view cdg3/cdginc-locosto/m_fac.val @ 640:16eb1b9640dc

target gtm900 renamed to gtm900mgc2 This change reflects the fact that the build target in question supports MGC2GSMT hardware only, and will NOT work on other hw that confusing bears the same end user name of GTM900, neither the LoCosto-based GTM900-C nor the Calypso-based MG01GSMT that has a different and incompatible RFFE. If we ever get our hands on a piece of MG01GSMT hw and add support for it, that other target will be named gtm900mg01.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:46:07 +0000
parents c15047b3d00d
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK                                                 |
| FILE    : m_fac.val                                                      |
| SOURCE  : "msg\fac.mdf"                                                  |
| LastModified : "2002-01-14"                                              |
| IdAndVersion : "6147.608.00.205"                                         |
| SrcFileTime  : "Mon Jan 14 11:02:22 2008"                                |
| Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5A on Thu Sep 25 09:18:52 2014                   |
|           !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!                |

 * PREFIX                 : NONE

#ifndef M_FAC_VAL
#define M_FAC_VAL


#define CDG_ENTER__M_FAC_VAL__LAST_MODIFIED _2002_01_14
#define CDG_ENTER__M_FAC_VAL__ID_AND_VERSION _6147_608_00_205

#define CDG_ENTER__M_FAC_VAL__SRC_FILE_TIME _Mon_Jan_14_11_02_22_2008

#include "CDG_ENTER.h"



 * Value constants for VAL_op_code
#define OPC_REGISTER_SS                (0xa)      /* Register supplementary service */
#define OPC_ERASE_SS                   (0xb)      /* Erase supplementary service    */
#define OPC_ACTIVATE_SS                (0xc)      /* Activate supplementary service */
#define OPC_DEACTIVATE_SS              (0xd)      /* Deactivate supplementary service */
#define OPC_INTERROGATE_SS             (0xe)      /* Interrogate supplementary service */
#define OPC_NOTIFY_SS                  (0x10)     /* Notify supplementary service   */
#define OPC_REGISTER_PASSWORD          (0x11)     /* Register password              */
#define OPC_GET_PASSWORD               (0x12)     /* Get password                   */
#define OPC_PROC_UNSTRUCT_SS_DATA      (0x13)     /* Process unstructured supplementary service Data */
#define OPC_FWD_CHECK_SS_IND           (0x26)     /* Forward check supplementary service indication */
#define OPC_PROC_UNSTRUCT_SS_REQ       (0x3b)     /* Process unstructured supplementary service request */
#define OPC_UNSTRUCT_SS_REQ            (0x3c)     /* Unstructured supplementary service request */
#define OPC_UNSTRUCT_SS_NOTIFY         (0x3d)     /* Unstructured supplementary service notify */
#define OPC_ERASE_CC_ENTRY             (0x4d)     /* Erase CC entry                 */
#define OPC_CALL_DEFLECTION            (0x75)     /* Call deflection                */
#define OPC_USER_USER_SERVICE          (0x76)     /* User to user service           */
#define OPC_ACC_REGISTER_CC_ENTRY      (0x77)     /* Access register CC entry       */
#define OPC_FWD_CUG_INFO               (0x78)     /* Forward closed user group information */
#define OPC_SPLIT_MPTY                 (0x79)     /* Split multiparty               */
#define OPC_RETRIEVE_MPTY              (0x7a)     /* Retrieve multiparty            */
#define OPC_HOLD_MPTY                  (0x7b)     /* Hold multiparty                */
#define OPC_BUILD_MPTY                 (0x7c)     /* Build multiparty               */
#define OPC_FWD_CHARGE_ADVICE          (0x7d)     /* Forward charge advice          */
#define OPC_EXPLICIT_CT                (0x7e)     /* Explicit call transfer         */

