lib:start.obj module.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Mon, 17 Jun 2019 18:40:32 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
children 8cd8fd15a095
line wrap: on
line source

 * SIM.C
 * Pole Star SIM
 * Target : ARM
 * SIM card driver. This module contents all functions 
 * included in specifications GSM 11.11 V4.10
 * Copyright (c) Texas Instruments 1995-1997
#define SIM_C   1

#ifndef _WINDOWS
	#include "l1sw.cfg" 
	#include "chipset.cfg" 

#include "main/sys_types.h"

#include "memif/mem.h"

//#include "assert.h"
#if (CHIPSET == 12)
    #include "inth/sys_inth.h"
    #include "inth/iq.h"
#include "sim.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "armio/armio.h"
#include "ind_os.h"
#include "abb/abb.h"                     //controls level shifter of ABB

//current voltage mode 3V or 5V, or 1.8V
SYS_UWORD8            CurrentVolt;


#ifdef SIM_RETRY
/* one byte more to trace the number of retry for each functions */
#define SIM_DBG_NULL 5
/* size of buffer tracing the reception of NULL byte */
#define SIM_DBG_NULL 4

/* working buffer for NULL BYTE and number of RETRY */
/* size of buffer tracing the chronology of calls */
#define SIM_DBG_CMD 7500
/* working buffer for chronology calls */
/* index for positionning in working buffer for chronology calls */
SYS_UWORD16  SIM_dbg_cmd_cmpt;       
/* working variable to calculate the TDMA ecart */
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
/* working variable to store the maximum TDMA frame between two characters */
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay;
/* working variable used in each L2/L3 access function */
SYS_UWORD8 SIM_dbg_tmp[10];
/* internal function due to factorization of use of traces */
void SIM_dbg_write_trace(SYS_UWORD8 *ptr, SYS_UWORD16 len);


#ifdef SIM_RETRY
/* number of retry */
#define	NUM_SIM_RETRIES	10
/* Add variables to support sim retry */
SYS_UWORD8 SimRetries;

 * Low level routines  : mapped to hardware
 *    SIM_WriteBuffer
 *    SIM_Command
 *    SIM_Reset

 * SIM_WriteBuffer
 * Write n bytes to SIM card in interrupt mode:
 *   return the line, write first byte and let interrupt handler do the rest
 * return the line, write first byte and let interrupt handler do the rest
 * Parameters : 
 *   SIM_PORT *p : buffer for received chars
 *   offset      : starting point for reading data.
 *   n           : number of chars to read.
void SIM_WriteBuffer(SIM_PORT *p, SYS_UWORD16 offset, SYS_UWORD16 n)
   unsigned volatile i;

   // Set write direction
   p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_TXRX;
   p->c->conf1 = p->conf1;

   p->SWcount  = 0;
   p->rx_index = 0;
   p->expected_data = 0;

   p->xOut = p->xbuf + offset;
   p->xIn  = p->xbuf + offset + n;

   if ((p->xIn - p->xOut) == 1)        //if only one char is transmitted
   {                                   //need to wait a minimum of 1 ETU
        ind_os_sleep (1);                  //for IO line to stay in TX mode
   // Write first byte 
   p->c->tx = *(p->xOut);              // transmit

   if ((p->xIn - p->xOut) == 1)        //if only one char to transmit
   {                                   // return the direction to rx
        p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_TXRX;   //to be able to receive ACK char
        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1;        


 * SIM_Result
 * Parameters : SIM port, buffer for received chars, pointer to receive size
 * Return the result code (SW1/SW2) at the end of the string
   SYS_UWORD8 sw1, sw2;
   SYS_UWORD8 verdict;
   SYS_UWORD16 len;
   // Check if all characters were transmitted
   if (p->xIn - 1 != p->xOut)
      return (SIM_ERR_XMIT);
   len = p->rx_index;
   *lenP = len - offset;
   if ((*lenP == 0) && (p->apdu_ans_length == 256))
		*lenP = 256;

   if (p->expected_data == 256)
       verdict = SIM_Memcpy(rP, ((p->rbuf) + offset), 256 - offset);
       if (verdict != 0)
           return (verdict);
   else if ((len != 0) && (len >= offset))
       verdict = SIM_Memcpy(rP, ((p->rbuf) + offset), len - offset);
       if (verdict != 0)
           return (verdict);
   // change to remove SW1 and SW2 bytes from the receive buffer of data 
   sw1 = p->rSW12[0];
   sw2 = p->rSW12[1];

   return((sw1 << 8) | sw2);

 * SIM_Command_base
 * Perform a command with the SIM T=0 protocol
 * Arguments : pointer to SIM port structure
 *             number of characters above 5
 *             expected command time in TDMA
 * Returns an error code :
 *             SIM_ERR_READ : no answer from the card to a command
 *             SIM_ERR_LEN  : the answer is not corresponding to a
 *                            correct answer of T=0 protocol
 * 06/11/2002	JYT
 *		Modified to be base command function. New SIM_Command() created to call it 
 * 		with wrapper. Created to manage retries on Internals errors of the driver.

    SYS_UWORD16  res;
    SYS_UWORD8    err;
    SYS_UWORD8    ins;
    SYS_UWORD8    nack;
    SYS_UWORD8    nack1;
    SYS_UWORD16  offset;

    if (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT)
    {   //freeze the timer
        status_os_sim = NU_Control_Timer (&SIM_timer,  NU_DISABLE_TIMER);
    else if (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT)
    {   //get out sleep mode
        status_os_sim = NU_Control_Timer (&SIM_timer,  NU_DISABLE_TIMER);
        SIM_SleepMode_Out (p);   //get up SIM card of sleep mode before executing the command

    SIM_WriteBuffer(p, 0, 5);

    //adaptative driver

    if (n > 0)          //need to send data to the card, TX mode
        offset = 0;
        // protocol T=0 returns a acknowledge char which is
        //     ins or (ins+1)   : transmit the rest of the command in one time
        //     ~ins or ~(ins+1) : transmit the rest of the command char by char
        ins   = p->xbuf[1] & p->hw_mask;
        nack  = (~p->xbuf[1]) & p->hw_mask;;

        p->moderx = 6;  //mode of wait for ACK char


        if (err = SIM_Waitforchars(p, p->etu9600))
            if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT) || (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT))
            {   //enable to count 2.5s before entering in sleep mode
                status_os_sim = NU_Reset_Timer (&SIM_timer, SIM_SleepMode_In,
                                                0, NU_ENABLE_TIMER);
            return (err);

        if (p->moderx == 5)     //return SW1/SW2
            res = SIM_Result(p, dP, lP, 0);

            if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT) || (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT))
            {   //enable to count 2.5s before entering in sleep mode
                status_os_sim = NU_Reset_Timer (&SIM_timer, SIM_SleepMode_In,
                                                0, NU_ENABLE_TIMER);

        else if ((p->ack & p->hw_mask) == ins)
        // Write the rest of the command if needed
        // if more than 5 characters, the ack character will disappear

