view src/g23m-aci/dti/dti_int.c @ 673:62a5285e014a

Lorekeeping: allow tpudrv-leonardo.lib on Leonardo/Tango Back in 2015 the Mother's idea was to produce a FreeCalypso development board that would be a clone of TI Leonardo, including the original quadband RFFE; one major additional stipulation was that this board needed to be able to run original unmodified TCS211-20070608 firmware with all blobs intact, with only minimal binary patches to main.lib and tpudrv.lib. The necessary patched libs were produced at that time in the tcs211-patches repository. That plan was changed and we produced FCDEV3B instead, with Openmoko's triband RFFE instead of Leonardo quadband, but when FC Magnetite started in 2016, a TPUDRV_blob= provision was still made, allowing the possibility of patching OM's tpudrv.lib for a restored Leonardo RFFE. Now in 2020 we have FC Tango which is essentially a verbatim clone of Leonardo core, including the original quadband RFFE. We have also deblobbed our firmware so much that we have absolutely no real need for a blob version of tpudrv.lib - but I thought it would be neat to put the ancient TPUDRV_blob= mechanism (classic config) to its originally intended use, just for the heck of it.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Fri, 29 May 2020 03:55:36 +0000
parents 53929b40109c
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  DTILIB
|  Modul   :  DTI
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 All rights reserved.
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
|  Purpose :  Definitions for the Protocol Stack Library
|             DTI


  PURPOSE : Internal functions of the Protocol Stack Library DTI

#ifndef DTI_INT_C
#define DTI_INT_C

/*==== CONST =======================================================*/

#include <string.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "pconst.cdg"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "prim.h"
#include "dti.h"
#include "dti_int_def.h"
#include "dti_int_prot.h"

#ifdef FF_TCP_IP
#include "atp/atp_api.h"
#endif /* FF_TCP_IP */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                  |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : set_default_para_data_base|

 *  Set the default parameter for the DTI data base

GLOBAL void set_default_para_data_base(DTI_HANDLE hDTI)
  hDTI->first_link = D_LINK;
  hDTI->handle     = D_LINK_HANDLE;
  hDTI->max_links  = D_MAX_LINKS;

#ifdef FF_TCP_IP
  hDTI->entity_id_p = D_ATP_SW_ENTITY_ID;
#endif /* FF_TCP_IP */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : free_dti_packets_queue   |

 *  Free dti packets in the queue

LOCAL void free_dti_data_ind_packets_queue(DTI_HANDLE hDTI, T_DTI2_DATA_IND * p_data_ind)
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND *p_ind;

  BOOL go = TRUE;

  trace_function( hDTI->handle,

    * Are there any packets in the queue ?

  if (p_data_ind EQ NO_DATA_PACKET )

  p_ind = p_data_ind;

   *  Check if DTILIB is supported

   *  Free the packets

  do {
    T_DTI2_DATA_IND *p_last_ind;
    p_last_ind = p_ind;

    if(p_ind->link_id NEQ 0)
      p_ind = (T_DTI2_DATA_IND *) p_ind->link_id;
      go = FALSE;

     *  Free the descs at first
    mfree_desc(hDTI, &p_last_ind->desc_list2);

     *  Free the primitive
    PFREE (p_last_ind);

  } while( go );
} /* free_dti_data_ind_packets_queue() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                    |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : set_default_para_link_table |
 *  Set the default parameter for DTI_LINK

GLOBAL void set_default_para_link_table (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                         DTI_LINK *link,
                                         U32 link_id,
                                         U8 direction)
   * Free primitives and descs if there are any in the queue
  free_dti_data_ind_packets_queue(hDTI, link->dti_data_ind);
  link->dti_data_ind = NULL;
   * Set the other parameter to default
  link->link_id       = link_id;
  link->direction     = direction;
  link->version       = D_VERSION;
  link->link_options  = D_LINK_OPTIONS;
  link->instance      = D_INSTANCE;
  link->interfac      = D_INTERFACE;
  link->channel       = D_CHANNEL;
  link->link_handle   = D_LINK_HANDLE;
  link->queue_size    = D_QUEUE_SIZE;
  link->queue_len     = 0;
  link->connect_state = D_CONNECT_STATE;
  link->rx_state      = DTI_RX_IDLE;
  link->tx_state      = DTI_TX_IDLE;
} /* set_default_para_link_table() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_int										                    |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : init_link_table             									|
 *  Set the init parameter for DTI_LINK

