view src/ui3/mfw/mfw_mfw.c @ 636:57e67ca2e1cb

pcmdata.c: default +CGMI to "FreeCalypso" and +CGMM to model The present change has no effect whatsoever on Falconia-made and Openmoko-made devices on which /pcm/CGMI and /pcm/CGMM files have been programmed in FFS with sensible ID strings by the respective factories, but what should AT+CGMI and AT+CGMM queries return when the device is a Huawei GTM900 or Tango modem that has been converted to FreeCalypso with a firmware change? Before the present change they would return compiled-in defaults of "<manufacturer>" and "<model>", respectively; with the present change the firmware will self-identify as "FreeCalypso GTM900-FC" or "FreeCalypso Tango" on the two respective targets. This firmware identification will become important if someone incorporates an FC-converted GTM900 or Tango modem into a ZeroPhone-style smartphone where some high-level software like ofono will be talking to the modem and will need to properly identify this modem as FreeCalypso, as opposed to some other AT command modem flavor with different quirks. In technical terms, the compiled-in default for the AT+CGMI query (which will always be overridden by the /pcm/CGMI file in FFS if one is present) is now "FreeCalypso" in all configs on all targets; the compiled-in default for the AT+CGMM query (likewise always overridden by /pcm/CGMM if present) is "GTM900-FC" if CONFIG_TARGET_GTM900 or "Tango" if CONFIG_TARGET_TANGO or the original default of "<model>" otherwise.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 19 Jan 2020 20:14:58 +0000
parents e8ddbb0837ed
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT: MMI-Framework (8417)         $Workfile:: mfw_mfw.c       $|
| $Author:: Es  $ CONDAT GmbH           $Revision:: 11              $|
| CREATED: 21.09.98                     $Modtime:: 23.03.00 10:47   $|
| STATE  : code                                                      |


   PURPOSE : element chaining functions

   EXPORT  :

   TO DO   :

   $History:: mfw_mfw.c                                             $
	Sep 14, 2007	REF: OMAPS00145866  Adrian Salido
	Description:	FT - MMI: Wrong trace class 
	Solution:		changed event traces to function traces because the information content of 
				this is low for non-MMI people and against TI coding convention.

      Nov 05, 2005	REF: OMAPS00049571   Sumanth Kumar. C
      Description:	eZi Text function is not working
      Solution:		current_mfw_elem variable is updated when any of the elements 
                            such as window, keyboard, timer, etc., are deleted so that the 
                            current_mfw_element does not point to element that has already been freed.

  	Feb 28, 2004    REF: CRR 25608     Deepa M.D
	The mfwEorc is made const.The changes will be present both in Color and Golite build .

      Jan 27, 2005 REF: CRR MMI-SPR-28300 xnkulkar
      Description: BMI: memory leak in mfwFree/mfwAlloc ??
      Solution: Trace output to print memory address and size freed  
                    modified in function mfwFree()
      Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
      Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
      Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32

      Oct 06, 2004    REF: CRR 25608     Deepa M.D
      Bug:Change "static MfwHdr mfwEorc =" to const
      Fix: MfwHdr mfwEorc is made const to save memory.
 * *****************  Version 11  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.03.00   Time: 14:43
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * Added 'mfwParent(elem)'
 * *****************  Version 10  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.02.00   Time: 15:45
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * fixed alloc/free bug (shrink)
 * changed MfwMemLarge macro
 * added constants for MMI event handler return values
 * *****************  Version 9  *****************
 * User: Kk           Date: 10.01.00   Time: 14:03
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Rm           Date: 12/22/99   Time: 4:34p
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Be           Date: 29.11.99   Time: 14:31
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * target integration
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 22.11.99   Time: 10:24
 * Updated in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.11.99   Time: 16:35
 * Created in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MFW
 * Initial
 * *****************  Version 6  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 1.04.99    Time: 17:07
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * removed lots of traces
 * *****************  Version 5  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 18.02.99   Time: 17:01
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 4  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 17.02.99   Time: 19:11
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 3  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 27.01.99   Time: 15:06
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
 * *****************  Version 2  *****************
 * User: Es           Date: 23.12.98   Time: 16:19
 * Updated in $/GSM/DEV/MS/SRC/MFW
#define ENTITY_MFW


#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined (NEW_FRAME)

#include "typedefs.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"


#include "STDDEFS.H"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "vsi.h"