            SIM_WriteBuffer(p, 5 + offset, n - offset);
        // special transmission mode if ACK = ~INS or ~(INS + 1).
        // refer to ISO/CEI 7816-3 [8.2.2]
        // need to send char by char
        else if ((p->ack & p->hw_mask) == nack)
            SIM_WriteBuffer(p, 5 + offset, 1);
            goto NEXT_CHAR_PROC;

        p->moderx = 5;
        if (err = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))  //wait SW1 / SW2
            if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT) || (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT))
            {   //enable to count 2.5s before entering in sleep mode
                status_os_sim = NU_Reset_Timer (&SIM_timer, SIM_SleepMode_In,
                                                0, NU_ENABLE_TIMER);
            return (err);

    else                //receive mode
        if (err = SIM_WaitReception(p))  //wait for next procedure character
            if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT) || (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT))
            {   //enable to count 2.5s before entering in sleep mode
                status_os_sim = NU_Reset_Timer (&SIM_timer, SIM_SleepMode_In,
                                                0, NU_ENABLE_TIMER);
            return (err);

    res = SIM_Result(p, dP, lP, 0);

            if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT) || (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT))
    {   //enable to count 2.5s before entering in sleep mode
        status_os_sim = NU_Reset_Timer (&SIM_timer, SIM_SleepMode_In,
                                                0, NU_ENABLE_TIMER);


/* Main function to manage the retry mechanism */
	int res;

	memset(SIM_dbg_null, 0x00, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	SIM_dbg_tdma_diff = 0;

	// Issue initial SIM_Command() call
    res = SIM_Command_Base(p, n, dP, lP);
    /* Change from to 10 to 15 for specific SIM card (Racal) */

#ifdef SIM_RETRY
    // While there is an error then retry NUM_SIM_RETRIES times
	while ((res & 0xFF00) == 0)	{	// Reissue command
		p->errorSIM = 0;
		if(++SimRetries > NUM_SIM_RETRIES) {	// return special retry failure
	    res = SIM_Command_Base(p, n, dP, lP);

	SIM_dbg_null[SIM_DBG_NULL-1] = SimRetries;

	SimRetries = 0;


 * SIM_ByteReverse
 * Reverse a byte, both up/down (1 <> 0) and left/right (0001 <> 1000)
    SYS_UWORD8 bh, bl;
    int i;
    const SYS_UWORD8 Reverse[] = {0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xC, 0x2, 0xA, 0x6, 0xE, 
                                    0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xD, 0x3, 0xB, 0x7, 0xF };

    // Up/Down
    b = ~ b;

    // left / right (by nibble)
    bh = (b >> 4) & 0xF;
    bl = b & 0xF;
    b = (Reverse[bl]) << 4 | Reverse[bh];

 * SIM_TxParityErrors
 * return number of transmit parity errors occured since the last reset
 * of the SIM card
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_TxParityErrors(void)
    SIM_PORT *p;

    p= &(Sim[0]);


 * SIM_Reset
 * Reset SIM card 
 * Call-back SIM insert if successful
 * or SIM remove otherwise
 * Returns 0 for success, or
 *         SIM_ERR_NOCARD : no card
 *         SIM_ERR_NATR   : no answer to reset
 *         SIM_ERR_NOINT  : no 
 *         SIM_ERR_READ   : unknown data return by the card
 *         SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT : card not accepted
 * 29/01/02, JYT, adding of low voltage managment for IOTA device
 * 06/10/03, JYT, Split of Reset to handle Restart
	return(SIM_Reset_Restart_Internal(cP, 1));

 * SIM_Restart
 * Restart SIM card 
 * Returns 0 for success, or
 *         SIM_ERR_NOCARD : no card
 *         SIM_ERR_NATR   : no answer to reset
 *         SIM_ERR_NOINT  : no 
 *         SIM_ERR_READ   : unknown data return by the card
 *         SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT : card not accepted
 * 06/10/03, JYT, Split of Reset to handle Restart
	return(SIM_Reset_Restart_Internal(cP, 0));

 * SIM_Reset_Restart_Internal
 * Reset SIM card 
 * Call-back SIM insert if successful
 * or SIM remove otherwise
 * Returns 0 for success, or
 *         SIM_ERR_NOCARD : no card
 *         SIM_ERR_NATR   : no answer to reset
 *         SIM_ERR_NOINT  : no 
 *         SIM_ERR_READ   : unknown data return by the card
 *         SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT : card not accepted
 * 29/01/02, JYT, adding of low voltage managment for IOTA device
 * 06/10/03, JYT, Split of Reset to handle Restart, ResetFlag added.
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Reset_Restart_Internal(SIM_CARD *cP, SYS_UWORD8 ResetFlag)
    SIM_PORT        *p;
    unsigned int    ATR_Attempt;
    SYS_UWORD8      BackValue;
    SYS_UWORD8      Result_ATR;

	memset(SIM_dbg_null, 0x00, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	SIM_dbg_cmd_cmpt = 0;
	memset(SIM_dbg_cmd, 0x00, SIM_DBG_CMD);

    // Initialize pointers 
    p = &(Sim[0]);

// begin of JYT modifications
    if ( (BackValue = SIM_StartVolt(ResetFlag)) != SIM_OK)
// end of JYT modifications

    p->etu9600    = 867; // old = 239, increase of 363%
    p->etu400     = 20;
    p->hw_mask    = MASK_INS;

    ATR_Attempt      = 1;


    p->SWcount       = 0;
    p->Freq_Algo     = 0;
    p->PTS_Try       = 0;            //use to calculate how many PTS try were already done
    // Initialize pointers 
    p->xIn   = p->xOut = p->xbuf;
    p->rx_index        = 0;
    p->errorSIM        = 0;
    p->moderx          = 0;
    p->null_received   = 0;

    BackValue = SIM_ManualStart(p);
    if (BackValue != 0)
        return ((SYS_UWORD16)BackValue);
    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_BYPASS;      //switch to automatic mode             

//#else //SW_WRK_AROUND_H_S == 0 // Automatic procedure -> fails with test
//                                  // Mask all interrupts
//    p->c->maskit = SIM_MASK_NATR | SIM_MASK_WT | SIM_MASK_OV | 
//                   SIM_MASK_TX | SIM_MASK_RX | SIM_MASK_CD;
//   IQ_Unmask (IQ_SIM);           // Unmask interrupt controller
//    p->c->cmd = (p->c->cmd & MASK_CMD) | SIM_CMD_STOP;
//    ind_os_sleep(1);
//    p->c->cmd = (p->c->cmd & MASK_CMD) | SIM_CMD_SWRST;    // Set START bit and wait a while
//    ind_os_sleep(1);
//                                  // Unmask all sources of interrupts except WT, OV, and NATR
//    p->c->maskit = SIM_MASK_OV | SIM_MASK_WT | SIM_MASK_NATR;
//                                  // Set Configuration bits
//    p->c->conf1     = p->conf1 = SIM_CONF1_SRSTLEV | SIM_CONF1_SCLKEN;
//    p->c->conf2  = 0x0940;
//        //enable VCC
//        #if(ANLG_FAM == 1)
//          SPIABB_wa_VRPC (SPIRead_ABB_Register (PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) | MODE_ENA_VCC);
//        #elif(ANLG_FAM == 2)
//          SPIABB_wa_VRPC (SPIRead_ABB_Register (PAGE1,VRPCSIM) | MODE_ENA_VCC);
//        #endif
//    p->c->cmd = (p->c->cmd & MASK_CMD) | SIM_CMD_START;


    while (p->PTS_Try != 5)
        while (ATR_Attempt != 0)
            // Treat ATR response
            BackValue = SIM_ATRdynamictreatement (p, cP);

            if (BackValue == SIM_ERR_NOCARD)
                 SIM_PowerOff ();
                 return (SIM_ERR_NOCARD);
            // ATR received but wrong characters value
            // Comply with Test and Test
            else if (BackValue == SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT)            
                if (ATR_Attempt >= 3)
                    SIM_PowerOff ();
                    return ((SYS_UWORD16)BackValue);

