view src/cs/drivers/drv_app/sim/sim.h @ 629:3231dd9b38c1

armio.c: make GPIOs 8 & 13 outputs driving 1 on all "classic" targets Calypso GPIOs 8 & 13 are pinmuxed with MCUEN1 & MCUEN2, respectively, and on powerup these pins are MCUEN, i.e., outputs driving 1. TI's code for C-Sample and earlier turns them into GPIOs configured as outputs also driving 1 - so far, so good - but TI's code for BOARD 41 (which covers D-Sample, Leonardo and all real world Calypso devices derived from the latter) switches them from MCUEN to GPIOs, but then leaves them as inputs. Given that the hardware powerup state of these two pins is outputs driving 1, every Calypso board design MUST be compatible with such driving; typically these GPIO signals will be either unused and unconnected or connected as outputs driving some peripheral. Turning these pins into GPIO inputs will result in floating inputs on every reasonably-wired board, thus I am convinced that this configuration is nothing but a bug on the part of whoever wrote this code at TI. This floating input bug had already been fixed earlier for GTA modem and FCDEV3B targets; the present change makes the fix unconditional for all "classic" targets. The newly affected targets are D-Sample, Leonardo, Tango and GTM900.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 02 Jan 2020 05:38:26 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

 * SIM.H				 
 * Pole Star SIM
 * Target : ARM
 * Copyright (c) Texas Instruments 1995-1997

 * Device addresses - GCS000 (Gemini / Polestar)
 *                    HER207 (Hercules)

#ifndef _WINDOWS
  #include "l1sw.cfg" 
  #include "chipset.cfg" 

#include "nucleus.h" 

/* Flags activation section */
// #define SIM_RETRY		 /*	by default : NOT ACTIVE */
//#define SIM_DEBUG_TRACE	 	/*	by default : NOT ACTIVE */
//#define SIM_UWORD16_MASK 0x00ff  //when using SIM entity not maped to length on 16 bits
#define SIM_UWORD16_MASK 0xffff  //when using SIM entity maped to length on 16 bits
//#define SIM_APDU_TEST

#define SIM_CMD         (MEM_SIM + 0x00)
#define SIM_STAT        (MEM_SIM + 0x02)
#define SIM_CONF1       (MEM_SIM + 0x04)
#define SIM_CONF2       (MEM_SIM + 0x06)
#define SIM_IT          (MEM_SIM + 0x08)
#define SIM_DRX         (MEM_SIM + 0x0A)
#define SIM_DTX         (MEM_SIM + 0x0C)
#define SIM_MASK        (MEM_SIM + 0x0E)

 * Bit definitions 
// control regidter
#define SIM_CMD_CRST          0x0001
#define SIM_CMD_SWRST         0x0002
#define SIM_CMD_STOP          0x0004
#define SIM_CMD_START         0x0008
#define SIM_CMD_CLKEN         0x0010	

// status register
#define SIM_STAT_CD           0x0001   // card present
#define SIM_STAT_TXPAR        0x0002   // transmit parity status
#define SIM_STAT_FFULL        0x0004   // fifo full
#define SIM_STAT_FEMPTY       0x0008   // fifo empty

// configuration register
#define SIM_CONF1_CHKPAR      0x0001   // enable receipt check parity
#define SIM_CONF1_CONV        0x0002   // coding convention
#define SIM_CONF1_TXRX        0x0004   // SIO line direction
#define SIM_CONF1_SCLKEN      0x0008   // enable SIM clock
#define SIM_CONF1_RSVD        0x0010   // reserved
#define SIM_CONF1_SCLKDIV	  0x0020   // SIM clock frquency
#define SIM_CONF1_SCLKLEV	  0x0040   // SIM clock idle level
#define SIM_CONF1_ETU	      0x0080   // ETU period
#define SIM_CONF1_BYPASS      0x0100   // bypass hardware timers
#define SIM_CONF1_SVCCLEV     0x0200
#define SIM_CONF1_SRSTLEV     0x0400
#define SIM_CONF1_SIOLOW      0x8000   //force SIO to low level	 

