view src/cs/services/dar/dar_api.c @ 636:57e67ca2e1cb

pcmdata.c: default +CGMI to "FreeCalypso" and +CGMM to model The present change has no effect whatsoever on Falconia-made and Openmoko-made devices on which /pcm/CGMI and /pcm/CGMM files have been programmed in FFS with sensible ID strings by the respective factories, but what should AT+CGMI and AT+CGMM queries return when the device is a Huawei GTM900 or Tango modem that has been converted to FreeCalypso with a firmware change? Before the present change they would return compiled-in defaults of "<manufacturer>" and "<model>", respectively; with the present change the firmware will self-identify as "FreeCalypso GTM900-FC" or "FreeCalypso Tango" on the two respective targets. This firmware identification will become important if someone incorporates an FC-converted GTM900 or Tango modem into a ZeroPhone-style smartphone where some high-level software like ofono will be talking to the modem and will need to properly identify this modem as FreeCalypso, as opposed to some other AT command modem flavor with different quirks. In technical terms, the compiled-in default for the AT+CGMI query (which will always be overridden by the /pcm/CGMI file in FFS if one is present) is now "FreeCalypso" in all configs on all targets; the compiled-in default for the AT+CGMM query (likewise always overridden by /pcm/CGMM if present) is "GTM900-FC" if CONFIG_TARGET_GTM900 or "Tango" if CONFIG_TARGET_TANGO or the original default of "<model>" otherwise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 19 Jan 2020 20:14:58 +0000
parents ca343ccbca81
line wrap: on
line source

/*                                                                           */
/*  File Name:  dar_api.c                                                   */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Purpose:  This file contains all the functions used to service          */
/*            primitives.                                                   */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Version   0.1                                                           */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Date               Modification                                         */
/*  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  */
/*  2 October 2001  Create                                                  */
/*                                                                          */
/*  Author    - Stephanie Gerthoux                                          */
/*                                                                          */
/* (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved*/

#include "rv/rv_defined_swe.h"

#ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE
   #ifndef _WINDOWS
      #include "swconfig.cfg"
      #include "sys.cfg"
      #include "l1sw.cfg"
      #include "chipset.cfg"

   #include "abb/abb.h"
   #include "rv/rv_general.h"
   #include "rvm/rvm_gen.h"
   #include "dar/dar_api.h"
   #include "dar/dar_env.h"    
   #include "dar/dar_error_hdlr_i.h"
   #include "dar/dar_messages_i.h"
   #include "dar/dar_msg_ft.h"
   #include "dar/dar_macro_i.h" 
   #include "dar/dar_diagnose_i.h"
   #include "dar/dar_const_i.h"
   #include "dar/dar_emergency.h"

   #ifndef _WINDOWS
      /* enable the timer */
      #include "memif/mem.h"
      #include "timer/timer.h"
      #include "inth/iq.h"
      #if (CHIPSET == 12)
        #include "inth/sys_inth.h"

   /**** Global variable ****/
   /* Define load timer */
   static UINT16 dar_load_tim = 0x0;

   /* Increment variable */
   static BOOLEAN dar_increment = TRUE;

   /* DAR previous status */
   T_DAR_RECOVERY_STATUS   dar_previous_status;

   /* DAR previous exception*/
   UINT8    dar_previous_exception;

    /**** Define extern variables ****/
   /* Get the status of the system */
   extern T_DAR_RECOVERY_STATUS dar_current_status;

   /* dar_exception_status : to get the status of the exception */
   extern UINT8 dar_exception_status;

   /* Define the recovery buffer */
   extern UINT8 dar_recovery_buffer[DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];

   /* Define a pointer to the Global Environment Control block   */
   extern T_DAR_ENV_CTRL_BLK *dar_gbl_var_p;

   /* **************************************************************************** */
   /*                                RECOVERY                                      */
   /* **************************************************************************** */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_recovery_get_status                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is called by the MMI at the beginning of the      */
   /*              procedure, in order to get the status of the last reset of      */
   /*              the system.                                                     */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        Dar recovery status                                                   */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*         Validation of the function execution.                                */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET dar_recovery_get_status(T_DAR_RECOVERY_STATUS* status)
      /* Variable to know the status of th Omega VRPC register */
      UINT16 dar_pwr_status;