//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <string.h>

#include "mfw_mfw.h"
#include "mfw_sys.h"
#include "mfw_win.h"
#include "mfw_sat.h"	/* CQ16435 : Header Required */

// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
U32 mfwMemDynTotal = 0;                 /* sample memory usage      */
U32 mfwMemLowWater = 0xffffffff;            /* sample memory usage      */

MfwHdr *mfwFocus = 0;                   /* the focus node           */
MfwHdr *mfwRoot = 0;                    /* root of MFW elements     */
MfwCb mfwCommand [MfwTypMax];           /* MFW commands to modules  */

static MfwHdr *mfwSatIdleWin = 0;	/* CQ16435 : When this window gets focus, SAT will be informed */

static MfwMemHdr mfwMem;                /* root of free memory list */
static U8 *mfwMemBase;                  /* mfw dynamic memory pool  */
static U8 *mfwMemEnd;                   /* end of mfw memory        */

// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
static U32 mfwMemLeft;                  /* space left in pool       */

//Feb 28, 2005    REF: CRR 25608     Deepa M.D
//The mfwEorc is made const.The changes will be present both in Color and Golite build
static const  MfwHdr mfwEorc = {0, MfwTypMax, 0}; /* end of root chain     */

/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes end***********************/

U8     mfwSignallingMethod = 0;           /* default is focus+root    */

EXTERN MfwHdr * current_mfw_elem;


// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: define SENTINEL_SIZE to a value of 4
#define SENTINEL_SIZE  4   //Will, Dec/07/2004-->Ti is 4 bytes
| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwInit            |

  PURPOSE : initialize framework


// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
MfwRes mfwInit (void *externalRoot, U32 dynMemSize)
    int i;

    mfwSetFocus(0);                       /* initially no focus       */
    dynMemSize &= ~(sizeof(MfwMemHdr)-1); /* align to header size   */
    mfwMemDynTotal = dynMemSize;
    if (dynMemSize)
/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes start***********************/
        mfwRoot = (MfwHdr *)&mfwEorc;             /* points to end of chain   */
/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes end***********************/
        mfwMemBase = (U8 *) externalRoot; /* setup memory handler   */
        mfwMemEnd = (U8 *) externalRoot + dynMemSize; = 0;
        mfwMem.len = 0;
        ((MfwMemHdr *) mfwMemBase)->next = dynMemSize;
        ((MfwMemHdr *) mfwMemBase)->len = dynMemSize;
        mfwMemLeft = dynMemSize;
        mfwRoot = (MfwHdr *) externalRoot; /* setup root pointer    */
/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes start***********************/
        if (!mfwRoot)
            mfwRoot = (MfwHdr *)&mfwEorc;         /* points to end of chain   */
/***************************Go-lite Optimization changes end***********************/
        mfwMemBase = 0;
        mfwMemEnd = 0; = 0;
        mfwMem.len = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < MfwTypMax; i++)     /* init command table       */
        mfwCommand[i] = 0;

    return MfwResOk;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwExit            |

  PURPOSE : finalize framework


void mfwExit (void)

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwSignallingMethod|

  PURPOSE : Defines the signalling method


MfwRes mfwSetSignallingMethod (U8 method)
  mfwSignallingMethod = method;
  return MfwResOk; /*return statement added for warning removal*/

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwSetFocus          |
  PURPOSE : Assign Focus to the passed window


void mfwSetFocus(MfwHdr *w)
       if (satEvtRegistered(SatEvtIdleScreenActivated) == TRUE)
		if ((mfwSatIdleWin != 0) && (mfwSatIdleWin == w))
			/* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
			MMI_TRACE_EVENT("NDH >>> CQ16435 : Send the Idle Screen Available Event to the SIM");

	mfwFocus = w;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwSetSatIdle          |

  PURPOSE : Set the window which will trigger SAT Event Idle Activated if required

void mfwSetSatIdle(MfwHdr *w)
	MfwWin *win;

	if (!w)
		mfwSatIdleWin = 0;

	win = w->data;

	mfwSatIdleWin = win->elems;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwInsert          |

