view cdg3/cdginc-conservative/p_mncc.val @ 248:35b17d54773d
helpers: build-date helper program written
author |
Mychaela Falconia <> |
date |
Thu, 03 Aug 2017 04:24:06 +0000 (2017-08-03) |
parents |
c15047b3d00d |
children |
line source
| FILE : p_mncc.val |
| SOURCE : "sap\mncc.pdf" |
| LastModified : "2003-07-03" |
| IdAndVersion : "6147.101.96.116" |
| SrcFileTime : "Thu Nov 29 09:47:40 2007" |
| Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5A on Thu Sep 25 09:52:55 2014 |
#ifndef P_MNCC_VAL
#define P_MNCC_VAL
#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNCC_VAL__LAST_MODIFIED _2003_07_03
#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNCC_VAL__ID_AND_VERSION _6147_101_96_116
#define CDG_ENTER__P_MNCC_VAL__SRC_FILE_TIME _Thu_Nov_29_09_47_40_2007
#include "CDG_ENTER.h"
* Value constants for VAL_ti
#define MNCC_TI_RES_1 (0x7) /* reserved */
#define MNCC_TI_RES_2 (0xf) /* reserved */
* Value constants for VAL_progress_desc
#define MNCC_PROG_NO_END_TO_END_PLMN (0x1) /* call is not end-to-end PLMN/ISDN, further call progress information may be available in-band */
#define MNCC_PROG_DEST_NON_PLMN (0x2) /* destination address in non-PLMN/ISDN */
#define MNCC_PROG_ORIGIN_NON_PLMN (0x3) /* origination address in non-PLMN/ISDN */
#define MNCC_PROG_RETURN_TO_PLMN (0x4) /* call has returned to the PLMN/ISDN */
#define MNCC_PROG_INBAND_AVAIL (0x8) /* in-band information or appropriate pattern now available */
#define MNCC_PROG_END_TO_END_PLMN (0x20) /* call is end-to-end PLMN/ISDN */
#define MNCC_PROG_QUEUEING (0x40) /* queueing */
#define MNCC_PROG_UNSPECIFIC (0xfe) /* unspecific, used when coding standard is not equal to GSM; note that the value chosen here must not collide with any defined value of the progress description IE of the air interface */
#define MNCC_PROG_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_fac_context
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_ALERT (0x0) /* Facility information in ALERT message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_CALL_PROCEED (0x1) /* Facility information in CALL PROCEEDING message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_DISCONNECT (0x2) /* Facility information in DISCONNECT message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_RELEASE (0x3) /* Facility information in RELEASE message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_CONNECT (0x4) /* Facility information in CONNECT message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_SETUP (0x5) /* Facility information in SETUP message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_FACILITY (0x6) /* Facility information in USER INFORMATION message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_RELEASE_COMP (0x7) /* Facility information in RELEASE COMPLETE message */
#define MNCC_FAC_IN_RECALL (0x8) /* Facility information in RECALL message */
* Value constants for VAL_info_context
#define MNCC_USER_IN_ALERT (0x0) /* User information in ALERT message */
#define MNCC_USER_IN_DISCONNECT (0x1) /* User information in DISCONNECT message */
#define MNCC_USER_IN_PROGRESS (0x2) /* User information in PROGRESS message */
#define MNCC_USER_IN_RELEASE (0x3) /* User information in RELEASE message */
#define MNCC_USER_IN_CONNECT (0x4) /* User information in CONNECT message */
#define MNCC_USER_IN_SETUP (0x5) /* User information in SETUP message */
#define MNCC_USER_IN_USER (0x6) /* User information in USER INFORMATION message */
* Value constants for VAL_pd
#define MNCC_PD_USER (0x0) /* user specific protocol */
#define MNCC_PD_HIGH_LAYER (0x1) /* OSI high layer protocols */
#define MNCC_PD_X244 (0x2) /* X.244 */
#define MNCC_PD_SYS_MANAGE (0x3) /* reserved for system management convergence function */
#define MNCC_PD_IA5 (0x4) /* IA5 characters */
#define MNCC_PD_V120 (0x7) /* Rec.V.120 rate adaption */
#define MNCC_PD_Q931 (0x8) /* Q.931 (I.451) user-network call control messages */