                SIM_WARMReset(p);    // assert a reset during at least 400 ETU
            else if (BackValue != 0) //SIM_ERR_WAIT           
                if (ATR_Attempt == 3)
                {    // switch to 5V (ANALOG1) or 3V (ANALOG2) if card send wrong ATR 3 consecutive times
                     // Apply 3 consecutive resets at 5V (ANALOG1) or 3V (ANALOG2)
                     // fix prb for old chinese card not GSM compliant   

                     if ((BackValue = SIM_SwitchVolt(ResetFlag)) != SIM_OK) 
                     	// SIM cannot be supplied at 3V (ANALOG2), because of an Hardware failure
                     	SIM_PowerOff ();
                     goto COLD_RESET;  
                if (ATR_Attempt >= 6) 
                    SIM_PowerOff ();
                    return ((SYS_UWORD16)BackValue);

                SIM_WARMReset(p);    // assert a reset during at least 400 ETU
                ATR_Attempt = 0;    
// PTS procedure
        BackValue = SIM_PTSprocedure(cP,p);      //assert PTS if needed
//        need upgrade with FIFO use to avoid CPU overloading
        if (BackValue)
            if (BackValue == SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT)
                SIM_PowerOff ();      //must be done by protocol stack
                return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);
            if (p->PTS_Try <= 4)     //else error treatement  
                SIM_WARMReset(p);    // assert a reset during at least 400 ETU
            p->PTS_Try = 5;

  //interpret SIM coding concerning SIM supply voltage

    if (SIM_GetFileCharacteristics(p))
#if ((SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3V) || (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8V))
        SIM_PowerOff();      // Needed for tests and
        return (SIM_ERR_READ);

   // JYT, certainly unused because of previous test

    if ((p->FileC & SIM_MASK_INFO_VOLT) == SIM_5V)
#if ((SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3V ) || (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V) || (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8V))
        SIM_PowerOff ();                 // required by ETSI if 5V only card is detected and 3V only ME chosen
        return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);     // Test    
#elif (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3_5V)  
        if (CurrentVolt == SIM_3V) //if 5V only SIM present -> the ME may switch to 5V operation
            if ((BackValue = SIM_SwitchVolt(ResetFlag)) != SIM_OK) // switch to 5V
               SIM_PowerOff ();
               return ((SYS_UWORD16)BackValue);
            ATR_Attempt      = 1;
            goto COLD_RESET;            // Test 
       if ((p->FileC & SIM_MASK_INFO_VOLT) == SIM_3V)
#if (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8V)
        SIM_PowerOff ();                 // required by ETSI if 3V only card is detected and 1.8V only ME chosen
        return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);     // Test    
#elif (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V)  
        if (CurrentVolt == SIM_1_8V) //if 3V only SIM present -> the ME may switch to 3V operation
            if ((BackValue = SIM_SwitchVolt(ResetFlag)) != SIM_OK) // switch to 3V
               SIM_PowerOff ();
               return ((SYS_UWORD16)BackValue);
            ATR_Attempt      = 1;
            goto COLD_RESET;            // Test 
          if ((p->FileC & SIM_MASK_INFO_VOLT) == SIM_1_8V)
              SIM_PowerOff ();                 // required by ETSI if 5V only card is detected and 3V only ME chosen
              return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);     // Test    
       	      // future class of sim card voltage !!!!!! never use it
       	      SIM_PowerOff ();                 // Rec. 11.18
              return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);     

    SIM_Interpret_FileCharacteristics(p);      //find which frequency (13/4 or 13/8 Mhz) 


    status_os_sim = NU_Control_Timer (&SIM_timer,  NU_ENABLE_TIMER);
    //enable starting of the os timer for sleep mode
    if (ResetFlag) {
    if (p->InsertFunc != NULL)


/* SIM manual start
*  purpose : manage manual start of the SIM interface
*  input   : pointer on sim structure SIM_PORT
*  output  : none

SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ManualStart (SIM_PORT *p)
    volatile int             i;

    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 = 0x8004;   //set conf1 to automatic mode SIO low
    //enable sim interface clock module
    p->c->cmd = SIM_CMD_CLKEN;    

//#if (SW_WRK_AROUND_H_S == 1)

    // Mask all interrupts
    p->c->maskit = SIM_MASK_NATR | SIM_MASK_WT | SIM_MASK_OV | 

    // Unmask interrupt controller
    IQ_Unmask (IQ_SIM);

    p->c->cmd = (p->c->cmd & MASK_CMD) | SIM_CMD_STOP;
    ind_os_sleep (4);                           //wait 5 TDMA due to SVCC falling down duration 

    p->c->cmd = (p->c->cmd & MASK_CMD) | SIM_CMD_SWRST;
    ind_os_sleep (1);                           //wait 5 TDMA due to SVCC falling down duration 

    p->c->conf2  = 0x0940;
    i = p->c->it;
    // Unmask all sources of interrupts except WT and OV and NATR
    p->c->maskit = SIM_MASK_WT | SIM_MASK_OV | SIM_MASK_NATR;

    //enter in manual mode to start the ATR sequence
    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_BYPASS;

    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SVCCLEV;

    #if(ANLG_FAM == 1) 
      //set OMEGA to 3V mode
      //enable VCC
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) | MODE_ENA_SIMLDOEN);
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) | MODE_ENA_SIMEN);
    #elif(ANLG_FAM == 2) 
      //set IOTA to 3V mode
      //enable VCC
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) | MODE_ENA_SIMEN);
    #elif(ANLG_FAM == 3)
      //set SYREN to 3V mode
      //enable VCC
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) | MODE_ENA_SIMEN);

    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_SIOLOW;


    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SCLKEN;

    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_TXRX; //set to receive mode

    if(p->errorSIM)                       //check for card detection

    i = 0;
    while ((p->rx_index == 0) && (i < 3))       //wait 40000*Tsclk
        ind_os_sleep (1);
    if ((p->rx_index == 0) && (i >= 3))         //external reset card ATR treatement
        i = 0;

        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SRSTLEV;//set reset level to high level

        while ((p->rx_index == 0) && (i < 3))   //wait 40000*Tsclk
            ind_os_sleep (1);

    return (0);
/* SIM manual stop
*  purpose : manage manual start of the SIM interface
*  input   : pointer on sim structure SIM_PORT
*  output  : none

void SIM_ManualStop (SIM_PORT *p)
// to write

/* Power off SIM == SIM_CMD_STOP 
*  input  : none
*  output : none

void SIM_PowerOff(void)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    volatile SYS_UWORD16 cmd;

    // Initialize pointers 
    p = &(Sim[0]);

    // Reset and wait a while
    cmd = p->c->cmd;
    p->c->cmd = (cmd & MASK_CMD) | SIM_CMD_STOP;

    ind_os_sleep(5);    //wait for falling of SIM signals (RESET/CLK/IO)

