line source
#include "l1sw.cfg"
#if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
#include "debug.cfg"
#include "rv_swe.h"
#if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 1)
#include "general.h"
#include "l1_macro.h"
#include "l1_confg.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "l1_types.h"
#include "sys_types.h"
#include "l1_const.h"
#include "l1_time.h"
#include "l1tm_defty.h"
#if (AUDIO_TASK == 1)
#include "l1audio_const.h"
#include "l1audio_cust.h"
#include "l1audio_defty.h"
#if (L1_GTT == 1)
#include "l1gtt_const.h"
#include "l1gtt_defty.h"
#if (L1_MP3 == 1)
#include "l1mp3_defty.h"
#if (L1_MIDI == 1)
#include "l1midi_defty.h"
#if (L1_AAC == 1)
#include "l1aac_defty.h"
#include "l1_defty.h"
#include "l1_varex.h"
#include "cust_os.h"
#include "l1_msgty.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include "sim_cfg.h"
#include "sim_cons.h"
#include "sim_def.h"
#include "sim_var.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "l1_types.h"
#include "sys_types.h"
#include "l1_const.h"
#include "l1_time.h"
#include "l1tm_defty.h"
#if (AUDIO_TASK == 1)
#include "l1audio_const.h"
#include "l1audio_cust.h"
#include "l1audio_defty.h"
#if (L1_GTT == 1)
#include "l1gtt_const.h"
#include "l1gtt_defty.h"
#if (L1_MP3 == 1)
#include "l1mp3_defty.h"
#if (L1_MIDI == 1)
#include "l1midi_defty.h"
#if (L1_AAC == 1)
#include "l1aac_defty.h"
#include "l1_defty.h"
#include "l1_varex.h"
#include "cust_os.h"
#include "l1_msgty.h"
#include "tpudrv.h"
#if (W_A_CALYPSO_PLUS_SPR_19599 == 1)
#include "sys_memif.h"
#if (CHIPSET == 15)
#include "sys_inth.h"
#include "bspI2c.h"
#include "clkm.h"
// This could be removed if i2c_pwr_interface is functional
extern volatile Bool bspI2c_busLocked[BSP_I2C_NUM_DEVICES] ;
* With compiler V3.00, the .text section must be explicitely
* defined.
* Else the following code will be put in the .cinit section.
* The change is applied to all compilers.
asm(" .sect \".text\" ");
UWORD8 *mode_authorized = &(l1s.pw_mgr.mode_authorized);
UWORD8 *switch_PWR_MNGT = &(l1_config.pwr_mngt);
#if (W_A_CALYPSO_BUG_01435 == 1)
asm("SMALL_SLEEP .equ 01h");
asm("BIG_SLEEP .equ 02h");
asm("DEEP_SLEEP .equ 03h");
void f_arm_sleep_cmd(UWORD8 d_sleep_mode)
asm(" LDR R3, MPU_FREE_REG");
// here below the C code:
// if ((d_sleep_mode == SMALL_SLEEP) || (d_sleep_mode == BIG_SLEEP))
// * (volatile UWORD16 *) 0xfffffd00 &= 0xfffe;
// else
// if (d_sleep_mode == DEEP_SLEEP)
// * (volatile UWORD16 *) 0xfffffd00 &= 0xefff;
asm(" CMP R0, #SMALL_SLEEP");
asm(" BEQ Small_or_Big_Sleep");
asm(" CMP R0, #BIG_SLEEP");
asm(" BEQ Small_or_Big_Sleep");
asm(" CMP R0, #DEEP_SLEEP");
asm(" BXNE LR");
asm("Deep_Sleep: ");
asm(" LDRH R12, [R0, #0]");
asm(" AND R1, R12, #255");
asm(" AND R12, R12, #61184");
asm(" ORR R12, R1, R12");
asm(" STRH R12, [R0, #0]");
asm(" STMIA R3!, {R4-R7}");
asm(" B End_Sleep");
asm("Small_or_Big_Sleep: ");
asm(" LDRH R0, [R12, #0]");
asm(" MOV R0, R0, LSL #16");
asm(" MOV R0, R0, LSR #17");
asm(" MOV R0, R0, LSL #1");
asm(" STRH R0, [R12, #0]");
asm(" STMIA R3!, {R4-R7}");
asm("End_Sleep: ");
} /* f_arm_sleep_cmd() */
asm("MPU_FREE_REG .word 0xffffff20");
asm("CLKM_CNTL_ARM_CLK_REG .word 0xfffffd00");
#if (CHIPSET == 15)
void init_small_sleep()
/* Should not disable bridge_clk during small sleep when an I2C transaction is pending
In Locosto without BRIDGE_CLK, I2C interrupt is not generated */
// This could be removed if i2c_pwr_interface is functional
Uint8 sts=0, camera_sts = 0;
#if(LOCOSTO_LITE == 0)
#if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
camera_sts = camera_pwr_interface(0);
if (sts != 0
#if(LOCOSTO_LITE == 0)
|| camera_sts != 0
*((volatile UINT16 *) CLKM_CNTL_CLK) &= ~CLKM_BRIDGE_DIS;
*((volatile UINT16 *) CLKM_CNTL_CLK) |= CLKM_BRIDGE_DIS;
void exit_small_sleep()
/* INT_Small_Sleep() */
/* */
/* Description: small sleep */
/* ------------ */
/* Called by TCT_Schedule main loop of Nucleus */
asm(" .def INT_Small_Sleep ");
asm("INT_Small_Sleep ");
* _switch_PWR_MNGT and _mode_authorized must be .def and not .ref
* as they are both defined in this file.