GLOBAL void init_link_table (DTI_LINK *link)
  link->link_id          = D_FREE_LINK_ID;
  link->direction        = D_DIRECTION;
  link->version          = D_VERSION;
  link->link_options     = D_LINK_OPTIONS;
  link->instance         = D_INSTANCE;
  link->interfac         = D_INTERFACE;
  link->link_handle      = D_LINK_HANDLE;
  link->queue_size       = D_QUEUE_SIZE;
  link->queue_len        = 0;
  link->channel          = D_CHANNEL;
  link->dti_data_ind     = NULL;
  link->connect_state    = D_CONNECT_STATE;
  link->rx_state         = DTI_RX_IDLE;
  link->tx_state         = DTI_TX_IDLE;
  link->next_link        = D_LINK;
#ifdef FF_TCP_IP
  link->ul_next_atp_data = 0;
  link->atp_tx_state     = ATP_TX_FLOW_ON;
  link->dti_id           = 0;
  link->entity_db        = (U32) NULL;
  link->port_nb          = 0;
#endif /* FF_TCP_IP */
} /* init_link_table() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : free_dti_link_structure  |

 *  Free DTI link structures, DTI_LINK.

GLOBAL void free_dti_link_structure(DTI_HANDLE hDTI)
  DTI_LINK *link_last, *link;
  BOOL go = TRUE;

                 "free_dti_link_structure()", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

   *    Check if there are any packets to free
  if(hDTI->first_link EQ D_LINK)

  link = (DTI_LINK *) hDTI->first_link;

  do {
    link_last = link;

    if(link->next_link NEQ D_LINK)
      link = (DTI_LINK *) link->next_link;
      go = FALSE;

      *  Free the dti_queue
    free_dti_data_ind_packets_queue(hDTI, link_last->dti_data_ind);

     *  Free a link structure
    MFREE (link_last);

  } while( go );

} /* free_dti_link_structure() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : trace_message            |

 *  Create a string

GLOBAL void trace_message (T_HANDLE handle,
                          char *str,
                          U32 entity_options)
  if(! (entity_options & DTI_NO_TRACE) )
} /*lint !e715 handle not referenced trace_message() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : trace_message_link_id    |

 *  Create a string and a number

GLOBAL void trace_message_link_id (T_HANDLE handle,
                                  char *str,
                                  U32 link_id,
                                  U32 entity_options)
  if(! (entity_options & DTI_NO_TRACE) )
    TRACE_EVENT_P2("%s - link_id=%d", str, link_id);
} /*lint !e715 handle not referenced trace_message_link_id() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : trace_message_l_dl       |

 *  Create a string with link_id and data length

GLOBAL void trace_message_l_dl (T_HANDLE handle,
                                char *str,
                                U32 link_id,
                                U16 length,
                                U32 entity_options)
  if(! (entity_options & DTI_NO_TRACE) )
    TRACE_EVENT_P3("%s - link_id=%d length=%d", str, link_id, length);
} /* trace_message_l_dl() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : trace_message_iic        |

 *  Create a string and a number

GLOBAL void trace_message_iic (T_HANDLE handle,
                              char *str,
                              U8 instance,
                              U8 interfac,
                              U8 channel,
                              U32 entity_options)
  if(!(entity_options & DTI_NO_TRACE))
    TRACE_EVENT_P4("%s - instance=%d interface=%d channel=%d",
} /*lint !e715 handle not referenced trace_message_iic() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : trace_message_l_e        |

