.../luna/r2d_task_i.c: r2d_check_and_send_event() call removed
This call was present in the D-Sample color version of r2d_task_i.c,
but not in any other version. Removing it produces no ill effect
that I could see.
/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Project : PCO2| Modul : inc\pco_const.h+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : This header provides defines for all the messages send| between pco components+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _PCO_CONST_H_#define _PCO_CONST_H_/*==== INCLUDES ==================================================*/#include "ipcapi.h"/*==== GENERAL CONSTANTS ==================================================*/enum T_PCOSTATUS {PCO_RUNNING,PCO_STOPPED,PCO_LOGFILE};#define PCO_SEND_TIMEOUT 10000#define PCO_TTYPE_UNKNOWN 0#define PCO_TTYPE_MS 1 // milliseconds since reset#define PCO_TTYPE_HMSM 2 // current time of day in ms#define PCO_TTYPE_FRAME 3 // frame number since reset#define CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE MSG_MAX_SIZE /* from ipc */#define CTRL_DATA_MAX_SIZE CTRL_MSG_MAX_SIZE-sizeof(MSG_HEADER)#define DATA_MSG_MAX_SIZE 65535#define DATA_MSG_DEF_SIZE 2300#define MAX_QNAME_LEN 50#define MAX_PATH_LEN 2300#define MAX_ENTITY_NLEN 5#define MAX_PRIM_NAME 30#define PCO_DEF_SRV_NAME "PCOS"#ifdef _DEBUG#define PCO_CFG_PATH "../../cfg/"#else#define PCO_CFG_PATH "../cfg/"#endif#ifdef _WIN32#define DEF_CCDDATA_PATH "ccddata_dll.dll"#endif#define PCO_MAX_TRACECLASS 32const char PCO_TC_NAME[PCO_MAX_TRACECLASS][MAX_PRIM_NAME]={ "FUNCTION TRACE", "EVENT TRACE", "PRIMITIVE TRACE", "STATE TRACE", "SYSTEM TRACE", "INTERRUPT-SIGNAL TRACE", "ERROR TRACE", "CCD TRACE", "TIMER TRACE", "PROFILER TRACE", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "USER1 TRACE", "USER2 TRACE", "USER3 TRACE", "USER4 TRACE", "USER5 TRACE", "USER6 TRACE", "USER7 TRACE", "USER8 TRACE", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>", "<TRACE>"};/*==== PCO CONTROL MESSAGES ==================================================*/#define MSG_ID( Group, Code ) (((Group) << 8) + ((Code) & 0xFF))#define PCO_SRV_GROUP 0x1E#define PCO_VIEW_GROUP 0x1F#define PCO_CONNECT MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x01) /* L3SRV_CONNECT *//*data:char[] name of CMS-queue in which the viewer wants to receive traces/primitives (zero terminated)purpose:sent from viewer to server to establish connection, server adds client to its list*/#define PCO_DISCONNECT MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x02) /* L3SRV_DISCONNECT *//*data:purpose:sent from viewer to server to disconnect, server removes client from its list*/#define PCO_SUBSCRIBE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x03) /* L3SRV_SUBSCRIBE *//*data:char[] mobile ID (may be empty) (zero terminated)purpose:sent from viewer to server to receive live data of a dedicated mobile*/#define PCO_UNSUBSCRIBE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x04) /* L3SRV_UNSUBSCRIBE *//*data:purpose:sent from viewer to server to stop receiving of live data*//* MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x05) L3SRV_ENABLE_LOGGING */#define PCO_OPEN_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x06) /* L3SRV_LOAD_LOG_FILE *//*data:char[] name of sessionfile with full path or just a session name (zero terminated)LONG first entry to be sentLONG last entry to be sentpurpose:sent from viewer to server to receive logged data of a specified sessionsent from controller to open a session logfile -> new state of server: PCO_LOGFILE. */#define PCO_COPY_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x07) /* L3SRV_COPY_LOG_FILE *//*data:char[] name of source sessionfile with full path (zero terminated)char[] name of destination sessionfile with full path (zero terminated)LONG first entry to be copiedLONG last entry to be copiedpurpose:sent from viewer to server to make it copy a specified session into anothersessionsfile while applying the filter currently set*/#define PCO_SET_FILTER MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x08) /* L3SRV_SET_SERVER_FILTER *//*data:char[] list ... zero separated entity names ("\0\0"==end) e.g.: "MM\0RR\0SS\0\0" or "+"MM\0RR\0\0" - first entity=="+" -> only this entities will be forwarded - default: specified entities will not be forwardedprim_trace ... optional