  PURPOSE : chain up framework element


MfwHdr *mfwInsert (MfwHdr *h, MfwHdr *e)
    if (!e)                             /* nothing to insert        */
        return 0;

    if (!h)                             /* use root chain           */
        e->next = mfwRoot;
        mfwRoot = e;
    else if (h->type == MfwTypWin)      /* use window chain         */
        e->next = ((MfwWin *) (h->data))->elems;
        ((MfwWin *) h->data)->elems = e;
        if (mfwFocus == e->next)        /* was focus window ?       */
            mfwSetFocus(e);               /* yes: reassign focus      */
    else                                /* insert into any chain    */
      return 0;

    return e;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwAppend          |

  PURPOSE : chain up framework element at end of chain


MfwHdr *mfwAppend (MfwHdr **h, MfwHdr *e)
    if (!e)                             /* nothing to append        */
        return 0;

    if (!h)                             /* append to header chain   */
        h = &mfwRoot;

    if ((*h)->type == MfwTypMax)        /* empty chain              */
        if (mfwFocus == *h)
        e->next = *h;
        *h = e;
        if(e->type == MfwTypWin || e->type == MfwTypKbd ||e->type == MfwTypTim ||
	         e->type == MfwTypEdt || e->type == MfwTypMnu || e->type == MfwTypIcn)
	             current_mfw_elem = e;
        return e;

    while ((*h)->next && (*h)->next->type != MfwTypMax)
        h = &((*h)->next);

    e->next = (*h)->next;
    (*h)->next = e;
    if(e->type == MfwTypWin || e->type == MfwTypKbd ||e->type == MfwTypTim ||
	         e->type == MfwTypEdt || e->type == MfwTypMnu || e->type == MfwTypIcn)
	             current_mfw_elem = e;

    return e;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwRemove          |

  PURPOSE : unchain element and return its root


MfwHdr **mfwRemove (MfwHdr *e)
    MfwHdr **rp, **rpr, *h;

    if (!e)                             /* nothing to remove        */
        return 0;

    h = e;                              /* find elements root       */
    while (h->next && h->type != MfwTypMax)
        h = h->next;
    if (h->type != MfwTypMax)
        return 0;
    h = h->next;                        /* h points to root element */
    if (!h)                             /* remove from header chain */
        rp = &mfwRoot;
    else if (h->type == MfwTypWin)      /* remove from window chain */
        rp = &(((MfwWin*)(h->data))->elems);
    else                                /* don't remove from normal */
        return 0;

    rpr = rp;
    while (*rp && (*rp)->type != MfwTypMax)
        if (*rp == e)
            *rp = e->next;
            if (mfwFocus == e)          /* first element of window  */
/*    Nov 05, 2005	REF: OMAPS00049571   Sumanth Kumar. C
  *    Solution: 	current_mfw_elem variable is updated when any of the elements 
  *                         such as window, keyboard, timer, etc., are deleted so that the 
  *                         current_mfw_element does not point to element that has already been freed.
            if(e->type == MfwTypWin || e->type == MfwTypKbd ||e->type == MfwTypTim ||
	         e->type == MfwTypEdt || e->type == MfwTypMnu || e->type == MfwTypIcn)
	             current_mfw_elem = e->next;
            return rpr;
        rp = &((*rp)->next);

    return 0;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwParent          |

  PURPOSE : get parent of given element


MfwHnd mfwParent (MfwHdr *h)
    if (!h)                             /* no element               */
        return 0;

    while (h->next && h->type != MfwTypMax)
      h = h->next;
        return 0;
    if (h->type != MfwTypMax)
        return 0;                       /* ERROR !                  */
    h = h->next;                        /* h points to root element */
    if (h && h->type == MfwTypWin)      /* parent should be window  */
        return h;

    return 0;                           /* root element             */

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwHeader          |

  PURPOSE : get header of a given element


MfwHnd mfwHeader (void)
  return current_mfw_elem;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwControl         |

  PURPOSE : retrieve element control block


MfwHnd mfwControl (MfwHdr *h)
    if (!h)
        return 0;
    if (h->type <= MfwTypNone || h->type >= MfwTypMax)
        return 0;

    return h->data;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwAlloc           |

