view src/gpf3/ccd/asn1_integ_ext.c @ 685:3fb7384e820d

tpudrv12.h: FCDEV3B goes back to being itself A while back we had the idea of a FreeCalypso modem family whereby our current fcdev3b target would some day morph into fcmodem, with multiple FC modem family products, potentially either triband or quadband, being firmware-compatible with each other and with our original FCDEV3B. But in light of the discovery of Tango modules that earlier idea is now being withdrawn: instead the already existing Tango hw is being adopted into our FreeCalypso family. Tango cannot be firmware-compatible with triband OM/FCDEV3B targets because the original quadband RFFE on Tango modules is wired in TI's original Leonardo arrangement. Because this Leonardo/Tango way is now becoming the official FreeCalypso way of driving quadband RFFEs thanks to the adoption of Tango into our FC family, our earlier idea of extending FIC's triband RFFE control signals with TSPACT5 no longer makes much sense - we will probably never produce any new hardware with that once-proposed arrangement. Therefore, that triband-or-quadband FCFAM provision is being removed from the code base, and FCDEV3B goes back to being treated the same way as CONFIG_TARGET_GTAMODEM for RFFE control purposes.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 24 Sep 2020 21:03:08 +0000
parents c41a534f33c6
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  
|  Modul   : asn1_integ_ext.c
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  Encoding and decoding functions for ASN1_INTEGER_EXTENSIBLE type

 * Standard definitions like UCHAR, ERROR etc.
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "header.h"

 * Prototypes of ccd (USE_DRIVER EQ undef) for prototypes only
 * look at ccdapi.h
#include "ccdapi.h"

 * Types and functions for bit access and manipulation
#include "ccd_globs.h"
#include "bitfun.h"

 * Prototypes and constants in the common part of ccd
#include "ccd.h"

 * Declaration of coder/decoder tables
#include "ccdtable.h"
#include "ccddata.h"

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : CCD (6144)              MODULE  : asn1_integ_ext             |
| STATE   : code                    ROUTINE : cdc_asn1_integ_ext_decode  |

            PER-visible constraints restrict the integer value to be a
            constrained whole number. This gives a lower and an upper 
            bound for the integer. The lb is also called offset. The 
            encoded value is the difference between the actual and the
            offset value.
            A possible and meant default value is never encoded.

            If the value is in the extension root, it will be encoded as
            a normally small non-negative whole number. Otherwise it will 
            be encoded in the smalles number of bits needed to express
            every enumeration.
SHORT cdc_asn1_integ_ext_decode (const ULONG c_ref, const ULONG e_ref, T_CCD_Globs *globs)
  ULONG   repeat=1, max_rep=1, var_ref, val_ref;
  BOOL    DefaultFound= FALSE;
  S32     IfnotPresent;
  UBYTE   *value, *old_pstruct = NULL;

  var_ref = (ULONG) melem[e_ref].elemRef;

#ifdef DEBUG_CCD
	#ifndef CCD_SYMBOLS
  TRACE_CCD (globs, "cdc_asn1_integ_ext_decode()");
	TRACE_CCD (globs, "cdc_asn1_integ_ext_decode() %s", ccddata_get_alias((USHORT) e_ref, 1));

   * For integer with only one possible value in the extension root:
   * If the extensinon bit is 0, the encoded value is in the extension root.
   * In this case no arrays are expected.
   * For other types:
   * The extension bit and the value will be read in the while-loop below.
  if (mvar[var_ref].bSize EQ 0)
    if (bf_readBit (globs) EQ FALSE)
      Read_unique_Integer (e_ref, globs);
      return 1;
      bf_incBitpos (-1, globs);

  val_ref = (ULONG) mvar[var_ref].valueDefs;
   * Set pstrcutOffs and max_rep. Check the valid flag in case of optional elements.
  if (PER_CommonBegin (e_ref, &max_rep, globs) NEQ ccdOK)
    return 1;

   * Allocate memory if this is a pointer type (dynamic array)
  if ( is_pointer_type(e_ref) ) {
    old_pstruct = globs->pstruct;
    if ( PER_allocmem_and_update(e_ref, max_rep, globs) NEQ ccdOK)
      /* No memory - Return.  Error already set in function call above. */
      return 1;

   * Check if there is a default value for the element. 
   * If yes, just set it aside for a later comparision.  
  if (mval[val_ref+1].isDefault EQ 2)
    IfnotPresent = mval[val_ref+1].startValue;
    DefaultFound = TRUE;

   * Decode all elements of the array.
  while ( repeat <= max_rep)

    value = globs->pstruct + globs->pstructOffs;