parameter to disable/enable general forwarding of primitives/traces: 0 .. fowarding of everything (default) 1 .. no primitives 2 .. no tracespurpose:sent from viewer to server to set the entity filter for this viewer*//* MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x09) L3SRV_SET_MOBILE_FILTER *//* MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x0A) L3SRV_GET_MOBILE_FILTER */#define PCO_EXIT MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x0B) /* L3SRV_EXIT *//*data:purpose:sent to server to make it exit, server will send this message to all connected viewers before exiting*//* MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x0C) L3SRV_LOG_FILE */#define PCO_DATA MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x0D) /* L3SRV_DATA *//*data: rawdata ... depends on server typepurpose: sent from some servers to viewers (others send data without header)contains rawdata which has to be interpreted depending on server type*//* MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x0E) L3SRV_FILTER */#define PCO_CONNECTED MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x0F) /* L3SRV_CONNECTED *//*data: byte ... server type id (see server types)purpose: sent from server to viewer to inform about an established connection and to tell its type*/#define PCO_OK MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x10) /* L3SRV_OK *//*data:U16 ID of message which will be confirmed by this PCO_OKpurpose:sent by a receiver to the sender to confirm receiving and correct interpretation of a control message*/#define PCO_ERROR MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x11) /* L3SRV_ERROR *//*data:U16 ID of message which has produced the errorbyte error code (see error codes)purpose:sent by a receiver to the sender to inform about an error a received control message has raised*/#define PCO_STOP_TESTSESSION MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x12)/*data:purpose: sent to the server to stop a running testsession*/#define PCO_START_TESTSESSION MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x13)/*data:Char[] session name (zero terminated)USHORT (optional) 0 .. don't create dbg-files 1 .. create dbg-filespurpose:sent to the server to start a new testsession*/#define PCO_CLOSE_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x14)/*data:purpose:sent to server to disable logfile-mode -> new state PCO_STOPPED. */#define PCO_GET_LOGFILE_DATA MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x15)/*data:ULONG start indexULONG end indexpurpose:sent to server (which has to be in PCO_LOGFILE state) to make him forwarding all logged data from the current session file (which matches the index constraints) to the sender (has to be a connected viewer). */#define PCO_SEND_PRIM MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x16)/*data:char[] receiver (zero terminated)char[] text (zero terminated)purpose:to request server to send a CONFIG-primitive to TST, not supported by all servers (knowledge of FRAME is necessary)*/#define PCO_STATUS MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x17)/*data:<none> .. if sent from controller to serverT_PCOSTATUS .. current status of server (see T_PCOSTATUS)Char[] .. name of testsession (can be empty, zero terminated)purpose:sent from controller to server to request its current status,sent from server to controller to publish its current status*/#define PCO_GET_TESTSESSIONS MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x18)/*data:purpose:sent from controller to server to acquire a list of available session names (which are stored in current server testsession directory)*/#define PCO_TESTSESSIONS MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x19)/*data:char[] .. zero separated testsession names ("\0\0"==end)USHORT .. 1 - more messages will follow 0 - last messages with testsessionspurpose:reply to PCO_GET_TESTSESSIONS*/#define PCO_SET_SESSIONPATH MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x1A)/*data:char[] .. zero terminated path-stringUSHORT .. 