// interrupt status register
#define SIM_IT_NATR           0x0001   // No answer to reset
#define SIM_IT_WT             0x0002
#define SIM_IT_ITOV           0x0004   
#define SIM_IT_ITTX           0x0008   // Transmit
#define SIM_IT_ITRX           0x0010   // Receipt

#if ((CHIPSET == 4) || (CHIPSET == 5) || (CHIPSET == 6) || (CHIPSET == 7) || (CHIPSET == 8) || (CHIPSET == 9) || (CHIPSET == 10) || (CHIPSET == 11) || (CHIPSET == 12))
  #define SIM_IT_CD             0x0001   // Card insertion/extraction
  #define SIM_IT_CD             0x0020   // Card insertion/extraction

// interrupt mask register
#define SIM_MASK_NATR         0x0001   // No answer to reset
#define SIM_MASK_WT           0x0002
#define SIM_MASK_OV           0x0004
#define SIM_MASK_TX           0x0008   // Transmit
#define SIM_MASK_RX           0x0010   // Receipt
#define SIM_MASK_CD           0x0020   // Card insertion/extraction	

// receveid byte register
#define SIM_DRX_STATRXPAR     0x0100   // received byte parity status

// SIM return code OK
#define SIM_OK                  0

// SIM return error codes
#define SIM_ERR_NOCARD          1
#define SIM_ERR_NOINT           2
#define SIM_ERR_NATR            3
#define SIM_ERR_READ            4
#define SIM_ERR_XMIT            5
#define SIM_ERR_OVF             6
#define SIM_ERR_LEN             7
#define SIM_ERR_CARDREJECT      8
#define SIM_ERR_WAIT            9
#define SIM_ERR_BUFF_OVERFL    12

// begin of JYT modifications
// end of JYT modifications

#define SIM_SLEEP_NONE         0	// No SIM available 
#define SIM_SLEEP_DESACT       1	// The Driver is NOT currently in sleep mode (clock is off)
#define SIM_SLEEP_ACT          2	// The Driver is currently in sleep mode (clock is on)
#define SIM_SLEEP_NOT_ALLOWED  3	// The Driver cannot stop the clock :
									// The card don't want or the interface is not able
									// to do it.
#define SIM_SLEEP_WAITING_TIME 500 //represent 2.3s of period before entering in sleep mode

#define SIM_CLK_STOP_MASK		0x0D	// Clock Stop mask defined by ETSI 11.11 
#define SIM_CLK_STOP_NOT_ALLWD	0x00	// see ETSI 11.11 : Clock Stop never allowed
#define SIM_CLK_STOP_ALLWD		0x01	// see ETSI 11.11 : No prefered level
#define SIM_CLK_STOP_HIGH		0x04	// see ETSI 11.11 : High level only
#define SIM_CLK_STOP_LOW		0x08	// see ETSI 11.11 : Low level only

#if(ANLG_FAM == 1)
  //OMEGA specific definitions
  #define MODE5V_OMEGA         0x06 // used in SIM_SwitchVolt
  #define MODE_INIT_OMEGA_3V   0x05 // used in SIM_StartVolt
  #define MODE_INIT_OMEGA_5V   0x07 // unused !!!!
  #define MODE3V_OMEGA         0x01 // unused !!!!
  #define MODE_DIS_SIMLDOEN    0xDF // used in SIM_PowerOff
  #define MODE_DIS_SIMEN       0xFD // used in SIM_PowerOff
  #define MODE_ENA_SIMLDOEN    0x20 // used in SIM_ManualStart
  #define MODE_ENA_SIMEN       0x02 // used in SIM_ManualStart
#elif(ANLG_FAM == 2)
   //IOTA specific definitions
   #define MODE1_8V_IOTA        0x00 
   #define MODE_INIT_IOTA_3V    0x03
   #define MODE_INIT_IOTA_1_8V  0x02 
   #define MODE3V_IOTA          0x01
   #define MODE_DIS_SIMLDOEN    0xFC // SIMSEL + Regulator RSIMEN
   #define MODE_DIS_SIMEN       0xF7
   #define MODE_ENA_SIMLDOEN    0x03 // SIMSEL + Regulator RSIMEN
   #define MODE_ENA_SIMEN       0x08
#elif(ANLG_FAM == 3)
   //SYREN specific definitions
   #define MODE1_8V_SYREN        0x00 
   #define MODE_INIT_SYREN_3V    0x03
   #define MODE_INIT_SYREN_1_8V  0x02 
   #define MODE3V_SYREN          0x01
   #define MODE_DIS_SIMLDOEN     0x1FC // SIMSEL + Regulator RSIMEN
   #define MODE_DIS_SIMEN        0x1F7
   #define MODE_ENA_SIMLDOEN     0x03 // SIMSEL + Regulator RSIMEN
   #define MODE_ENA_SIMEN        0x08

