Running FreeCalypso firmware on the Motorola C139=================================================Mot C139 phones are brickable - because the Calypso boot ROM is disabled by PCBwiring, the ability to reflash a phone with new firmware critically depends onthere being a particular kind of boot code in flash sector 0 at all times - aparticular kind of boot code that allows the boot process to be interrupted anddiverted to external code loaded via the headset jack serial port.The FreeCalypso project has adopted one specific version of the flash sector 0boot code (produced by applying a binary patch to one of Compal/Motorola'soriginal versions) for use with all of our firmwares for this target. No matterwhich FreeCalypso firmware you are running - Citrine, Magnetite or tcs211-c139 -you flash your FC fw image at offset 0x10000 while keeping this boilerplate bootcode at the beginning of the flash: are currently able to produce two kinds of firmware builds for the C139:pseudo-modem or UI demo. The pseudo-modem configuration is intended for thosewho would really like to play with AT-command-controlled modem firmware on someproper Calypso modem hardware like our desired FCDEV3B, but who are using aC139 instead out of poverty - a poor man's substitute for proper modem hardware.In this configuration the C139 phone's LCD stays dark, the buttons do nothing,but the firmware presents TI's RVTMUX interface with FreeCalypso extensions onthe headset jack serial port. You connect to this serial interface withFreeCalypso host utility rvinterf, and use another FC host utility fc-shell totalk AT commands to the pseudo-modem.If you flash a C139 phone with one of our pseudo-modem firmware builds, it willbehave in some odd ways which you might not expect:* Whenever the phone is off but the battery is inserted, even a momentary accidental press of the power button will launch a full power-on and firmware boot - without any visible indication whatsoever as the LCD stays dark!* Once the firmware has booted from a press of the power button - even a momentary accidental press - there is no way to make it shut down and power off except by sending a power-off command via the headset jack serial port. So it will just keep running until the battery runs down, once again with the LCD dark and no visible indication of any kind that it's on.In the UI demo configuration (see Handset-configs) the FC-reflashed C139 acts*almost* like an end user phone: it can be operated from the keypad withoutbeing connected to a PC with a serial cable, there is a very rudimentary UIpresented on the LCD, the phone can be turned on and off with the power button.However, battery charging doesn't work, there is not even a working batterygauge, and the UI is full of serious bugs. Thus this fw configuration isintended as a DEMO, not something to be inflicted on an actual end user!Additional considerations are:* Flashing a given phone back and forth between FreeCalypso and Mot/Compal's official firmware is a royal pita, so if you are going to play with FreeCalypso on a C139, it would be the easiest to dedicate a phone specifically for FC experiments;* We haven't got firmware-controlled battery charging working yet in any of our fw configurations, so you will need another phone running one of the official fw versions to charge batteries.Converting a phone to FreeCalypso=================================Start by installing FreeCalypso host tools on your PC/laptop or whatever hostyou will use to talk to C139 phones, if you haven't already. If you arestarting with an unhacked C139 phone running one of the official firmwareversions, the procedure for flashing and bringing up FreeCalypso for the firsttime is as follows:* Note down your phone's factory IMEI. After you get FreeCalypso firmware flashed and running, you will need to set your own IMEISV, as our fw doesn't know how to grok Mot/Compal's flash data structures where they store theirs. You can set whatever IMEISV you like, but if you would like to keep the factory one, it would be the easiest to have it noted down on a piece of paper. If you have a labelmaker, you can print a sticky label with the IMEI and stick it on the side of the phone where you can easily see it later while playing with FreeCalypso.* Get in with fc-loadtool, preceded with tfc139 if necessary - see FC host tools documentation.