1 - store new path in ini-file 0 - don't store new path (optional, default is 0)purpose:sent to server to set new session path*/#define PCO_DISTRIB_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x1B)/*data:LONG first entry to be sentLONG last entry to be sentpurpose:sent to server (in logfile mode) to make him send logged data to all clients*/#define PCO_GET_SESSIONPATH MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x1C)/*data:purpose:sent to server to get its current session path*/#define PCO_SESSIONPATH MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x1D)/*data:char[] .. zero terminated path-stringpurpose:sent from server as reply to PCO_GET_SESSIONPATH*/#define PCO_SET_TIME_STAMP_PERIOD MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x1E)/*data:UINT .. new value for time stamp period 0 ... no time stamps >0 .. period in minutespurpose:sent to server to set new time stamp period value*/#define PCO_RENAME_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x1F)/*data:char[] original name of sessionfile (evtl. with full path, zero terminated)char[] new name of sessionfile (evtl. with full path, zero terminated)purpose:sent to server to make it rename a session logfile*/#define PCO_GET_LOGFILE_INFO MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x20) /*data:Char[] name of sessionfile with full path or just a session name (zero terminated)purpose:sent to server to request info's (e.g. count of entries) about the specified logfile */#define PCO_LOGFILE_INFO MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x21) /*data:LONG count of entries in logfile specified in last PCO_GET_LOGFILE_INFOChar[] optional name of ccddata-file used during logging (zero terminated)ULONG optional str2ind versionChar[] optional name of str2ind-table-file used during logging (zero terminated)purpose:sent from server to a sender of PCO_GET_LOGFILE_INFO */#define PCO_TO_FRONT MSG_ID(PCO_VIEW_GROUP,0x01) /* L3VWR_TO_FRONT *//*data:purpose:sent from GUI-controller to server to indicate activation of ctrl windowsent from server to all viewers to indicate activation of ctrl windowsent from server back to controller to indicate activation of viewers*/#define PCO_SYNCHRONIZE MSG_ID(PCO_VIEW_GROUP,0x05) /*data:ULONG time in mspurpose:sent from a viewer A to server to indicate change in the view to a new time stampsent from server to all viewers except A to synchronize them with A*/#define PCO_LOGFILE_COMPLETE MSG_ID(PCO_VIEW_GROUP,0x06) /*data:purpose:sent from server to a viewers after complete forwarding of a requested logfile*/#define PCO_INIFILE_CHANGED MSG_ID(PCO_VIEW_GROUP,0x07) /*data:purpose:sent from viewer to server and then to all other viewers after an ini-file changewhich should be handled immediatly by all viewers*/#define PCO_CLEAN MSG_ID(PCO_VIEW_GROUP,0x08) /*data:purpose:sent from viewer to server and then to all other viewers to inform them that the userhas cleaned the viewer content*/#define PCO_STOP_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x22)/*data:Char[] queue name (zero terminated)purpose: sent to the server to stop logging into the logfile connected with given queue */#define PCO_START_LOGFILE MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x23)/*data:Char[] logfile name (zero terminated)Char[] queue name (zero terminated)purpose:sent to the server to start logging all data which will be received in the given queue(the queue will be created by the server)*/#define PCO_LOAD_CCDDATA MSG_ID(PCO_SRV_GROUP,0x24) /*data:Char[] name of ccddata-file to be loaded (zero terminated)purpose:sent to server to command it to load the specified ccddata-DLL*//*==== PCO ERROR CODES ==================================================*/#define PCO_ERR_NONE 0x00#define PCO_ERR_TOO_MANY_VIEWERS 0x01#define PCO_ERR_ALREADY_CONNECTED 0x02#define PCO_ERR_ALREADY_SUBSCRIBED 0x03#define PCO_ERR_NOT_CONNECTED 0x04#define PCO_ERR_NOT_SUBSCRIBED 0x05#define PCO_ERR_FILE_OPEN_ERROR 0x06//0x07: log file not for this viewer#define PCO_ERR_FILE_READ_ERROR 0x08#define PCO_ERR_FILE_WRITE_ERROR 0x09#define PCO_ERR_TSESSION_NOT_RUNNING 0x10#define PCO_ERR_TSESSION_RUNNING 0x11#define PCO_ERR_TSFILE_OPEN 0x12#define PCO_ERR_TSFILE_NOT_OPEN 0x14#define PCO_ERR_WRONG_FILE_TYPE 0x15#define PCO_ERR_TSFILE_TOO_NEW 0x16#define PCO_ERR_TOO_MANY_LOGGERS 0x17#define PCO_ERR_QUEUE_OPEN_ERROR 0x18#define PCO_ERR_LOGGER_NOT_FOUND 0x19#define PCO_ERR_TST_NOT_AVAILABLE 0x20/*==== PCO SERVER TYPES ==================================================*/#define PCO_STYPE_NONE 0x00#define PCO_STYPE_PCOS 0x23#define PCO_STYPE_L3SRV 0x1E#endif /*_PCO_CONST_H_*/