view src/ui3/bmi/mmiDictionary.c @ 640:16eb1b9640dc

target gtm900 renamed to gtm900mgc2 This change reflects the fact that the build target in question supports MGC2GSMT hardware only, and will NOT work on other hw that confusing bears the same end user name of GTM900, neither the LoCosto-based GTM900-C nor the Calypso-based MG01GSMT that has a different and incompatible RFFE. If we ever get our hands on a piece of MG01GSMT hw and add support for it, that other target will be named gtm900mg01.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 31 Jan 2020 00:46:07 +0000
parents 6a4d9f47793e
line wrap: on
line source


					CONDAT (UK)


 This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
 disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.                                 

 $Project name:	Basic MMI                                                      
 $Project code:	BMI                                                            
 $Module:		MMI
 $File:		    Dixtionary.c
 $Revision:		1.0                                                       
 $Author:		Condat(UK)                                                         
 Description:  Predictive text dictionary functions.  
 Interfaces between the Lation text editor and the EziText API.



 $History: Dictionary.c
	Aug 16, 2004    REF: CRR 24323   Deepa M.D
	Bug:Clenup of sprintf used for tracing
	Fix:Replace the char buf[]; sprintf (buf, "...", ...); TRACE_EVENT (buf); statements by TRACE_EVENT_PX

 03/10/02		Replaced most of the file with version on 3.3.3 line (MC, SPR 1242)


#define ENTITY_MFW

/* includes */
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined (NEW_FRAME)

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"


#include "STDDEFS.H"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "vsi.h"

//#include "MmiBookShared.h"
#include "MmiBlkLangDB.h"
#include "MmiDictionary.h"
#include "zi8api.h"
#include "mfw_kbd.h"

/************************************ MACROS****************************************/
#define MAX_NO_OF_ELEMENTS 		12

/************************************* Data Type definitions ****************************/
typedef struct dict_data_
ZI8GETPARAM getParam; //global ezitext data structure
int no_of_candidates; 
int candidate_cursor;
int more_count;

} dict_data;

/*MC, SPR 1150 - Added data structure definitions*/
typedef struct
	UBYTE condat_lang;	/*Condat language code e.g. ENGLISH LANGAUGE*/
	UBYTE zi_lang;		/*Zi library language code */
	UBYTE zi_sub_lang;	/*Zi library sub-language code e.g.  British English*/


typedef struct
	UBYTE no_of_entries;
	lang_code_table_entry* entries;

/*MC end*/
/*************************************Global Variables***********************************/

ZI8WCHAR element_buffer[MAX_NO_OF_ELEMENTS];

static dict_data Dictionary;

/*MC SPR 1150- hardcoded Language table*/
/*This is used to correlate the current language with the language settings needed for Ezitext*/
/*If we add new lanaguages, we just need to amend this table*/
lang_code_table_entry LangCodeTableEntries[] =
lang_code_table LangCodeTable = { 2, LangCodeTableEntries};
void convert_chars_to_ascii(char* string, UBYTE language);/*SPR 1508*/


 $Function:    	Initialize_Dict

 $Description:	Initialises Predictive Text libs
 $Returns:		status int

 $Arguments:	 language, text entry mode(may be used for chinese e.g. pinyin/stroke)
int Initialize_Dict(UBYTE language, UBYTE entry_mode)
{	int i;

	/*MC, SPR 1150- more generic code for setting Zi library parameters*/
	/* for each entry in language table*/
	for(i=0; i< LangCodeTable.no_of_entries; i++)
	{/*if current language in table*/
		if (LangCodeTable.entries[i].condat_lang == language)
		{	/*use Zi language definitions*/
			Dictionary.getParam.Language = LangCodeTable.entries[i].zi_lang;
			Dictionary.getParam.SubLanguage = LangCodeTable.entries[i].zi_sub_lang;
	/*if no entry found*/
	if (i>=LangCodeTable.no_of_entries)
		return 1; /*exit with error code*/
	Dictionary.getParam.GetMode = ZI8_GETMODE_DEFAULT;
	Dictionary.getParam.SubLanguage = ZI8_SUBLANG_EN_ALL;
	Dictionary.getParam.Context = ZI8_GETCONTEXT_DEFAULT;
	Dictionary.getParam.GetOptions = ZI8_GETOPTION_STRINGS;
	Dictionary.getParam.pElements = element_buffer;
	Dictionary.getParam.pCandidates = candidates_buffer;
	Dictionary.getParam.MaxCandidates = CANDIDATES_PER_GROUP + 1;
	Dictionary.getParam.pScratch = NULL;
	Dictionary.getParam.FirstCandidate = 0;
	memset(element_buffer, 0, MAX_NO_OF_ELEMENTS*sizeof(ZI8WCHAR));
	memset(candidates_buffer, 0, MAX_NO_OF_ELEMENTS*CANDIDATES_PER_GROUP);
	Dictionary.getParam.ElementCount = 0;
	Dictionary.more_count = 0;
	Dictionary.no_of_candidates = 0;
	Dictionary.candidate_cursor = 0;
	return 0;


 $Function:    	DictAlphaKeyPress

 $Description:	Passes keypress to pred text lib and puts first match into string param
 $Returns:		status int

 $Arguments:	 keycode, string
int DictAlphaKeyPress(UBYTE keycode, char* first_candidate)
	ZI8WCHAR new_keycode=0;
	//convert keycode to Ezitext code
		switch (keycode)
			case KCD_1:  new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_PUNCT; break;
			case KCD_2: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_ABC; break;
			case KCD_3: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_DEF; break;
			case KCD_4: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_GHI; break;
			case KCD_5: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_JKL; break;
			case KCD_6: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_MNO; break;
			case KCD_7: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_PQRS; break;
			case KCD_8: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_TUV; break;
			case KCD_9: new_keycode = ZI8_CODE_LATIN_WXYZ; break;
			default: break;
	/*MC, SPR 1150  - removed any code for chinese Pinyin from this function*/
	//place in array of elements
	Dictionary.getParam.pElements[Dictionary.getParam.ElementCount++] = new_keycode;
	Dictionary.more_count = 0;
	Dictionary.getParam.FirstCandidate = 0; //start new word search
	Dictionary.candidate_cursor = 0;
	Dictionary.no_of_candidates = Zi8GetCandidates(&Dictionary.getParam);

	if (Dictionary.no_of_candidates == 0)
	{	TRACE_EVENT("NO candidates returned");
		return DictBackSpace(first_candidate);
		/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes Start***********************/
		//Aug 16, 2004    REF: CRR 24323   Deepa M.D	
		TRACE_EVENT_P1("No of candidates returned: %d", Dictionary.no_of_candidates);
		/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes end***********************/

	Zi8Copy((PZI8UCHAR)first_candidate, (&Dictionary.getParam), Dictionary.candidate_cursor);
	/*MC, SPR 1150 - removed any code for chinese Pinyin from this function*/

	/*SPR 1508*/
	if (Mmi_getCurrentLanguage() == GERMAN_LANGUAGE)
			convert_chars_to_ascii(first_candidate, Mmi_getCurrentLanguage());
	/*return 0;*/
	/* SH - '1' will now be returned if the key is accepted, 0 otherwise */
	return 1;


 $Function:    	ResetDictSearch

 $Description:	Resets dictionary search as match selected
 $Returns:		status int

 $Arguments:	none

int  ResetDictSearch()
	Dictionary.getParam.ElementCount = 0;
	Dictionary.more_count = 0;
	Dictionary.no_of_candidates = 0;
	Dictionary.candidate_cursor = 0;

	return 0;


 $Function:    	MoreCandidates

 $Description:	gets next (set of) candidate(s)
 $Returns:		status int

 $Arguments:	string, pointer to int(not used ATM)
//get the next set of candidates
//At the moment we only get one candidate at a time, but this allows us to get more than one
int MoreCandidates(char* first_candidate, int* no_of_candidates)

	//any more candidates to retrieve?
	if (Dictionary.no_of_candidates > CANDIDATES_PER_GROUP)
		Dictionary.getParam.FirstCandidate = Dictionary.more_count  *CANDIDATES_PER_GROUP;
		Dictionary.no_of_candidates = Zi8GetCandidates(&Dictionary.getParam);

		Zi8Copy((PZI8UCHAR)first_candidate, &(Dictionary.getParam), Dictionary.candidate_cursor);
		//return first candidate in group

		Dictionary.more_count = 0;
		Dictionary.getParam.FirstCandidate = 0;
		Dictionary.no_of_candidates = Zi8GetCandidates(&Dictionary.getParam);

		Zi8Copy((PZI8UCHAR)first_candidate, &(Dictionary.getParam), Dictionary.candidate_cursor);
	/*SPR 1508*/
	if (Mmi_getCurrentLanguage() == GERMAN_LANGUAGE)
		convert_chars_to_ascii(first_candidate, Mmi_getCurrentLanguage());	

	return 0;


 $Function:    	ConvertToKeyPresses

 $Description:	Takes a string and sends it as keypresses to dictionary to start new search
 $Returns:		status int

 $Arguments:	input string, output string(first match)
//takes in a string
int ConvertToKeyPresses(char* string, char* first_candidate)
{	int no_of_chars;
	int i;
	no_of_chars = strlen(string);
	for (i=0; i < no_of_chars; i++)
		switch (string[i])
			case ('A'):
			case ('a'):
			case ('B'):
			case ('b'):
			case ('C'):
			case ('c'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_2, first_candidate); break;
			case ('D'):
			case ('d'):
			case ('E'):
			case ('e'):
			case ('F'):
			case ('f'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_3, first_candidate); break;
			case ('G'):
			case ('g'):
			case ('H'):
			case ('h'):
			case ('I'):
			case ('i'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_4, first_candidate); break;
			case ('J'):
			case ('j'):
			case ('K'):
			case ('k'):
			case ('L'):
			case ('l'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_5, first_candidate); break;
			case ('M'):
			case ('m'):
			case ('N'):
			case ('n'):
			case ('O'):
			case ('o'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_6, first_candidate); break;
			case ('P'):
			case ('p'):
			case ('Q'):
			case ('q'):
			case ('R'):
			case ('r'):
			case ('S'):
			case ('s'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_7, first_candidate); break;
			case ('T'):
			case ('t'):
			case ('U'):
			case ('u'):
			case ('V'):
			case ('v'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_8, first_candidate); break;
			case ('W'):
			case ('w'):
			case ('X'):
			case ('x'):
			case ('Y'):
			case ('y'):
			case ('Z'):
			case ('z'):
					DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_9, first_candidate); break;
			default:  DictAlphaKeyPress(KCD_1, first_candidate); break;
	Dictionary.no_of_candidates = Zi8GetCandidates(&Dictionary.getParam);
	Zi8Copy((PZI8UCHAR)first_candidate, &Dictionary.getParam, Dictionary.candidate_cursor);
	if (Mmi_getCurrentLanguage() == GERMAN_LANGUAGE)
			convert_chars_to_ascii(first_candidate, Mmi_getCurrentLanguage());	
	return 0;

 $Function:    	DictBackSpace
 $Description:	Removes last char from list of elements in dictionary search
 $Returns:		status int

 $Arguments:  output string(first match)
int DictBackSpace(char* first_candidate)

	if (Dictionary.more_count != 0)
	{	Dictionary.more_count --;}
		if (Dictionary.getParam.ElementCount != 0)
			//replace last element with 0
			Dictionary.getParam.pElements[--Dictionary.getParam.ElementCount] = 0;
	Dictionary.more_count = 0;
	Dictionary.getParam.FirstCandidate = 0; //start new word search
	Dictionary.candidate_cursor = 0;
	Dictionary.no_of_candidates = Zi8GetCandidates(&Dictionary.getParam);
	Zi8Copy((PZI8UCHAR)first_candidate, &Dictionary.getParam, Dictionary.candidate_cursor);
	/*SPR 1508*/
	if (Mmi_getCurrentLanguage() == GERMAN_LANGUAGE)
			convert_chars_to_ascii(first_candidate, Mmi_getCurrentLanguage());
	return 0;

 $Function:    	convert_chars_to_ascii
 $Description:	Changes any language-specific chars from ezitext encoding to our ascii 
 				encoding. Added for SPR 1508. 
 $Returns:		none

 $Arguments:  input string, language
	void convert_chars_to_ascii(char* string, UBYTE language)

		  {	unsigned int i;

		  	for (i=0; i< strlen(string);i++)
		  		switch (string[i])
		  	{	case (0x1e):string[i] = (char)225;break;	/*SS*/
		  		case (0x7B):string[i] = (char)132;break;	/*a with umlaut*/
		  		case (0x7c):string[i] = (char)148;break;	/*o with umlaut*/
		  		case (0x7e):string[i] = (char)154;break;	/*u with umlaut*/