    #if(ANLG_FAM == 1) 
      //disable VCC : disable level shifter then SVDD
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) & MODE_DIS_SIMEN);
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) & MODE_DIS_SIMLDOEN);
    #elif(ANLG_FAM == 2) 
      //disable VCC : disable level shifter then SVDD
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & MODE_DIS_SIMEN);
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & MODE_DIS_SIMLDOEN);
    #elif(ANLG_FAM == 3)
      //disable VCC : disable level shifter then SVDD
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & MODE_DIS_SIMEN);
      ABB_wa_VRPC (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & MODE_DIS_SIMLDOEN);

    ind_os_sleep(10);    //wait for falling of VCC commanf by ABB

    p->c->cmd = 0x0000;   //disable clock of sim module

    if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT) || (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT))
    {   //SIM sleep timer is not more needed
        status_os_sim = NU_Delete_Timer (&SIM_timer);

 * SIM_Init
 * Function for backward compatibility only

void SIM_Init(void (Insert(SIM_CARD *cP)), void (Remove(void)))
    // Call SIM Registration function.
    (void) SIM_Register (Insert, Remove);

 * SIM_Initialize
 * Initialize data structures.

void SIM_Initialize(void)
    int n;
    SIM_PORT *p;
    volatile SYS_UWORD32 dum;

    // Initialize registers 
    p = &(Sim[0]);
    p->c = (SIM_CONTROLLER *) SIM_CMD;

    p->errorSIM = 0;
    dum = (volatile SYS_UWORD32) SIM_Dummy;         // to force linking SIM32

    status_os_sim = NU_Create_Timer (&SIM_timer, "SIM_sleep_timer", &SIM_SleepMode_In,
                    0, SIM_SLEEP_WAITING_TIME, 0, NU_DISABLE_TIMER);
    //timer start only with NU_Control_Timer function
    //waiting time set to 2.3s
    SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_NONE;
#ifdef SIM_RETRY
    SimRetries = 0;

 * SIM_Register
 * SIM Registration function: Initialize callback functions
 * Insert(void) : pointer to the function called when a card is inserted
 * Remove(void) : pointer to the function called when the card is removed

SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Register(void (Insert(SIM_CARD *cP)), void (Remove(void)))
    SIM_PORT *p;

    // Initialize pointers 
    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->InsertFunc = Insert;
    p->RemoveFunc = Remove;

    return (SIM_OK);

 * High level routines : mapped to GSM 11.11 function calls
 * Uses a Nucleus semaphore to ensure no simultaneous access to SIM and buffer
 * Each routine does :
 *    write command
 *    sleep long enough for the expected transmission and reception
 *    return rest code
 *    SYS_UWORD8 *result :  pointer to the string return by the SIM card
 *    SYS_UWORD8 *rcvSize : size of the string return by the SIM card
 *    other parameters : parameters needed by the SIM card to 
 *                       execute the function.
//unsigned char SIM_flag = 0;

 * SIM_Select
 * Select a DF or a EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Select(SYS_UWORD16 id, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int res;
    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_SELECT; 
    p->xbuf[2] = 0;
    p->xbuf[3] = 0;
    p->xbuf[4] = 2; 
    p->xbuf[5] = id >> 8;       // high byte
    p->xbuf[6] = id & 0xFF;     // low byte

    res = SIM_Command(p, 2, dat, rcvSize);   
    /* Change from to 10 to 15 for specific SIM card (Racal) */

//	if (id == 0x6F07)
//		SIM_flag = 1;

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AACMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 7);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AAANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_Status
 *  Returns data received from card and number of bytes received
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Status(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;

    short len = 0x16;            // length specified in GSM 11.11
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_STATUS;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0;
    p->xbuf[3] = 0;
    p->xbuf[4] = len; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, dat, rcvSize);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ABCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ABANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_Status_Extended
 *  Returns data received from card and number of bytes received
 *  Add extra parameter len : number of returned byte
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Status_Extended(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_STATUS;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0;
    p->xbuf[3] = 0;
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, dat, rcvSize);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ACCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ACANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_ReadBinary
 * Read data from the current EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ReadBinary(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 offset, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_READ_BINARY;
    p->xbuf[2] = offset >> 8; 
    p->xbuf[3] = offset & 0xFF; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, dat, rcvSize);

//	if (SIM_flag) {
//		SIM_flag = 0;
//		dat[0] = 0x08;
//	}
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ADCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ADANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(dat, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);



 * SIM_VerifyChv
 * Verify the specified CHV (chvType)
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_VerifyCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 chvType, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    SYS_UWORD8 len;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);
    len = 8;

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_VERIFY_CHV;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = chvType; 
    p->xbuf[4] = len; 
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);
    res = SIM_Command(p, 8, result, rcvSize);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AECMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, len+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AEANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_RunGSMAlgo
 * Authentication procedure
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_RunGSMAlgo(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int len;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    if(p->Freq_Algo)                                 //13/4 Mhz mandatory ??
        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_SCLKDIV;

    len = 16;

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_RUN_GSM_ALGO;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = len; 

    for (i=0;i<len;i++)
        p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);
    res = SIM_Command(p, len, result, rcvSize);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AFCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, len+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AFANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);

        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SCLKDIV;


 * SIM_GetResponse
 * Get data from the card
 * SYS_UWORD8 len : length of the data to get
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_GetResponse(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_GET_RESPONSE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, dat, rcvSize);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AGCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AGANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(dat, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_ChangeCHV
 * Change the specified CHV (chvType)
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ChangeCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result,SYS_UWORD8 *oldChv, SYS_UWORD8 *newChv, SYS_UWORD8 chvType,  SYS_UWORD16 *lP)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    SYS_UWORD16 len;
    int i;
    SYS_UWORD16 res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);
    len = 16;

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_CHANGE_CHV;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = chvType; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)len; 

    // Copy bytes to buffer
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(oldChv+i);
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
      p->xbuf[13+i] = *(newChv+i);
    res = SIM_Command(p, len, result, lP);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AHCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, len+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AHANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *lP);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_DisableCHV
 * Disable CHV 1
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_DisableCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *lP)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int len;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    len = 8;
    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_DISABLE_CHV;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 1; 
    p->xbuf[4] = 8; 
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);
    res = SIM_Command(p, len, result, lP);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AICMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 8+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AIANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *lP);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);



 * SIM_EnableCHV
 * Enable CHV 1
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int len;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    len = 8;

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_ENABLE_CHV;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 1; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)len; 

    for (i=0;i<len;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, len, result, lP);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AJCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, len+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AJANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *lP);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_UnblockCHV
 * Unblock the specified CHV (chvType) and store a new CHV
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_UnblockCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *unblockChv, SYS_UWORD8 *newChv,
                      SYS_UWORD8 chvType, SYS_UWORD16 *lP) 
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int len;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);
    len = 16;

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_UNBLOCK_CHV;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0;
    p->xbuf[3] = chvType;
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)len; 
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(unblockChv+i);
    for (i=0;i<8;i++)
      p->xbuf[13+i] = *(newChv+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, len, result, lP);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AKCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, len+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AKANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *lP);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);

 * SIM_Invalidate
 * Invalidate the current EF
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_INVALIDATE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = 0; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, rP, lP);

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ALCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ALANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(rP, *lP);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);

 * SIM_Rehabilitate
 * Rehabilitate the current EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Rehabilitate(SYS_UWORD8 *rP, SYS_UWORD16 *lP)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int len;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_REHABILITATE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = 0;

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, rP, lP);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AMCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AMANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*lP);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(rP, *lP);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);