 * Value constants for VAL_err_code
#define ERR_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIBER         (0x1)      /* Register supplementary service */
#define ERR_ILLEGAL_SUBSCRIBER         (0x9)      /* Erase supplementary service    */
#define ERR_BEARER_SVC_NOT_PROV        (0xa)      /* Bearer service not provisioned */
#define ERR_TELE_SVC_NOT_PROV          (0xb)      /* Teleservice not provisioned    */
#define ERR_ILLEGAL_EQUIPMENT          (0xc)      /* Illegal Equipment              */
#define ERR_CALL_BARRED                (0xd)      /* Call barred                    */
#define ERR_ILLEGAL_SS_OPERATION       (0x10)     /* Illegal supplementary service operation */
#define ERR_SS_ERR_STATUS              (0x11)     /* Supplementary service error status */
#define ERR_SS_NOT_AVAIL               (0x12)     /* Supplementary service not available */
#define ERR_SS_SUBS_VIOLATION          (0x13)     /* Supplementary service subscript vialation */
#define ERR_SS_INCOMP                  (0x14)     /* Supplementary service incompatible */
#define ERR_FAC_NOT_SUPPORTED          (0x15)     /* Facility not supported         */
#define ERR_ABSENT_SUBS                (0x1b)     /* Absent subscriber              */
#define ERR_SHORT_TERM_DENIAL          (0x1d)     /* Short term denial              */
#define ERR_LONG_TERM_DENIAL           (0x1e)     /* Long term denial               */
#define ERR_SYSTEM_FAIL                (0x22)     /* System failure                 */
#define ERR_DATA_MISSING               (0x23)     /* Data Missing                   */
#define ERR_UNEXPECT_DATA              (0x24)     /* Unexpected data value          */
#define ERR_PWD_REG_FAIL               (0x25)     /* Password registration failure  */
#define ERR_NEG_PWD_CHECK              (0x26)     /* Negative password check        */
#define ERR_NUM_PWD_VIOLATION          (0x2b)     /* Number of password attempts violation */
#define ERR_UNKNOWN_ALPHA              (0x47)     /* Unknown alphabet               */
#define ERR_USSD_BUSY                  (0x48)     /* Unstructured supplementary service data busy */
#define ERR_REJ_BY_USER                (0x79)     /* Rejected by user               */
#define ERR_REJ_BY_NETWORK             (0x7a)     /* Rejected by network            */
#define ERR_DEFL_TO_SRVD_SUBSC         (0x7b)     /* Deflection to served subscriber */
#define ERR_SPEC_SERVICE_CODE          (0x7c)     /* Special service code           */
#define ERR_INV_DEFL_TO_NUMBER         (0x7d)     /* Invalid deflected to number    */
#define ERR_MAX_NUM_MPTY_EXCEED        (0x7e)     /* Maximum number of multiparty participants exceeded */
#define ERR_RESOURCE_NOT_AVAIL         (0x7f)     /* Resource not available         */

 * Value constants for VAL_gen_problem
#define GEN_PROB_UNRECOG_CMP           (0x0)      /* Unrecognized component         */
#define GEN_PROB_MISTYPED_CMP          (0x1)      /* Mistype component              */
#define GEN_PROB_BAD_STRUCT_CMP        (0x2)      /* Badly structured component     */

 * Value constants for VAL_inv_problem
#define INV_PROB_DUPL_INV_ID           (0x0)      /* Duplicate invoke ID            */
#define INV_PROB_UNRECOG_OP            (0x1)      /* Unrecognized operation         */
#define INV_PROB_MISTYPED_PAR          (0x2)      /* Mistyped parameter             */
#define INV_PROB_RESOURCE_LIM          (0x3)      /* Resource limitation            */
#define INV_PROB_INIT_RELEASE          (0x4)      /* Initiating release             */
#define INV_PROB_UNRECOG_LNK_ID        (0x5)      /* Unrecognized linked ID         */
#define INV_PROB_LNK_RES_UNEXP         (0x6)      /* Linked response unexpected     */
#define INV_PROB_UNEXP_LNK_OP          (0x7)      /* Unexpected linked operation    */

 * Value constants for VAL_res_problem
#define RES_PROB_UNRECOG_INV_ID        (0x0)      /* Unrecognized invoke ID         */
#define RES_PROB_RET_RES_UNEXP         (0x1)      /* Return result unexpected       */
#define RES_PROB_MISTYPED_PAR          (0x2)      /* Mistyped parameter             */

