view src/g23m-gprs/grlc/grlc_tpcs.c @ 685:3fb7384e820d

tpudrv12.h: FCDEV3B goes back to being itself A while back we had the idea of a FreeCalypso modem family whereby our current fcdev3b target would some day morph into fcmodem, with multiple FC modem family products, potentially either triband or quadband, being firmware-compatible with each other and with our original FCDEV3B. But in light of the discovery of Tango modules that earlier idea is now being withdrawn: instead the already existing Tango hw is being adopted into our FreeCalypso family. Tango cannot be firmware-compatible with triband OM/FCDEV3B targets because the original quadband RFFE on Tango modules is wired in TI's original Leonardo arrangement. Because this Leonardo/Tango way is now becoming the official FreeCalypso way of driving quadband RFFEs thanks to the adoption of Tango into our FC family, our earlier idea of extending FIC's triband RFFE control signals with TSPACT5 no longer makes much sense - we will probably never produce any new hardware with that once-proposed arrangement. Therefore, that triband-or-quadband FCFAM provision is being removed from the code base, and FCDEV3B goes back to being treated the same way as CONFIG_TARGET_GTAMODEM for RFFE control purposes.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 24 Sep 2020 21:03:08 +0000
parents 219afcfc6250
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  GPRS (8441)
|  Modul   :  GRLC
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This module implements signal handler functions for service
|             TPC of entity GRLC.

#ifndef GRLC_TPCS_C
#define GRLC_TPCS_C
#endif /* #ifndef GRLC_TPCS_C */


/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/

#include <string.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "macdef.h"
#include "gprs.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "ccdapi.h"
#include "prim.h"
#include "message.h"
#include "grlc.h"
#include "grlc_tpcg.h"
#include "grlc_tpcs.h"
#include "grlc_meass.h"

/*==== CONST ================================================================*/

/*==== DIAGNOSTICS ==========================================================*/

/*==== LOCAL VARS ===========================================================*/

/*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================================*/

LOCAL void tpc_update_pch        ( void );
LOCAL void tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par ( void );

/*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =====================================================*/
| Function    : sig_pei_config_tpc_set_pwr_par
| Description : ...
| Parameters  : ...
GLOBAL void sig_pei_config_tpc_set_pwr_par( UBYTE alpha, UBYTE gamma )
  TRACE_ISIG( "sig_pei_config_tpc_set_pwr_par" );

    UBYTE i; /* used for counting */

    grlc_data->tpc.v_fix_pwr_par = TRUE;

    /* process parameter alpha */
    grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par.alpha = alpha;

    /* process parameter gamma */
    for( i = 0; i < MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS; i++ )
      grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par.gamma_ch[i] = gamma;
    tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par( );
} /* sig_pei_config_tpc_set_pwr_par() */

| Function    : sig_pei_config_tpc_fix_pcl
| Description : ...
| Parameters  : ...
GLOBAL void sig_pei_config_tpc_fix_pcl ( UBYTE pcl )
  TRACE_ISIG( "sig_pei_config_tpc_fix_pcl" );

  grlc_data->tpc.fix_pcl = pcl;

} /* sig_pei_config_tpc_fix_pcl() */

| Function    : sig_gff_tpc_pwr_ctrl_ind
| Description : Handles the signal SIG_GFF_TPC_PWR_CTRL_IND
| Parameters  : *mac_pwr_ctrl_ind - Ptr to primitive MAC_PWR_CTRL_IND
GLOBAL void sig_gff_tpc_pwr_ctrl_ind ( T_MAC_PWR_CTRL_IND * mac_pwr_ctrl_ind )
  TRACE_ISIG( "sig_gff_tpc_pwr_ctrl_ind" );
  meas_c_val_update_ptm(  mac_pwr_ctrl_ind,
                         &grlc_data->tm.freq_param );
  meas_sv_update(  mac_pwr_ctrl_ind,  
                  &grlc_data->tm.freq_param );

  tpc_update_pch( );

} /* sig_gff_tpc_pwr_ctrl_ind() */

| Function    : sig_tm_tpc_update_pch
| Description : Handles the signal SIG_TM_TPC_UPDATE_PCH
| Parameters  : 
GLOBAL void sig_tm_tpc_update_pch ( void  )
  TRACE_ISIG( "sig_tm_tpc_update_pch" );
  tpc_update_pch( );