 *  Create a string and a number

GLOBAL void trace_message_l_e (T_HANDLE handle,
                              char *str,
                              U32 link_id,
                              char* entity,
                              U32 entity_options)
  if(!(entity_options & DTI_NO_TRACE))
    TRACE_EVENT_P3("%s - link_id=%d neighbor_entity=%s",
} /*lint !e715 handle not referenced trace_message_l_e() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : trace_function           |

 * Call macro TRACE_FUNKTION if traces are enabled

GLOBAL void trace_function( T_HANDLE handle, char *str, U32 entity_options)
  if(! (entity_options & DTI_NO_TRACE) )
} /*lint !e715 handle not referenced trace_function() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB       MODULE  :    DTI_KERF                       |
| STATE   : code         ROUTINE :  get_pointer_link_table_channel   |

 *  The function searchs an instance and a channel in the database link list
 *  and returns a pointer to the link list. If there is no link with the same channel and
 *  the same interface it returns NULL.

GLOBAL DTI_LINK * get_pointer_link_table_channel (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                                 U8 instance,
                                                 U8 interfac,
                                                 U8 channel)
  DTI_LINK *link_last, *link;
  BOOL go = TRUE;

                 "get_pointer_link_table_channel()", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

  link = (DTI_LINK *) hDTI->first_link;

   *  Check if the link is not set

  if(link EQ NULL)
    return NULL;

  do {
    link_last = link;

     *  Search on instance, interface and channal

    if((link_last->instance EQ instance) AND (link_last->channel EQ channel) AND
      (link_last->interfac EQ interfac) AND
      (link_last->link_id NEQ D_FREE_LINK_ID))

      return link_last;

    if(link->next_link NEQ D_LINK)
      link = (DTI_LINK *) link->next_link;
      go = FALSE;

  } while( go );

  return NULL;

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : get_pointer_link_table   |

 *  The function searchs a link id in the databank link list and returns a
 *  pointer to the link list. If there is no link_id with the selected direction it
 *  returns NULL. Note: the direction is used to select between to equal
 *  links in a link list because it could be 2 channels are connected on one
 *  instance.

GLOBAL DTI_LINK * get_pointer_link_table (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                          U32 select_link_id,
                                          U8 select_direction)
  DTI_LINK* link;


  link = (DTI_LINK *) hDTI->first_link;

   *  Find the link and return it
  while(link NEQ NULL)
    if(link->link_id EQ select_link_id)
      return link;

    link = (DTI_LINK *) link->next_link;

  return NULL;
} /* get_pointer_link_table() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : get_pointer_free_link    |

PURPOSE : The function searches a free link in the database link list
          and returns a pointer to the link structure. If there is no
          linkin the database then it returns NULL.

GLOBAL DTI_LINK * get_pointer_free_link (DTI_HANDLE hDTI)
  DTI_LINK* link;

  trace_function( hDTI->handle,

   * Search for unused link
  link = (DTI_LINK *) hDTI->first_link;
    if(link->connect_state EQ DTI_CLOSED)
      return link;
    link = (DTI_LINK*)link->next_link;

   * Search for a link where only DTI_CONNECT_REQ has been received.
   * This solves the situation when dti_open() is called for a new link
   * and all links are used by existing links
   * which are going to be closed and reopened with an other link_id
  link = (DTI_LINK *) hDTI->first_link;
    if(link->connect_state EQ DTI_CONNECTING)
      return link;
    link = (DTI_LINK*)link->next_link;

  return NULL;
} /* get_pointer_free_link() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : open_comm_channel        |

 *  This function opens a VSI communication channel. If it's open it will be closed
 *  and opened new again. The opened handle is returned in the parameter com_handle.

GLOBAL void open_comm_channel(T_HANDLE entity_handle,
                             T_HANDLE *com_handle,
                             char *name,
                             U32 entity_options)

  trace_function( entity_handle,

  /* Be sure the channel is closed if it was opened before */
  vsi_c_close (entity_handle, *com_handle);

  /* Open */
  *com_handle = vsi_c_open(entity_handle, name);

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : check_dti_version        |

 *  This function checks the version in a link table.
 *  and returns TRUE if the same version is found as in the request_version.

