view src/g23m-fad/rlp/rlp_pei.c @ 549:69e52afc01d5

configs/* except classic: rebuild tif_na7_db_{fl,ir} from source The purpose of this change is to allow a TRACEMASK_IN_FFS=1 setting given on the configure line to have effect; all configs except classic are included because this feature setting is orthogonal to the choice of G23M PS version and other config choices. (The classic config is an exception because its very purpose is to preserve a reference config with all of the original blobs.) Note that even though we are switching these TIF libraries from blobs to recompilation from source in all configs, our source for these libs compiles into a perfect match to the original blobs in the current default TRACEMASK_IN_FFS=0 configuration, hence there is no effective change beyond the unfortunate small increase in compilation times.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 18 Nov 2018 08:33:30 +0000
parents 90eb61ecd093
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  CSD (8411)
|  Modul   :  Rlp_pei.c
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 All rights reserved.
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
|  Purpose :  This Modul defines the process body interface
|             for the component Radio Link Protocol of the base station

#ifndef RLP_PEI_C
#define RLP_PEI_C

#define ENTITY_RLP

/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/

#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "pconst.cdg"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "gsm.h"
#include "cus_rlp.h"
#include "cnf_rlp.h"
#include "mon_rlp.h"
#include "prim.h"
#include "pei.h"
#include "tok.h"
#include "rlp.h"

/*==== CONST ======================================================*/

/*==== VAR EXPORT =================================================*/

/*==== VAR LOCAL ==================================================*/


LOCAL  BOOL              first_access = TRUE;
LOCAL  T_MONITOR         rlp_mon;

|  Function    : pei_not_supported
|  Description : An unsupported primitive is received.

|  Parameters  : data -
|  Return      : -

LOCAL void pei_not_supported (void *data)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_not_supported()");

  PFREE (data);

 * Use MAK_FUNC_0 for primitives which contains no SDU.
 * Use MAK_FUNC_S for primitives which contains a SDU.

 * jumptable for the entity service access point. Contains
 * the processing-function addresses and opcodes of
 * request and response primitives.

LOCAL const T_FUNC rlp_table[] = {
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_attach_req     ,              RLP_ATTACH_REQ    ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_detach_req     ,              RLP_DETACH_REQ    ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_connect_req    ,              RLP_CONNECT_REQ   ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_connect_res    ,              RLP_CONNECT_RES   ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_disc_req       ,              RLP_DISC_REQ      ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_reset_req      ,              RLP_RESET_REQ     ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_reset_res      ,              RLP_RESET_RES     ),
  MAK_FUNC_S( ker_rlp_data_req       ,              RLP_DATA_REQ      ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_getdata_req    ,              RLP_GETDATA_REQ   ),
  MAK_FUNC_S( ker_rlp_ui_req         ,              RLP_UI_REQ        ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_remap_req      ,              RLP_REMAP_REQ     ),
  MAK_FUNC_0( ker_rlp_remap_data_res ,              RLP_REMAP_DATA_RES)

 * jumptable for the service access point which are used by
 * the entity. Contains the processing-function addresses and
 * opcodes of indication and confirm primitives.
LOCAL const T_FUNC ra_table[] = {
  MAK_FUNC_0( rcv_ra_ready_ind    ,              RA_READY_IND     ),
  MAK_FUNC_S( rcv_ra_data_ind     ,              RA_DATA_IND      )

|  Function    : pei_primitive
|  Description : Process protocol specific primitive.
|  Parameters  : ptr -
|  Return      : PEI_OK    -
|                PEI_ERROR -

LOCAL SHORT pei_primitive (void * ptr)
  T_PRIM * prim = ptr;
   * @ADAPT@
   *                    |
   *                   L2R                 UPPER LAYER
   *                    |
   *                    v
   *      +-----------(rlp)----------+
   *      |                          |
   *      |            RLP           |
   *      |                          |
   *      +-------------^------------+
   *                    |
   *                   RA                  LOWER LAYER
   *                    |

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_primitive()");

  if (prim NEQ NULL)
    ULONG            opc = prim->custom.opc;
    USHORT           n;
    const T_FUNC    *table;

    VSI_PPM_REC ((T_PRIM_HEADER *)prim, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    PTRACE_IN (opc);

    rlp_data = GET_INSTANCE (prim);

    switch (SAP_NR(opc))
      case SAP_NR(RLP_UL): table =  rlp_table; n = TAB_SIZE (rlp_table); break;
      case SAP_NR(RA_DL ): table =  ra_table;  n = TAB_SIZE (ra_table);  break;
      default    : table =  NULL;      n = 0;                    break;

    if (table NEQ NULL )
      if (PRIM_NR(opc) < n)
        table += PRIM_NR(opc);
        P_SDU(prim) = table->soff ? (T_sdu*) (((char*)&prim->data) + table->soff) : 0;
        P_LEN(prim) = table->size + sizeof (T_PRIM_HEADER);
#endif /* NO_COPY_ROUTING */
        JUMP (table->func) (P2D(prim));
        pei_not_supported (P2D(prim));
      return PEI_OK;
     * Primitive is no GSM Primitive
     * then forward to the environment