     * There is a default value for this integer elment. 
     * While decoding of the ASN1-SEQUENCE contiaing this integer
     * we have used a particular byte of C-structure to signalize 
     * the decoding of a default value (byte set to 0).
    if (DefaultFound AND !globs->pstruct[melem[e_ref].structOffs])
      switch (mvar[var_ref].cType)
        case 'B':
                  *(U8*)  value = (U8)   IfnotPresent;
        case 'C':
                  *(S8*)  value = (S8)   IfnotPresent;
        case 'S':
                  *(U16*) value = (U16)  IfnotPresent;
        case 'T':
                  *(S16*) value = (S16)  IfnotPresent;
        case 'L':
                  *(U32*) value = (U32)  IfnotPresent;
        case 'M':
                  *(S32*) value = (S32)  IfnotPresent;
                  ccd_recordFault (globs,ERR_DEFECT_CCDDATA, BREAK, (USHORT) e_ref, value);
     * There is no default value defined for this integer elment.
     * Read the value from the bit buffer.
      U32 ub, lb;
      ULONG readBits;
      U32 DecodedValue;

      lb = mval[val_ref].startValue;
      ub = mval[val_ref].endValue;
       * Read first the extensinon bit.
       * Then the non-negative value from the air message.
      if (bf_readBit (globs) EQ FALSE)
        readBits = bf_getBits (mvar[var_ref].bSize, globs);
      /* Value out of the extension root. */ 
      	U16 calcRef = calcidx[melem[e_ref].calcIdxRef].condCalcRef;
         * Get max value of integer within the extension root.
        if (calcRef EQ NO_REF 
            calc[calcRef].operation NEQ 'P')
          ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_DEFECT_CCDDATA, BREAK, (USHORT)   
                           e_ref, globs->pstruct+globs->pstructOffs);
          lb = calc[calcRef].operand;
        readBits = Read_NormallySmallNonNegativeWholeNr (globs);

      if (readBits <= (U32)(ub - lb))
        DecodedValue = lb + readBits;
         * Add the offset to the read value to get the actual one.
        switch (mvar[var_ref].cType)
          case 'B':
                    *(U8*)  value = (U8) DecodedValue;
          case 'C':
                    *(S8*)  value = (S8) DecodedValue;
          case 'S':
                    *(U16*) value = (U16) DecodedValue;
          case 'T':
                    *(S16*) value = (S16) DecodedValue;
          case 'L':
                    *(U32*) value = (U32) DecodedValue;
          case 'M':
                    *(S32*) value = (S32) DecodedValue;
                    ccd_recordFault (globs,ERR_DEFECT_CCDDATA, BREAK, (USHORT) e_ref, value);
#ifdef DEBUG_CCD
        TRACE_CCD (globs, "integer out of range! %ld require: %ld .. %ld ", DecodedValue, lb, ub);
        if (melem[e_ref].optional)
          ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_ASN1_OPT_IE, CONTINUE, (USHORT) e_ref, value);
          ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_ASN1_MAND_IE, CONTINUE, (USHORT) e_ref, value);
    repeat ++;
    globs->pstructOffs += mvar[var_ref].cSize; 

  if (old_pstruct NEQ NULL)
    globs->pstruct = old_pstruct;

  return 1;
#endif /* !RUN_INT_RAM */

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : CCD (6144)              MODULE  : asn1_integ_ext             |
| STATE   : code                    ROUTINE : cdc_asn1_integ_ext_encode  |

            PER-visible constraints restrict the integer value to be a
            constrained whole number. This gives a lower and an upper 
            bound for the integer. The lb is also called offset. The 
            encoded value is the difference between the actual and the
            offset value.
            A possible and meant default value is never encoded.

            If the value is in the extension root, it will be encoded as
            a normally small non-negative whole number. Otherwise it will 
            be encoded in the smalles number of bits needed to express
            every enumeration.

			      | extension  | value encoded as a normally      |
			      | bit = 1    | non-negtive integer whole number |

			      | extension  | value encoded in the bit size    |
			      | bit = 0    | needed to express ub - lb        |
SHORT cdc_asn1_integ_ext_encode (const ULONG c_ref, const ULONG e_ref, T_CCD_Globs *globs)
  ULONG   repeat=1, max_rep=1, var_ref, val_ref;
  BOOL    DefaultFound= FALSE;
  S32     IfnotPresent;
  U8     *base_pstruct;

#ifdef DEBUG_CCD
	#ifndef CCD_SYMBOLS
  TRACE_CCD (globs, "cdc_asn1_integ_ext_encode()");
	TRACE_CCD (globs, "cdc_asn1_integ_ext_encode() %s", ccddata_get_alias((USHORT) e_ref, 1));

  var_ref = (ULONG) melem[e_ref].elemRef;
  val_ref = (ULONG) mvar[var_ref].valueDefs;