* Value constants for VAL_serv
#define MNCC_SERV_SPEECH (0x0) /* speech */
#define MNCC_SERV_DATA (0x1) /* data */
#define MNCC_SERV_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_cause
#define MNCC_CAUSE_UNASSIGN (0x501) /* unassigned (unallocated) number */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NO_ROUTE (0x503) /* no route to destination */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_CHAN_UNACCEPT (0x506) /* channel unacceptable */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_BARRED (0x508) /* operator determined barring */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_CALL_CLEAR (0x510) /* normal call clearing */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_USER_BUSY (0x511) /* user busy */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NO_RESPONSE (0x512) /* no user responding */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_ALERT_NO_ANSWER (0x513) /* user alerting, no answer */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_CALL_REJECT (0x515) /* call rejected */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NUM_CHANGED (0x516) /* number changed */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_PREEMPTION (0x519) /* pre-emption */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_USER_CLEAR (0x51a) /* non selected user clearing */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_DEST_ORDER (0x51b) /* destination out of order */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NUM_FORMAT (0x51c) /* invalid number format (incomplete number) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_FACILITY_REJECT (0x51d) /* facility rejected */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_STATUS_ENQUIRY (0x51e) /* response to status enquiry */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_UNSPECIFIED (0x51f) /* normal, unspecified */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NO_CHAN_AVAIL (0x522) /* no circuit / channel available */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NETWORK_ORDER (0x526) /* network out of order */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_TEMP_FAIL (0x529) /* temporary failure */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_SWITCH_CONGEST (0x52a) /* switching equipment congestion */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INFO_DISCARD (0x52b) /* access information discarded */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_REQ_CHAN_UNAVAIL (0x52c) /* requested circuit / channel not available */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_RESOURCE_UNAVAIL (0x52f) /* resources unavailable, unspecified */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_QOS_UNAVAIL (0x531) /* quality of service unavailable */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_FACILITY_UNSUBSCRIB (0x532) /* requested facility not subscribed */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_BARRED_IN_CUG (0x537) /* incoming calls barred within the CUG */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_BEARER_CAP_AUTHORIZ (0x539) /* bearer capability not authorized */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_BEARER_CAP_UNAVAIL (0x53a) /* bearer capability not presently available */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_SERVICE_UNAVAIL (0x53f) /* service or option not available, unspecified */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_BEARER_NOT_IMPLEM (0x541) /* bearer service not implemented */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_ACM_MAX (0x544) /* ACM equal or greater than ACMmax */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_FACILITY_NOT_IMPLEM (0x545) /* requested facility not implemented */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_RESTICT_BEARER_CAP (0x546) /* only restricted digital information bearer capability is available */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_SERVICE_NOT_IMPLEM (0x54f) /* service or option not implemented, unspecified */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INVALID_TI (0x551) /* invalid transaction identifier value */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_USER_NOT_IN_CUG (0x557) /* user not member of CUG */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INCOMPAT_DEST (0x558) /* incompatible destination (originated by net) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INVALID_TRANS_NET (0x55b) /* invalid transit network selection */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INCORRECT_MESSAGE (0x55f) /* semantically incorrect message */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INVALID_MAND_INFO (0x560) /* invalid mandatory information */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MESSAGE_TYPE_NOT_IMPLEM (0x561)/* message type non-existent or not implemented */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MESSAGE_TYPE_INCOMPAT (0x562) /* message type not compatible with protocol state */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INFO_ELEM_NOT_IMPLEM (0x563) /* information element non-existent or not implemented */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_COND_INFO_ELEM (0x564) /* conditional information element error */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MESSAGE_INCOMPAT (0x565) /* message not compatible with protocol state */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_TIMER (0x566) /* recovery on timer expiry */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_PROTOCOL (0x56f) /* protocol error, unspecified */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_INTERWORKING (0x57f) /* interworking, unspecified */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_FACILITY_REJECT (0x451d) /* facility rejected (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_BEARER_NOT_IMPLEM (0x4541) /* bearer service not implemented (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_INVALID_TI (0x4551) /* invalid transaction identifier value (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_INCOMPAT_DEST (0x4558) /* incompatible destination (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_INVALID_MAND_INFO (0x4560) /* invalid mandatory information (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_COND_INFO_ELEM (0x4564) /* conditional information element error (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_MESSAGE_INCOMPAT (0x4565) /* message not compatible with protocol state (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MS_TIMER (0x4566) /* recovery on timer expiry (originated by MS) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MODIFY_SUCCESS (0x8500) /* in-call modification successfully performed, MODIFY COMPLETE message received */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_HOLD_SUCCESS (0x8502) /* hold successfully performed, HOLD ACKNOWLEDGE message received */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_RETRIEVE_SUCCESS (0x8503) /* retrieve successfully performed, RETRIEVE ACKNOWLEDGE message received */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_DTMF_START_SUCCESS (0x8504) /* start of DTMF successfully performed, START DTMF ACKNOWLEDGE message received */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_DTMF_STOP_SUCCESS (0x8505) /* stop of DTMF successfully performed, STOP DTMF ACKNOWLEDGE message received */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NO_NET_CAUSE (0x85ff) /* network initiated without cause */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_SUCCESS (0xc500) /* operation successfully performed (e.g. a call establishment); this cause is used only if no more specific cause applies */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_DTMF_NOT_ALLOWED (0xc501) /* DTMF is currently not allowed (no speech TCH) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_DTMF_BUFFER_FULL (0xc502) /* DTMF storage buffer overflow */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_DTMF_ABORTED (0xc503) /* DTMF was aborted (e.g. due to state change) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MAX_NO_RECALLS_REACHED (0xc504)/* maximum number of recalls (CCBS) was reached */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_MAX_NO_CALLS_REACHED (0xc505) /* maximum number of calls was reached */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_CHANNEL_SYNC (0xc506) /* channel mode or type information (changed) */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_REEST_STARTED (0xc507) /* call re-establishment started */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_REEST_FINISHED (0xc508) /* call re-establishment is finished */
#define MNCC_CAUSE_NO_MS_CAUSE (0xc5ff) /* MS initiated without cause */
* Value constants for VAL_nd
#define MNCC_ND_USER_SUSPEND (0x0) /* user suspended */
#define MNCC_ND_USER_RESUME (0x1) /* user resumed */
#define MNCC_ND_BEAR_CHANGE (0x2) /* bearer change */
#define MNCC_ND_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_tos
#define MNCC_TOS_NSAP (0x0) /* NSAP (X.213/ISO 8348 AD2) */
#define MNCC_TOS_USER_SPEC (0x2) /* user specified */
#define MNCC_TOS_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_odd_even
#define MNCC_OE_EVEN (0x0) /* even number of address signals */
#define MNCC_OE_ODD (0x1) /* odd number of address signals */
* Value constants for VAL_key
#define MNCC_DIG_0 (0x30) /* digit '0' */
#define MNCC_DIG_1 (0x31) /* digit '1' */
#define MNCC_DIG_2 (0x32) /* digit '2' */
#define MNCC_DIG_3 (0x33) /* digit '3' */
#define MNCC_DIG_4 (0x34) /* digit '4' */
#define MNCC_DIG_5 (0x35) /* digit '5' */
#define MNCC_DIG_6 (0x36) /* digit '6' */
#define MNCC_DIG_7 (0x37) /* digit '7' */
#define MNCC_DIG_8 (0x38) /* digit '8' */
#define MNCC_DIG_9 (0x39) /* digit '9' */
#define MNCC_DIG_A (0x41) /* 'A' */
#define MNCC_DIG_B (0x42) /* 'B' */
#define MNCC_DIG_C (0x43) /* 'C' */
#define MNCC_DIG_D (0x44) /* 'D' */
#define MNCC_DIG_STAR (0x2a) /* '(' */
#define MNCC_DIG_HASH (0x23) /* '#' */
#define MNCC_DIG_RES (0x7f) /* reserved */
* Value constants for VAL_ch_mode
#define MNCC_CHM_SIG_ONLY (0x0) /* signalling only */
#define MNCC_CHM_SPEECH (0x1) /* speech full rate or half rate version 1 */
#define MNCC_CHM_SPEECH_V2 (0x21) /* speech full rate or half rate version 2 */
#define MNCC_CHM_SPEECH_V3 (0x41) /* speech full rate or half rate version 3 */
#define MNCC_CHM_DATA_9_6 (0x3) /* data 9.6 kBit/s */
#define MNCC_CHM_DATA_4_8 (0xb) /* data 4.8 kBit/s */
#define MNCC_CHM_DATA_2_4 (0x13) /* data 2.4 kBit/s */
#define MNCC_CHM_DATA_14_4 (0xf) /* data 2.4 kBit/s */
* Value constants for VAL_ch_type
#define MNCC_CH_SDCCH (0x0) /* SDCCH channel */
#define MNCC_CH_TCH_F (0x1) /* TCH Fullrate */
#define MNCC_CH_TCH_H (0x2) /* TCH Halfrate */
* Value constants for VAL_more_data
#define MNCC_MD_NO_MORE_DATA (0x0) /* no more data */
#define MNCC_MD_MORE_DATA (0x1) /* more data */
#define MNCC_MD_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_prio
#define MNCC_PRIO_NORM_CALL (0x0) /* normal call */
#define MNCC_PRIO_EMERG_CALL (0x1) /* emergency call */
* Value constants for VAL_clir_sup
#define MNCC_CLR_SUP (0x0) /* CLIR suppressed */
#define MNCC_CLR_SUP_NOT (0x1) /* CLIR not suppressed */
#define MNCC_CLR_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* CLIR not present */
* Value constants for VAL_sig
#define MNCC_SIG_DIAL_TONE_ON (0x0) /* dial tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_RING_BACK_TONE_ON (0x1) /* ring back tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_INT_TONE_ON (0x2) /* intercept tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_NET_CONG_TONE_ON (0x3) /* network congestion tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_BUSY_TONE_ON (0x4) /* busy tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_CONF_TONE_ON (0x5) /* confirm tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_ANS_TONE_ON (0x6) /* answer tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_CALL_WAIT_TONE_ON (0x7) /* call waiting tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_OFF_HOOK_WARN_TONE_ON (0x8) /* off-hook warning tone on */