} /* sig_tm_tpc_update_pch() */

| Function    : tpc_grlc_init
| Description : The function tpc_grlc_init() initialize the services TPC
| Parameters  : void
GLOBAL void tpc_grlc_init ( void )
  TRACE_FUNCTION( "tpc_grlc_init" ); 

  /* init power control parameter */
  tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par( );

  grlc_data->tpc.fix_pcl     = TPC_SWITCHED_ON;

#if !defined (NTRACE)

  grlc_data->tpc.n_tpc_trace = 0;

#endif /* #if !defined (NTRACE) */

} /* tpc_grlc_init() */

| Function    : tpc_update_pch
| Description : This function calculates the transmit output power
| Parameters  : void
LOCAL void tpc_update_pch ( void )
  UBYTE *pch;
  SHORT  nop;        /* nominal output power applied by the MS */
  SHORT  pms_max;    /* maximum output power applied by the MS */

  LONG   summand;
  LONG   gamma_ch;
  LONG   c_value;
  T_MS_PWR_CAP mspc; /* MS power capabilities                  */

  T_C_FILTER             *c_data       = &grlc_data->meas.c_filter;
  T_CGRLC_pwr_ctrl_param *pwr_par      = &grlc_data->tpc.pwr_par;

  UBYTE  pcl;        /* power control level                    */
  UBYTE  i;          /* used for counting                      */

  UBYTE  alpha;

#if !defined (NTRACE)

  BOOL   tracing = FALSE;

#endif /* #if !defined (NTRACE) */

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "tpc_update_pch" );

  if( grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_idx EQ PCH_IDX_A )
    pch = &grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_array[PCH_IDX_B].pch[0];
    pch = &grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_array[PCH_IDX_A].pch[0];

  tpc_get_ms_pwr_cap( grlc_data->tm.freq_param.pdch_band, &mspc );

  pms_max = grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.pwr_max;

  if( grlc_data->tpc.pwr_par.alpha NEQ CGRLC_ALPHA_INVALID )
    alpha = grlc_data->tpc.pwr_par.alpha;
    alpha = grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.alpha;

  if( grlc_data->tpc.fix_pcl NEQ TPC_SWITCHED_ON )

#if !defined (NTRACE)

    for( i = 0; i < MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS; i++ )
      if( pch[i] NEQ grlc_data->tpc.fix_pcl )
        tracing = TRUE;
#endif /* #if !defined (NTRACE) */

    memset( pch, grlc_data->tpc.fix_pcl, MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS );
     * select the used power parameter, either the data received
     * from BSS or the data received by dynamic configuration
    if( grlc_data->tpc.v_fix_pwr_par EQ TRUE )
      pwr_par = &grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par;
      alpha   =  grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par.alpha;

    if( c_data->index EQ 0 AND alpha NEQ 0 )
      pcl = tpc_get_pcl( mspc.p_control, pms_max );
#if !defined (NTRACE)

      for( i = 0; i < MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS; i++ )
        if( pch[i] NEQ pcl )
          tracing = TRUE;

#endif /* #if !defined (NTRACE) */

      memset( pch, pcl, MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS );
      /* process parameter summand */
      c_value  = ( 63 * MEAS_ACRCY ) - c_data->value;
      summand  = ( MEAS_ACRCY * mspc.gamma_0 ) + ( ( alpha * c_value ) / 10 );

      /* set the power control level for each timeslot */
      for( i = 0; i < MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS; i++ )
        if( pwr_par->gamma_ch[i] NEQ CGRLC_GAMMA_INVALID )
          gamma_ch = 2 * MEAS_ACRCY * pwr_par->gamma_ch[i];

          nop = MINIMUM( summand - gamma_ch, pms_max * MEAS_ACRCY ) / 

          if( nop < mspc.pwr_min ) 
            nop = mspc.pwr_min;
          nop = pms_max;

        pcl = tpc_get_pcl( mspc.p_control, nop );
#if !defined (NTRACE)

        if( pch[i] NEQ pcl )
          tracing = TRUE;

#endif /* #if !defined (NTRACE) */

        pch[i] = pcl;