 * Value constants for VAL_err_problem
#define ERR_PROB_UNRECOG_INV_ID        (0x0)      /* Unrecognized invoke ID         */
#define ERR_PROB_RET_ERR_UNEXP         (0x1)      /* Return result unexpected       */
#define ERR_PROB_UNRECOG_ERR           (0x2)      /* Unrecognized error             */
#define ERR_PROB_UNEXP_ERR             (0x3)      /* Unexpected error               */
#define ERR_PROB_MISTYPED_PAR          (0x4)      /* Mistyped parameter             */

 * Value constants for VAL_ssCode
#define SS_CD_ALL_SS                   (0x0)      /* all SS                         */
#define SS_CD_ALL_LISS                 (0x10)     /* all line identification SS     */
#define SS_CD_CLIP                     (0x11)     /* calling line identification presentation */
#define SS_CD_CLIR                     (0x12)     /* calling line identification restriction */
#define SS_CD_COLP                     (0x13)     /* connected line identification presentation */
#define SS_CD_COLR                     (0x14)     /* connected line identification restriction */
#define SS_CD_MCI                      (0x15)     /* malicious call identification  */
#define SS_CD_ALL_NISS                 (0x18)     /* all name identification SS     */
#define SS_CD_CNAP                     (0x19)     /* calling name presentation      */
#define SS_CD_ALL_FWSS                 (0x20)     /* all forwarding SS              */
#define SS_CD_CFU                      (0x21)     /* call forwarding unconditional  */
#define SS_CD_CD                       (0x24)     /* call deflection                */
#define SS_CD_ALL_CFWSS                (0x28)     /* all conditional forwarding SS  */
#define SS_CD_CFB                      (0x29)     /* call forwarding on mobile subscriber busy */
#define SS_CD_CFNRY                    (0x2a)     /* call forwarding on no reply    */
#define SS_CD_CFNRC                    (0x2b)     /* call forwarding on mobile subscriber not reachable */
#define SS_CD_ALL_COSS                 (0x30)     /* all call offering SS           */
#define SS_CD_CT                       (0x31)     /* explicit call transfer         */
#define SS_CD_MAH                      (0x32)     /* mobile access hunting          */
#define SS_CD_ALL_CCSS                 (0x40)     /* all Call completion SS         */
#define SS_CD_CW                       (0x41)     /* call waiting                   */
#define SS_CD_HLD                      (0x42)     /* call hold                      */
#define SS_CD_CCBS                     (0x43)     /* completion of call to busy subscribers, originating side */
#define SS_CD_CCBS_B                   (0x44)     /* completion of call to busy subscribers, destination side */
#define SS_CD_MC                       (0x45)     /* multi call                     */
#define SS_CD_ALL_MPSS                 (0x50)     /* all multiparty SS              */
#define SS_CD_MLPTY                    (0x51)     /* multiparty                     */
#define SS_CD_ALL_CISS                 (0x60)     /* all community of interest SS   */
#define SS_CD_CUG                      (0x61)     /* closed user group              */
#define SS_CD_ALL_CHSS                 (0x70)     /* all charging SS                */
#define SS_CD_AOCI                     (0x71)     /* advice of charge information   */
#define SS_CD_AOCC                     (0x72)     /* advice of charge charging      */
#define SS_CD_ALL_AITSS                (0x80)     /* all additional information transfer SS */
#define SS_CD_UUS1                     (0x81)     /* UUS1 user-to-user signalling   */
#define SS_CD_UUS2                     (0x82)     /* UUS2 user-to-user signalling   */
#define SS_CD_UUS3                     (0x83)     /* UUS3 user-to-user signalling   */
#define SS_CD_ALL_CBSS                 (0x90)     /* all barring SS                 */
#define SS_CD_BOC                      (0x91)     /* barring of outgoing calls      */
#define SS_CD_BAOC                     (0x92)     /* barring of all outgoing calls  */
#define SS_CD_BOIC                     (0x93)     /* barring of outgoing international calls */
#define SS_CD_BOICXH                   (0x94)     /* barring of outgoing international calls except those directed to the home PLMN */
#define SS_CD_BIC                      (0x99)     /* barring of incoming calls      */
#define SS_CD_BAIC                     (0x9a)     /* barring of all incoming calls  */
#define SS_CD_BICRM                    (0x9b)     /* barring of incoming calls when roaming outside home PLMN Country */
#define SS_CD_ALL_CPSS                 (0xa0)     /* all call priority SS           */
#define SS_CD_EMLPP                    (0xa1)     /* enhanced Multilevel Precedence Pre-emption service */
#define SS_CD_ALL_PEC                  (0xb0)     /* all LCS privacy exception classes */
#define SS_CD_UNIVERSAL                (0xb1)     /* allow location by any LCS client */
#define SS_CD_CALLREL                  (0xb2)     /* allow location by any LCS client to which a call is established from the target MS */
#define SS_CD_CALLUNREL                (0xb3)     /* allow location by designated external value added LCS clients */
#define SS_CD_PLMN_OP                  (0xb4)     /* allow location by designated PLMN operator LCS clients */
#define SS_CD_ALL_MOLR                 (0xc0)     /* all Mobile Originating Location Request Classes */
#define SS_CD_BSL                      (0xc1)     /* allow an MS to request its own location (BasicSelfLocation) */
#define SS_CD_ASL                      (0xc2)     /* allow an MS to perform self location without interaction with the PLMN */
#define SS_CD_3RDPTY                   (0xc3)     /* allow an MS to request transfer of its location to another LCS client */
#define SS_CD_ALL_PSSS                 (0xf0)     /* all PLMN specific              */
#define SS_CD_PLMN1                    (0xf1)     /* PLMN specific SS 1             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN2                    (0xf2)     /* PLMN specific SS 2             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN3                    (0xf3)     /* PLMN specific SS 3             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN4                    (0xf4)     /* PLMN specific SS 4             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN5                    (0xf5)     /* PLMN specific SS 5             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN6                    (0xf6)     /* PLMN specific SS 6             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN7                    (0xf7)     /* PLMN specific SS 7             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN8                    (0xf8)     /* PLMN specific SS 8             */
#define SS_CD_PLMN9                    (0xf9)     /* PLMN specific SS 9             */
#define SS_CD_PLMNA                    (0xfa)     /* PLMN specific SS A             */
#define SS_CD_PLMNB                    (0xfb)     /* PLMN specific SS B             */
#define SS_CD_PLMNC                    (0xfc)     /* PLMN specific SS C             */
#define SS_CD_PLMND                    (0xfd)     /* PLMN specific SS D             */
#define SS_CD_PLMNE                    (0xfe)     /* PLMN specific SS E             */
#define SS_CD_PLMNF                    (0xff)     /* PLMN specific SS F             */