#define MNCC_SIG_TONES_OFF (0x3f) /* tones off */
#define MNCC_SIG_ALERT_OFF (0x4f) /* alerting off */
#define MNCC_SIG_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_congest_lev
#define MNCC_CL_RECEIVER_READY (0x0) /* receiver ready */
#define MNCC_CL_RECEIVER_NOT_READY (0xf) /* receiver not ready */
#define MNCC_CL_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_ss_version
#define MNCC_SS_VERSION_2 (0x0) /* phase 2 service, ellipsis notation and phase 2 error handling */
#define MNCC_SS_VERSION_3 (0x1) /* SS-Protocol version 3 and phase 2 error handling */
#define MNCC_SS_VER_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_ri
#define MNCC_RI_CIRCULAR (0x1) /* circular */
#define MNCC_RI_FALLBACK (0x2) /* fallback */
#define MNCC_RI_SEQUENTIAL (0x3) /* sequential */
#define MNCC_RI_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_transfer_cap
#define MNCC_ITC_NONE (0x0) /* No ITC - i.e. 3,1 kHz Audio */
#define MNCC_ITC_UDI (0x1) /* Unrestricted Digital */
#define MNCC_ITC_RDI (0x2) /* Restricted Digital */
* Value constants for VAL_parity
#define MNCC_PARITY_ODD (0x0) /* odd parity */
#define MNCC_PARITY_EVEN (0x2) /* even parity */
#define MNCC_PARITY_NONE (0x3) /* no parity */
#define MNCC_PARITY_FORCED_TO_0 (0x4) /* parity forced to zero */
#define MNCC_PARITY_FORCED_TO_1 (0x5) /* parity forced to one */
* Value constants for VAL_bearer_serv
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_SYNC (0x0) /* synchronous */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_ASYNC (0x1) /* asynchronous */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_PAD_ACCESS (0x2) /* PAD access (async) */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_PACKET_ACCESS (0x3) /* packet access (sync) */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_FAX (0x4) /* fax */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_SPEECH (0x5) /* Speech */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_AUX_SPEECH (0x6) /* Auxiliary Speech */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_SPEECH_CTM (0x7) /* Speech with CTM (TTY) support */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_AUX_SPEECH_CTM (0x8) /* Auxiliary Speech CTM (TTY) support */
#define MNCC_BEARER_SERV_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_modem_type
#define MNCC_MT_NONE (0x0) /* modem type none */
#define MNCC_MT_V21 (0x1) /* modem type V.21 */
#define MNCC_MT_V22 (0x2) /* modem type V.22 */
#define MNCC_MT_V22_BIS (0x3) /* modem type V.22bis */
#define MNCC_MT_V23 (0x4) /* modem type V.23 */
#define MNCC_MT_V26_TER (0x5) /* modem type V.26ter */
#define MNCC_MT_V32 (0x6) /* modem type V.32 */
#define MNCC_MT_UNDEF (0x7) /* modem type for undefined interface */
#define MNCC_MT_AUTOBAUD (0x8) /* modem type autobauding type 1 */
#define MNCC_MT_V32_BIS (0x9) /* modem type V.32bis */
#define MNCC_MT_V34 (0xa) /* modem type V.34 */
* Value constants for VAL_rate
#define MNCC_UR_0_3_KBIT (0x1) /* rate : 0.3 kbit/s Recommendation X.1 and V.110 */
#define MNCC_UR_1_2_KBIT (0x2) /* rate : 1.2 kbit/s Recommendation X.1 and V.110 */
#define MNCC_UR_2_4_KBIT (0x3) /* rate : 2.4 kbit/s Recommendation X.1 and V.110 */
#define MNCC_UR_4_8_KBIT (0x4) /* rate : 4.8 kbit/s Recommendation X.1 and V.110 */
#define MNCC_UR_9_6_KBIT (0x5) /* rate : 9.6 kbit/s Recommendation X.1 and V.110 */
#define MNCC_UR_12_0_KBIT_TRANS (0x6) /* rate : 12.0 kbit/s transparent */
#define MNCC_UR_1_2_KBIT_V23 (0x7) /* rate : 1.2 kbit/s/75 bit/s Recommendation V.23, X.1,V.110. */
#define MNCC_UR_14_4_KBIT (0x8) /* rate : 14.4 kbit/s */