// define type of interface if not defined
// 5V only ME         SIM_TYPE = 0
// 3V technology ME   SIM_TYPE = 1
// 3V only ME         SIM_TYPE = 2
// 1.8V technology ME SIM_TYPE = 3 // JYT, 29/01/02, from new specs IOTA
// 1.8V Only ME       SIM_TYPE = 4 // JYT, 29/01/02, from new specs IOTA

#define SIM_TYPE_5V    0
#define SIM_TYPE_3_5V  1
#define SIM_TYPE_3V    2
#define SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V 3
#define SIM_TYPE_1_8V   4

//default configuration
#ifndef SIM_TYPE
#if((ANLG_FAM == 2) || (ANLG_FAM == 3))
// Until now (20/03/2003), it is impossible to test IOTA or SYREN with 1.8V Sim Card,
// so SIM drv is configured in 3V only with IOTA.and SYREN
// When 1.8V Sim Card will be delivered and tested on IOTA and SYREN, then Sim driver will pass 
// to : #define SIM_TYPE       SIM_TYPE_1_8_3V   
#define SIM_TYPE       SIM_TYPE_3_5V   

// begin of modifications of JYT

#if((ANLG_FAM == 2) || (ANLG_FAM == 3))
#define SIM_MASK_INFO_VOLT    0x70  
#define SIM_MASK_INFO_VOLT    0x10

#define SIM_1_8V              0x30
#define SIM_3V                0x10  
#define SIM_5V                0x00

// end of modifications of JYT

// Max size of Answer to Reset (GSM11.11 5.7.1)
#define MAX_ATR_SIZE          33

// GSM Instruction Class (GSM 11.11 SIM spec)
#define GSM_CLASS  0xA0

// SIM Instruction Codes
#define SIM_SELECT              0xA4    
#define SIM_STATUS              0xF2    
#define SIM_READ_BINARY         0xB0    
#define SIM_UPDATE_BINARY       0xD6    
#define SIM_READ_RECORD         0xB2    
#define SIM_UPDATE_RECORD       0xDC    
#define SIM_SEEK                0xA2    
#define SIM_INCREASE            0x32    
#define SIM_VERIFY_CHV          0x20    
#define SIM_CHANGE_CHV          0x24    
#define SIM_DISABLE_CHV         0x26    
#define SIM_ENABLE_CHV          0x28    
#define SIM_UNBLOCK_CHV         0x2C    
#define SIM_INVALIDATE          0x04    
#define SIM_REHABILITATE        0x44    
#define SIM_RUN_GSM_ALGO        0x88    
#define SIM_GET_RESPONSE        0xC0 
#define SIM_TERMINAL_PROFILE   	0x10
#define SIM_FETCH   			0x12
#define SIM_ENVELOPE   			0xC2