asm(" .def _switch_PWR_MNGT ");
asm(" .def _mode_authorized ");
asm("SMALL_SLEEP .equ 01h ");
asm("ALL_SLEEP .equ 04h ");
asm("PWR_MNGT .equ 01h ");
#if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
// This code log the number of time the Small sleep
// function has been invoked
#if (TI_PROFILER == 1)
asm(" ldr r0, profiler_counter "); // pick counter
asm(" mov r1,#0 ");
asm(" str r1,[r0] ");
#if (TI_NUC_MONITOR == 1)
// Push registers on statck because R3 and R4 must not be modified
asm(" STMFD sp!,{r0-r5}");
asm(" .global _ti_nuc_monitor_sleep ");
asm(" BL _ti_nuc_monitor_sleep");
asm(" LDMFD sp!,{r0-r5}");
// End log call
#endif // OP_L1_STANDALONE
//asm(" .ref TCT_Schedule_Loop ");
//asm(" B TCT_Schedule_Loop ");
asm(" ldr r0,Switch "); // pick up sleep mode
asm(" ldr r0,[r0] "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" ldrb r1,[r0] "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" cmp r1,#PWR_MNGT "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" bne End_small_sleep ");
asm(" ldr r0,Mode "); // pick up sleep mode
asm(" ldr r0,[r0] "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" ldrb r1,[r0] "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" cmp r1,#SMALL_SLEEP "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" beq Small_sleep_ok ");
asm(" cmp r1,#ALL_SLEEP "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" bne End_small_sleep ");
asm("Small_sleep_ok ");
// *****************************************************
// CQ19599: For Calypso+ chipset, extended page mode
// shall be disabled before entering deep sleep and
// restored at wake up
// *****************************************************
#if (W_A_CALYPSO_PLUS_SPR_19599 == 1)
asm(" .ref _f_memif_extended_page_mode_read_bit ");
asm(" .ref _f_memif_extended_page_mode_disable ");
asm(" BL _f_memif_extended_page_mode_read_bit"); //read state of extended page mode
asm(" STMFD sp!,{r2}"); //save r2 in stack in case it was used before
asm(" MOV r2,r0"); //store the state in r2
asm(" BL _f_memif_extended_page_mode_disable"); //disable extended page mode
#if (CHIPSET == 15)
//// Disable IRQs
asm(" MRS r1, CPSR ");
// asm(" MOV r2,r1"); // Copy the contents on CPSR register to r2
asm(" STMFD sp!,{r1}"); // Push r2 in the stack
asm(" ORR r1,r1,#00c0h "); // Disable IRQs
asm(" MSR CPSR,r1 ");
asm(" .ref _init_small_sleep");
asm(" BL _init_small_sleep");
// *****************************************************
//reset the DEEP_SLEEP bit 12 of CNTL_ARM_CLK register
// (Cf BUG_1278)
asm(" ldr r0,addrCLKM "); // pick up CNTL_ARM_CLK register address
asm(" ldrh r1,[r0] "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" orr r1,r1,#1000h "); // reset the bit
asm(" strh r1,[r0] "); //store the result
asm(" ldr r0,addrCLKM "); // pick up CLKM clock register address
asm(" ldrh r1,[r0] "); // take the current value of the register
asm(" bic r1,r1,#1 "); // disable ARM clock
asm(" strh r1,[r0] ");
// *****************************************************
#if (CHIPSET == 15)
asm(" .ref _exit_small_sleep");
asm(" BL _exit_small_sleep");
//Enable IRQs
asm(" LDMFD sp!,{r1}"); //restore r2 from stack
//asm(" MOV r1,r2"); // Move r2 to r1
asm(" MSR CPSR,r1 "); // Copy the contents of r1 to CPSR register
#if (W_A_CALYPSO_BUG_01435 == 1)
asm(" MOV R0, #SMALL_SLEEP");
asm(" BL _f_arm_sleep_cmd");
// *****************************************************
// CQ19599: For Calypso+ chipset, restore the extended
// page mode if it was enabled before entering sleep
// *****************************************************
#if (W_A_CALYPSO_PLUS_SPR_19599 == 1)
asm(" .ref _f_memif_extended_page_mode_enable ");
asm(" CMP r2,#0"); //check if extended page mode was enabled
asm(" BEQ extended_page_mode_restored "); //if not, do nothing
asm(" BL _f_memif_extended_page_mode_enable"); //else restore it
asm("extended_page_mode_restored ");
asm(" LDMFD sp!,{r2}"); //restore r2
asm(" .ref TCT_Schedule_Loop ");
asm("End_small_sleep ");
asm(" B TCT_Schedule_Loop "); // Return to TCT_Schedule main loop
asm("addrCLKM .word 0xfffffd00 ");//CLKM clock register address
asm("Mode .word _mode_authorized ");
asm("Switch .word _switch_PWR_MNGT ");
#if (OP_L1_STANDALONE == 0)
#if (TI_PROFILER == 1)
asm(" .ref _ti_profiler_nb_sleep_call ");
asm("profiler_counter .word _ti_profiler_nb_sleep_call ");
#endif // OP_L1_STANDALONE