view src/aci2/ksd/ksd_utl.c @ 629:3231dd9b38c1

armio.c: make GPIOs 8 & 13 outputs driving 1 on all "classic" targets Calypso GPIOs 8 & 13 are pinmuxed with MCUEN1 & MCUEN2, respectively, and on powerup these pins are MCUEN, i.e., outputs driving 1. TI's code for C-Sample and earlier turns them into GPIOs configured as outputs also driving 1 - so far, so good - but TI's code for BOARD 41 (which covers D-Sample, Leonardo and all real world Calypso devices derived from the latter) switches them from MCUEN to GPIOs, but then leaves them as inputs. Given that the hardware powerup state of these two pins is outputs driving 1, every Calypso board design MUST be compatible with such driving; typically these GPIO signals will be either unused and unconnected or connected as outputs driving some peripheral. Turning these pins into GPIO inputs will result in floating inputs on every reasonably-wired board, thus I am convinced that this configuration is nothing but a bug on the part of whoever wrote this code at TI. This floating input bug had already been fixed earlier for GTA modem and FCDEV3B targets; the present change makes the fix unconditional for all "classic" targets. The newly affected targets are D-Sample, Leonardo, Tango and GTM900.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 02 Jan 2020 05:38:26 +0000
parents 93999a60b835
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  GSM-F&D (8411)
|  Modul   :  KSD_UTL
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This module defines utility functions for the KSD
|             component of the protocol stack.

#ifndef KSD_UTL_C
#define KSD_UTL_C

#include "aci_all.h"
/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/

/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/

#define SUBADDR_DELIMITER '-'  /* used to separate the subaddress  */
                               /* from the main address            */
#define NULL_TERM         '\0' /* string termination               */

/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/

/*==== EXPORT =====================================================*/

/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/

/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_cutInternational     |

  PURPOSE : This function cuts all characters which signals that the
            dial number is international (leading '+' or leading

            <dial>:       the origin dial number
            <cuttedDial>: the dial number without leading '+' or '00'

            returns:      TRUE if the dial number was of the type
                          international, otherwise FALSE.
LOCAL BOOL utl_cutInternational (CHAR* dial, CHAR** cuttedDial)
  BOOL international = FALSE; /* holds whether number is */
                              /* international           */

  if (dial[0] EQ '+')
    international = TRUE;
    *cuttedDial   = dial + 1;
   * 00 is not an indication for an international call
  else if (dial[0] EQ '0' AND dial[1] EQ '0')
    international = TRUE;
    *cuttedDial   = dial + 2;
    *cuttedDial   = dial;

  return international;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_getValidDialchars    |

  PURPOSE : This function returns the number of valid dial characters 
            in the buffer. This function is only used to process 
            the subaddress part.

            <dial>:  the dial number (subaddress)

            returns: the number of valid dial characters.
LOCAL USHORT utl_getValidDialchars (CHAR* dial)
  USHORT numChars = 0; /* holds number of valid dial characters */
  USHORT i        = 0; /* used for counting                     */

  while (dial[i] NEQ NULL_TERM)
    if ((dial[i] >= '0' AND dial[i] <= '9') OR
        (dial[i] >= 'A' AND dial[i] <= 'C') OR
        (dial[i] >= 'a' AND dial[i] <= 'c') OR
         dial[i] EQ '*'                     OR
         dial[i] EQ '#'                       )

  return numChars;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_splitDialnumber      |

  PURPOSE : This function splits a dial string into address and
            subaddress and delivers additional information about
            the specific types of addresses.