 * Value constants for VAL_bearerService
#define BS_CD_ALL_BS                   (0x0)      /* all bearer services            */
#define BS_CD_ALL_DATA_CDA             (0x10)     /* all data CDA services          */
#define BS_CD_CDA_300                  (0x11)     /* data CDA  300 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDA_1200                 (0x12)     /* data CDA 1200 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDA_1200_75              (0x13)     /* data CDA 1200/75 bps           */
#define BS_CD_CDA_2400                 (0x14)     /* data CDA 2400 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDA_4800                 (0x15)     /* data CDA 4800 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDA_9600                 (0x16)     /* data CDA 9600 bps              */
#define BS_CD_ALL_DATA_CDS             (0x18)     /* all data CDS services          */
#define BS_CD_CDS_1200                 (0x1a)     /* data CDS 1200 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDS_2400                 (0x1c)     /* data CDS 2400 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDS_4800                 (0x1d)     /* data CDS 4800 bps              */
#define BS_CD_CDS_9600                 (0x1e)     /* data CDS 9600 bps              */
#define BS_CD_ALL_DATA_PAD             (0x20)     /* all data PAD services          */
#define BS_CD_PAD_300                  (0x21)     /* data PAD  300 bps              */
#define BS_CD_PAD_1200                 (0x22)     /* data PAD 1200 bps              */
#define BS_CD_PAD_1200_75              (0x23)     /* data PAD 1200/75 bps           */
#define BS_CD_PAD_2400                 (0x24)     /* data PAD 2400 bps              */
#define BS_CD_PAD_4800                 (0x25)     /* data PAD 4800 bps              */
#define BS_CD_PAD_9600                 (0x26)     /* data PAD 9600 bps              */
#define BS_CD_ALL_DATA_PDS             (0x28)     /* all data PDS services          */
#define BS_CD_PDS_2400                 (0x2c)     /* data PDS 2400 bps              */
#define BS_CD_PDS_4800                 (0x2d)     /* data PDS 4800 bps              */
#define BS_CD_PDS_9600                 (0x2e)     /* data PDS 9600 bps              */
#define BS_CD_SPCH_ALT_CDA             (0x30)     /* all data CDA alter. speech     */
#define BS_CD_SPCH_ALT_CDS             (0x38)     /* all data CDS alter. speech     */
#define BS_CD_SPCH_FLD_CDA             (0x40)     /* all data speech followed CDA   */
#define BS_CD_SPCH_FLD_CDS             (0x48)     /* all data speech followed CDA   */
#define BS_CD_ALL_DC_ASYN              (0x50)     /* all data circuit asynchronous  */
#define BS_CD_ALL_ASYN                 (0x60)     /* all asynchronous services      */
#define BS_CD_ALL_DC_SYN               (0x58)     /* all data circuit synchronous   */
#define BS_CD_ALL_SYN                  (0x68)     /* all synchronous services       */
#define BS_CD_ALL_PSSS                 (0xd0)     /* all PLMN specific BS           */
#define BS_CD_PLMN1                    (0xd1)     /* PLMN specific 1                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN2                    (0xd2)     /* PLMN specific 2                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN3                    (0xd3)     /* PLMN specific 3                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN4                    (0xd4)     /* PLMN specific 4                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN5                    (0xd5)     /* PLMN specific 5                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN6                    (0xd6)     /* PLMN specific 6                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN7                    (0xd7)     /* PLMN specific 7                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN8                    (0xd8)     /* PLMN specific 8                */
#define BS_CD_PLMN9                    (0xd9)     /* PLMN specific 9                */
#define BS_CD_PLMNA                    (0xda)     /* PLMN specific A                */
#define BS_CD_PLMNB                    (0xdb)     /* PLMN specific B                */
#define BS_CD_PLMNC                    (0xdc)     /* PLMN specific C                */
#define BS_CD_PLMND                    (0xdd)     /* PLMN specific D                */
#define BS_CD_PLMNE                    (0xde)     /* PLMN specific E                */
#define BS_CD_PLMNF                    (0xdf)     /* PLMN specific F                */