* Once you are in with fc-loadtool, i.e., at the loadtool> prompt, reflash the boot sector with the FreeCalypso version: loadtool> flash erase-program-boot compal-flash-boot-for-fc.bin* Flash whichever FreeCalypso firmware image you would like to play with, e.g.: loadtool> flash erase 0x10000 0x230000 loadtool> flash program-bin 0x10000 fwimage.bin Please note that the image size will be different depending on which configuration of which FC fw project you would like to play with, so adjust the second number in the flash erase command accordingly - it needs to be the fw image size rounded up to a 64 KiB sector boundary.* Erase the flash sectors to be used for the FFS (flash file system) by FreeCalypso firmwares: loadtool> flash erase 0x3C0000 0x30000* Exiting fc-loadtool cleanly will cause it to power off the phone: loadtool> exitReflashing between different FreeCalypso firmwares==================================================By the conventions established in the FreeCalypso project, all of our firmwaresfor the C139 target have the following in common:* They all stay out of the boot sector and expect to receive control from the boot code in the same manner (boot entry point at 0x10058, exception vectors at 0x10000), thus there is no need to reflash the dangerous boot sector when going from one FC firmware to another.* They all use the same aftermarket FFS configuration of 3 sectors of 64 KiB each (64x3) at 0x3C0000. This FFS location is deliberately different from the one used by Mot/Compal's firmwares, eliminating the possibility of one fw trying to use the FFS created by the other, and by putting our FFS toward the end of the flash we maximize the amount of flash space available for our firmware code images. But even though we don't share our FFS with Mot/Compal's official firmwares, we do share the same FFS between all of FreeCalypso firmware projects - thus once you have initialized your FFS (see below) with one FC firmware version, it will work with the others as well.If you need to reflash your C139 from one FC firmware version to another,simply get in with fc-loadtool -h compal (no more need for the inefficient-c 1003 or -c 1004 options or for tfc139) and reflash just the fw image part:loadtool> flash erase 0x10000 0x230000loadtool> flash program-bin 0x10000 fwimage.binFirst boot of the firmware==========================Connect the serial cable, but instead of running fc-loadtool, run rvinterf.Press the red power button on the phone briefly just like you would forfc-loadtool entry. Because there is no fc-loadtool running on the host end ofthe serial cable, the boot path will *not* be diverted in the bootloader, andthe main fw image will run - and this time it will be the FreeCalypso firmwareyou have compiled and flashed. If the fw you have flashed is the UI democonfiguration, the phone must have *NO* SIM in it the first time you boot it.UI-enabled fw configuration automatically bring up the GSM radio and try toconnect to the default network on boot if there is a SIM present, and you don'twant your firmware trying to connect to a real live GSM network when you haven'tinitialized your FFS yet. If the fw you have flashed is one of the AT-command-controlled pseudo-modem configurations, then you don't need to worry if the SIMis there or not on your first boot - just don't command it to connect to anetwork until you have initialized the FFS.If you have flashed a non-UI firmware version, the phone's LCD will remain darkas there is no LCD driver code in this firmware, but you will see trace outputin the rvinterf window, telling you that the fw is running.Before you do anything else, you will need to run fc-fsio and initialize theaftermarket FFS for our firmware:fsio> format /fsio> mk-std-dirsfsio> set-imeisv fc XXXXXXXX-YYYYYY-ZZ (punctuation optional, place anywhere)fsio> set-rfcap dual-eu (if you have 900+1800 MHz hardware)orfsio> set-rfcap dual-us (if you have 850+1900 MHz hardware)After you've initialized your FFS as above, you should exit fc-fsio, and yournext steps will depend on which fw configuration you are playing with. If it'sthe sans-UI pseudo-modem configuration, run fc-shell and try some AT commands:AT+CMEE=2 -- enable verbose error responsesAT+CFUN=1 -- enable radio and SIM interfacesAT+COPS=0 -- register to the default GSM networkWhen you are done, you can power the phone off by sending a 'poweroff' commandthrough fc-shell. The only other way is to yank the battery, and doing thelatter is recommended anyway: when a phone with the present hack-firmwareflashed into it is powered off but still has the battery inserted, even amomentary accidental press of the power button will cause it to power on andboot, but there will be absolutely no visual indication, as the LCD stays dark.If you are playing with the UI demo firmware, after you have initialized yourFFS, you can power the phone off with the power button, insert a SIM, power itback on and play with the primitive UI.