      *status = dar_previous_status;
      switch (dar_previous_status)
         case (DAR_WATCHDOG):
      	   DAR_SEND_TRACE("Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = WATCHDOG",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
         case (DAR_NORMAL_SCUTTLING):
      	   DAR_SEND_TRACE("Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = NORMAL SCUTTLING",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
      	   DAR_SEND_TRACE("Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = EMERGENCY SCUTTLING",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
            switch (dar_previous_exception)
                case (DAR_EXCEPTION_DATA_ABORT):
      	            DAR_SEND_TRACE(" A DATA ABORT exception has occured",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
                case (DAR_EXCEPTION_PREFETCH_ABORT):
      	            DAR_SEND_TRACE("          A PREFETCH ABORT exception has occured",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
                case (DAR_EXCEPTION_UNDEFINED):
      	            DAR_SEND_TRACE("          A UNDEFINED INSTRUCTION exception has occured",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
                case (DAR_EXCEPTION_SWI):
      	            DAR_SEND_TRACE("          A SWI exception has occured",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
                case (DAR_EXCEPTION_RESERVED):
      	            DAR_SEND_TRACE("          A RESERVED exception has occured",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);

       	         DAR_SEND_TRACE("          An error has been detected",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);


            #if (_GSM==1) || (defined _WINDOWS)
               dar_pwr_status = ABB_Read_Status();

               #if ((ANLG_FAM == 1) || (ANLG_FAM == 2))
               if (dar_pwr_status & ONBSTS)
               #elif (ANLG_FAM == 3)
               if (dar_pwr_status & PWONBSTS)
	               /* Switch on Condition on ON BUTTON Push */
          	      DAR_SEND_TRACE("Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = POWER ON/OFF",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
                  /* Branch to a reset at adress 0 */
          	      DAR_SEND_TRACE("Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = BRANCH to adress 0",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
               /* the SPI is not available in BOARD_TEST configuration */
        	      DAR_SEND_TRACE("Dar Entity: Status of the last reset of the system = POWER ON/OFF or BRANCH to adress 0",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);
      }/* switch */


   } /* dar_recovery_get_status */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_recovery_config                                      */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is used to store a callback function that will be */
   /*              called by the recovery system when a recovery procedure has     */
   /*              been initiated                                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        dar callback function                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.                                 */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET dar_recovery_config(T_RV_RET (*dar_store_recovery_data)
                                                      (T_DAR_BUFFER      buffer_p,
                                                      UINT16            length))
      /* call the callback function */
      dar_gbl_var_p->entity_dar_callback = dar_store_recovery_data; 

   } /* dar_recovery_config */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_get_recovery_data                                    */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is used to retrieve data that have been stored    */
   /*              in the buffer just before a reset.                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*       - the buffer in whom important data have been stored before the reset  */
   /*       - the length of the buffer                                             */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.                                 */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET dar_get_recovery_data( T_DAR_BUFFER buffer_p, UINT16   length )                                                                               
      /* Local variables */
      UINT8 i; 

	   if (buffer_p != NULL)
         if(length <= DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)
            /* Retrieve data that have been stored in the global buffer */
               buffer_p[i] = dar_recovery_buffer[i];

         /* the lenth is longer than DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE */
            /* So retrieve "DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE" data that have been stored */
            /* in the global buffer, the other data (length -"DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE") */
            /* are lost*/
                buffer_p[i] = dar_recovery_buffer[i];

            DAR_SEND_TRACE_PARAM("Bytes nb that haven't be saved due to not enough memory space ",(DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE-length),DAR_WARNING);
      } /* if (buffer_p != NULL) */

   } /* dar_get_recovery_data */

   /* **************************************************************************** */
   /*                                  WATCHDOG                                    */
   /* **************************************************************************** */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_start_watchdog_timer                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function uses the timer as a general purpose timer instead */
   /*              of Watchdog. It loads the timer , starts it and then unmasks    */
   /*              the interrupt.                                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        time's interval in milliseconds before the timer expires              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.                                 */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET   dar_start_watchdog_timer(UINT16 timer_expiration_value)

      /* use Watchdog timer set as a general purpose timer                     */
      /* Calculate the load value thanks to the formula:                       */
      /*      timer_expiration_value * 1000 = Tclk * (DAR_LOAD_TIM+1)*2^(PTV+1)*/
      /*      (in Watchdog mode, the value of PTV is fixed to 7)               */
      dar_load_tim = ((timer_expiration_value * 1000)/(1.078*256))-1;

      #ifndef _WINDOWS
       /* Load "dar_load_tim" value */

       /* Start timer with PTV = 7, no autoreload, free = 0 */
       *(volatile UINT16*)TIMER_CNTL_REG = 0x0E80;

       /* Unmask IRQ0 */
       #if (CHIPSET == 12)

   } /* dar_start_watchdog_timer */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_reload_watchdog_timer                                */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is used to maintain the timer in reloading it     */
   /*              periodically before it expires                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        None                                                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.                                 */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET   dar_reload_watchdog_timer()
      #ifndef _WINDOWS


       /* Stop the timer */
       *(volatile UINT16*)TIMER_CNTL_REG = 0x0E00;