 * Value constants for VAL_teleservice
#define TS_CD_ALL_TS                   (0x0)      /* all teleservices               */
#define TS_CD_ALL_SPCH                 (0x10)     /* All speech transmission services */
#define TS_CD_TLPHNY                   (0x11)     /* telephony                      */
#define TS_CD_EMRGNCY                  (0x12)     /* emergency calls                */
#define TS_CD_ALL_SMS                  (0x20)     /* all SMS services               */
#define TS_CD_SMS_MT                   (0x21)     /* SMS MT PP                      */
#define TS_CD_SMS_MO                   (0x22)     /* SMS MO PP                      */
#define TS_CD_ALL_FAX                  (0x60)     /* all FAX transmission services  */
#define TS_CD_FAX3_ALT_SPCH            (0x61)     /* FAX group 3 alter. speech      */
#define TS_CD_FAX3_AUTO                (0x62)     /* FAX group 3 automatic          */
#define TS_CD_FAX4                     (0x63)     /* FAX group 4                    */
#define TS_CD_ALL_DATA                 (0x70)     /* all FAX and SMS services       */
#define TS_CD_ALL_XCPT_SMS             (0x80)     /* all FAX and speech services    */
#define TS_CD_ALL_PSSS                 (0xd0)     /* all PLMN specific TS           */
#define TS_CD_PLMN1                    (0xd1)     /* PLMN specific TS 1             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN2                    (0xd2)     /* PLMN specific TS 2             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN3                    (0xd3)     /* PLMN specific TS 3             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN4                    (0xd4)     /* PLMN specific TS 4             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN5                    (0xd5)     /* PLMN specific TS 5             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN6                    (0xd6)     /* PLMN specific TS 6             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN7                    (0xd7)     /* PLMN specific TS 7             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN8                    (0xd8)     /* PLMN specific TS 8             */
#define TS_CD_PLMN9                    (0xd9)     /* PLMN specific TS 9             */
#define TS_CD_PLMNA                    (0xda)     /* PLMN specific TS A             */
#define TS_CD_PLMNB                    (0xdb)     /* PLMN specific TS B             */
#define TS_CD_PLMNC                    (0xdc)     /* PLMN specific TS C             */
#define TS_CD_PLMND                    (0xdd)     /* PLMN specific TS D             */
#define TS_CD_PLMNE                    (0xde)     /* PLMN specific TS E             */
#define TS_CD_PLMNF                    (0xdf)     /* PLMN specific TS F             */

