view src/cs/riviera/rvm/rvm_mem.c @ 636:57e67ca2e1cb

pcmdata.c: default +CGMI to "FreeCalypso" and +CGMM to model The present change has no effect whatsoever on Falconia-made and Openmoko-made devices on which /pcm/CGMI and /pcm/CGMM files have been programmed in FFS with sensible ID strings by the respective factories, but what should AT+CGMI and AT+CGMM queries return when the device is a Huawei GTM900 or Tango modem that has been converted to FreeCalypso with a firmware change? Before the present change they would return compiled-in defaults of "<manufacturer>" and "<model>", respectively; with the present change the firmware will self-identify as "FreeCalypso GTM900-FC" or "FreeCalypso Tango" on the two respective targets. This firmware identification will become important if someone incorporates an FC-converted GTM900 or Tango modem into a ZeroPhone-style smartphone where some high-level software like ofono will be talking to the modem and will need to properly identify this modem as FreeCalypso, as opposed to some other AT command modem flavor with different quirks. In technical terms, the compiled-in default for the AT+CGMI query (which will always be overridden by the /pcm/CGMI file in FFS if one is present) is now "FreeCalypso" in all configs on all targets; the compiled-in default for the AT+CGMM query (likewise always overridden by /pcm/CGMM if present) is "GTM900-FC" if CONFIG_TARGET_GTM900 or "Tango" if CONFIG_TARGET_TANGO or the original default of "<model>" otherwise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 19 Jan 2020 20:14:58 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

 *  @file	rvm_mem.c                                              
 *  This file contains the functions related to memory management within RVM.
 * @author	David Lamy-Charrier (	
 * @version	0.1

 * Revision History:																			
 * 10/26/2001	David Lamy-Charrier		Create for Riviera 1.6.
 * (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved

#include "rvm/rvm_i.h"
#include "rvm/rvm_gen.h"
#include "rvm/rvm_api.h"
#include "rvm/rvm_use_id_list.h"
#include "rvf/rvf_env.h"


extern T_RVM_KNOWN_SWE	* rvm_swe_array;

** Function         rvm_delete_used_memory
** Description      Internal function which deletes used local mem if an error
**                  was received or at the end of the start/stop process.
T_RVM_RETURN rvm_delete_used_memory ( T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * appli)
	T_RVF_BUFFER_Q			buffer_to_free_q = {0, 0, 0};
	T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE		* cur_elem = appli;

	while (cur_elem != NULL)
		rvf_enqueue (&buffer_to_free_q, cur_elem);
		cur_elem = cur_elem->next_swe;

	while (buffer_to_free_q.p_first)
		rvf_free_buf (rvf_dequeue (&buffer_to_free_q));

	return RVM_OK;

** Function         rvm_delete_created_mb
** Description      Internal function which deletes all created MB if an error
**                  was received, or in case application has to be stopped.
T_RVM_RETURN rvm_delete_created_mb (T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * appli)
	UINT8 mb_index;
	T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * cur_elem = appli;
	volatile T_RV_RET ret_value = RV_OK;
	UINT8 mb_to_delete;

	while (cur_elem != NULL )
		UINT8 swe_index = cur_elem->swe_id;

		/*	If more than one appli is using this SWE, cannot delete MB
			Process to the next SWE. */
		if (rvm_swe_array[swe_index].nb_using_appli > 1)
			cur_elem = cur_elem->next_swe; /* process the next SWE */ 

		/*	If the state is running, it means that this SWE has not
			to be stopped. */
		if (rvm_swe_array[swe_index].swe_state == SWE_RUNNING)
			cur_elem = cur_elem->next_swe; /* process the next SWE */

		/* We're here:
			- either because swe_state == SWE_NOT_STARTED => error in starting prcess
			- either because swe_state == SWE_STOPPING => regular stopping process */

		if (cur_elem->nb_created_mb == 0)
			cur_elem = cur_elem->next_swe; /* process the next SWE */

		mb_to_delete = cur_elem->nb_created_mb;

		for( mb_index = 0; mb_index < mb_to_delete; mb_index++)
			ret_value = rvf_delete_mb(cur_elem->swe_mem_bank[mb_index].mb_name);
			if (ret_value != RV_OK)
				rvf_send_trace("RVM: Error in deletion of memory bank: ", 39, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, RVM_USE_ID );
				rvf_send_trace(cur_elem->swe_mem_bank[mb_index].mb_name, RVF_MAX_MB_LEN, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, RVM_USE_ID );

			ret_value = RVM_OK;

		cur_elem = cur_elem->next_swe; /* process the next SWE */ 

	return ret_value;

** Function         rvm_check_memory_requirement
** Description      This function checks if there is enough memory 
**					to start a SWE(and all the linked SWEs)
** Parameters:		T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * appli: list of required SWEs with their parameters.
** Returns          T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if there is enough memory, else RVM_MEMORY_ERR.
T_RVM_RETURN rvm_verify_memory_requirement( T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * appli,
										    T_RVM_GROUP_DIRECTIVE* gd, 
											UINT8 cnt) {	
	T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * cur_swe = appli;
	UINT32 required_mem = 0;
	UINT32 total_mem = 0;
	UINT32 used_mem = 0;
	UINT8 mb_index;
	UINT8 i=0;
	UINT16 host_task_mem=0;

