view doc/Compiling @ 466:1524d182a2b2
linker script for large flash: reserve the first 0x100 bytes of IRAM
so we can experiment with routing interrupts through the internal ROM
Mychaela Falconia <>
Sun, 25 Mar 2018 00:58:51 +0000 (2018-03-25)
line source
+ − Preparing the development and build environment
+ − ===============================================
+ −
+ − In order to compile our FreeCalypso Magnetite firmware, you will need a
+ − Unix/Linux system. Even though we are using a compiler which we got in the
+ − form of Windows .exe binaries and thus have to use Wine (see below), everything
+ − that we have built on top of it is Unix-based. The Mother uses Slackware Linux
+ − version 13.37, 32-bit.
+ −
+ − You will need to install the following four pieces of software on whatever
+ − machine you will use to run the FC Magnetite build process:
+ −
+ − 1. Wine: self-explanatory.
+ −
+ − 2. FreeCalypso Wine environment:
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − Extract the content of the above tarball into your ~/.wine/drive_c
+ − directory - that's all there is to it!
+ −
+ − 3. nowhine wrapper around Wine:
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − Note that Wine may produce different whines on your system than it
+ − does on mine, in which case if you wish to be relieved of those
+ − whines, you'll need to edit my nowhine.c hack for your situation.
+ − And if wine does not whine at all on your system, you can skip the
+ − wrapper and create a nowhine symlink pointing directly to wine.
+ −
+ − 4. mokosrec2bin flash image file format conversion utility:
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − Note that the four host software pieces above are exactly the same as what has
+ − been needed to build our previous TCS211-based fw works such as leo2moko-debug
+ − and tcs211-c139 - thus if you have built those previously, you should already
+ − have all of the necessary host tools.
+ −
+ − Compiling the local helper utilities
+ − ====================================
+ −
+ − (cd helpers; make)
+ −
+ − Do the above. Most of the build helper scripts used in the FC Magnetite build
+ − system are written in Bourne shell, but a few were easier to implement in C.
+ − You need to compile these C helper utilities before you can run an actual FC
+ − Magnetite firmware build, but these utilities are totally ad hoc and specific
+ − to the needs of our fw build system, hence they are not meant to be installed
+ − globally on your system - instead they stay within the fc-magnetite tree. You
+ − just need to run make in the helpers directory once before any actual firmware
+ − builds.
+ −
+ − Actually building the firmware
+ − ==============================
+ −
+ − In order to build our FreeCalypso Magnetite firmware for a particular target in
+ − a particular configuration, run a command like this from the top level of the
+ − fc-magnetite tree:
+ −
+ − ./ gtamodem l1reconst
+ −
+ − The first argument to the script selects the target, and the second
+ − argument selects the configuration. As of this writing, the following targets
+ − are supported:
+ −
+ − c11x Motorola C11x/12x
+ − c139 Motorola C139/140
+ − dsample TI's D-Sample C05 board (no working radio currently)
+ − fcdev3b FreeCalypso FCDEV3B
+ − gtamodem The Calypso GSM/GPRS modem in Openmoko GTA01/02 smartphones
+ − pirelli Pirelli DP-L10
+ −
+ − For the available configurations (the second required argument to the configure
+ − script), look in the configs directory and read the various write-ups under doc.
+ −
+ − Each configuration is built in its own directory; by default the build directory
+ − is named build-$TARGET-$CONFIG, i.e., for the example line above,
+ − the resulting build directory will be build-gtamodem-l1reconst. You can change
+ − the name of this directory by appending a BUILD_DIR=dir argument to the
+ − ./ line after the two required arguments.
+ −
+ − To actually compile the firmware, cd into the created build directory and run
+ − make there. Unfortunately the use of TI's proprietary compiler via Wine makes
+ − the build quite slow, but there is a trick to speed it up: if you run some
+ − other Wine program that stays open and does not exit on its own (e.g., wine cmd)
+ − in another window and leave it open while you run your FC Magnetite fw build,
+ − the build will proceed much faster - the presence of another Wine process using
+ − the wineserver environment will keep Wine from shutting this environment down
+ − and restarting it for every individual cl470 run, i.e., for each individual C
+ − source file.
+ −
+ − When the build is done, the flashable firmware image will be in fwimage.bin.
+ − This image is to be flashed with fc-loadtool at address 0x10000 on Mot C11x and
+ − C139 targets, and at address 0 on the more sensible targets that have the
+ − Calypso boot ROM enabled. The build system also produces a short text file
+ − named flash-script which is a flashing command script for fc-loadtool that
+ − erases the correct range of flash sectors and then programs fwimage.bin at the
+ − right address.
+ −
+ − When building firmware for the FCDEV3B or for the Pirelli, one can build either
+ − a flashable image or a RAM-loadable one - or both. Because this part of the
+ − build system is common with other targets for which only flash images can be
+ − produced, the Makefile always builds the flashable image by default -
+ − fwimage.bin is always meant for flash and never for RAM. To build a RAM-
+ − loadable image when the target allows it, run 'make ram' - the image will be in
+ − ramimage.srec, which you can then load and run on the target with FreeCalypso
+ − host tool fc-xram.
+ −
+ − Running on the hardware
+ − =======================
+ −
+ − In order to run the firmware you have built on your Calypso phone or modem
+ − (flash or run in RAM as appropriate), you will need to use FreeCalypso host
+ − tools. As of this writing, the latest packaged release is this one:
+ −
+ −
+ −
+ − Please see target-specific notes for more details.