 * SIM_UpdateBinary
 * Store data in the current transparent EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_UpdateBinary(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 offset, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_UPDATE_BINARY;
    p->xbuf[2] = offset >> 8; 
    p->xbuf[3] = offset & 0xFF; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    for (i=0;i<llen;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);
    res = SIM_Command(p, llen, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ANCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ANANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);



 * SIM_ReadRecord
 * Read a record (recNum) from the current linear fixed or cyclic EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ReadRecord(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 mode, SYS_UWORD8 recNum, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_READ_RECORD;
    p->xbuf[2] = recNum; 
    p->xbuf[3] = mode; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, dat, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AOCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AOANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(dat, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);



SYS_UWORD8 snd[270];
SYS_UWORD8 rec[270];
SYS_UWORD8 logchan;
SYS_UWORD16 recl;
unsigned short resopen, resclose, rescmd;

SYS_UWORD16 lrcvSize;
SYS_UWORD8 ldat[20];

 * SIM_UpdateRecord
 * Store a record (recNum) in the current linear fixed or cyclic EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_UpdateRecord(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 mode, SYS_UWORD8 recNum, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

// do 1000 times the following sequence
for (i=0;i<1000;i++) {
SIM_Select((SYS_UWORD16)0x7f10, ldat, &lrcvSize);
SIM_Select((SYS_UWORD16)0x6f3a, ldat, &lrcvSize);
	snd[0] = 0x00;
	snd[1] = 0x70;
	snd[2] = 0x00;
	snd[3] = 0x00;
	snd[4] = 0x01;
	resopen = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], 1, &recl);
	if (resopen == 0x9000) {
		logchan = rec[0];

		// Select AID PKCS
		snd[0] = logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xA4;
		snd[2] = 0x04;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = 0x0C;
		snd[5] = 0xA0;
		snd[6] = 0x00;
		snd[7] = 0x00;
		snd[8] = 0x00;
		snd[9] = 0x63;
		snd[10] = 0x50;
		snd[11]  = 0x4B;
		snd[12] = 0x43;
		snd[13] = 0x53;
		snd[14] = 0x2D;
		snd[15] = 0x31;
		snd[16] = 0x35;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 17, &rec[0], 0, &recl);

		// Select file EF odf
		snd[0] = 0x80 | logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xA4;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = 0x02;
		snd[5] = 0x50;
		snd[6] = 0x31;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 7, &rec[0], 0, &recl);

		// get response EF odf
		snd[0] = logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xC0;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = rescmd;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], snd[4], &recl);

		// read binary EF odf
		snd[0] = 0x80 | logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xB0;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = rec[3]-16;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], snd[4], &recl);

		// Select file EF cdf
		snd[0] = 0x80 | logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xA4;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = 0x02;
		snd[5] = 0x51;
		snd[6] = 0x03;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 7, &rec[0], 0, &recl);

		// get response EF odf
		snd[0] = logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xC0;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = rescmd;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], snd[4], &recl);

		// read binary EF cdf
		snd[0] = 0x80 | logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xB0;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = 0xff;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], snd[4], &recl);

		// read binary EF cdf
		snd[0] = 0x80 | logchan;
		snd[1] = 0xB0;
		snd[2] = 0x00;
		snd[3] = 0x00;
		snd[4] = 0x00;
		rescmd = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], 256, &recl);



    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_UPDATE_RECORD;
    p->xbuf[2] = recNum; 
    p->xbuf[3] = mode; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    for (i=0;i<llen;i++)
        p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, llen, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"APCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"APANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


	snd[0] = 0x00;
	snd[1] = 0x70;
	snd[2] = 0x80;
	snd[3] = logchan;
	snd[4] = 0x00;
	resclose = SIM_XchTPDU(&snd[0], 5, &rec[0], 0, &recl);



 * SIM_Seek
 * Search data in a linear fixed or cyclic EF.
 * return the first record number in which it found the data.
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Seek(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 mode, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
   SIM_PORT *p;
   int i;
   int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

   p = &(Sim[0]);

   p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
   p->xbuf[1] = SIM_SEEK;
   p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
   p->xbuf[3] = mode; 
   p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

   for (i=0;i<llen;i++)
      p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

   res = SIM_Command(p, llen, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AQCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AQANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_Increase
 * Add value to a record of a cyclic EF
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Increase(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int len;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    len = 3;

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_INCREASE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = 3; 

    for (i=0;i<3;i++)
        p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, len, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ARCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 3+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ARANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_TerminalProfile
 * Used by ME to send its toolkit capabilities to SIM
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_TerminalProfile(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_TERMINAL_PROFILE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    for (i=0;i<llen;i++)
        p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, llen, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ASCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ASANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * Used by ME to inquiry of what SIM toolkit need to do
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Fetch(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_FETCH;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    res = SIM_Command(p, 0, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ATCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"ATANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_TerminalResponse *
 * Used for ME to respond at a SIM toolkit command
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_TerminalResponse(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_TERMINAL_RESPONSE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    for (i=0;i<llen;i++)
        p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, llen, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AUCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AUANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_Envelope
 * Used by Network to tansfert data download to the SIM in a transparent way for user
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Envelope(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT    *p;
    int         i;
    int         res;
	SYS_UWORD16 llen = len & SIM_UWORD16_MASK;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = GSM_CLASS;
    p->xbuf[1] = SIM_ENVELOPE;
    p->xbuf[2] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[3] = 0; 
    p->xbuf[4] = (SYS_UWORD8)llen; 

    for (i=0;i<llen;i++)
        p->xbuf[5+i] = *(dat+i);

    res = SIM_Command(p, llen, result, rcvSize);        

	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AVCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, llen+5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AVANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


 * SIM_XchTPDU *
 * Used for ME to send generic command to WIM Card
						SYS_UWORD16 rcvLen, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize)
    SIM_PORT *p;
    int i;
    int res;

    p = &(Sim[0]);

    p->xbuf[0] = dat[0];
    p->xbuf[1] = dat[1];
    p->xbuf[2] = dat[2]; 
    p->xbuf[3] = dat[3]; 
    p->xbuf[4] = dat[4]; 

    for (i=5;i<trxLen;i++)
        p->xbuf[i] = dat[i];

	// enable the WIM behavior of the sim driver
   	p->apdu_ans_length = rcvLen;

    res = SIM_Command(p, (trxLen - 5), result, rcvSize);        

	// disable the WIM behavior of the sim driver
   	p->apdu_ans_length = 0;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AWCMD", 5);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(p->xbuf, trxLen);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace((SYS_UWORD8 *)"AWANS", 5);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(*rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(result, *rcvSize);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_WORD8)(res>>8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_WORD8)res;
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_null, SIM_DBG_NULL);
	if (SIM_dbg_tdma_diff > SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay)
	   SIM_dbg_max_interchardelay = SIM_dbg_tdma_diff;
	SIM_dbg_tmp[0] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff >> 8);
	SIM_dbg_tmp[1] = (SYS_UWORD8)(SIM_dbg_tdma_diff);
	SIM_dbg_write_trace(SIM_dbg_tmp, 2);


* Use to detect end of characters reception
* input:    p       pointer on sim structure
*           n       number of extra character to send
* output:   return 0 if sucess
*                  SIM_ERR_x in case of error

SYS_UWORD16 SIM_WaitReception(SIM_PORT *p)
    SYS_UWORD16 returncode;

