view LICENSE @ 629:3231dd9b38c1

armio.c: make GPIOs 8 & 13 outputs driving 1 on all "classic" targets Calypso GPIOs 8 & 13 are pinmuxed with MCUEN1 & MCUEN2, respectively, and on powerup these pins are MCUEN, i.e., outputs driving 1. TI's code for C-Sample and earlier turns them into GPIOs configured as outputs also driving 1 - so far, so good - but TI's code for BOARD 41 (which covers D-Sample, Leonardo and all real world Calypso devices derived from the latter) switches them from MCUEN to GPIOs, but then leaves them as inputs. Given that the hardware powerup state of these two pins is outputs driving 1, every Calypso board design MUST be compatible with such driving; typically these GPIO signals will be either unused and unconnected or connected as outputs driving some peripheral. Turning these pins into GPIO inputs will result in floating inputs on every reasonably-wired board, thus I am convinced that this configuration is nothing but a bug on the part of whoever wrote this code at TI. This floating input bug had already been fixed earlier for GTA modem and FCDEV3B targets; the present change makes the fix unconditional for all "classic" targets. The newly affected targets are D-Sample, Leonardo, Tango and GTM900.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 02 Jan 2020 05:38:26 +0000
parents 6f0874b00973
children 8c74c177e914
line wrap: on
line source

FreeCalypso original work

The present FreeCalypso firmware is a derived work based on TI's TCS211 and
TCS3.2 firmwares.  However, even though it is based on these two starting points
from TI, our FreeCalypso fw is a software product in its own right, and is NOT
merely a "hacked" copy of some TI firmware.  The particular way in which we have
combined and integrated pieces from TCS211 and from TCS3.2 to produce our
TCS2/TCS3 hybrid, our meticulous source reconstruction of TCS211 L1 that
originally came in binary object form, our completely new and original firmware
configuration and build system, all of our new code that supports new board-
level hardware targets that use TI chips but aren't TI's historical development
boards, and all other significant new developments made in FreeCalypso
constitute our own original work.

All original work in FreeCalypso that is not directly traceable to some
historical TI code component has been written by Mother Mychaela Nadezhda
Falconia, and I refuse to claim copyright on this software work.  I hereby
immediately place this work in the public domain; it may be used, copied,
distorted or destroyed in any manner whatsoever without further attribution
or notice to the creator.

Code pieces from TI

In the case of those code components which originate from TI, we did not get
them *from* TI per se, instead we have found them freely on the Internet.  I,
Mother Mychaela, have made multiple attempts to reach out to TI, informing them
about the existence of our FreeCalypso family of projects and what I am doing
with their old abandoned software IP.  I was not able to get any positive
response from them in the form of support or help with obtaining those pieces
of historical code and documentation which are still missing, but they have not
taken any adverse action against us either; specifically, they never said
explicitly that they object to what I am doing (producing and freely
distributing my own Derived Works based on their abandonware IP), and they
never asked me to stop doing so.

Based on the fact that TI have chosen to not take any action against our family
of projects despite being fully informed and having been given multiple
opportunities to do so over the course of many years, we hereby make the
reasonable conclusion that TI do not object to us using their fully abandoned
and discontinued IP as if it were Free Software, and I, Mother Mychaela, shall
continue doing the same for as long as I am alive and physically able.