  PURPOSE : alloc MFW memory


// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
U8 *mfwAlloc (U32 size)
    MfwMemHdr *p, *n, *l;
    U8 *data_ptr;

    if (!size)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): invalid memory request");
        return 0;
    if (!mfwMemBase)
    	size += (SENTINEL_SIZE*2);
    	data_ptr = (U8 *) sysAlloc(size);
    	memset(data_ptr, 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);
    	memset(data_ptr + (size-SENTINEL_SIZE), 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);
    	data_ptr += SENTINEL_SIZE;
        return data_ptr;

   	size = (U32) mfwMemLarge(size) + (SENTINEL_SIZE*2);

    if (size >= mfwMemLeft)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): no memory");
        return 0;
    if (mfwMemBase + > mfwMemEnd
              || mfwMemBase + < mfwMemBase)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): corrupted memory");
        return 0;

    p = &mfwMem;                        /* root of dyn memory       */
    n = (MfwMemHdr *) (mfwMemBase + p->next); /* first free block   */
    while ((U8 *) n < mfwMemEnd)
        if (n->len == size)             /* fits exactly:            */
            p->next = n->next;          /* just remove from chain   */

            mfwMemLeft -= size;
            if (mfwMemLeft < mfwMemLowWater)
                mfwMemLowWater = mfwMemLeft;

			data_ptr = (U8 *)n;

            memset(data_ptr, 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);
            memset(data_ptr + size-SENTINEL_SIZE, 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);
            memset(data_ptr + SENTINEL_SIZE, 0, size-(SENTINEL_SIZE*2));

            data_ptr += SENTINEL_SIZE;

			/* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
            MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P2("MFWAlloc %d bytes in address %p",size,n);
            return data_ptr;

        if (n->len > size)              /* take it from a big one   */
            l = (MfwMemHdr *) ((U8 *) n + size); /* new header    */
            l->next = n->next;          /* setup chain to next    */
            l->len = (U32) (n->len - size); /* remaining memory   */
            p->next += size;            /* link with previous block */

            mfwMemLeft -= size;
            if (mfwMemLeft < mfwMemLowWater)
                mfwMemLowWater = mfwMemLeft;

			data_ptr = (U8 *)n;

            memset(data_ptr, 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);
            memset(data_ptr + size-SENTINEL_SIZE, 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);
            memset(data_ptr + SENTINEL_SIZE, 0, size-(SENTINEL_SIZE*2));

            data_ptr += SENTINEL_SIZE;

			/* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
            MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P2("MFWAlloc %d bytes in address %p",size,n);
            return data_ptr;            /* allocated me address     */
        p = n;
        n = (MfwMemHdr *) (mfwMemBase + n->next);
    if (!mfwMemBase)
        return (U8 *) sysAlloc(size);

    size = (U32) mfwMemLarge(size);
    if (size >= mfwMemLeft)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): no memory");
        return 0;
    if (mfwMemBase + > mfwMemEnd
              || mfwMemBase + < mfwMemBase)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): corrupted memory");
        return 0;

    p = &mfwMem;                        /* root of dyn memory       */
    n = (MfwMemHdr *) (mfwMemBase + p->next); /* first free block   */
    while ((U8 *) n < mfwMemEnd)
        if (n->len == size)             /* fits exactly:            */
            p->next = n->next;          /* just remove from chain   */
            mfwMemLeft -= size;
            if (mfwMemLeft < mfwMemLowWater)
                mfwMemLowWater = mfwMemLeft;
			/* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
            MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P2("MFWAlloc %d bytes in address %p",size,n);
            return (U8 *) n;
        if (n->len > size)              /* take it from a big one   */
            l = (MfwMemHdr *) ((U8 *) n + size); /* new header    */
            l->next = n->next;          /* setup chain to next    */
            l->len = (U32) (n->len - size); /* remaining memory   */
            p->next += size;            /* link with previous block */
            mfwMemLeft -= size;
            if (mfwMemLeft < mfwMemLowWater)
                mfwMemLowWater = mfwMemLeft;
			/* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
            MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P2("MFWAlloc %d bytes in address %p",size,n);
            return (U8 *) n;            /* allocated me address     */
        p = n;
        n = (MfwMemHdr *) (mfwMemBase + n->next);

    if ((U8 *)n == mfwMemEnd)
    	TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): no memory block big enough to allocate size requested");
    	TRACE_ERROR("mfwAlloc(): Error: free list corruption is likely");

    return 0;

| PROJECT : MMI-Framework (8417)        MODULE  : MFW                |
| STATE   : code                        ROUTINE : mfwFree            |