GLOBAL BOOL check_dti_version (DTI_HANDLE hDTI, U32 request_version)
                 "check_dti_version()", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

   *  DTILIB has to be able to use older versions too.
   *  NOTE: this has been D_VERSION <= request_version until Aug-2002
   *        just an error or some sort of intricate reasoning??
  if(D_VERSION >= request_version)
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : validate_open_parameters |

 *  This function validates the open-parameters
GLOBAL DTI_RESULT validate_open_parameters(DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                          U32 link_id,
                                          U8 *queue_size,
                                          U8 *direction,
                                          U32 *link_options,
                                          U32 version,
                                          U8 *neighbor_entity)
                 "validate_open_parameters()", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

   *  Check version of peer dtilib
  if (
      ) EQ FALSE
      "DTI ERROR: Wrong DTI version", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */
    return DTI_E_FAIL;

   * Legacy

   *  Check if open with the NULL device.
  if (strcmp ((CHAR*)neighbor_entity, NULL_NAME) EQ 0)
    *direction = DTI_NULL_LINK;
  if (*link_options EQ FLOW_CNTRL_ENABLED)
    if (*queue_size EQ DTI_QUEUE_DISABLED)
      *link_options = DTI_QUEUE_UNUSED;
    else if (*queue_size EQ DTI_QUEUE_UNLIMITED)
      *link_options = DTI_QUEUE_UNBOUNDED;
       * Set default behaviour
      *link_options = DTI_QUEUE_RM_LIFO;

   * Ensure consistency
  if((*link_options EQ DTI_QUEUE_UNUSED) OR
     (*link_options EQ DTI_FLOW_CNTRL_DISABLED) OR
     (*link_options EQ DTI_QUEUE_UNBOUNDED))
    *queue_size = 0;
  else if(*queue_size EQ 0)
    *link_options = DTI_QUEUE_UNUSED;

  return DTI_S_OK;

| PROJECT : DTILIB                    MODULE  : DTI_KERF                |
| STATE   : code                      ROUTINE : set_link_parameter      |

 *  Set parameter in a link desc.

GLOBAL void set_open_para_link_table (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                      DTI_LINK *link,
                                      U32   version,
                                      U32   link_options,
                                      U8    instance,
                                      U8    interfac,
                                      U8    channel,
                                      U8    queue_size,
                                      U8    connect_state)

   * Free primitives and descs if there are any in the queue.
  free_dti_data_ind_packets_queue(hDTI, link->dti_data_ind);
  link->dti_data_ind = NULL;
   * set parameters as requested
  link->version       = version;
  link->instance      = instance;
  link->interfac      = interfac;
  link->channel       = channel;
  link->link_handle   = D_LINK_HANDLE;
  link->queue_len     = 0;
  link->rx_state      = DTI_RX_IDLE;
  link->tx_state      = DTI_TX_BUFFER_FULL;
  link->connect_state = connect_state;
  link->queue_size    = queue_size;
  link->link_options  = link_options;
   * the following structure is needed for ATP links
#ifdef FF_TCP_IP
  link->entity_db     = D_HANDLE;
  link->port_nb       = 0;
#endif /* FF_TCP_IP */
} /* set_open_para_link_table() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : dti_resolve_link_id      |

 * This function returns the link_id for the given
 * instance/interface/channel.
 * This is to be used to identify primitives sent from the entity to ACI
 * return value:  TRUE if associated link_id is found
 *                FALSE, otherwise

GLOBAL BOOL dti_resolve_link_id (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                 U8 instance,
                                 U8 interfac,
                                 U8 channel,
                                 U32 *link_id)
  DTI_LINK *link;

                 "dti_resolve_link_id()", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

  if((link = get_pointer_link_table_channel(hDTI,
                                            channel)) EQ NULL)
    return FALSE;

  *link_id = link->link_id;
  return TRUE;
} /* dti_resolve_link_id() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                 |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : put_dti_data_ind_in_queue|

 *  This function puts a dti_data_req primitive in queue.

