view cdg211/cdginc/p_t30.h @ 662:8cd8fd15a095

SIM speed enhancement re-enabled and made configurable TI's original code supported SIM speed enhancement, but Openmoko had it disabled, and OM's disabling of speed enhancement somehow caused certain SIM cards to start working which didn't work before (OM's bug #666). Because our FC community is much smaller in year 2020 than OM's community was in their day, we are not able to find one of those #666-affected SIMs, thus the real issue they had encountered remains elusive. Thus our solution is to re-enable SIM speed enhancement and simply wait for if and when someone runs into a #666-affected SIM once again. We provide a SIM_allow_speed_enhancement global variable that allows SIM speed enhancement to be enabled or disabled per session, and an /etc/SIM_spenh file in FFS that allows it to enabled or disabled on a non-volatile basis. SIM speed enhancement is now enabled by default.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 24 May 2020 05:02:28 +0000
parents 56abf6cf8a0b
line wrap: on
line source

| PROJECT : PROTOCOL STACK                                                 |
| FILE    : p_t30.h                                                        |
| SOURCE  : "__out__\g23m_dfile\prim\t30.pdf"                              |
| LastModified : "2002-04-23"                                              |
| IdAndVersion : "8411.104.98.312"                                         |
| SrcFileTime  : "Mon Nov 24 15:49:20 2003"                                |
| Generated by CCDGEN_2.5.5 on Fri Jun 08 13:59:16 2007                    |
|           !!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!DO NOT MODIFY!!                |

 * PREFIX                 : NONE

#ifndef P_T30_H
#define P_T30_H

#define CDG_ENTER__P_T30_H

#define CDG_ENTER__P_T30_H__LAST_MODIFIED _2002_04_23
#define CDG_ENTER__P_T30_H__ID_AND_VERSION _8411_104_98_312

#define CDG_ENTER__P_T30_H__SRC_FILE_TIME _Mon_Nov_24_15_49_20_2003

#include "CDG_ENTER.h"

#undef CDG_ENTER__P_T30_H


#include "p_t30.val"

#ifndef __T_dis__
#define __T_dis__
 * digital identification signal
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2171
typedef struct
  U8                        v8;                       /*<  0:  1> V.8 capabilities                                   */
  U8                        n_byte;                   /*<  1:  1> no. of octets preferred                            */
  U8                        ready_tx_fax;             /*<  2:  1> ready to transmit a facsimile document (polling)   */
  U8                        rec_fax_op;               /*<  3:  1> receiver fax operation                             */
  U8                        data_sig_rate;            /*<  4:  1> data signalling rate                               */
  U8                        R8_lines_pels;            /*<  5:  1> R8*7.7 lines/mm and/or 200 x 200 pels/25.4 mm      */
  U8                        two_dim_coding;           /*<  6:  1> two-dimensional coding                             */
  U8                        rec_width;                /*<  7:  1> recording-width                                    */
  U8                        max_rec_len;              /*<  8:  1> maximum recording length                           */
  U8                        min_scan_time;            /*<  9:  1> minimum scan line time at the receiver             */
  U8                        uncomp_mode;              /*< 10:  1> uncompressed mode                                  */
  U8                        err_corr_mode;            /*< 11:  1> error correction mode                              */
  U8                        frame_size;               /*< 12:  1> frame size                                         */
  U8                        t6_coding;                /*< 13:  1> T.6 coding                                         */
  U8                        R8_lines;                 /*< 14:  1> R8*15.4 lines/mm                                   */
  U8                        r_300_pels;               /*< 15:  1> 300*300 pels/25.4 mm                               */
  U8                        R16_lines_pels;           /*< 16:  1> R16*15.4 lines/mm and/or 400*400 pels/25.4 mm      */
  U8                        resolution_type;          /*< 17:  1> resolution type selection                          */
  U8                        i_res_pref;               /*< 18:  1> inch based resolution preferred                    */
  U8                        m_res_pref;               /*< 19:  1> metric-based resolution preferred                  */
  U8                        min_scan_time_hr;         /*< 20:  1> minimum scan line time for higher resolutions      */
  U8                        sel_polling;              /*< 21:  1> selective polling                                  */
  U8                        subaddr;                  /*< 22:  1> subaddressing                                      */
  U8                        password;                 /*< 23:  1> password                                           */
  U8                        ready_tx_doc;             /*< 24:  1> ready to transmit a data file (polling)            */
  U8                        bft;                      /*< 25:  1> Binary File Transfer (BFT)                         */
  U8                        dtm;                      /*< 26:  1> Document Transfer Mode (DTM)                       */
  U8                        edi;                      /*< 27:  1> Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)                  */
  U8                        btm;                      /*< 28:  1> Basic Transfer Mode (BTM)                          */
  U8                        ready_tx_mixed;           /*< 29:  1> ready to transmit a character or mixed mode document (polling) */
  U8                        char_mode;                /*< 30:  1> character mode                                     */
  U8                        mixed_mode;               /*< 31:  1> mixed mode (Annex E/T.4)                           */
  U8                        proc_mode_26;             /*< 32:  1> processable mode 26)                               */
  U8                        dig_network_cap;          /*< 33:  1> digital network capability                         */
  U8                        duplex;                   /*< 34:  1> duplex and half duplex capabilities                */
  U8                        jpeg;                     /*< 35:  1> JPEG coding                                        */
  U8                        full_colour;              /*< 36:  1> full colour mode                                   */
  U8                        huffman_tables;           /*< 37:  1> preferred Huffman tables                           */
  U8                        r_12_bits_pel_comp;       /*< 38:  1> 12 bits/pel component                              */
  U8                        no_subsamp;               /*< 39:  1> no subsampling                                     */
  U8                        cust_illum;               /*< 40:  1> custom illuminant                                  */
  U8                        cust_gamut;               /*< 41:  1> custom gamut range                                 */
  U8                        na_letter;                /*< 42:  1> North American Letter (215.9*279.4 mm)             */
  U8                        na_legal;                 /*< 43:  1> North American Legal (215.9*355.6 mm)              */
  U8                        sing_prog_seq_coding_basic; /*< 44:  1> single-progression sequential coding basic         */
  U8                        sing_prog_seq_coding_L0;  /*< 45:  1> single-progression sequential coding optional L0   */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*< 46:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*< 47:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_dis;