#ifdef GSM_ONLY
    PFREE (P2D(prim))

    return PEI_ERROR;
    if (opc & SYS_MASK)
      vsi_c_primitive (VSI_CALLER prim);
      PFREE (P2D(prim));
      return PEI_ERROR;
  return PEI_OK;

|  Function    : pei_init
|  Description : Initialize Protocol Stack Entity
|  Parameters  : handle -
|  Return      : PEI_OK    -
|                PEI_ERROR -

LOCAL SHORT pei_init (T_HANDLE handle)
  rlp_handle = handle;

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_init()");

  if (hCommL2R < VSI_OK)
    if ((hCommL2R = vsi_c_open (VSI_CALLER L2R_NAME)) < VSI_OK)
      return PEI_ERROR;

  if (hCommRA < VSI_OK)
    if ((hCommRA = vsi_c_open (VSI_CALLER RA_NAME)) < VSI_OK)
      return PEI_ERROR;

  rlp_data = &rlp_data_base[0];
  rlp_data_magic_num = 0;  /* memory is not yet initialized */

  to ensure that an NULL frame can be sent
  if RLP receives an RA_READY_INDICATION in detached state
    USHORT t;

    *  Initialize Shared Fax/Data memory

    rlp_data = &rlp_data_base[0];
    memset(rlp_data, 0, sizeof (T_RLP_DATA));
    ker_init ();
    snd_init (&rlp_data->snd);
    rcv_init ();
    rlp_data->uplink_frame_trace   = FALSE;
    rlp_data->downlink_frame_trace = FALSE;

    for (t = 0; t < (MAX_SREJ_COUNT+5); t++)
      TIMERSTOP (t);

    rlp_data_magic_num = RLP_DATA_MAGIC_NUM;       /* memory is initialized */

    rlp_data = &rlp_data_base[0];
    sig_ker_snd_set_frame_size_req (FRAME_SIZE_SHORT);

  rlp_data = &rlp_data_base[0];


  return PEI_OK;

|  Function    : pei_timeout
|  Description : Process timeout
|  Parameters  : index
|  Return      : PEI_OK
|                PEI_ERROR

LOCAL SHORT pei_timeout (USHORT index)
  rlp_exec_timeout (index);
  return PEI_OK;

|  Function    : pei_signal
|  Description : Functional interface to signal a primitive.
|  Parameters  : opc      -
|                primData -
|  Return      : PEI_OK    -
|                PEI_ERROR -

LOCAL SHORT pei_signal (ULONG opc, void *primData)

  if (rlp_data_magic_num NEQ RLP_DATA_MAGIC_NUM)
    /* memory is not initialized */
    /* ignore received signals */
    return PEI_OK;

  rlp_data = GET_INSTANCE (primData);

  switch (opc)
    case RA_DATA_IND:
      rcv_ra_data_ind((T_RA_DATA_IND *)primData);

    case RA_READY_IND:
      rcv_ra_ready_ind((T_RA_READY_IND *)primData);

#endif /* OPTION_SIGNAL */
  return PEI_OK;

|  Function    : pei_exit
|  Description : Close Resources and terminate
|  Parameters  : -
|  Return      : -

LOCAL SHORT pei_exit (void)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_exit()");

   * clean up communication

  vsi_c_close (VSI_CALLER hCommL2R);
  hCommL2R = VSI_ERROR;

  vsi_c_close (VSI_CALLER hCommRA);
  hCommRA = VSI_ERROR;

  return PEI_OK;

|  Function    : pei_config
|  Description : Dynamic Configuration
|  Parameters  : inString -
|  Return      : PEI_OK     -
|                PEI_ERROR  -

LOCAL SHORT pei_config (T_PEI_CONFIG inString)
#ifndef NCONFIG

  const T_STR_IND tmr_name_to_ind[] =
    { "TUL_RCV", 1 },
    { NULL,      0 }

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_config()");

  if (ConfigTimer(VSI_CALLER inString, tmr_name_to_ind) EQ VSI_OK)
    TRACE_EVENT_P1("TUL_RCV now at: %02X ms", rlp_data->ker.T_ul);
    return PEI_OK;
    return PEI_ERROR;

#else /* NCONFIG */

  return PEI_OK;


|  Function    : pei_monitor
|  Description : Monitoring of physical Parameters
|  Parameters  : monitor -
|  Return      : PEI_OK

LOCAL SHORT pei_monitor (void **monitor)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_monitor()");

  rlp_mon.version = VERSION_RLP;

  *monitor = &rlp_mon;

  return PEI_OK;

|  Function    : pei_create
|  Description : Create the Protocol Stack Entity
|  Parameters  : info -
|  Return      : PEI_OK -

/*lint -e714 : Symbol not referenced */
/*lint -e765 : external could be made static */
GLOBAL SHORT rlp_pei_create (T_PEI_INFO const **info)
  static const T_PEI_INFO pei_info =
      NULL,                /* no run function    */

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_create()");

   *  Close Resources if open

  if (first_access)
    first_access = FALSE;
    pei_exit ();

   *  Export Startup configuration data

  *info = &pei_info;

  return PEI_OK;