GPF test partition size increased to accommodate longer traces
This change is needed in order to accommodate the increased length of
the firmware version string which is emitted as a trace on boot,
but it will certainly help with other traces too.
/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Project : STR2IND| Modul : ind2str.h+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : This Module defines interface of the ind2str library. The| main purpose of this library is the translation of an trace| index to a complete trace string.+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef IND2STR_H#define IND2STR_H/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/#define IND2STR_OK 0#define IND2STR_FILE_NOT_FOUND -1#define IND2STR_WRONGFILEFORMAT -2#define IND2STR_INDEXOUTOFBOUNDS -3#define IND2STR_PARAMCOUNTOUTOFBOUNDS -4#define IND2STR_NOTINITIALISED -5#define IND2STR_ACCESSVIOLATION -6#define IND2STR_INTERNAL_ERROR -7#ifdef __cplusplusextern "C" {#endif/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : ind2str_Init()+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : Initialises the library: opens the file containing the trace| mapping table, build the internal representation , closes the| the file after reading.|| Parameters : tableFile - the mapping table file name| | Return : success or failure+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/signed char ind2str_Init(char * tableFile);/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : ind2str_Exit()+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : De-initialises the library: closes the file containing the| trace mapping table, frees allocated memory.|| Parameters : | | Return : +------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/void ind2str_Exit(void);/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : ind2str_Version()+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : Returns the version (build date) of the table. The table must| be initialized before.|| Parameters : | | Return : The version of the table or 0.+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/unsigned long ind2str_Version(void);/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : ind2str_VersionNoInit()+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : Returns the version (build date) of the table. The table does| not need to be initialized before.|| Parameters : fileName - the name of the file, that contains a table| | Return : The version of the table or 0.+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/unsigned long ind2str_VersionNoInit(char * fileName);/*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : ind2str+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : Transforms a trace index string into a trace string, according| to the trace mapping table.|| Parameters : dst - destination string|| src - source string| || Return : The number of characters printed to the destination string.| +------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/int ind2str(char * dst, char * src);#ifdef __cplusplus}#endif#endif /* IND2STR_H */