#define MNCC_UR_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_flow_control
#define MNCC_INBAND_FLOW_CONTROL (0x8) /* inband flow control (ISO 6429) */
#define MNCC_NO_FLOW_CONTROL (0xc) /* no flow control (COPnoFLCT) */
#define MNCC_OUTBAND_FLOW_CONTROL (0xff) /* outband flow control */
* Value constants for VAL_conn_elem
#define MNCC_CONN_ELEM_TRANS (0x0) /* transparent */
#define MNCC_CONN_ELEM_NON_TRANS (0x1) /* non transparent (RLP) */
#define MNCC_CONN_ELEM_TRANS_PREF (0x2) /* both, transparent preferred */
#define MNCC_CONN_ELEM_NON_TRANS_PREF (0x3) /* both, non transparent (RLP) preferred */
#define MNCC_CONN_ELEM_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_stop_bits
#define MNCC_STOP_1_BIT (0x0) /* one stop bit */
#define MNCC_STOP_2_BIT (0x1) /* two stop bits */
* Value constants for VAL_rate_adaption
#define MNCC_RATE_ADAPT_NONE (0x0) /* No rate adaption */
#define MNCC_RATE_ADAPT_V110 (0x1) /* Information transfer capability for ISDN Asynchronous */
#define MNCC_RATE_ADAPT_X31 (0x2) /* X.31 Flag stuffing */
#define MNCC_RATE_ADAPT_V120 (0x3) /* Information transfer capability for ISDN Synchronous */
#define MNCC_RATE_ADAPT_H223_H245 (0x4) /* H.223 and H.245 */
#define MNCC_RATE_ADAPT_PIAFS (0x5) /* PIAFS */
* Value constants for VAL_data_bits
#define MNCC_DATA_7_BIT (0x0) /* seven data bits */
#define MNCC_DATA_8_BIT (0x1) /* eight data bits */
* Value constants for VAL_diagnostic
#define MNCC_DIAG_MOC_BAR_CUG (0x81) /* Outgoing calls barred within CUG */
#define MNCC_DIAG_NO_CUG_SELECTED (0x82) /* No CUG selected */
#define MNCC_DIAG_UNKNOWN_CUG_INDEX (0x83) /* Unknown CUG index */
#define MNCC_DIAG_INCOMPAT_CUG_INDEX (0x84) /* CUG index incompatible with requested basic service */
#define MNCC_DIAG_CUG_FAIL_UNSPEC (0x85) /* CUG call Failure unspecified */
#define MNCC_DIAG_CLIR_NOT_SUBSCRIBED (0x86) /* CLIR not subscribed */
#define MNCC_DIAG_CCBS_POSSIBLE (0x87) /* CCBS possible */
#define MNCC_DIAG_CCBS_NOT_POSSIBLE (0x88) /* CCBS not possible */
* Value constants for VAL_ss_diag
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_MOC_BAR_CUG (0x1) /* Outgoing calls barred within CUG */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_NO_CUG_SELECTED (0x2) /* No CUG selected */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_UNKNOWN_CUG_INDEX (0x3) /* Unknown CUG index */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_INCOMPAT_CUG_INDEX (0x4) /* CUG index incompatible with requested basic service */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_CUG_FAIL_UNSPEC (0x5) /* CUG call Failure unspecified */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_CLIR_NOT_SUBSCRIBED (0x6) /* CLIR not subscribed */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_CCBS_POSSIBLE (0x7) /* CCBS possible */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_CCBS_NOT_POSSIBLE (0x8) /* CCBS not possible */
#define MNCC_SS_DIAG_NOT_PROVIDED (0xff) /* Not Provided */
* Value constants for VAL_sns_mode
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_VOICE (0x0) /* voice calls */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_VAF_VOICE (0x1) /* voice alternating FAX, voice first */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_FAX (0x2) /* FAX calls */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_VAD_VOICE (0x3) /* voice alternating data, voice first */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_DATA (0x4) /* data calls */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_VAF_FAX (0x5) /* voice alternating FAX, FAX first */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_VAD_DATA (0x6) /* voice alternating data, data first */
#define MNCC_SNS_MODE_VFD (0x7) /* voice followed by data */
* Value constants for VAL_dtmf_mod
#define MNCC_DTMF_MOD_AUTO (0x0) /* automatic mode with fixed duration */
#define MNCC_DTMF_MOD_MAN_START (0x1) /* manual mode start sending DTMF digit */