   * Set pstrcutOffs and max_rep. Check the valid flag in case of optional elements.
  if (PER_CommonBegin (e_ref, &max_rep, globs) NEQ ccdOK)
    return 1;
   * Check if there is a default value for the element. 
   * If yes, just set it aside for a later comparision.  
  if (mval[val_ref+1].isDefault EQ 2)
    IfnotPresent = mval[val_ref+1].startValue;
    DefaultFound = TRUE;

  if ( is_pointer_type(e_ref) )
    base_pstruct = *(U8 **)(globs->pstruct + globs->pstructOffs);
    if (ccd_check_pointer(base_pstruct) == ccdOK)
      globs->pstructOffs = 0;
      ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_INVALID_PTR, BREAK, (USHORT) e_ref, 
      return 1;
    base_pstruct = globs->pstruct;

   * Encode all elements of the array.
  while ( repeat <= max_rep)
    S32     ub, lb, value;
    U32     extension_lb;
    UBYTE   *p;
    U16     calcRef = calcidx[melem[e_ref].calcIdxRef].condCalcRef;
     * Get offset value of integer in the extension addition.
    if (calcRef EQ NO_REF 
        calc[calcRef].operation NEQ 'P')
      ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_DEFECT_CCDDATA, BREAK,(USHORT) e_ref,
      return 1;
      extension_lb = calc[calcRef].operand;
     * setup the read pointer to the element in the C-structure
    p = base_pstruct + globs->pstructOffs;

    switch (mvar[var_ref].cType)
    case 'B':
      value = (S32)*(UBYTE *) p;
    case 'C':
      value = (S32)*(S8 *) p;
    case 'S':
      value = (S32)*(USHORT *) p;
    case 'T':
      value = (S32)*(S16 *) p;
    case 'L':
       * This type casting can be critical.
       * Thus the case of bSize=32 will be handled separately.
      if (mvar[var_ref].bSize < 32)
        value = (S32)*(U32 *) p;
    case 'M':
      value = *(S32 *) p;
      ccd_recordFault (globs,ERR_DEFECT_CCDDATA, BREAK, (USHORT) e_ref, p);
      return 1;

    if (mvar[var_ref].cType EQ 'L' AND  
           (mvar[var_ref].bSize EQ 32))
      U32 CriticalValue;
      CriticalValue = *(U32 *) p;
      if (CriticalValue >= extension_lb)
        bf_writeBit (1, globs);
        if (!DefaultFound OR (U32)IfnotPresent NEQ CriticalValue)
          Write_NormallySmallNonNegativeWholeNr (CriticalValue - extension_lb, globs);
        bf_writeBit (0, globs);          
        if (!DefaultFound OR (U32)IfnotPresent NEQ CriticalValue)
          U32 lb, ub;
          lb = (U32) mval[val_ref].startValue;
          ub = (U32) mval[val_ref].endValue;
          if (lb <= CriticalValue && CriticalValue <= ub)
            bf_writeVal (CriticalValue - lb, mvar[var_ref].bSize, globs);
#ifdef DEBUG_CCD
            TRACE_CCD (globs, "integer out of range! %ld require: %ld .. %ld ",
                               value, lb, ub);
            ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_INT_VALUE, CONTINUE, (USHORT) e_ref, p);
       * Encode only non-default values.
      if (!DefaultFound OR IfnotPresent NEQ value)
         * Set the extension bit to 0 if the value belongs to the extension root.
         * Otherwise set it to 1.
         * A non-negative-binary-integer will be encoded since the offset must
         * be subtracted from the value read from the C-structure.
        lb = mval[val_ref].startValue;
        ub = mval[val_ref].endValue;

        if (value >= (S32)extension_lb AND value <= ub)
          bf_writeBit (1, globs);
          Write_NormallySmallNonNegativeWholeNr ((U32)value - extension_lb, globs);
        else if (lb <= value AND value <= ub)
          bf_writeBit (0, globs);
           * Do not encode single valued extension roots.
          if (mvar[var_ref].bSize NEQ 0) 
            bf_writeVal ((ULONG)(value-lb), mvar[var_ref].bSize, globs);
#ifdef DEBUG_CCD
          TRACE_CCD (globs, "integer out of range! %ld require: %ld .. %ld ", value, lb, ub);
          ccd_recordFault (globs, ERR_INT_VALUE, CONTINUE, (USHORT) e_ref, p);
    } /* value not critical*/
    repeat ++; 
    globs->pstructOffs += mvar[var_ref].cSize;
  }/* while-loop */

  return 1;
#endif /* !RUN_INT_RAM */