       /* Reload the timer with a different value each time */
       if (dar_increment == TRUE)
            dar_increment = FALSE;
            dar_increment = TRUE;

       /* Restart timer with PTV = 7, no autoreload, free = 0 */
       *(volatile UINT16*)TIMER_CNTL_REG = 0x0E80;


   } /* dar_reload_watchdog_timer */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_stop_watchdog_timer                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function stops the timer used as a general purpose timer   */
   /*              instead of watchdog                                             */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        None                                                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.                                 */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET   dar_stop_watchdog_timer()
      #ifndef _WINDOWS
       /* Stop the timer */
       *(volatile UINT16*)TIMER_CNTL_REG = 0x0E00;

       /* Mask IRQ0 */
       #if (CHIPSET == 12)


   } /* dar_stop_watchdog_timer */

   /* **************************************************************************** */
   /*                                  RESET                                       */
   /* **************************************************************************** */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_reset_system                                         */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function can be used to reset the system voluntarily       */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        None                                                                  */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.                                 */  
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET   dar_reset_system(void)

      /* Update the DAR recovery status */
      dar_current_status = DAR_NORMAL_SCUTTLING;

      /* Call the MMI callback function to save some parameters before reset */
      if (dar_gbl_var_p->entity_dar_callback != NULL)

      /* Send a trace before the reset of the system */
      DAR_SEND_TRACE("Voluntary reset of the system",RV_TRACE_LEVEL_DEBUG_HIGH);



   /* **************************************************************************** */
   /*                                DIAGNOSE                                      */
   /* **************************************************************************** */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_diagnose_swe_filter  		    			                   */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose: This function is called to configure the Diagnose filtering.     */
   /*             It allows to determine what Software Entity ( dar_use_id )       */
   /*             wants to use the Diagnose and allows to indicate the level       */
   /*             threshold of the diagnose messages. (Warning or Debug)           */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*         - the dar use id                                                     */
   /*         - the dar level                                                      */
   /*											                                                         */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*        Validation of the function execution.								                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Note:                                                                     */
   /*        None                                                                  */
   /*                                                                              */

   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_swe_filter ( T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id, 
                                     T_DAR_LEVEL   dar_level)
      /* Declare local variables */
      T_RVF_MB_STATUS       mb_status   = RVF_GREEN;
      T_DAR_FILTER_START   *use_id_p = NULL;

      /************************** dar_diagnose_swe_filter function   ***************/

      if (dar_gbl_var_p == NULL )
      /* allocate the memory for the message to send */
      mb_status = rvf_get_buf (dar_gbl_var_p->mb_dar,
                               sizeof (T_DAR_FILTER_START),
                               (T_RVF_BUFFER **) (&use_id_p));

      /* If insufficient resources, then report a memory error and abort.          */
      if (mb_status == RVF_YELLOW)
         /* deallocate the memory */
         rvf_free_buf((T_RVF_BUFFER *)use_id_p);
         return (RV_NOT_SUPPORTED);
      if (mb_status == RVF_RED)
         return (RV_MEMORY_ERR);

      /* fill the message id       */
      use_id_p ->os_hdr.msg_id = DAR_FILTER_REQ;

      /* fill the addr source id */
      use_id_p->os_hdr.src_addr_id = dar_gbl_var_p->addrId;

      /* fill the message parameters (group, mask and level) */
      use_id_p->use_msg_parameter.group_nb = (dar_use_id>>16)& 0x7FFF;
      use_id_p->use_msg_parameter.mask     = (dar_use_id)&0xFFFF;
      use_id_p->use_msg_parameter.level    = dar_level;

      /* send the messsage to the DAR entity */
      rvf_send_msg (dar_gbl_var_p->addrId, 

      return (RV_OK);

   } /* dar_diagnose_swe_filter */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_diagnose_write                                       */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is called to store diagnose data in RAM buffer    */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        Pointer to the message to store                                       */
   /*        Data Format, ( the Binary format is not supported)                    */
   /*        Data level,                                                           */
   /*        Data Use Id,                                                          */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*         Validation of the diagnose execution.                                */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_write(  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
                                 T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
                                 T_DAR_LEVEL   diagnose_info_level,
                                 T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id)
      /* Declare local variables */
      UINT8 index =0 ; /* local index */

      /* Check if the dar_use_id group_nb exists */
      /* If the group exists... */
      if(dar_search_group((dar_use_id>>16)& 0x7FFF,&index) == RV_OK)
         /* Check the Dar level   */
            case DAR_WARNING:
               /* The DAR entity wants to process Warning messages */
               /* check if the mask_warning is in the dar_filter array */
               if (((dar_gbl_var_p ->dar_filter_array[index].mask_warning) 
                      & ((dar_use_id)&0xFFFF)) !=0)
                  /* The Warning messages must be diagnosed */
                  dar_send_write_data( buffer_p, format, diagnose_info_level, dar_use_id);