#define MNCC_DTMF_MOD_MAN_STOP (0x2) /* manual mode stop sending DTMF digit */
* Value constants for VAL_bc_mod
#define MNCC_BC_MOD_CODE (0x0) /* code bearer capabilities */
#define MNCC_BC_MOD_DECODE (0x1) /* decode bearer capabilities */
* Value constants for VAL_rcl_type
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS (0x0) /* CCBS */
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS_1 (0x1) /* treated as CCBS */
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS_2 (0x2) /* treated as CCBS */
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS_3 (0x3) /* treated as CCBS */
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS_4 (0x4) /* treated as CCBS */
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS_5 (0x5) /* treated as CCBS */
#define MNCC_RCL_CCBS_6 (0x6) /* treated as CCBS */
* Value constants for VAL_synccs
#define MNCC_SYNCCS_MPTY_EVENT (0x0) /* Multi party event */
#define MNCC_SYNCCS_NOT_PRESENT (0xffff) /* Synchronization cause not present */
* Value constants for VAL_mpty_event
#define MNCC_MPTY_BUILD_SENT (0x0) /* BuildMPTY Invoke sent */
#define MNCC_MPTY_BUILD_FAIL (0x1) /* BuildMPTY Invoke failed */
#define MNCC_MPTY_BUILD_SUCCESS (0x2) /* BuildMPTY Invoke ok */
#define MNCC_MPTY_SPLIT_SENT (0x3) /* SplitMPTY Invoke sent */
#define MNCC_MPTY_SPLIT_FAIL (0x4) /* SplitMPTY Invoke failed */
#define MNCC_MPTY_SPLIT_SUCCESS (0x5) /* SplitMPTY Invoke Return Result ok */
#define MNCC_MPTY_HOLD_SENT (0x6) /* HoldMPTY Invoke sent */
#define MNCC_MPTY_HOLD_FAIL (0x7) /* HoldMPTY Invoke failed */
#define MNCC_MPTY_HOLD_SUCCESS (0x8) /* HoldMPTY Invoke ok */
#define MNCC_MPTY_RETRIEVE_SENT (0x9) /* RetrieveMPTY Invoke */
#define MNCC_MPTY_RETRIEVE_FAIL (0xa) /* RetrieveMPTY Invoke failed */
#define MNCC_MPTY_RETRIEVE_SUCCESS (0xb) /* RetrieveMPTY Invoke Return Result ok */
#define MNCC_MPTY_NOT_PRESENT (0xff) /* Parameter not present */
* Value constants for VAL_ctm_ena
#define MNCC_CTM_DISABLED (0x0) /* CTM not supported */
#define MNCC_CTM_ENABLED (0x1) /* CTM supported */
* Value constants for VAL_ton
#define MNCC_TON_UNKNOWN (0x0) /* unknown */
#define MNCC_TON_INT_NUMB (0x1) /* international number */
#define MNCC_TON_NAT_NUMB (0x2) /* national number */
#define MNCC_TON_NET_SPEC_NUMB (0x3) /* network specific number */
#define MNCC_TON_DED_ACC_SC (0x4) /* dedicated access, short code */
#define MNCC_TON_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* type of number not present */
* Value constants for VAL_npi
#define MNCC_NPI_UNKNOW (0x0) /* unknown */
#define MNCC_NPI_ISDN_TEL_NUMB_PLAN (0x1) /* ISDN/telephony numbering plan */
#define MNCC_NPI_DATA_NUMB_PLAN (0x3) /* data numbering plan */
#define MNCC_NPI_TELEX_NUMB_PLAN (0x4) /* telex numbering plan */
#define MNCC_NPI_NAT_NUMB_PLAN (0x8) /* national numbering plan */
#define MNCC_NPI_PRIV_NUMB_PLAN (0x9) /* private numbering plan */
#define MNCC_NPI_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* numbering plan identification not present */
* Value constants for VAL_present
#define MNCC_PRES_PRES_ALLOW (0x0) /* presentation allowed */
#define MNCC_PRES_PRES_REST (0x1) /* presentation restricted */
#define MNCC_PRES_NUMB_NOT_AVAIL (0x2) /* number not available due to interworking */
#define MNCC_PRES_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* Value constants for VAL_screen
#define MNCC_SCREEN_USER_PROV_NOT_SCREEN (0x0) /* user provided, not screened */
#define MNCC_SCREEN_USER_PROV_VER_PASS (0x1) /* user provided, verified and passed */
#define MNCC_SCREEN_USER_PROV_VER_FAIL (0x2) /* user provided, verified and failed */
#define MNCC_SCREEN_NET_PROV (0x3) /* network provided */
#define MNCC_SCREEN_IND_NOT_PRES (0xff) /* not present */
* user defined constants
#define MNCC_FACILITY_LEN (0xfb)
#define MNCC_USER_LEN (0x80)
#define MNCC_SUB_LENGTH (0x14)
#define MNCC_MAX_BC_LEN (0xa)
#define MNCC_TI_BERLIN (0x1)
#include "CDG_LEAVE.h"