// SIM file identifiers
#define MF                 0x3F00
#define EF_ICCID           0x2FE2
#define DF_GSM             0x7F20
#define DF_DCS1800         0x7F21
#define EF_LP              0x6F05
#define EF_IMSI            0x6F07
#define EF_KC              0x6F20
#define EF_PLMNSEL         0x6F30
#define EF_HPLMN           0x6F31
#define EF_ACMAX           0x6F37
#define EF_SST             0x6F38
#define EF_ACM             0x6F39
#define EF_PUCT            0x6F41
#define EF_CBMI            0x6F45
#define EF_BCCH            0x6F74
#define EF_ACC             0x6F78
#define EF_FPLMN           0x6F7B
#define EF_LOCI            0x6F7E
#define EF_AD              0x6FAD
#define EF_PHASE           0x6FAE
#define DF_TELECOM         0x7F10
#define EF_ADN             0x6F3A
#define EF_FDN             0x6F3B
#define EF_SMS             0x6F3C
#define EF_CCP             0x6F3D
#define EF_MSISDN          0x6F40
#define EF_SMSP            0x6F42
#define EF_SMSS            0x6F43
#define EF_LND             0x6F44
#define EF_EXT1            0x6F4A
#define EF_EXT2            0x6F4B
#define EF_ECC             0x6FB7

#define MASK_INS           0xFE
#define MASK_CMD           0x11
#define MASK_RST           0x10  

// Buffer sizes
#define RSIMBUFSIZE  270
#define RSIZESW1SW2  2 
#define XSIMBUFSIZE  270

// Structures
typedef struct
   volatile unsigned short cmd;
   volatile unsigned short stat;
   volatile unsigned short conf1;
   volatile unsigned short conf2;
   volatile unsigned short it;
   volatile unsigned short rx;
   volatile unsigned short tx;
   volatile unsigned short maskit;
#if ((CHIPSET == 4) || (CHIPSET == 5) || (CHIPSET == 6) || (CHIPSET == 7) || (CHIPSET == 8) || (CHIPSET == 9) || (CHIPSET == 10) || (CHIPSET == 11) || (CHIPSET == 12))
   volatile unsigned short it_cd;

typedef struct
    SYS_UWORD8    Inverse;
    SYS_UWORD8    AtrSize;
    SYS_UWORD8    AtrData[MAX_ATR_SIZE];

typedef struct
    SIM_CONTROLLER      *c;
    SYS_UWORD8          *xIn;            // xmit input pointer
    SYS_UWORD8          *xOut;           // xmit output pointer
    unsigned            errorSIM;          // code return in case of error detectd
    unsigned short      conf1; // image of the configuration register - avoids read/mod/write cycles	
    volatile unsigned short txParityErr;
    unsigned short		rxParityErr;	// if 0 no parity error on receipt, 1 if...
    SYS_UWORD8          Freq_Algo;              //use to determine which sim clk freq to choose for running GSM algo
    SYS_UWORD8          PTS_Try;                //use to calculate how many PTS try were already done
    SYS_UWORD8          FileC;                  //value of File Characteristic
    SYS_UWORD16         etu9600;
    SYS_UWORD16         etu400;
    SYS_UWORD16         startclock;             //744 clock cycle translated in ETU
    SYS_UWORD16         stopclock;              //1860 clock cycle translated in ETU
    SYS_UWORD8          moderx;                  //inform that we are in receive mode
                                        // 0 : mode of normal reception without procedure
                                        // 1 : mode of wait for acknowledge during reception of char
                                        // 2 : mode of reception of data by bloc
                                        // 3 : mode of reception of data char by char (proc char)
                                        // 4 : mode of reception of data char by char (data)                                       
                                        // 5 : mode of reception of procedure char SW1/SW2
                                        // 6 : mode of wait for acknowledge char after transmission of char
    SYS_UWORD16       expected_data;          //number of expected char in receive mode proc char
    SYS_UWORD8        ack;                    //acknowledge char
    SYS_UWORD8        null_received;          //indicates if a NULL char was received
    SYS_UWORD8        hw_mask;		          //mask used because of pole112 hw prb

    SYS_UWORD8        rbuf[RSIMBUFSIZE];
    SYS_UWORD8        rx_index;                   // receive index on rbuf buffer

    SYS_UWORD8        xbuf[XSIMBUFSIZE];
    SYS_UWORD8        rSW12[RSIZESW1SW2];          //buffer to store SW1 and SW2
    SYS_UWORD8        SWcount;                     //static counter
    void (*InsertFunc)(SIM_CARD *);
    void (*RemoveFunc)(void);
	SYS_UWORD16		  apdu_ans_length;

void        SIM_IntHandler(void);
#if ((CHIPSET == 4) || (CHIPSET == 5) || (CHIPSET == 6) || (CHIPSET == 7) || (CHIPSET == 8) || (CHIPSET == 9) || (CHIPSET == 10) || (CHIPSET == 11) || (CHIPSET == 12))
  void SIM_CD_IntHandler(void);