GLOBAL void put_dti_data_ind_in_queue( DTI_HANDLE hDTI, DTI_LINK *link,
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind)

  if (hDTI->handle NEQ 0)
    trace_function( hDTI->handle,

  dti_data_ind->link_id = 0;

   * Put in the first data packet.
   * When using the old SAP the link->queue len can be 0 or 1
    T_DTI2_DATA_IND *p_ind;
    U8 chk     = 1;

    if(link->queue_len EQ 0)
      link->dti_data_ind = dti_data_ind;

    /* Now put more packets in the queue and put the new one on the last position */
    p_ind = link->dti_data_ind;

     *    Search the last packet in queue.
    while(p_ind->link_id NEQ 0)
      p_ind = (T_DTI2_DATA_IND *) p_ind->link_id;

    p_ind->link_id = (U32) dti_data_ind;

     * Check the queue length.
    if(chk != link->queue_len)
        "DTI ERROR: Write to queue error", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

| PROJECT : DTILIB             MODULE  : DTI_KERF                    |
| STATE   : code               ROUTINE : get_dti_data_ind_from_queue |

 *  This function gets a dti_data_ind primitive from queue. If there is
 *  no packet in the queue it returns NULL.

GLOBAL T_DTI2_DATA_IND * get_dti_data_ind_from_queue(DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                                     DTI_LINK *link)
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND *ret_dti_data_ind;

  trace_function( hDTI->handle,

   *    Is there any packet in the queue ?
  if(link->queue_len EQ 0)
    return NULL;
   *    Set the second data packet on the first position.
  ret_dti_data_ind = link->dti_data_ind;
   *    Set the queue length
   *  Put the next data packet in position.
  link->dti_data_ind = (T_DTI2_DATA_IND *)link->dti_data_ind->link_id;

  return (ret_dti_data_ind);
} /* get_dti_data_ind_from_queue() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB        MODULE  : DTI_KERF                         |
| STATE   : code          ROUTINE : get_last_dti_data_ind_from_queue |

 * This function gets a dti_data_ind primitive from queue. If there is
 * no packet in the queue it returns NULL.

LOCAL T_DTI2_DATA_IND * get_last_dti_data_ind_from_queue(DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                                         DTI_LINK *link)
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND **last_dti_data_ind;
  T_DTI2_DATA_IND *ret_dti_data_ind;


   * Is there any packet in the queue?
  if(link->queue_len EQ 0)
    return NULL;
   * Get the last data packet
  last_dti_data_ind = &(link->dti_data_ind);
  while((*last_dti_data_ind)->link_id NEQ 0)
    last_dti_data_ind = (T_DTI2_DATA_IND **) &((*last_dti_data_ind)->link_id);
  ret_dti_data_ind = *last_dti_data_ind;
   * Set the queue length
   * remove the data packet from queue.
  *last_dti_data_ind = 0;

  return (ret_dti_data_ind);
} /* get_last_dti_data_ind_from_queue() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB        MODULE  : DTI_KERF                         |
| STATE   : code          ROUTINE : put_dti_data_ind_in_queue_managed|

 *  This function puts a dti_data_req primitive in queue.
 *  If the queue is full, it acts accordingly

GLOBAL void put_dti_data_ind_in_queue_managed (DTI_HANDLE hDTI,
                                              DTI_LINK *link,
                                              T_DTI2_DATA_IND *dti_data_ind)
                 "put_dti_data_ind_in_queue_managed()", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

   * Put new data packet into the queue.
  if(link->link_options NEQ DTI_QUEUE_UNUSED)
    put_dti_data_ind_in_queue(hDTI, link, dti_data_ind);

   * If queue full - send signal to entity.
  switch (link->link_options)

    /* free data primitive since we cannot handle it */

      "DTI ERROR: No send queue available, discarding data packet", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

    mfree_desc (hDTI, &dti_data_ind->desc_list2);
    PFREE (dti_data_ind);

    if (link->queue_len > link->queue_size)
      T_DTI2_DATA_IND *free_dti_data_ind
        = get_dti_data_ind_from_queue(hDTI, link);

