;********************************************************************************;*** File : dcm.pdf;*** Creation : Wed Mar 11 09:57:42 CST 2009;*** XSLT Processor : Apache Software Foundation / http://xml.apache.org/xalan-j / supports XSLT-Ver: 1;*** Copyright : (c) Texas Instruments AG, Berlin Germany 2002;********************************************************************************;*** Document Type : Service Access Point Specification;*** Document Name : dcm;*** Document No. : 8462.101.03.001;*** Document Date : 2003-09-03;*** Document Status: BEING_PROCESSED;*** Document Author: STW;********************************************************************************PRAGMA SRC_FILE_TIME "Thu Nov 29 09:39:32 2007"PRAGMA LAST_MODIFIED "2003-09-03"PRAGMA ID_AND_VERSION "8462.101.03.001"CONST CDCM_APN_MAX_LEN 100 ; Maximum length of an access point nameCONST CDCM_PHONE_NR_LEN 84 ; Maximum length of a CSD phone numberCONST CDCM_PDP_MAX_LEN 20 ; Maximum length of PDP addressCONST CDCM_GATE_MAX_LEN 20 ; Maximum length of gateway addressCONST CDCM_USER_MAX_LEN 25 ; Maximum length of user nameCONST CDCM_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN 25 ; Maximum length of passwordCONST CDCM_DNS_MAX_LEN 20 ; Maximum length of DNS addressesVALTAB VAL_bearer_selectVAL 1 DCM_SOCK_BEARER_ANY "DCM will decide which connection type to be used"VAL 2 DCM_SOCK_BEARER_GPRS "Use a GPRS context as bearer, DCM will decide which GPRS settings to be used"VAL 3 DCM_SOCK_BEARER_GSM "Use GSM data connection as bearer DCM will decide which GSM settings to be used"VAL 4 DCM_SOCK_BEARER_USE_PROFILE "Use a specific data account for this connection"VAL 5 DCM_SOCK_BEARER_AS_SPECIFIED "Use the data account information which is which is delivered within this signal"VALTAB VAL_authtypeVAL 1 DCM_SOCK_AUTH_PAP "PAP authentification protocol"VAL 2 DCM_SOCK_AUTH_CHAP "CHAP authentification protocol !!! NOT SUPPORTED"VAL 3 DCM_SOCK_AUTH_NO "No authentication"VALTAB VAL_resultVAL 0 DCM_RET_OK "The action has been performed successfully."VAL 1 DCM_RET_NOT_READY "The command can not be processed now."VAL 2 DCM_RET_ALREADY_ACTIVATED "Connection refused because already actuvated."VAL 3 DCM_RET_UNKNOWN_EVENT "Unknown receipt event."VAL 4 DCM_RET_INVALID_PARAMETER "A parameter is wrong."VAL 5 DCM_RET_CMD_PENDING "There is a pending command yet."VAL 6 DCM_RET_PS_CONN_BROKEN "Loose of bearer connection."VAR api_instance "The api_instance value returned by sock_api_initialize()." LVAR bearer_handle "Bearer handle" SVAR bearer_select "Bearer type" MVAL @p_dcm - VAL_bearer_select@ VAR authtype "Authentication type" SVAL @p_dcm - VAL_authtype@ VAR profile_number "Profile ID for bearer selection" SVAR bearer_handle "Systemwide bearer handle" SVAR app_handle "Comm handle of application" SVAR bearer_type "Used bearer type" BVAR apn_valid "Flag for apn validation" BVAR apn "Access Point Name" BVAR phone_number_valid "Flag for phone number validation" BVAR phone_number "CSD dial up phone number" BVAR user_id_valid "Flag for user ID validation" BVAR user_id "User ID" BVAR password_valid "Flag for password validation" BVAR password "Password" BVAR cid "GPRS context ID" SVAR ip_address "Used IP address" LVAR dns1 "First domain name server" LVAR dns2 "Second domain name server" LVAR gateway "Gateway address" LVAR auth_type "Type of authentication" SVAR data_compr "Flag for data compression" BVAR header_compr "Flag for header compression" BVAR precedence "GPRS precedence class" SVAR delay "GPRS delay class" SVAR reliability "GPRS reliability class" SVAR peak_throughput "GPRS peak throughput" SVAR mean_throughput "GPRS mean throughput" SVAR shareable "Flag for sharing requested bearer conn" BVAR result "Result of the operation" MVAL @p_dcm - VAL_result@ VAR dcm_err "Error value" MCOMP dcm_info_conn "Connection information"{ bearer_handle ; Systemwide bearer handle app_handle ; Comm handle of application bearer_type ; Used bearer type apn_valid ; Flag for apn validation apn [CDCM_APN_MAX_LEN + 1] ; Access Point Name phone_number_valid ; Flag for phone number validation phone_number [CDCM_PHONE_NR_LEN + 1] ; CSD dial up phone number user_id_valid ; Flag for user ID validation user_id [CDCM_USER_MAX_LEN + 1] ; User ID password_valid ; Flag for password validation password [CDCM_PASSWORD_MAX_LEN + 1] ; Password cid ; GPRS context ID ip_address ; Used IP address dns1 ; First domain name server dns2 ; Second domain name server gateway ; Gateway address auth_type ; Type of authentication data_compr ; Flag for data compression header_compr ; Flag for header compression precedence ; GPRS precedence class delay ; GPRS delay class reliability ; GPRS reliability class peak_throughput ; GPRS peak throughput mean_throughput ; GPRS mean throughput shareable ; Flag for sharing requested bearer conn}; DCM_OPEN_CONN_REQ 0x8000401C; DCM_OPEN_CONN_CNF 0x8000001C; DCM_CLOSE_CONN_REQ 0x8001401C; DCM_CLOSE_CONN_CNF 0x8001001C; DCM_GET_CURRENT_CONN_REQ 0x8002401C; DCM_GET_CURRENT_CONN_CNF 0x8002001C; DCM_ERROR_IND 0x8003001CPRIM DCM_OPEN_CONN_REQ 0x8000401C{ api_instance ; Api instance bearer_select ; Bearer type profile_number ; profile number dcm_info_conn ; Paramater used for bearer connection}PRIM DCM_OPEN_CONN_CNF 0x8000001C{ result ; Result of the operation bearer_handle ; Bearer handle}PRIM DCM_CLOSE_CONN_REQ 0x8001401C{ api_instance ; Api instance bearer_handle ; Beare handle}PRIM DCM_CLOSE_CONN_CNF 0x8001001C{ result ; Result of the operation}PRIM DCM_GET_CURRENT_CONN_REQ 0x8002401C{ api_instance ; Api instance bearer_handle ; Beare handle}PRIM DCM_GET_CURRENT_CONN_CNF 0x8002001C{ result ; Result of the operation dcm_info_conn ; Connection information}PRIM DCM_ERROR_IND 0x8003001C{ dcm_err ; Error value result ; Result of the operation}