 * digital transmit command
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2172
#ifndef __T_dtc__
#define __T_dtc__
typedef T_dis T_dtc;
 * digital command signal
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2173
#ifndef __T_dcs__
#define __T_dcs__
typedef T_dis T_dcs;
#ifndef __T_hdlc_info__
#define __T_hdlc_info__
 * HDLC information field
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2174
typedef struct
  U8                        crp;                      /*<  0:  1> CRP flag                                           */
  U8                        c_pwd;                    /*<  1:  1> length of PWD                                      */
  U8                        pwd[PWD_LEN];             /*<  2: 20> password                                           */
  U8                        c_sub;                    /*< 22:  1> length of SUB                                      */
  U8                        sub[SUB_LEN];             /*< 23: 20> subaddress                                         */
  U8                        c_sep;                    /*< 43:  1> length of SEP                                      */
  U8                        sep[SEP_LEN];             /*< 44: 20> selective polling                                  */
  U8                        c_nsc;                    /*< 64:  1> length of NSC                                      */
  U8                        nsc[NSC_LEN];             /*< 65: 90> non-standard facilities command                    */
  U8                        c_nsf;                    /*<155:  1> length of NSF                                      */
  U8                        nsf[NSF_LEN];             /*<156: 90> non-standard facilities                            */
  U8                        c_tsi;                    /*<246:  1> length of TSI                                      */
  U8                        tsi[TSI_LEN];             /*<247: 20> transmitting subscriber identification             */
  U8                        c_cig;                    /*<267:  1> length of CIG                                      */
  U8                        cig[CIG_LEN];             /*<268: 20> calling subscriber identification                  */
  U8                        c_csi;                    /*<288:  1> length of CSI                                      */
  U8                        csi[CSI_LEN];             /*<289: 20> calling subscriber identification                  */
  U8                        c_nss;                    /*<309:  1> length of NSS                                      */
  U8                        nss[NSS_LEN];             /*<310: 90> non-standard set-up                                */
  U8                        v_dis;                    /*<400:  1> DIS flag                                           */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<401:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<402:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<403:  1> alignment                                          */
  T_dis                     dis;                      /*<404: 48> digital identification signal                      */
  U8                        v_dcs;                    /*<452:  1> DCS flag                                           */
  U8                        _align3;                  /*<453:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align4;                  /*<454:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align5;                  /*<455:  1> alignment                                          */
  T_dcs                     dcs;                      /*<456: 48> digital command signal                             */
  U8                        v_dtc;                    /*<504:  1> DTC flag                                           */
  U8                        _align6;                  /*<505:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align7;                  /*<506:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align8;                  /*<507:  1> alignment                                          */
  T_dtc                     dtc;                      /*<508: 48> digital transmit command                           */
} T_hdlc_info;

