view src/cs/layer1/gtt_include/ctm/tonedemod.h @ 629:3231dd9b38c1

armio.c: make GPIOs 8 & 13 outputs driving 1 on all "classic" targets Calypso GPIOs 8 & 13 are pinmuxed with MCUEN1 & MCUEN2, respectively, and on powerup these pins are MCUEN, i.e., outputs driving 1. TI's code for C-Sample and earlier turns them into GPIOs configured as outputs also driving 1 - so far, so good - but TI's code for BOARD 41 (which covers D-Sample, Leonardo and all real world Calypso devices derived from the latter) switches them from MCUEN to GPIOs, but then leaves them as inputs. Given that the hardware powerup state of these two pins is outputs driving 1, every Calypso board design MUST be compatible with such driving; typically these GPIO signals will be either unused and unconnected or connected as outputs driving some peripheral. Turning these pins into GPIO inputs will result in floating inputs on every reasonably-wired board, thus I am convinced that this configuration is nothing but a bug on the part of whoever wrote this code at TI. This floating input bug had already been fixed earlier for GTA modem and FCDEV3B targets; the present change makes the fix unconditional for all "classic" targets. The newly affected targets are D-Sample, Leonardo, Tango and GTM900.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 02 Jan 2020 05:38:26 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

*      90411 NUERNBERG, GERMANY, Tel Int + 49 911 5217 100
*      The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the
*      written permission from Ericsson or in accordance
*      with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement or
*      contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.
*      File             : tonedemod.h
*      Purpose          : Demodulator for the Cellular Text Telephone Modem
*                         1-out-of-4 tones (400, 600, 800, 1000 Hz)
*                         for the coding of each pair of two adjacent bits
*                         Definition of the type demod_state_t and of the 
*                         functions init_tonedemod() and tonedemod()

#ifndef tonedemod_h
#define tonedemod_h "$Id: $"

*                         INCLUDE FILES

#include "ctm_defines.h"

*                         DECLARATION OF PROTOTYPES

typedef struct {
  WORD16  buffer_tone_rx[3*SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  xcorr_t0[2*SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  xcorr_t1[2*SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  xcorr_t2[2*SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  xcorr_t3[2*SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  xcorr_wb[2*SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  lowpass[SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  waveform_t0[SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  waveform_t1[SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  waveform_t2[SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  waveform_t3[SYMB_LEN];
  WORD16  diff_smooth[SYMB_LEN];
} demod_state_t;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION tonedemod()                                                    */
/* ********************                                                    */
/* Tone Demodulator for the Cellular Text Telephone Modem                  */
/* using one out of four tones for coding two bits in parallel within a    */
/* frame of 40 samples (5 ms).                                             */
/*                                                                         */
/* The function has to be called for every frame of 40 samples of the      */
/* received tone sequence. However, in order to track a non-ideal          */
/* of the transmitter's and the receiver's clock frequencies, one frame    */
/* might be shorter (only 39 samples) or longer (41 samples). The          */
/* of the following frame is indicated by the variable                     */
/* *sampling_correction, which is calculated and returned by this function.*/
/*                                                                         */
/* input variables:                                                         */
/* bits_out            contains the 39, 40 or 41 actual samples of the     */
/*                     received tones; the bits are soft bits, i.e. they   */
/*                     are in the range between -1.0 and 1.0, where the    */
/*                     magnitude serves as reliability information         */
/* num_in_samples      number of valid samples in bits_out                 */
/*                                                                         */
/* output variables:                                                        */
/* bits_out            contains the two actual decoded soft bits           */
/* sampling_correction is either -1, 0, or 1 and indicates whether the     */
/*                     next frame shall contain 39, 40, or 41 samples      */
/* demod_state         contains all the memory of tonedemod. Must be       */
/*                     initialized using the function init_tonedemod()     */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void tonedemod(WORD16 *bits_out,
               WORD16 *rx_tone_vec,
               WORD16 num_in_samples,
               WORD16 *ptr_sampling_correction,
               demod_state_t *demod_state);

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* FUNCTION init_tonedemod()                                               */
/* *************************                                               */
/* Initialization of one instance of the Tone Demodulator. The argument    */
/* must contain a pointer to a variable of type demod_state_t, which       */
/* contains all the memory of the tone demodulator. Each instance of       */
/* tonedemod must have its own variable.                                   */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

void init_tonedemod(demod_state_t *demod_state);
