/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Project : | Modul : J:\g23m-aci\aci\aci_mem.c+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef ACI_MEM_C#define ACI_MEM_C#endif#include "aci_all.h"#include "aci_mem.h"#ifdef ACI_MEMORY_TRACEGLOBAL void aci_mfree (void *ptr, char *file, int line){ TRACE_EVENT_P3 ("MFREE : 0x%X (%d : %s)", ptr, line, file); MFREE (ptr);}GLOBAL void *aci_malloc (USHORT size, char *file, int line){ void *newP; MALLOC (newP, size); TRACE_EVENT_P4 ("MALLOC: 0x%X %d (%d : %s)", newP, size, line, file); return(newP);}#if (CHIPSET==15)GLOBAL void *aci_malloc_nb (USHORT size, char *file, int line){ void *newP; MALLOC_NB (newP, size); TRACE_EVENT_P4 ("MALLOC_NB: 0x%X %d (%d : %s)", newP, size, line, file); return(newP);}#endif /* (CHIPSET==15) */#endif /* ACI_MEMORY_TRACE */