 * End of substructure section, begin of primitive definition section

#ifndef __T_T30_ACTIVATE_REQ__
#define __T_T30_ACTIVATE_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2177
typedef struct
  U16                       trans_rate;               /*<  0:  2> transmission rate                                  */
  U8                        half_rate;                /*<  2:  1> half-rate flag                                     */
  U8                        threshold;                /*<  3:  1> tcf threshold                                      */
  U16                       frames_per_prim;          /*<  4:  2> no. of frames per primitive                        */
  U8                        bitorder;                 /*<  6:  1> Bitorder                                           */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  7:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_T30_CONFIG_REQ__
#define __T_T30_CONFIG_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2178
typedef struct
  U8                        hdlc_report;              /*<  0:  1> HDLC report mode                                   */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U16                       test_mode;                /*<  2:  2> Test mode                                          */

#ifndef __T_T30_CAP_IND__
#define __T_T30_CAP_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2179
typedef struct
  T_hdlc_info               hdlc_info;                /*<  0:556> HDLC information field                             */
} T_T30_CAP_IND;

#ifndef __T_T30_CAP_REQ__
#define __T_T30_CAP_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2180
typedef struct
  T_hdlc_info               hdlc_info;                /*<  0:556> HDLC information field                             */
} T_T30_CAP_REQ;

#ifndef __T_T30_DTI_REQ__
#define __T_T30_DTI_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2181
typedef struct
  U8                        dti_conn;                 /*<  0:  1> DTI connect                                        */
  U8                        entity_name[T30_ENTITY_NAME_LEN]; /*<  1:  6> name of an neighbour entity                        */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  7:  1> alignment                                          */
  U32                       link_id;                  /*<  8:  4> Link identifier                                    */
  U8                        dti_direction;            /*< 12:  1> DTI direction                                      */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*< 13:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*< 14:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align3;                  /*< 15:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_T30_DTI_REQ;

#ifndef __T_T30_DTI_CNF__
#define __T_T30_DTI_CNF__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2182
typedef struct
  U8                        dti_conn;                 /*<  0:  1> DTI connect                                        */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_T30_DTI_CNF;

#ifndef __T_T30_DTI_IND__
#define __T_T30_DTI_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2183
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */
} T_T30_DTI_IND;

#ifndef __T_T30_PHASE_IND__
#define __T_T30_PHASE_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2184
typedef struct
  U8                        phase;                    /*<  0:  1> T.30 phase                                         */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_T30_SGN_IND__
#define __T_T30_SGN_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2185
typedef struct
  U8                        sgn;                      /*<  0:  1> binary coded signal                                */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_T30_SGN_IND;

#ifndef __T_T30_SGN_REQ__
#define __T_T30_SGN_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2186
typedef struct
  U8                        sgn;                      /*<  0:  1> binary coded signal                                */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_T30_SGN_REQ;

#ifndef __T_T30_CMPL_IND__
#define __T_T30_CMPL_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2187
typedef struct
  U8                        cmpl;                     /*<  0:  1> completion                                         */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_T30_REPORT_IND__
#define __T_T30_REPORT_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2188
typedef struct
  U8                        dir;                      /*<  0:  1> direction of call                                  */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  1:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align2;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */
  T_sdu                     sdu;                      /*<  4: ? > Service Data Unit                                  */

#ifndef __T_T30_MODIFY_REQ__
#define __T_T30_MODIFY_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2189
typedef struct
  U16                       trans_rate;               /*<  0:  2> transmission rate                                  */
  U8                        half_rate;                /*<  2:  1> half-rate flag                                     */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_T30_ERROR_IND__
#define __T_T30_ERROR_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2190
typedef struct
  U16                       cause;                    /*<  0:  2> error cause                                        */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */

#ifndef __T_T30_EOL_IND__
#define __T_T30_EOL_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2191
typedef struct
  U16                       eol;                      /*<  0:  2> end of line count                                  */
  U8                        _align0;                  /*<  2:  1> alignment                                          */
  U8                        _align1;                  /*<  3:  1> alignment                                          */
} T_T30_EOL_IND;

#ifndef __T_T30_DEACTIVATE_REQ__
#define __T_T30_DEACTIVATE_REQ__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2192
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#ifndef __T_T30_DEACTIVATE_CNF__
#define __T_T30_DEACTIVATE_CNF__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2193
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#ifndef __T_T30_ACTIVATE_CNF__
#define __T_T30_ACTIVATE_CNF__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2194
typedef struct
  U16                       buf_size_rx;              /*<  0:  2> buffer size RX                                     */
  U16                       buf_size_tx;              /*<  2:  2> buffer size TX                                     */

#ifndef __T_T30_PREAMBLE_IND__
#define __T_T30_PREAMBLE_IND__
 * CCDGEN:WriteStruct_Count==2195
typedef struct
  U8                        dummy;                    /*<  0:  1> no parameters                                      */

#include "CDG_LEAVE.h"