#if !defined (NTRACE)

  if( ( grlc_data->tpc.n_tpc_trace &  M_TPC_TRACE_STATIC     ) OR 
      ( grlc_data->tpc.n_tpc_trace &  M_TPC_TRACE_CHANGE AND 
        tracing                    EQ TRUE                   )    )
    ULONG trace[8];

    trace[0]  = ( grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.t_avg_t      << 24 );
    trace[0] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.pb           << 16 );
    trace[0] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.pc_meas_chan <<  8 );
    trace[0] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.pwr_max      <<  0 );

    trace[1]  = ( grlc_data->tm.freq_param.pdch_hopping    << 24 );
    trace[1] |= ( grlc_data->tm.freq_param.pdch_band       << 16 );
    trace[1] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par.alpha        <<  8 );
    trace[1] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.pwr_par.alpha             <<  0 );

    trace[2]  = ( grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par.alpha         << 24 );
    trace[2] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.fix_pcl                   << 16 );
    trace[2] |= ( grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_idx        <<  8 );

    trace[3]  = 0x00000000;
    trace[4]  = 0x00000000;

    for( i = 0; i < MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS; i++ )
      trace[( i / 4 ) + 3] |= ( pwr_par->gamma_ch[i] << ( 24 - ( 8 * ( i % 4 ) ) ) );

    trace[5]  = ( c_data->index << 16 );
    trace[5] |= ( c_data->value <<  0 );

    trace[6]  = ( pch[0] << 24 );
    trace[6] |= ( pch[1] << 16 );
    trace[6] |= ( pch[2] <<  8 );
    trace[6] |= ( pch[3] <<  0 );

    trace[7]  = ( pch[4] << 24 );
    trace[7] |= ( pch[5] << 16 );
    trace[7] |= ( pch[6] <<  8 );
    trace[7] |= ( pch[7] <<  0 );

    TRACE_EVENT_P8( "TPC: %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X %08X",
                    trace[0], trace[1], trace[2], trace[3], 
                    trace[4], trace[5], trace[6], trace[7] );

#endif /* #if !defined (NTRACE) */

  if( grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_idx EQ PCH_IDX_A )
    grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_idx = PCH_IDX_B;
    grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_idx = PCH_IDX_A;
} /* tpc_update_pch() */

| Function    : tpc_get_pch
| Description :
| Parameters  :
GLOBAL void tpc_get_pch ( UBYTE *pch_dest )
  UBYTE *pch_src;

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "tpc_get_pch" ); 

  if( grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_idx EQ PCH_IDX_A )
    pch_src = &grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_array[PCH_IDX_A].pch[0];
    pch_src = &grlc_data->tpc.pch_buffer.pch_array[PCH_IDX_B].pch[0];

  memcpy( pch_dest, pch_src, MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS );

} /* tpc_get_pch() */

| Function    : tpc_set_pwr_ctrl_param
| Description :
| Parameters  :
GLOBAL void tpc_set_pwr_ctrl_param ( T_CGRLC_pwr_ctrl_param *pwr_ctrl_param )
  TRACE_FUNCTION( "tpc_set_pwr_ctrl_param" ); 

  grlc_data->tpc.pwr_par = *pwr_ctrl_param;

} /* tpc_set_pwr_ctrl_param() */

| Function    : tpc_set_glbl_pwr_ctrl_param
| Description :
| Parameters  :
GLOBAL void tpc_set_glbl_pwr_ctrl_param
                           ( T_CGRLC_glbl_pwr_ctrl_param *glbl_pwr_ctrl_param )
  TRACE_FUNCTION( "tpc_set_glbl_pwr_ctrl_param" );

  grlc_data->tpc.glbl_pwr_par = *glbl_pwr_ctrl_param;

} /* tpc_set_glbl_pwr_ctrl_param() */

| Function    : tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par
| Description :
| Parameters  :
LOCAL void tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par ( void )
  UBYTE i; /* used for counting */

  TRACE_FUNCTION( "tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par" );

  grlc_data->tpc.v_fix_pwr_par = FALSE;

  /* process parameter alpha */
  grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par.alpha = TPC_ALFGAM_NOT_PRESENT;

  /* process parameter gamma */
  for( i = 0; i < MAC_MAX_TIMESLOTS; i++ )
    grlc_data->tpc.fix_pwr_par.gamma_ch[i] = TPC_ALFGAM_NOT_PRESENT;
} /* tpc_reset_fix_pwr_par() */