    //analyse the nature of the command to execute

    if (
    	(p->xbuf[1] == 0x12) || 
    	(p->xbuf[1] == 0xB2) || 
    	(p->xbuf[1] == 0xB0) || 
    	(p->xbuf[1] == 0xF2) || 
    	(p->xbuf[1] == 0xC0) || 
    	(p->apdu_ans_length != 0)
    //FETCH, READ_RECORD, READ_BINARY, STATUS, GET_RESPONSE commands == receive command
        if (p->xbuf[4] == 0)                    //if P3 == 0 when sending receive command
            p->expected_data = 256; 
            p->expected_data = p->xbuf[4];

        p->moderx = 1;                          //wait for procedure byte

        if (returncode = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))
            return returncode;
    else    //direct command : INVALIDATE, REHABILITATE, SLEEP
        p->moderx = 5;      //mode reception of SW1/SW2

        if (returncode = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))
            return returncode;
    return (0);

* Use to read file characteristics information
* input:    p       pointer on sim structure
* output:   return 0 if sucess
*                  1 in case of error

SYS_UWORD8 SIM_GetFileCharacteristics(SIM_PORT *p)
    int   res;
    SYS_UWORD8  ubuf[40];
    SYS_UWORD16  sz;

    res = SIM_Select(DF_GSM, ubuf, &sz);
    if ((res & 0xFF00) != 0x9F00)
        res = SIM_Select(DF_DCS1800, ubuf, &sz);                                        
        if ((res & 0xFF00) != 0x9F00)                                
            return (1);
    res = SIM_GetResponse( ubuf, res & 0x00FF , &sz);
    if (res != 0x9000)
        return (1);

    p->FileC = ubuf[13];
    return (0);
* Use to determine value of b2 in file caracteristics contained in response
* of SELECT Master File command
* return    0 if no preferred speed during authentication
*           1 if 13/4Mhz mandatory 
void SIM_Interpret_FileCharacteristics(SIM_PORT *p)
    //interpret b2 bit for operating authentication speed
    if((p->conf1 & 0x0020) && (p->FileC & 0x02))  
        p->Freq_Algo = 1;                                 

    //interpret Clock stop behavior
	// modified by J. Yp-Tcha to integrate all the behaviors required by ETSI.
	// 18/11/2002 : TI Chip always allowed low level, high level is hard dependant

		/* Sim Clock Stop Not Allowed */
		SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_NOT_ALLOWED;
		/* There is not need to modifiy p->conf1 */ 
        status_os_sim = NU_Delete_Timer (&SIM_timer);
	else {
			/* Sim Clock Stop Allowed, no prefered level */
			/* Default value for TI Chip shall always be Low Level */
	        SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_DESACT;
		    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_SCLKLEV;
		else {
			/* Clock Stop is allowed, the level shall be checked */
			if ((p->FileC & SIM_CLK_STOP_HIGH) == SIM_CLK_STOP_HIGH) {
				/* high level is mandatory */
/* OMEGA/NAUSICA can not handle sim stop clock at high level */
#ifndef ANALOG1
	            SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_DESACT;
    	        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SCLKLEV;
				/* Sim Clock Stop Not Allowed because the interface do not support this level */
				SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_NOT_ALLOWED;
				/* There is not need to modifiy p->conf1 */ 
		        status_os_sim = NU_Delete_Timer (&SIM_timer);
			else {
				/* by default, Low Level is allowed */
	            SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_DESACT;
	            p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_SCLKLEV;
    if (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_NONE)
        status_os_sim = NU_Delete_Timer (&SIM_timer);

* Use to evaluate need of sending PTS procedure regarding
* the ATR. If default not used, PTS initiates F and D adequate values
* for speed enhancement.
* In case of 2 wrong PTS answer (speed enhanced), a third PTS with default value
* is used. If the third PTS attempt failed, the ME reset the SIM and use default
* value.


    SYS_UWORD8            TA1;
    SYS_UWORD8            n;
    SYS_UWORD8            err;

    p->xbuf[0]       = 0xFF;                        //character of PTS proc to send
    p->xbuf[1]       = 0; 
    p->xbuf[2]       = 0xFF;
    p->xbuf[3]       = 0x7B;

      //TA1,TB1,TC1,TD1 present in ATR ?

    n   = 3;


    if (p->PTS_Try > 4)
        return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);  
    }                       // at the fourth attempt, PTS procedure is unusefull. Use default value.
                            //TA1 present?  Test
    else if ( p->PTS_Try == 4)
        SIM_Calcetu (p);
        return (0);    
    if(cP->AtrData[1] & 0x10)
        TA1 = cP->AtrData[2];
    else                    //if TA1 not present, return
        SIM_Calcetu (p);
        return (0);

#if 0 // Dmitriy: removed by TI patch
    if (TA1 >= 0x94)        //speed enhancement
// JYT 26/9/2003 to check correct behavior of the SIM Driver vs the PPS.
//	SIM_Calcetu (p);
//        return (0);         //temporary disabling of speed enhancement feature

        if (p->PTS_Try <= 2)
            n = 4;
            p->xbuf[1] = 0x10;
            p->xbuf[2] = 0x94; // if speed enhancement, then at least (and at most) F = 512 and D = 8 is supported

    if ((TA1 == 0x11) || (TA1 == 0x01))
        SIM_Calcetu (p);
        return (0);
    }                       //if TA1 != 0x11 and 0x94, need to send PTS request
                            //transmit request of speed enhancement : PTS
    SIM_WriteBuffer(p, 0, n);    

    p->moderx = 0;          //mode of normal reception
    p->expected_data = n;

    if (err = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))
      return (err);
                            //should received same chars as PTS request
    if ((p->rbuf[0] != p->xbuf[0]) || (p->rbuf[1] != p->xbuf[1]) || 
    (p->rbuf[2] != p->xbuf[2])) 

    if (n == 4)
        if (p->rbuf[3] != p->xbuf[3])
        //correct response from SIM : with speed enhanced
        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_ETU; //set F=512 D=8

    SIM_Calcetu (p);
    return (0);


* procedure of WARM reset consists on asserting
* reset signal at 0 during at least 400 ETU
* input     p pointer of type SIM_PORT

void SIM_WARMReset (SIM_PORT *p)

    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_SRSTLEV;
    ind_os_sleep (p->etu400);  /// wait 400 ETU
    p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SRSTLEV;
    p->rx_index = 0;


* procedure use to get out sleepMode
* input     p pointer of type SIM_PORT

void SIM_SleepMode_In (SYS_UWORD32 param)
    if (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_DESACT)
        (&(Sim[0]))->c->conf1 &= ~SIM_CONF1_SCLKEN;  //disabled the clock for the SIM card
        SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_ACT;
    status_os_sim = NU_Control_Timer (&SIM_timer,  NU_DISABLE_TIMER);

* procedure use to get out sleepMode
* input     p pointer of type SIM_PORT

void SIM_SleepMode_Out (SIM_PORT *p)
    if (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT)
        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_SCLKEN;
        // WCS patch for NU_Sleep(0) bug
        if (p->startclock > 0)
		ind_os_sleep (p->startclock);    
        // End WCS patch
        SIM_sleep_status = SIM_SLEEP_DESACT;
*  procedure to parse ATR dynamically
*  input     p pointer of type SIM_PORT
*  output    return error code
*  SIM_ERR_WAIT, p->errorSIM

SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ATRdynamictreatement (SIM_PORT *p, SIM_CARD *cP)

    volatile SYS_UWORD8   HistChar;
    volatile SYS_UWORD8   InterfChar;
    SYS_UWORD16          countT;
    SYS_UWORD16          mask;
    SYS_UWORD16          returncode;
    SYS_UWORD8            i;
    SYS_UWORD8            firstprotocol;    
    SYS_UWORD8            Tx,T;
    SYS_UWORD8            TDi;
    SYS_UWORD8            position_of_TC1, position_of_TB1;
    SYS_UWORD8            another_protocol_present;
    SYS_UWORD16            wait80000clk;
    i               = 0;
    //wait for TS and T0
    p->moderx       = 0;
    p->expected_data= 1;
    firstprotocol   = 0;
    position_of_TC1 = 0;
    position_of_TB1 = 0;
    another_protocol_present = 0;
    wait80000clk    = 6; // > 24 ms

    //wait for first character TS of ATR sequence. It should arrive before 80000sclk
    if (returncode = SIM_Waitforchars (p, wait80000clk))
        return returncode;
    //wait for T0
    if (returncode = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))
        return returncode;


    if (((p->rbuf[0] & 0xF0) == 0x30) && (p->rx_index != 0))
        cP->Inverse = 0;
        /*              Inverse convention card                      */
            // If first byte is correct for inverse card, return success 
    else if (((p->rbuf[0] & 0x0F) == 0x03) && (p->rx_index != 0))
        cP->Inverse = 1;
        return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);  //Test

    countT          = 0;
    mask            = 0x10;
    InterfChar      = 2;
    TDi             = 1;

    Tx = SIM_Translate_atr_char (p->rbuf[1], cP);

    HistChar        = Tx & 0x0F;        //get K, number of transmitted historical character

    while (TDi != 0)
        while (mask < 0x100)            //monitors interface chars
            if ((Tx & mask) == mask)    //monitors if interface character TAx,TBx,TCx,TDc present
                                        //wait for TC1 and save its position
            if ((firstprotocol == 0) && ((Tx & 0x40) == mask))
                position_of_TC1 = InterfChar - 1;            
			if ((firstprotocol == 0) && ((Tx & 0x20) == mask))
                position_of_TB1 = InterfChar - 1;            

            mask = mask << 1;

        p->expected_data = InterfChar;     //wait for TAi,TBi,TCi,TDi if present
        if (returncode = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))
            return returncode;

                                        //need to monitor if TC1 present and if equal to 0 or 255 on first protocol
        if ((firstprotocol == 0) && (position_of_TC1 != 0))
            T = SIM_Translate_atr_char (p->rbuf[position_of_TC1], cP);

            if ((T != 0) && (T != 255)) //test
            {                           //return Error in case of bad TC1 value            
                return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);            
                                        //need to monitor if TB1 present and if differente from 0 on first protocol
        if ((firstprotocol == 0) && (position_of_TB1 != 0))
            T = SIM_Translate_atr_char (p->rbuf[position_of_TB1], cP);

            if (T != 0) //ITU 
            {                           //return Error in case of bad TB1 value            
                return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);            

        if ((Tx & 0x80) == 0x80)        //TDi byte on first protocol must be 0
        {                               //get new TD char
            Tx = SIM_Translate_atr_char (p->rbuf[InterfChar - 1], cP);
            if ((Tx & 0x0F) != 0)
                if (firstprotocol == 0) //if first protocol received is not T=0, card is rejected   
                    return (SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT);            //protocol other than T=0
                {                       //if an another protocol T != 0 present, need to wait for TCK char
                    another_protocol_present = 1;                
            mask = 0x10;    
            firstprotocol++;            //indicate another protocol T
            TDi = 0;
                                        //add TCK if necessary
    p->expected_data =  HistChar + InterfChar + another_protocol_present;
    if (returncode = SIM_Waitforchars (p, p->etu9600))
        return returncode;

    cP->AtrSize = p->rx_index;

    if (cP->Inverse)        //inverse card
        // Copy ATR data       
        for (i=0;i<cP->AtrSize;i++)
            cP->AtrData[i] = SIM_ByteReverse(p->rbuf[i]);    
        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_CONV | SIM_CONF1_CHKPAR;
    else                    //direct card
        p->c->conf1 = p->conf1 |= SIM_CONF1_CHKPAR; //0x0409
        // Copy ATR data       
        for (i=0;i<cP->AtrSize;i++)
            cP->AtrData[i] = p->rbuf[i];

    return (0);

 ** SIM_Translate_atr_char 
 *  FILENAME: sim.c
 *  PARAMETERS: input   char to translate
 *              cP      sim structure (indicates if inverse card present)
 *  DESCRIPTION: return the correct value of input for inverse card
 *  RETURNS: character after parsing
 *           stays the same if direct card

SYS_UWORD8 SIM_Translate_atr_char (SYS_UWORD8 input, SIM_CARD *cP)
    SYS_UWORD8 translated;

    if (cP->Inverse)
        translated = SIM_ByteReverse(input);    
        translated = input;           //get character next char T0
    return (translated);

* SIM_Waitforchars is used for waiting nbchar characters from SIM
* input p          sim port
*       max_wait   max number of TDMA to wait between 2 characters
* output
*       error code 0 if OK      

SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Waitforchars (SIM_PORT *p, SYS_UWORD16 max_wait)
    volatile SYS_UWORD8    old_nb_char;
    volatile SYS_UWORD16  countT;

    if (p->moderx == 6)                 //use for reception of ACK when command need to transmit rest of data
        p->ack = 0;
        countT = 0;

        while((p->ack == 0) && (p->moderx == 6)) 
        {                               //if p->moderx change from 6 to 5, need to wait for SW1 and SW2

            countT++;                   //implementation of software Waiting time overflow

            if (p->null_received)       //if NULL char received, wait for next procedure char
                countT = 0;
                p->null_received = 0;

            if (countT > max_wait)
                return (SIM_ERR_WAIT);
            if (p->errorSIM)
        if (p->moderx == 6)             //if transition to moderx = 5 in synchronous part
        {                               //need to quit for SW1/SW2 reception
            return (0);
    if ((p->moderx != 6) && (p->moderx != 5))   //treatement of mode 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
        countT = 0;
        old_nb_char = p->rx_index;
											   //leave while if moderx == 5
        while((p->rx_index < p->expected_data) && (p->moderx != 5)) 
            countT++;                   //implementation of software Waiting time overflow

            if (p->null_received)       //if NULL char received, wait for next procedure char
                countT = 0;
                p->null_received = 0;

            if (countT > max_wait)
                return (SIM_ERR_WAIT);
            if (p->errorSIM)
            if (p->rx_index > old_nb_char)
                old_nb_char = p->rx_index;  //if char received before max_wait TDMA, reset the counter
                countT = 0;
        } //end while
		if (p->moderx == 0)
			return (0);

    if (p->moderx == 5)                 //use for reception of SW1 SW2
        countT = 0;
        old_nb_char = p->SWcount;

        while(p->SWcount < 2) 
        {                               //if p->moderx change from 6 to 5, need to wait for SW1 and SW2

            countT++;                   //implementation of software Waiting time overflow

            if (p->null_received)       //if NULL char received, wait for next procedure char
                countT = 0;
                p->null_received = 0;

            if (countT > max_wait)
                return (SIM_ERR_WAIT);
            if (p->errorSIM)
            if (p->SWcount > old_nb_char)
                old_nb_char = p->SWcount;  //if char received before max_wait TDMA, reset the counter
                countT = 0;
        p->SWcount = 0;                 //reset SWcount buffer index when SW1 SW2 received
        return (0);
	else		//treatement of abnormal case of the asynchronous state machine