 * Prototypes
// obsolete function
void SIM_Init(void (Insert(SIM_CARD *cP)), void (Remove(void)));

// initialization 
void        SIM_Initialize(void);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Register(void (Insert(SIM_CARD *cP)), void (Remove(void)));

// file commands
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Select(SYS_UWORD16 id, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Status(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ReadBinary(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 offset, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_UpdateBinary(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 offset, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ReadRecord(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 mode, SYS_UWORD8 recNum, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_UpdateRecord(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 mode, SYS_UWORD8 recNum, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Seek(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD8 mode, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Increase(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *size);

// Authentication
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_VerifyCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *chv, SYS_UWORD8 chvType, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_ChangeCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result,SYS_UWORD8 *oldChv, SYS_UWORD8 *newChv, SYS_UWORD8 chvType, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_DisableCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_EnableCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_UnblockCHV(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *unblockChv, SYS_UWORD8 *newChv, SYS_UWORD8 chvType, SYS_UWORD16 *size);

// managing
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Invalidate(SYS_UWORD8 *rP, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Rehabilitate(SYS_UWORD8 *rP, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_RunGSMAlgo(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *rand, SYS_UWORD16 *size);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_GetResponse(SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *size);

// STK 
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_TerminalProfile(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Fetch(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_TerminalResponse(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Envelope(SYS_UWORD8 *result, SYS_UWORD8 *dat, SYS_UWORD16 len, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize);

// power off
void         SIM_PowerOff(void);

// WIM
						SYS_UWORD16 rcvLen, SYS_UWORD16 *rcvSize);

void SIM_lock_cr17689(void);

 * Internal Prototypes
void        SIM_WriteBuffer(SIM_PORT *p, SYS_UWORD16 offset, SYS_UWORD16 n);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Result(SIM_PORT *p, SYS_UWORD8 *rP, SYS_UWORD16 *lenP, SYS_UWORD8 offset);
SYS_UWORD16 SIM_Dummy(void);
void        SIM_InitLog(void);

SYS_UWORD16 SIM_TxParityErrors();
SYS_UWORD16  SIM_WaitReception(SIM_PORT *p);
void         SIM_Interpret_FileCharacteristics(SIM_PORT *p);
void         SIM_WARMReset (SIM_PORT *p);
void	     SIM_SleepMode_In(SYS_UWORD32 param);
void	     SIM_SleepMode_Out(SIM_PORT *p);
SYS_UWORD8 	 SIM_GetFileCharacteristics(SIM_PORT *p);
SYS_UWORD16  SIM_ATRdynamictreatement (SIM_PORT *p, SIM_CARD *cP);
SYS_UWORD16  SIM_Waitforchars (SIM_PORT *p, SYS_UWORD16 max_wait);
void         SIM_Calcetu (SIM_PORT *p);
SYS_UWORD8   SIM_Translate_atr_char (SYS_UWORD8 input, SIM_CARD *cP);

SYS_UWORD8   SIM_StartVolt (SYS_UWORD8 ResetFlag);
SYS_UWORD8   SIM_SwitchVolt (SYS_UWORD8 ResetFlag);

SYS_UWORD16  SIM_ManualStart (SIM_PORT *p);
SYS_UWORD8   SIM_Memcpy(SYS_UWORD8 *Buff_target, SYS_UWORD8 Buff_source[], SYS_UWORD16 len);
SYS_BOOL     SIM_SleepStatus(void);
SYS_UWORD16  SIM_Reset_Restart_Internal(SIM_CARD *cP, SYS_UWORD8 ResetFlag);

 * Global variables
#ifdef SIM_C
#define SI_GLOBAL 
#define SI_GLOBAL extern

SI_GLOBAL STATUS     status_os_sim;
SI_GLOBAL SYS_UWORD8 SIM_sleep_status;