view cdg211/cdginc/p_gmmrr.h @ 629:3231dd9b38c1

armio.c: make GPIOs 8 & 13 outputs driving 1 on all "classic" targets Calypso GPIOs 8 & 13 are pinmuxed with MCUEN1 & MCUEN2, respectively, and on powerup these pins are MCUEN, i.e., outputs driving 1. TI's code for C-Sample and earlier turns them into GPIOs configured as outputs also driving 1 - so far, so good - but TI's code for BOARD 41 (which covers D-Sample, Leonardo and all real world Calypso devices derived from the latter) switches them from MCUEN to GPIOs, but then leaves them as inputs. Given that the hardware powerup state of these two pins is outputs driving 1, every Calypso board design MUST be compatible with such driving; typically these GPIO signals will be either unused and unconnected or connected as outputs driving some peripheral. Turning these pins into GPIO inputs will result in floating inputs on every reasonably-wired board, thus I am convinced that this configuration is nothing but a bug on the part of whoever wrote this code at TI. This floating input bug had already been fixed earlier for GTA modem and FCDEV3B targets; the present change makes the fix unconditional for all "classic" targets. The newly affected targets are D-Sample, Leonardo, Tango and GTM900.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 02 Jan 2020 05:38:26 +0000
parents 56abf6cf8a0b
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK                                                 |
| FILE    : p_gmmrr.h                                                      |
| SOURCE  : "__out__\g23m_dfile\prim\gmmrr.pdf"                            |
| LastModified : "2003-09-02"                                              |
| IdAndVersion : "8441.101.03.025"                                         |
| SrcFileTime  : "Tue Aug 10 15:45:16 2004"                                |
| Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5 on Fri Jun 08 13:59:15 2007                    |
|           !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!                |

 * PREFIX                 : NONE

#ifndef P_GMMRR_H
#define P_GMMRR_H


#define CDG_ENTER__P_GMMRR_H__LAST_MODIFIED _2003_09_02
#define CDG_ENTER__P_GMMRR_H__ID_AND_VERSION _8441_101_03_025

#define CDG_ENTER__P_GMMRR_H__SRC_FILE_TIME _Tue_Aug_10_15_45_16_2004

#include "CDG_ENTER.h"



#include "p_gmmrr.val"

#ifndef __T_imsi__
#define __T_imsi__
 * mobile identity
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1155
typedef struct
  U8                        v_mid;                    /*<  0:  1> valid flag                                         */
  U8                        id_type;                  /*<  1:  1> type of identity                                   */
  U8                        id[MAX_DIGITS];           /*<  2: 16> IMSI digits                                        */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*< 18:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*< 19:  1> alignment                                          */
  U32                       tmsi_dig;                 /*< 20:  4> TMSI digits                                        */
} T_imsi;

#ifndef __T_plmn__
#define __T_plmn__
 * PLMN identification
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1156
typedef struct
  U8                        v_plmn;                   /*<  0:  1> Valid Flag                                         */
  U8                        mcc[SIZE_MCC];            /*<  1:  3> Mobile Country Code                                */
  U8                        mnc[SIZE_MNC];            /*<  4:  3> Mobile Network Code                                */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  7:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_plmn;

#ifndef __T_rai__
#define __T_rai__
 * routing area identifier
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1157
typedef struct
  T_plmn                    plmn;                     /*<  0:  8> PLMN identification                                */
  U16                       lac;                      /*<  8:  2> location area code                                 */
  U8                        rac;                      /*< 10:  1> routing area code                                  */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*< 11:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_rai;

#ifndef __T_cell_env__
#define __T_cell_env__
 * current location of the mobile equipment
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1158
typedef struct
  T_rai                     rai;                      /*<  0: 12> routing area identifier                            */
  U16                       cid;                      /*< 12:  2> cell identification                                */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*< 14:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*< 15:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_cell_env;

#ifndef __T_cell_info__
#define __T_cell_info__
 * Cell information
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1159
typedef struct
  T_cell_env                cell_env;                 /*<  0: 16> current location of the mobile equipment           */
  U8                        service_state;            /*< 16:  1> Service state                                      */
  U8                        net_mode;                 /*< 17:  1> Network operation mode                             */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*< 18:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*< 19:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_cell_info;

 * End of substructure section, begin of primitive definition section

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_ASSIGN_REQ__
#define __T_GMMRR_ASSIGN_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1160
typedef struct
  U32                       old_tlli;                 /*<  0:  4> old temporary logical link identifier              */
  U32                       new_tlli;                 /*<  4:  4> new temporary logical link identifier              */
  U32                       old_ptmsi;                /*<  8:  4> old ptmsi                                          */
  U32                       new_ptmsi;                /*< 12:  4> new ptmsi                                          */
  T_imsi                    imsi;                     /*< 16: 24> mobile identity                                    */
  T_rai                     rai;                      /*< 40: 12> routing area identifier                            */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_ENABLE_REQ__
#define __T_GMMRR_ENABLE_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1161
typedef struct
  U8                        mobile_class;             /*<  0:  1> Mobile Class                                       */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U16                       acc_contr_class;          /*<  2:  2> Access Control Class                               */
  U16                       split_pg_cycle;           /*<  4:  2> Split paging cycle (the value, NOT the code)       */
  U8                        spgc_ccch_supp;           /*<  6:  1> Split paging cycle support on CCCH                 */
  U8                        gmmrr_non_drx_timer;      /*<  7:  1> non-DRX timer                                      */

 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1162
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_CELL_IND__
#define __T_GMMRR_CELL_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1163
typedef struct
  T_cell_info               cell_info;                /*<  0: 20> Cell information                                   */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_READY_REQ__
#define __T_GMMRR_READY_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1164
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1165
typedef struct
  U8                        standby_cause;            /*<  0:  1> standby cause                                      */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_PAGE_IND__
#define __T_GMMRR_PAGE_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1166
typedef struct
  U8                        page_id;                  /*<  0:  1> Page ID                                            */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_CS_PAGE_IND__
#define __T_GMMRR_CS_PAGE_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1167
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_CS_PAGE_RES__
#define __T_GMMRR_CS_PAGE_RES__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1168
typedef struct
  U8                        response;                 /*<  0:  1> CS Paging respnonse                                */
  U8                        susp_gprs;                /*<  1:  1> suspend GPRS                                       */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1169
typedef struct
  U8                        susp_gprs;                /*<  0:  1> suspend GPRS                                       */
  U8                        gmmrr_susp_cause;         /*<  1:  1> suspension cause                                   */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1170
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_RESUME_REQ__
#define __T_GMMRR_RESUME_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1171
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1172
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1173
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_CELL_RES__
#define __T_GMMRR_CELL_RES__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1174
typedef struct
  U8                        cu_cause;                 /*<  0:  1> Cell Update Cause                                  */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_GMMRR_CR_IND__
#define __T_GMMRR_CR_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==1175
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#include "CDG_LEAVE.h"