* SIM_Calcetu is used for calculating 9600 etu and 400 etu depending on sim clock freq
*             and etu period
* input p     sim port

void SIM_Calcetu (SIM_PORT *p)
    if (p->conf1 & SIM_CONF1_SCLKDIV)   //clock input is 13/8 Mhz
        if (p->conf1 & SIM_CONF1_ETU)   //etu period is 512/8*Tsclk
            p->etu9600     = 319;    // old = 88, increase of 363%
            p->etu400      = 6;
            p->stopclock   = 18;
            p->startclock = 8;
        else                            //etu period is 372/1*Tsclk
            p->etu9600     = 1815;   // old = 500, increase of 363%
            p->etu400      = 28;
            p->stopclock   = 94;
            p->startclock = 38; 
    else                                //clock input is 13/4 Mhz
        if (p->conf1 & SIM_CONF1_ETU)   //etu period is 512/8*Tsclk
            p->etu9600     = 159;   // old = 44, increase of 363%
            p->etu400      = 3;
            p->stopclock   = 9;
            p->startclock = 4; 
        else                            //etu period is 372/1*Tsclk
            p->etu9600     = 907;  // old = 250, increase of 363%
            p->etu400      = 14;
            p->stopclock   = 47;
            p->startclock = 19; 

 * Set the level shifter voltage for start up sequence

SYS_UWORD8 SIM_StartVolt (SYS_UWORD8 ResetFlag) 
	SYS_UWORD8 abbmask;

#if(ANLG_FAM == 1)
// we assume that in SIM_TYPE_5V there is nothing to do because it is the reset value
  #if ((SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3V) || (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3_5V))    // { shut down VCC from ABB and prepare to start at 3V mode
	if (ResetFlag) {
		abbmask = MODE_INIT_OMEGA_3V;
    CurrentVolt   = SIM_3V;  // we assume the sim is 3v tech. from beginning.
	else {
		if (CurrentVolt == SIM_3V)
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_OMEGA_3V;
			abbmask = MODE5V_OMEGA;
    ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) & 0xC0) | abbmask);
    ind_os_sleep(1);         //wait for charge pump regulation

#if(ANLG_FAM == 2)
    SYS_UWORD8 count = 0;
// code for Iota
// reset value for IOTA is for 1.8V, but specific procedure is needed
  #if ((SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8V) || (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V))    // shut down VCC from ABB and prepare to start at 1.8V mode
	if (ResetFlag) {
		abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_1_8V;
        CurrentVolt   = SIM_1_8V;  // we assume the sim is 1.8v tech. from beginning.
	else {
		if (CurrentVolt == SIM_1_8V)
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_1_8V;
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_3V;
    ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & 0xF4) | abbmask);
    while(count++ < 5)
		if (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & 0x04) // test RSIMRSU
    // IOTA failure activation
  // 3V only
  #if (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3V)
	abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_3V;
	CurrentVolt   = SIM_3V;  // we assume the sim is 3v tech. from beginning.
    ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & 0xF4) | abbmask);
    while(count++ < 5)
		if (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & 0x04) // test RSIMRSU
    // IOTA failure activation

#if(ANLG_FAM == 3)
  SYS_UWORD8 count = 0;
// code for Syren
// reset value for SYREN is for 1.8V, but specific procedure is needed
  #if ((SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8V) || (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V))    // { shut down VCC from ABB and prepare to start at 1.8V mode
	if (ResetFlag) {
		abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_1_8V;
        CurrentVolt   = SIM_1_8V;  // we assume the sim is 1.8v tech. from beginning.
	else {
		if (CurrentVolt == SIM_1_8V)
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_1_8V;
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_3V;
	ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & 0x1F4) | abbmask);
    while(count++ < 5)
		if (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & 0x04) // test RSIMRSU
    // SYREN failure activation

  // 3V only
  #if (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3V)
	abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_3V;
	CurrentVolt   = SIM_3V;  // we assume the sim is 3v tech. from beginning.
    ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & 0x1F4) | abbmask);
    while(count++ < 5)
      if (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & 0x04) // test RSIMRSU
    // SYREN failure activation

 * Set the level shifter to switch from 3V to 5V

SYS_UWORD8 SIM_SwitchVolt (SYS_UWORD8 ResetFlag)
    SYS_UWORD8 count = 0;
   	SYS_UWORD8 abbmask;

    #if(ANLG_FAM == 1)
      #if (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_3_5V)    // shut down VCC from ABB and prepare to start at 5V mode
	if (ResetFlag) {
		abbmask = MODE5V_OMEGA;
        CurrentVolt   = SIM_5V;  
	else {
		if (CurrentVolt == SIM_3V)
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_OMEGA_3V;
			abbmask = MODE5V_OMEGA;
	ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCCTRL1) & 0xC0) | abbmask);
    #elif(ANLG_FAM == 2)
      #if (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V)  // shut down VCC from ABB and prepare to start at 3V mode
	if (ResetFlag) {
		abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_3V;
        CurrentVolt   = SIM_3V; 
	else {
		if (CurrentVolt == SIM_1_8V)
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_1_8V;
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_IOTA_3V;
	ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & 0xF4) | abbmask);
       while(count++ < 5)
          if (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIM) & 0x04)
       // IOTA failure activation
 #elif(ANLG_FAM == 3)
      #if (SIM_TYPE == SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V)  // shut down VCC from ABB and prepare to start at 3V mode
	if (ResetFlag) {
		abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_3V;
        CurrentVolt   = SIM_3V; 
	else {
		if (CurrentVolt == SIM_1_8V)
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_1_8V;
			abbmask = MODE_INIT_SYREN_3V;
	ABB_wa_VRPC ((ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & 0x1F4) | abbmask);
        while(count++ < 5)
          if (ABB_Read_Register_on_page(PAGE1,VRPCSIMR) & 0x04)
       // SYREN failure activation
    #endif	 // ANLG_FAM == 1, 2, 3


SYS_UWORD8 SIM_Memcpy(SYS_UWORD8 *Buff_target, SYS_UWORD8 Buff_source[], SYS_UWORD16 len)
    SYS_UWORD16 i;  //unsigned short type counter chosen for copy of 256 bytes

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
         if (i == RSIMBUFSIZE) 
               return (SIM_ERR_BUFF_OVERFL);
              (*(Buff_target+i)) = Buff_source[i];
    return (0);

 * SIM_SleepStatus
 * Return SIM status for sleep manager
SYS_BOOL SIM_SleepStatus(void)
	if ((SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_ACT) ||  (SIM_sleep_status == SIM_SLEEP_NONE))
		return(1);		 // SIM is ready for deep sleep

* Special lock function to force SIM entity to use adequat SIM Driver
void SIM_lock_cr17689(void) {

void SIM_dbg_write_trace(SYS_UWORD8 *ptr, SYS_UWORD16 len) {
   SYS_UWORD16 i;
   for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
      if (SIM_dbg_cmd_cmpt == SIM_DBG_CMD)
	     SIM_dbg_cmd_cmpt = 0;
	  SIM_dbg_cmd[SIM_dbg_cmd_cmpt++] = ptr[i];