                  /* There is no mask_warning for this use_id in the dar_filter array   */
                  /* The warning messages can't be diagnosed                            */
                  DAR_TRACE_WARNING("The Warning messages can't be diagnosed");

            } /* case DAR_WARNING */

            case DAR_DEBUG:
               /* The DAR entity wants to process Debug messages       */
               /* Check if the mask_debug is in the dar_filter array */

               if (((dar_gbl_var_p ->dar_filter_array[index].mask_debug) 
                      & ((dar_use_id)&0xFFFF)) !=0) 
                  /* The Debug messages must be diagnosed */
                  dar_send_write_data( buffer_p, format, diagnose_info_level, dar_use_id);
                  /* There is no mask_debug for this use_id in the dar_filter array    */
                  /* The debug messages can't be diagnosed                             */
                  DAR_TRACE_WARNING("The Debug messages can't be diagnosed");
            } /* case DAR_DEBUG */

               /* Unknow level has been received */
               DAR_TRACE_WARNING("A DAR unknow level has been received ");
         } /* switch(msg_p->use_msg_parameter.level) */
      } /* if (search_group(dar_use_id.group_nb,&index)== RV_OK) */
        /* An unknow group message has been received */
        DAR_TRACE_WARNING("A DAR unknow group level message has been received ");
      return (RV_OK);
   } /* dar_diagnose_write */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_diagnose_generate_emergency                          */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is called to store diagnose data in RAM buffer    */
   /*              when an emergency has been detected and goes to emergency       */
   /*              (automatic reset)                                               */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        Pointer to the message to store                                       */
   /*        Data Format, ( the Binary format is not supported)                    */
   /*        Data Use Id,                                                          */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*         Validation of the diagnose execution.                                */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_generate_emergency(  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
                                              T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
                                              T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id)
      if (dar_gbl_var_p != NULL)
         /* Process the diagnose emergency */
         dar_process_emergency(buffer_p, format, dar_use_id, DAR_EMERGENCY_RESET|DAR_NEW_ENTRY);
         return (RV_OK);
         return (RV_NOT_READY);

   } /* dar_diagnose_write */

   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Function Name:   dar_diagnose_write_emergency                             */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Purpose:  This function is called to store diagnose data in RAM buffer    */
   /*              when an emergency has been detected. Data is written directly   */
   /*              compared to dar_diagnode_write where data is sent to DAR        */
   /*              via messages. Depending on the passed flags a RESET will be     */                                              
   /*              done.                                                           */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Input Parameters:                                                         */
   /*        Pointer to the message to store                                       */
   /*        Data Format, ( the Binary format is not supported)                    */
   /*        Data Use Id,                                                          */
   /*        Flags                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Output Parameters:                                                        */
   /*         Validation of the diagnose execution.                                */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*                                                                              */
   /*    Revision History:                                                         */
   /*        None.                                                                 */
   /*                                                                              */
   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_write_emergency(  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
                                           T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
                                           T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id,
                                           UINT32 flags)
      if (dar_gbl_var_p != NULL)
         /* Process the diagnose emergency */
         dar_process_emergency(buffer_p, format, dar_use_id, flags);
         return (RV_OK);
         return (RV_NOT_READY);

   } /* dar_diagnose_write_emergency */

   /* ************************************************ */
   /*            THE DAR ENTITY IS DISABLED            */
   /* ************************************************ */

   #include "rv/rv_general.h"
   #include "rvm/rvm_gen.h"
   #include "rvm/rvm_priorities.h"
   #include "rvf/rvf_target.h"
   #include "rvf/rvf_i.h"
   #include "dar/dar_gen.h"

   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_swe_filter ( T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id, 
                                      T_DAR_LEVEL   dar_level)
         return (RV_OK);

   } /* dar_diagnose_swe_filter */

   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_write(  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
                                 T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
                                 T_DAR_LEVEL   diagnose_info_level,
                                 T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id)
         return (RV_OK);

   } /* dar_diagnose_write */

   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_generate_emergency(  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
                                              T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
                                              T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id)

         return (RV_OK);

   } /* dar_diagnose_generate_emergency */

   T_RV_RET dar_diagnose_write_emergency(  T_DAR_INFO    *buffer_p,
                                           T_DAR_FORMAT  format,
                                           T_RVM_USE_ID  dar_use_id,
                                           UINT32 flags)
         return (RV_OK);
   } /* dar_diagnose_write_emergency */

#endif /* #ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE */