view src/ui3/bmi/mmiIdle.h @ 660:293c7db5f10f

bmi3: fixed the mysterious "mute on first call" bug When UI-enabled fw boots on a previously blank (no /mmi/* files) FFS for the first time, the output_volume member of the persistent UI settings structure was left uninitialized, corresponding to the earpiece volume being set to mute, which is an invalid setting. Because of other quirks in the far-from-finished UI code, this volume setting takes effect only when the first call is answered, producing the odd behaviour seen at the user level. The current fix is to set the blank-FFS default for output_volume to volume level 4, which is the same -6 dB Iota volume as the ACI default.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 14 May 2020 02:50:41 +0000
parents 6a4d9f47793e
line wrap: on
line source


					CONDAT (UK)


 This software product is the property of Condat (UK) Ltd and may not be
 disclosed to any third party without the express permission of the owner.                                 

 $Project name:	Basic MMI                                                      
 $Project code:	BMI (6349)                                                           
 $Module:		Call
 $File:		    MmiIdle.h
 $Revision:		1.0                                                       
 $Author:		Condat(UK)                                                         
 $Date:		    25/10/00                                                      

 $History: MmiIdle.h
       Mar 30, 2007 OMAPS00123019 a0393213(R.Prabakar0
       Description : Reboot of the target when you unplug/plug USB cable using camera application
 	Oct 13, 2006 OMAPS00095266 a0393213(R.Prabakar)
 	Description : CT-GCF[]-Incorrect string display
 	Solution     : The DCS attribute is set dynamically

	xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389 
	ENH - a) Providing static menu for re-selection of enum options for enumeration
	b) Popup menu displayed on connect event, can be enabled or disabled via menu option
	xrashmic 9 Sep 2006, OMAPS00092732

       July 12, 2006    REF:DR OMAPS00081477   x0047075
	Description:   SMS (with SMS Report Indicator +CDS Enabled) Reset Issue.
	Solution: Added a window handler for the sms status editor.
	              If sms status editor does not exist, create it.If it already exists Update the same.
    Jun 06, 2006 DR: OMAPS00080543 - xreddymn
    Changes to display long SAT messages correctly on idle screen.

    May 15, 2006 DR: OMAPS00075852 - xreddymn
    Do not display messages on Idle screen when inside the dialer.

 	Mar 14, 2006 DR: OMAPS00061468 - x0035544.
   	Description: SAT SET UP IDLE MODE TEXT (Icon support) fails 
   	Solution : Added additional parameter to the prototype of  addSatMessage() to hold the display type
   	for  SAT idle text with icon support.

 	Sept 15, 2005    REF: CRR 32410  x0021334
	Description: The keypad unlocks even though the unlocking sequence is not executed in quick succession.
 	Fix:	A new timer expiry event is added and handled.

        xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
	25/10/00			Original Condat(UK) BMI version.	


/* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
#include "ATBCommon.h"
#include "ATBDisplay.h"
#include "ATBEditor.h"
#include "mfw_edt.h"
#include "Mmiicons.h" //for T_BITMAP

#ifndef _DEF_MMI_IDLE_H_
#define _DEF_MMI_IDLE_H_

#define EDITOR_SIZE 41					/* SPR761 - SH - Moved from MmiIdle.c, changed to 41 */

/* xreddymn OMAPS00080543 Jun-06-2006
 * Maximum length allowed for SAT messages on Idle Screen.
#define MAX_SATMSG_LEN                  296

typedef enum
{										/* REASONS                  */
 IdleNone = IdleDummy,					/* no reason                */
 IdleNormal,							/* normal idle mode         */
} E_IDLE_TYPE; /*a0393213 warnings removal-typedef name given*/

//	Sept 15, 2005    REF: CRR 32410  x0021334
//	Description: The keypad unlocks even though the unlocking sequence is not executed in quick succession.
// 	Added a new enum member IDLE_KEYPAD_UNLOCK_TIMER_EXPIRED
typedef enum
{										/* REASONS                  */
} E_IDLE_EVENTS; /*a0393213 warnings removal-typedef name given*/

typedef enum
} Version_events;

#define SHOW_CPRS_DEACTIV   	0
#define SHOW_CPRS_ACITV			1		
#define DONT_SHOW_CPRS			2 //not allowed to show any indication

*  The information related to every window must be encapsulated in such an structure
typedef struct
    T_MMI_CONTROL   mmi_control;		// this a common parameter in every structure
	T_MFW_HND win;						// windows handler, another common parameter
	T_MFW_HND kbd;						// To control all of the events, 2 handler are needed kbd that handles the key press
    T_MFW_HND kbd_long;					// event and kbd_long that handles the release and long key event.
#ifdef NEW_EDITOR						/* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
	T_ED_DATA *editor;
	T_ED_DATA *editor_sat;
	T_MFW_HND sms_status_editor;    //July 12, 2006    REF:DR OMAPS00081477  x0047075 Fix:Handler for the sms status editor
#else /* NEW_EDITOR */
    T_MFW_HND edt;
    T_MFW_HND edt_sat;					/* SPR759 - SH*/
    T_MFW_HND sms_status_edt;          //July 12,2006 REF:DR OMAPS00081477 x0047075 Fix:Handler for the sms status editor
#endif /* NEW_EDITOR */
	T_MFW_HND info_win;
	T_MFW_HND klck_win;				// Keypad Locked Window Handler
	int missedCalls;
	int ems; //xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
	UBYTE search;
	UBYTE flagIdle;
    USHORT nm_status;
    	char edt_buf[EDITOR_SIZE];			/* SPR761 - SH - Changed from a number to a constant */
#ifdef NEW_EDITOR						/* SPR#1428 - SH - New Editor changes */
	T_ED_ATTR editor_attr;				/* Dialling editor */
	T_ED_ATTR editor_attr2;				/* CB editor */
	T_ED_ATTR editor_attr3;				/* CLASS 0 SMS editor */
	T_ED_ATTR editor_attr_sat;			/* SAT & Homezone editor */
#else /* NEW_EDITOR */
	MfwEdtAttr edt_attr;				//this one for the dialling editor
	MfwEdtAttr edt_attr2;				//this is for the CB editor
	MfwEdtAttr edt_attr3;				//this is for the (only CLASS 0) SMS editor	
	MfwEdtAttr edt_attr_sat;			/* SPR759 - SH*/
#endif /* NEW_EDITOR */
	char imei[16];
    /* xreddymn OMAPS00075852 May-15-2006
     * This will be set to TRUE when dialer is being displayed.
    UBYTE dialer_visible;
    UBYTE new_sms;
    UBYTE new_cbch;
	CHAR incoming_cb_msg[MAX_CBMSG_LEN]; 
	/*NM, p019*/
	CHAR incoming_sms_msg[MAX_MSG_LEN_SGL]; 	
    UBYTE right_key_pressed;
    UBYTE silent_mode;
    UBYTE clean_screen;
    UBYTE ciphering;
    UBYTE starting_up;                  /*SPR#1662 - NH - New field for checking the start up status */
    /* xreddymn OMAPS00080543 Jun-06-2006 */
    CHAR incoming_sat_msg[MAX_SATMSG_LEN];		/* SPR759 - SH*/
    T_BITMAP* idleNetLogo;				//Background for idle screen - NULL if no background.
	T_BITMAP * idleBgd;				//Background image on the idle Screen    
    int defTextOffset;				//start point for text (may vary with bitmap ?)
} T_idle;

extern UBYTE KeyPadLock;
extern T_idle idle_data;/*Oct 13 2006, OMAPS00095266, a0393213(R.Prabakar)*/
extern T_MFW_HND usb_opt_win; /*Mar 30, 2007 OMAPS00123019 a0393213(R.Prabakar)*/
                                        /* PROTOTYPES               */
extern void wake_up_rr(void);

void idleInit (MfwHnd parent);
void idleExit (void);
void idleExec (int reason, MmiState next);
void idleEvent(int reason);
void idleDialBuffer(char* dialBuffer);

MfwHnd idle_get_window(void);

int idleIsFocussed(void);

void idle_set_starting_up(UBYTE set);

void windowsUpdate(void);

void addMissedCall(void);
void addNewEMS(void);//xrashmic 26 Aug, 2004 MMI-SPR-23931
void addCBCH(char* cbch_string, UBYTE type);
void statusCBCH(UBYTE status);

// 09-Dec-2005, Shashi Shekar B.S., a0876501, START
//x0035544 Mar 14, 2006 DR:OMAPS00061468
**Sending additional parameter display_type to hold the display type for SAT Idle text with icon display
void addSatMessage(char *satMessage, UBYTE width, UBYTE height,
						char *dst, UBYTE selfExplanatory, T_DISPLAY_TYPE display_type);
void addSatMessage(char *satMessage);		/* SPR759 - SH*/
extern void showIMEI (T_MFW_HND win, char* IMEI);
void idle_setBgdBitmap(int bmp);

/* Added to remove warning Aug - 11 */
EXTERN U32 dspl_GetBorderColour ( void );
EXTERN U32 dspl_GetFgdColour ( void );
EXTERN U32 dspl_SetBorderColour (U32 inColour);
EXTERN int dspl_GetContrastColour( int ipCol);
EXTERN UBYTE sms_check_message_pending(void);
EXTERN int M_callVoice(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
/* End - Remove warning Aug - 11 */


/* Callback function for powermanagement timer. */
int powerManagementEvent( MfwEvt e, MfwTim *tc );

/*function for updating PM timer.*/
void mmi_update_pm_timer_duration(void);

/*function to enable/disable Power Management .*/
void mmi_pm_enable( int enable_pm);
//xashmic 9 Sep 2006, OMAPS00092732
void mmi_usb_mode_connect(void);
void mmi_usb_mode_disconnect(void);
GLOBAL int mmi_usb_enumeration (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
GLOBAL int setUSBMSPS (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);//xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389 
GLOBAL int setUSBMSPopup (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);//xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389 
UBYTE getUSBMSFlags(void);//xashmic 27 Sep 2006, OMAPS00096389 