	/* get available memory from the rvf */
	if ( rvf_get_available_mem( &total_mem, &used_mem) != RVF_OK )
	{	return RVM_MEMORY_ERR;

	/* count required memory */
	while (cur_swe !=NULL ) /* for each SWE */
		UINT8 swe_index = cur_swe->swe_id;

		** If SWE is already running => MB already created => do nothing
		if (rvm_swe_array[swe_index].swe_state != SWE_RUNNING )
			for( mb_index = 0; mb_index < cur_swe->nb_requested_mb; mb_index++) /* for each mb */
				required_mem += cur_swe->swe_mem_bank[mb_index].mb_initial_param.size;

			/* add the necessary stack sizes */
			/* TO DO: add the stack size for host groups not yet started */
			if( (cur_swe->swe_type == RVM_SWE_TYPE_3)
				|| (cur_swe->swe_type == RVM_SWE_TYPE_4) )
/*				|| ((cur_swe->swe_type == RVM_SWE_TYPE_2) && (rvm_swe_array[swe_index].group_index == RVM_OWN_GROUP) )) */
				required_mem += rvm_swe_array[swe_index].swe_stack_size;
				required_mem += SYSTEM_TASK_MEM;  /* only for type 3 & 4. A-M-E-N-D-E-D!    */

		cur_swe = cur_swe->next_swe;

	/* type 2 group host system and stack mem. is catered for here								*/
	for(i=0; i<cnt; i++) host_task_mem+=gd[i].stack_size;			/* A-M-E-N-D-E-D!  */
	/* compare available memory and required memory (eventually, use a percentage to improve performances) */
	if ((required_mem+host_task_mem) + used_mem > total_mem ) { 	/* A-M-E-N-D-E-D!  */
		RVM_TRACE_WARNING_PARAM("RVM: Memory required (incl. used): ", (UINT32)(required_mem+host_task_mem+ used_mem) );
		RVM_TRACE_WARNING_PARAM("RVM: Total Memory available      : ", (UINT32)total_mem);
		return RVM_MEMORY_ERR;
	} else{
		return RVM_OK;

** Function         rvm_allocate_mem
** Description      This function creates all the required memory banks or
**					increases their size if needed, to start a SWE. 
** Parameters:		T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * appli: list of required SWEs with their parameters.
** Returns          T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if all allocations are successful, 
**					else RVM_MEMORY_ERR and it releases all the allocated memory.
T_RVM_RETURN rvm_allocate_mb( T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * appli)
{	T_RVM_PROCESSING_SWE * cur_swe = appli;
	UINT8 mb_index;
	volatile T_RVM_RETURN rvm_ret_value = RVM_OK;
	/* for each SWE in the list */
	while ((cur_swe != NULL ) && (rvm_ret_value == RVM_OK))
		UINT8 swe_index = cur_swe->swe_id;

		if (rvm_swe_array[swe_index].swe_state == SWE_NOT_STARTED) 
			/* If the state is not SWE_RUNNING, then the MBs have to be created	*/
			for( mb_index = 0; mb_index < cur_swe->nb_requested_mb; mb_index++) /* for each mb */
			{	T_RVF_MB_PARAM mb_param;
				/* add the initial size */
				mb_param.size = cur_swe->swe_mem_bank[mb_index].mb_initial_param.size;
				mb_param.watermark = cur_swe->swe_mem_bank[mb_index].mb_initial_param.watermark;

				/* create the mb */
				if ( mb_param.size != 0)
					/* create the mb */
					if ( rvf_create_mb( cur_swe->swe_mem_bank[mb_index].mb_name, mb_param, &(cur_swe->bk_id_table[mb_index]) ) != RVF_OK)
						/* if an error occurs */
						rvm_ret_value = RVM_MEMORY_ERR;

		cur_swe = cur_swe->next_swe; /* process the next SWE */ 

	if (rvm_ret_value != RVM_OK)
		/* Something went wrong, should release all used memory */
		rvf_send_trace("RVM: Problem in memory bank creation !!!", 40, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, RVM_USE_ID );
		if (rvm_delete_created_mb (appli) != RVM_OK)
			rvf_send_trace("RVM: MB deleting error!!!", 25, NULL_PARAM, RV_TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, RVM_USE_ID );

	return rvm_ret_value;

** Function         rvm_allocate_stack_buffer
** Description      This function allocates a buffer for the stack of a new 
**					task created by RVM.
** Parameters:		UINT32 stack_size: size of stack.
**					T_RVF_BUFFER** stack_ptr: pointer to the allocated buffer.
** Returns          T_RVM_RETURN: RVM_OK if all allocation is successful, 
**					else RVM_MEMORY_ERR.
T_RVM_RETURN rvm_allocate_stack_buffer( UINT32 stack_size, T_RVF_BUFFER** stack_ptr )
{	T_RVF_MB_PARAM mb_params;

	/* increase the size of the stack MB before allocating the new buffer */
	if( rvf_get_mb_param( RVM_STACK_MB, &mb_params) != RV_OK)
	{	return RVM_MEMORY_ERR;
	mb_params.size		+= stack_size;
	mb_params.watermark	+= stack_size;

	if( rvf_set_mb_param( RVM_STACK_MB, &mb_params) != RV_OK)
	{	return RVM_MEMORY_ERR;

	if( rvf_get_buf( rvm_stack_mem_bank, stack_size, stack_ptr) == RVF_RED)
	{	return RVM_MEMORY_ERR;
	return RVM_OK;
