view src/gpf3/inc/ipcapi.h @ 549:69e52afc01d5

configs/* except classic: rebuild tif_na7_db_{fl,ir} from source The purpose of this change is to allow a TRACEMASK_IN_FFS=1 setting given on the configure line to have effect; all configs except classic are included because this feature setting is orthogonal to the choice of G23M PS version and other config choices. (The classic config is an exception because its very purpose is to preserve a reference config with all of the original blobs.) Note that even though we are switching these TIF libraries from blobs to recompilation from source in all configs, our source for these libs compiles into a perfect match to the original blobs in the current default TRACEMASK_IN_FFS=0 configuration, hence there is no effective change beyond the unfortunate small increase in compilation times.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 18 Nov 2018 08:33:30 +0000
parents c41a534f33c6
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project : PCO
|  Modul   : inc\ipcapi.h
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  API definition for IPC
#ifndef IPCAPI_H
#define IPCAPI_H

#include "cms.h"

#undef EXPORT
#include <typedefs.h>

/* define extra function codes for driver ipc */
#define IPC_SELF        10
#define IPC_INITCH      11
#define IPC_EXITCH      12
#define IPC_OPENCH      13
#define IPC_CLOSECH     14
#define IPC_READCH      15
#define IPC_WRITECH     16
#define IPC_CREATEMSG   17
#define IPC_PARSEMSG    18
#define IPC_ISMYADDR    19
#define IPC_GETHANDLE   20
#define IPC_SETTIME     21

 * macros

#define MSG_ID( Group, Code )     (((Group) << 8) + ((Code) & 0xFF))

 * defines

/* return codes                                                      */
#define IPC_OK             CMS_OK      
#define IPC_ERROR          CMS_ERROR   
#define IPC_EXIST          CMS_EXIST      
#define IPC_FULL           CMS_FULL          
#define IPC_EMPTY          CMS_EMPTY   
#define IPC_SIZE           CMS_SIZE    
#define IPC_NOMEM          CMS_NOMEM
#define IPC_INVALID        (-20)
#define IPC_MISALIGNED     (-21)

#define IPC_MAX_PATH_SIZE  120

/* msg IDs: */
#define IPC_GENERATED      MSG_ID(IPC,1)

#define ALIGNMENT         1
#define MSG_MAX_SIZE    512

 * types

typedef int IPC_HANDLE;

typedef struct
   char *pcSender;
   char *pcReceiver;
   void *pvBuffer;
   U32   ulTime;
   U16   uwTenthOfMS;
   U16   uwSize;
   U16   uwID;

#if   ALIGNMENT == 1
   typedef U8  MSG_BUFFER [MSG_MAX_SIZE];
#elif ALIGNMENT == 2
   typedef U16 MSG_BUFFER [(MSG_MAX_SIZE + 1) / 2];
#elif ALIGNMENT == 4
   typedef U32 MSG_BUFFER [(MSG_MAX_SIZE + 3) / 4];
   #error "invalid alignment"

/* standard funtions: */

U16 ipc_createMsg (     /* @func Create a message.                   */
   void       *pvBuffer,/* @parm Buffer for the message to store.    */
   U16         uwSize,  /* @parm Size of the buffer.                 */
   MSG_HEADER  Msg      /* @parm Settings for the message to create. */
   );                   /* @returnvalue One of the values below.     */
 * @description      The function creates a message out of the settings
 *                   that are stored in the structure. The resulting
 *                   message will be written to the buffer.
 *                   Attention: The address of the buffer MUST be
 *                              aligned (multiple of ALIGNMENT)
 *                   Sender and Receiver will be inserted in normalized
 *                   form (= absolute address) !
 * @tablex           Return values:                                   |
 *                   Value          Description
 *                   --------------------------------------------------
 *                   > 0            Size of the message.
 *                   = 0            Buffer too small, invalid settings.
 * @tablex           Content of pHdr:                                 |
 *                   Setting        Description
 *                   -------------- -----------------------------------
 *                   pcSender       NULL means that the calling process
 *                                  is the sender. Otherwise the string
 *                                  will be inserted into the message.
 *                   pcReceiver     Name of the receiver (string)
 *                                  or IPC_HANDLE of the receiver.
 *                   pvBuffer       Pointer to the data to append to
 *                                  the message.
 *                   uwSize         Size of the data to append to the
 *                                  message.
 *                   uwID           Message group and code. Use the
 *                                  macro MSG_ID(Group,Code) to set the
 *                                  value.
 *                   ulTime         Automatically set.
 *                   uwTenthOfMS    Automatically set.

S16 ipc_parseMsg (      /* @func Parse a message.                    */
   MSG_HEADER *pMsg,    /* @parm Structure to store the settings.    */
   void       *pvBuffer,/* @parm Buffer containing the message.      */
   U16         uwSize   /* @parm Size of pvBuffer.                   */
   );                   /* @returnvalue One of the values below.     */
 * @description      The function parses a buffer that contains a
 *                   a message and writes all settings to the
 *                   structure.
 *                   Attention: The address of the buffer MUST be
 *                              aligned (multiple of ALIGNMENT)
 * @tablex           Return values:                                   |
 *                   Value          Description
 *                   --------------------------------------------------
 *                   IPC_INVALID    Invalid arguments or message.
 *                   IPC_OK         Success.
 * @tablex           Content of pHdr:                                 |
 *                   Setting        Description
 *                   -------------- -----------------------------------
 *                   pcSender       Address of the sender.
 *                   pcReceiver     Address of the receiver (normally
 *                                  the process receiving the message).
 *                   pvBuffer       Pointer to the data of the message.
 *                   uwSize         Size of the data.
 *                   uwID           Message group and code. Use the
 *                                  macro MSG_ID(Group,Code) to compare
 *                                  the value with other IDs.
 *                   ulTime         Time [ms from 01.01.1970 GMT] of
 *                                  message's creation.
 *                   uwTenthOfMS    The tenth of [ms] of the message's
 *                                  creation.

#endif   /* IPCAPI_H */