            <dial>:          the origin dial number
            <main>:          the main address of the dial number;
                             if it was international, leading '+'
                             or '00' are cutted
            <international>: TRUE if the dial number is international,
                             otherwise FALSE
            <sub>:           the sub address of the dial number or
                             NULL if there is none
            <numCharsSub>:   the number of valid dial characters of
                             the sub address
GLOBAL void utl_splitDialnumber (CHAR*   dial,
                                 CHAR**  main,
                                 BOOL*   international,
                                 CHAR**  sub,
                                 USHORT* numCharsSub)
  CHAR* token; /* points to dial number */
  if (dial NEQ NULL)
    token = strchr (dial, SUBADDR_DELIMITER);
    if (token NEQ NULL)
      *token       = NULL_TERM;
      *sub         = ++token;
      *numCharsSub = utl_getValidDialchars (token);
      *sub         = NULL;
      *numCharsSub = 0;

    *international = utl_cutInternational (dial, main);
    *main          = NULL;
    *international = FALSE;
    *sub           = NULL;
    *numCharsSub   = 0;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_string2UByte         |

  PURPOSE : This function converts characters from a buffer to an
            unsigned byte value.

            <inUByte>:  buffer containing the characters forming 
                        the unsigned byte value
            <inLen>:    number of characters to be taken into account
            <outValue>: the converted value

            returns:    TRUE if the conversion was successful,
                        otherwise FALSE.
GLOBAL BOOL utl_string2UByte (CHAR*  inUByte,
                              USHORT inLen,
                              UBYTE* outValue)
  UBYTE result = 0; /* holds the result value of conversion */

  if (inLen EQ 0)
    return TRUE;

  while (inLen--)
    result *= 10;
    if (*inUByte >= '0' AND *inUByte <= '9')
      result += *inUByte++ - '0';
      return FALSE;

  *outValue = result;
  return TRUE;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_string2Byte          |

  PURPOSE : This function converts characters from a buffer to a
            signed byte value.

            <inByte>:   buffer containing the characters forming 
                        the signed byte value
            <inLen>:    number of characters to be taken into account
            <outValue>: the converted value

            returns:    TRUE if the conversion was successful,
                        otherwise FALSE.
GLOBAL BOOL utl_string2Byte (CHAR*  inByte,
                             USHORT inLen,
                             BYTE*  outValue)
  BYTE result = 0; /* holds the result value of conversion */

  if (inLen EQ 0)
    return TRUE;

  while (inLen--)
    result *= 10;
    if (*inByte >= '0' AND *inByte <= '9')
      result += *inByte++ - '0';
      return FALSE;

  *outValue = result;
  return TRUE;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_string2Short         |

  PURPOSE : This function converts characters from a buffer to an
            short value.

            <inShort>:  buffer containing the characters forming 
                        the short value
            <inLen>:    number of characters to be taken into account
            <outValue>: the converted value

            returns:    TRUE if the conversion was successful,
                        otherwise FALSE.
GLOBAL BOOL utl_string2Short (CHAR*  inShort,
                              USHORT inLen,
                              SHORT* outValue)
  SHORT result = 0; /* holds the result value of conversion */

  if (inLen EQ 0)
    return TRUE;

  while (inLen--)
    result *= 10;
    if (*inShort >= '0' AND *inShort <= '9')
      result += *inShort++ - '0';
      return FALSE;

  *outValue = result;
  return TRUE;

| PROJECT : GSM-PS (6147)         MODULE  : KSD_UTL                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : utl_string2Long          |

  PURPOSE : This function converts characters from a buffer to an
            long value.

            <inLong>:   buffer containing the characters forming 
                        the short value
            <inLen>:    number of characters to be taken into account
            <outValue>: the converted value

            returns:    TRUE if the conversion was successful,
                        otherwise FALSE.
GLOBAL BOOL utl_string2Long (CHAR*  inLong,
                             USHORT inLen,
                             LONG*  outValue)
  LONG result = 0; /* holds the result value of conversion */

  if (inLen EQ 0)
    return TRUE;

  while (inLen--)
    result *= 10;
    if (*inLong >= '0' AND *inLong <= '9')
      result += *inLong++ - '0';
      return FALSE;

  *outValue = result;
  return TRUE;