  PURPOSE : free allocated MFW memory


// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
void mfwFree (U8 *mem, U32 size)
    MfwMemHdr *p, *n;
    U8 check_val[SENTINEL_SIZE];
//    U32 check_val = 0x55555555;

	memset(&check_val, 0x55, SENTINEL_SIZE);


    if (!size || !mem )
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwFree(): invalid");
        return;                         /* nothing to free          */

	** Check the 4 preceeding bytes to ensure they haven't been changed
	if (memcmp(mem, &check_val, SENTINEL_SIZE) != 0)
    	TRACE_ERROR("mfwFree(): Error: Preceeding Sentinal Bytes have been corrupted");

// Jan 27, 2005 REF: CRR MMI-SPR-28300 xnkulkar
// Description: BMI: memory leak in mfwFree/mfwAlloc ??
// Solution: Trace output to print memory address and size freed modified 
	/* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
	MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P2("MFWFree address = %p, size : %d bytes",mem,size);

    if (!mfwMemBase)
        void *m = mem;
		** Check the SENTINEL_SIZE last bytes to ensure they haven't been changed
		if (memcmp(mem + size + SENTINEL_SIZE, &check_val, SENTINEL_SIZE) != 0)
	    	TRACE_ERROR("mfwFree(): Error: Following Sentinal Bytes have been corrupted");


	size = (U32) mfwMemLarge(size) + (SENTINEL_SIZE*2);
    size = (U32) mfwMemLarge(size);

    if ( mem < mfwMemBase || mem >= mfwMemEnd ||
       mem + size > mfwMemEnd ||
       mem + size <= mfwMemBase)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwFree(): invalid");
        return;                         /* nothing to free          */

    p = &mfwMem;                        /* root of dyn memory       */
    n = (MfwMemHdr *) (mfwMemBase + p->next); /* first free block   */

	** Skip through the Free Link List until we get to where the current pointer
	** should be added
    while ((U8 *) n < mfwMemEnd && (U8 *) n < mem)
    {                                   /* search allocated area    */
        p = n;
        n = (MfwMemHdr *) (mfwMemBase + n->next);

    ** Check that the select memory isn't already free
    if (mem == (U8 *) p || mem == (U8 *) n)
        TRACE_ERROR("mfwFree(): already free");
        return;                         /* already free             */

	** Memory not already free
		** Check the 4 last bytes to ensure they haven't been changed
		if (memcmp(mem + size - SENTINEL_SIZE, &check_val, SENTINEL_SIZE) != 0)
	    	TRACE_ERROR("mfwFree(): Error: Following Sentinal Bytes have been corrupted");

	** This memset should only be performed after we are sure that the memory should be freed
    memset(mem, 0, size);

    if (p != &mfwMem && (U8 *) p + p->len == mem)
    {                                   /* adjacent to left free:   */
        p->len += size;                 /* just add it              */
        p->next = (U32) (mem - mfwMemBase); /* new free link        */
        p = (MfwMemHdr *) mem;          /* to new header            */
        p->next = (U32) ((U8 *) n - mfwMemBase); /* link to next    */
        p->len = size;

    if ((U8 *) n < mfwMemEnd && ((mem + size) == (U8 *) n))
    {                                   /* adjacent to right free:  */
        p->next = n->next;              /* eliminate link and       */
        p->len += n->len;               /* eat up the space         */

    mfwMemLeft += size;

// Dec 22, 2004 REF: CRR MFW-SPR-27847 xnkulkar
// Description: MFW memory size variable changed from U16 -> U32
// Solution: The use of variable U16 has been replaced with U32
U32 mfwCheckMemoryLeft(void)
  /* x0083025 on Sep 14, 2007 for OMAPS00145866 (adrian) */
  MMI_TRACE_EVENT_P1("memory left %ld",mfwMemLeft);

  return mfwMemLeft;

** This function gives the bounds safety of strncpy, but NULL terminates the string like strcpy
** parameters : cpyto : the pointer to the destination string
**                   : cpyfrm : the pointer to the source string
**                   : len : the maximum length of the destination string including the NULL terminator
** returns        : A character pointer to the destination string if successful, otherwise NULL
** CQ16507      : strcpy call for string without null termination causing hardware reset

char *mfwStrncpy(char *cpyto, const char *cpyfrm, size_t len)

	if (len <= 0)
		return (void *)0;

	if (cpyto == (char *)0)
		return (void *)0;

	strncpy(cpyto, cpyfrm, len-1);

	*(cpyto + (len -1)) = 0x00;

	return cpyto;