 * Value constants for VAL_noa
#define VAL_NOA___DEF                  (0x0)      /* Reserved                       */
#define NOA_UNKNOWN                    (0x0)      /* unknown                        */
#define NOA_INTER_NUM                  (0x1)      /* international number           */
#define NOA_NATIO_NUM                  (0x2)      /* national significant number    */
#define NOA_NETW_NUM                   (0x3)      /* network specific number        */
#define NOA_SUBSC_NUM                  (0x4)      /* subscriber number              */
#define NOA_ABBRV_NUM                  (0x6)      /* abbreviated number             */

 * Value constants for VAL_npi
#define VAL_NPI___DEF                  (0x0)      /* reserved                       */
#define NPI_UNKNOWN                    (0x0)      /* unknown                        */
#define NPI_ISDN                       (0x1)      /* ISDN/Telephony Numbering Plan (Rec CCITT E.164) */
#define NPI_X121                       (0x3)      /* data numbering plan (CCITT Rec X.121) */
#define NPI_F69                        (0x4)      /* telex numbering plan (CCITT Rec F.69) */
#define NPI_LAND_MOBILE                (0x6)      /* land mobile numbering plan (CCITT Rec E.212) */
#define NPI_NATIONAL                   (0x8)      /* land mobile numbering plan (CCITT Rec E.212) */
#define NPI_PRIVATE                    (0x9)      /* Private numbering plan         */

 * Value constants for VAL_tos
#define VAL_TOS___DEF                  (0x0)      /* Reserved                       */
#define TOS_X213                       (0x0)      /* NSAP (X.213/ISO 8348 AD2)      */
#define TOS_USER                       (0x2)      /* User Specified                 */

 * Value constants for VAL_oei
#define OEI_EVEN                       (0x0)      /* even number of address signals */
#define OEI_ODD                        (0x1)      /* odd number of address signals  */

 * Value constants for VAL_ssStatus
#define SSS_A                          (0x1)      /* Active                         */
#define SSS_R                          (0x2)      /* Registered                     */
#define SSS_RA                         (0x3)      /* Registered,Active              */
#define SSS_P                          (0x4)      /* Provisioned                    */
#define SSS_PA                         (0x5)      /* Provisioned,Active             */
#define SSS_PR                         (0x6)      /* Provisioned,Registered         */
#define SSS_PRA                        (0x7)      /* Provisioned,Registered,Active  */
#define SSS_Q                          (0x8)      /* Quiescent                      */
#define SSS_QA                         (0x9)      /* Quiescent,Active               */
#define SSS_QR                         (0xa)      /* Quiescent,Registered           */
#define SSS_QRA                        (0xb)      /* Quiescent,Registered,Active    */
#define SSS_QP                         (0xc)      /* Quiescent,Provisioned          */
#define SSS_QPA                        (0xd)      /* Quiescent,Provisioned,Active   */
#define SSS_QPR                        (0xe)      /* Quiescent,Provisioned,Registered */
#define SSS_QPRA                       (0xf)      /* Quiescent,Provisioned,Registered,Active */