        "Send queue full, discarding oldest data packet", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

      mfree_desc (hDTI, &free_dti_data_ind->desc_list2);
      PFREE (free_dti_data_ind);

    if (link->queue_len > link->queue_size)
      T_DTI2_DATA_IND *free_dti_data_ind
        = get_last_dti_data_ind_from_queue(hDTI, link);

        "Send queue full, discarding newest data packet", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */

      mfree_desc (hDTI, &free_dti_data_ind->desc_list2);
      PFREE (free_dti_data_ind);

      "DTI ERROR: Unknown state for link_options", /*lint !e605 Increase in pointer capability */
} /* put_dti_data_ind_in_queue_managed() */

| PROJECT : DTILIB                    MODULE  : DTI_KERF             |
| STATE   : code                      ROUTINE : dti_make_new_desc    |

 *  Malloc a knew desc. Init a buffer 0 if buff_init_0 is TRUE.

BOOL dti_make_new_desc( DTI_HANDLE hDTI, T_desc2 **p_desc_new,
  U16 malloc_len, BOOL buff_init_0)
#define VSI_CALLER hDTI->handle,

  trace_function( hDTI->handle,

  MALLOC ((*p_desc_new), ((U16)(sizeof(T_desc2)-1 + malloc_len)));

  if(*p_desc_new EQ 0)

    U16 i;
    for(i=0; i<malloc_len; i++)
      (*p_desc_new)->buffer[i] = 0;
  (*p_desc_new)->len    = malloc_len;
  (*p_desc_new)->next   = 0;
  (*p_desc_new)->offset = 0;
  (*p_desc_new)->size   = (*p_desc_new)->len + (*p_desc_new)->offset;


| PROJECT : DTILIB                    MODULE  : DTI_KERF             |
| STATE   : code                      ROUTINE : mfree_desc           |

 *  Free the descs in a desc list.

GLOBAL void mfree_desc(DTI_HANDLE hDTI, T_desc_list2 * desc_list2)
  BOOL go = TRUE;
  T_desc2 *p_desc_last, *p_desc;

  trace_function( hDTI->handle,

  if (desc_list2 EQ NULL)

  if (desc_list2->first EQ 0)

  p_desc = (T_desc2 *) desc_list2->first;

  do {
    p_desc_last = p_desc;

    if(p_desc->next >0)
      p_desc = (T_desc2 *) p_desc->next;
      go = FALSE;

    MFREE (p_desc_last);

  } while( go );

| PROJECT : DTILIB                    MODULE  : DTI_KERF                |
| STATE   : code                      ROUTINE : close_link_with_signal  |

 *  Close a link.

GLOBAL void close_link_with_signal(DTI_HANDLE hDTI, DTI_LINK *link)
  U8 hlp_instance, hlp_interface;
  U8 hlp_channel;

  trace_function( hDTI->handle,

   *  Close communication channel
  vsi_c_close (hDTI->handle, link->link_handle);

  hlp_instance   =   link->instance;
  hlp_interface  =   link->interfac;
  hlp_channel    =   link->channel;

   *  Set the default parameter and call the callback function.

  set_default_para_link_table(hDTI,link, D_FREE_LINK_ID, D_DIRECTION);

   *  Call the callback function.

  hDTI->sig_callback(hlp_instance, hlp_interface, hlp_channel,

   * Note: Any flow control and any data primitive are now silently discarded.

| PROJECT : DTILIB                MODULE  : DTI_KERF                      |
| STATE   : code                  ROUTINE : set_reset_req_para_link_table |
 *  Set parameter by reset.

GLOBAL void set_reset_req_para_link_table(DTI_HANDLE hDTI, DTI_LINK *link)
   * Free primitives and descs if there are any in the queue.
  free_dti_data_ind_packets_queue(hDTI, link->dti_data_ind);
  link->dti_data_ind = NULL;
   * Set the other parameters
  link->queue_len     = 0;
  link->connect_state = DTI_IDLE;
} /* set_reset_req_para_link_table() */