 * Value constants for VAL_notify_fwd_pty
#define NTYF_V1_NO_NTFY                (0x0)      /* Version 1 No Notify            */
#define NTYF_V1_NTFY1                  (0x1)      /* Version 1 Notify               */
#define NTYF_V1_NTFY2                  (0x2)      /* Version 1 Notify               */
#define NTYF_V2_NO_NTFY                (0x0)      /* Version 2 No Notify            */
#define NTYF_V2_NTFY                   (0x2)      /* Version 2 Notify               */

 * Value constants for VAL_notify_clg_pty
#define NTYC_V1_NO_NTFY                (0x0)      /* Version 1 No Notify            */
#define NTYC_V1_NTFY1                  (0x1)      /* Version 1 Notify               */
#define NTYC_V1_NTFY2                  (0x2)      /* Version 1 Notify               */
#define NTYC_V2_NO_NTFY                (0x0)      /* Version 2 No Notify            */
#define NTYC_V2_NTFY                   (0x2)      /* Version 2 Notify               */

 * Value constants for VAL_fwd_reason
#define FWDR_V2_MS_NOT_REACH           (0x0)      /* MS not reachable               */
#define FWDR_V2_MS_BUSY                (0x1)      /* MS is busy                     */
#define FWDR_V2_NO_REPLY               (0x2)      /* No reply                       */
#define FWDR_V2_UNCONDITIONAL          (0x3)      /* Unconditional                  */

 * Value constants for VAL_intraCugOptions
#define ICUG_NO_RESTRICTIONS           (0x0)      /* no CUG restrictions            */
#define ICUG_INCOM_CALL_BARRED         (0x1)      /* CUG incoming call barred       */
#define ICUG_OUTGO_CALL_BARRED         (0x2)      /* CUG outgoing call barred       */

 * Value constants for VAL_interCugRestrictions
#define ICUGR_FAC_ONLY                 (0x0)      /* CUG only facilities            */
#define ICUGR_OUTGO_ACCESS             (0x1)      /* CUG with outgoing access       */
#define ICUGR_INCOM_ACCESS             (0x2)      /* CUG with incoming access       */
#define ICUGR_BOTH_ACCESS              (0x3)      /* CUG with both (in/out) access  */

 * Value constants for VAL_cliRestrictionOption
#define CLIR_OPT_PERMANENT             (0x0)      /* CLI Restriction permanent      */
#define CLIR_OPT_TEMPORARY             (0x1)      /* CLI Restriction temporary default */
#define CLIR_OPT_ALLOWED               (0x2)      /* CLI Allowed temporary default  */

 * Value constants for VAL_overrideCategory
#define OVR_CAT_ENABLED                (0x0)      /* Override enabled               */
#define OVR_CAT_DISABLED               (0x1)      /* Override disabled              */

 * Value constants for VAL_clgSubscriber
#define CLG_A_NO_INFO                  (0x0)      /* No information content         */
#define CLG_A_OUTG_CALL_FWD_C          (0x1)      /* Outgoing call has been forwarded to C */

 * Value constants for VAL_fwgSubscriber
#define FWG_B_NO_INFO                  (0x0)      /* No information content         */
#define FWG_B_INC_CALL_FWD_C           (0x1)      /* Incoming call has been forwarded to C */

 * Value constants for VAL_fwdSubscriber
#define FWD_C_NO_INFO                  (0x0)      /* No information content         */
#define FWD_C_INC_CALL_FWD             (0x1)      /* Incoming call is a forwarded call */

 * Value constants for VAL_callBarringCause
#define BARC_SERV_ACTIVE               (0x0)      /* Barring service active         */
#define BARC_OPERATOR_BARR             (0x1)      /* Operator barring               */

 * Value constants for VAL_networkResource
#define NET_RCE_PLMN                   (0x0)      /* Network resource PLMN          */
#define NET_RCE_HLR                    (0x1)      /* Network resource HLR           */
#define NET_RCE_VLR                    (0x2)      /* Network resource VLR           */
#define NET_RCE_PVLR                   (0x3)      /* Network resource PVLR          */
#define NET_RCE_CTRL_MSC               (0x4)      /* Network resource controlling MSC */
#define NET_RCE_VMSC                   (0x5)      /* Network resource VMSC          */
#define NET_RCE_EIR                    (0x6)      /* Network resource EIR           */
#define NET_RCE_RSS                    (0x7)      /* Network resource RSS           */

 * Value constants for VAL_pwRegistrationFailureCause
#define PWR_FAIL_UNDETERM              (0x0)      /* Undetermined                   */
#define PWR_FAIL_INVALID_FORM          (0x1)      /* Invalid format                 */
#define PWR_FAIL_NEW_PW_MISS           (0x2)      /* New passwords mismatch         */

 * Value constants for VAL_callOnHoldIndicator
#define CHLD_CALL_RETRIEVED            (0x0)      /* Call retrieved                 */
#define CHLD_CALL_ON_HOLD              (0x1)      /* Call on hold                   */

 * Value constants for VAL_ectCallState
#define ECT_CS_ALERTING                (0x0)      /* Alerting                       */
#define ECT_CS_ACTIVE                  (0x1)      /* Active                         */

 * Value constants for VAL_guidanceInfo
#define GUI_ENTER_PW                   (0x0)      /* Enter password                 */
#define GUI_ENTER_NEW_PW               (0x1)      /* Enter new pasword              */
#define GUI_ENTER_NEW_PW_AGAIN         (0x2)      /* Enter new password again       */
#define GUI_BAD_PW_RETRY               (0x3)      /* Bad password - try again       */
#define GUI_BAD_PW_FORM                (0x4)      /* Bad password format - try again */

 * Value constants for VAL_uusService
#define UUS_1                          (0x1)      /* User user service 1            */
#define UUS_2                          (0x2)      /* User user service 2            */
#define UUS_3                          (0x3)      /* User user service 3            */

 * Value constants for VAL_uusRequired
#define UUS_NOT_REQUIRED               (0x0)      /* User user service not required */

 * Value constants for VAL_unknwnSubscrDiag
#define USD_IMSI_UNKNOWN               (0x0)      /* IMSI unknown                   */
#define USD_GPRS_SUBSCR_UNKNOWN        (0x1)      /* GPRS subscription unknown      */

 * Value constants for VAL_absentSubscriberReason
#define ASR_IMSI_DETACH                (0x0)      /* IMSI detach                    */
#define ASR_RESTRICTED_AREA            (0x1)      /* Restricted area                */
#define ASR_NO_PAGE_RESPONSE           (0x2)      /* No page response               */

 * user defined constants
#define MAX_PARTY_NUM                  (0x26)     
#define MAX_SUBADDR_NUM                (0x14)     
#define MAX_CUGS_NUM                   (0xa)      
#define MAX_CUGF_NUM                   (0xd)      
#define MAX_FF_NUM                     (0xd)      
#define MAX_BS_NUM                     (0xd)      
#define MAX_CBF_NUM                    (0xd)      
#define MAX_PWD_NUM                    (0x4)      
#define MAX_CCBSF_NUM                  (0x5)      
#define MAX_EXT_NUM                    (0xa)      
#define MAX_USSD_DATA                  (0xc8)     
#define MAX_USSD_DATAB                 (0x640)    
#define MAX_USSD_STRING                (0xa0)     
#define MAX_USSD_STRINGB               (0x500)    
#define MAX_EVAL_LEN                   (0x4)      
#define MAX_NAME_STRING                (0xa0)     
#define MAX_NAME_STRINGB               (0x500)    
#define MAX_MSISDN_LEN                 (0x14)     

#include "CDG_LEAVE.h"
