view src/g23m-fad/app/app_pei.c @ 662:8cd8fd15a095

SIM speed enhancement re-enabled and made configurable TI's original code supported SIM speed enhancement, but Openmoko had it disabled, and OM's disabling of speed enhancement somehow caused certain SIM cards to start working which didn't work before (OM's bug #666). Because our FC community is much smaller in year 2020 than OM's community was in their day, we are not able to find one of those #666-affected SIMs, thus the real issue they had encountered remains elusive. Thus our solution is to re-enable SIM speed enhancement and simply wait for if and when someone runs into a #666-affected SIM once again. We provide a SIM_allow_speed_enhancement global variable that allows SIM speed enhancement to be enabled or disabled per session, and an /etc/SIM_spenh file in FFS that allows it to enabled or disabled on a non-volatile basis. SIM speed enhancement is now enabled by default.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 24 May 2020 05:02:28 +0000
parents 90eb61ecd093
line wrap: on
line source

|  File:       app_pei.c
|  Copyright 2003 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This module implements the PEI interface
|             for the entity app.

#define APP_PEI_C

#define ENTITY_APP
/* this #define SAP_TCPIP and #define SAP_DCM in prim.h - */

#define APP_STACK_SIZE    1500
#define APP_QUEUE_SIZE    10   /* queue entries */
#define APP_PRIORITY      90   /* priority (1->low, 255->high) */
#define APP_NUM_TIMER     10   /* number of timers */

/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/

#include <string.h>     /* to get strcmp() */
#include <stdlib.h>     /* to get atoi() */
#include <stdio.h>      /* to get sprintf() */

#include "typedefs.h"   /* to get Condat data types */
#include "vsi.h"        /* to get a lot of macros */
#include "gsm.h"        /* to get a lot of macros */
#include "prim.h"       /* to get the definitions of used SAP and directions */
#include "pei.h"        /* to get PEI interface */
#include "tools.h"      /* to get common tools */

#include "socket_api.h"     /* to get sockets' definitions */
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */

#include "mon_app.h"    /* to get mon-definitions */
#include "app.h"        /* to get the global entity definitions */

/*==== EXTERNAL FUNCTIONS ====================================================*/

EXTERN char *app_handle_command_gdd(char *);
EXTERN char *app_handle_at_command(char *);
EXTERN char* app_handle_command_bat(char *);

/*==== CONSTS ================================================================*/

 * Wait as long as possible. This is the time in ms that is waited for a 
 * message in the input queue in the active variant. 
 * It can be decreased by the customer.  
#define APP_TIMEOUT     0xffffffff   

/* Entity name 

/*==== TYPES =================================================================*/

/*==== LOCALS ================================================================*/

static  BOOL          first_access  = TRUE;
static  BOOL          exit_flag = FALSE;
static  T_MONITOR     app_mon;

T_SOCK_API_INSTANCE   sock_api_inst = 0 ; /* Also needed by the appl. core. */
// System wide handle of a bearer connection. For future use (multiple PDP contexts)!!
T_SOCK_BEARER_HANDLE  sock_bearer_handle = 0;
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */

/*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================================*/

|  Function     :  primitive_not_supported
|  Description  :  This function handles unsupported primitives.
|  Parameters   :  data - not used
|  Return       :  void
LOCAL  void primitive_not_supported (void *data)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("primitive_not_supported");

  PFREE (data);

|  Function     :  pei_primitive
|  Description  :  Process protocol specific primitive.
|  Parameters   :  prim      - pointer to the received primitive
|  Return       :  PEI_OK    - function succeeded
|                  PEI_ERROR - function failed
static short pei_primitive (void * ptr)
  T_PRIM * prim = (T_PRIM *) ptr;
  unsigned long  opc;
  BOOL           result = FALSE;

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_primitive");

  if (prim EQ NULL)
    TRACE_EVENT("Empty primitive");
    return PEI_OK;
   * This must be called for Partition Pool supervision. Will be replaced
   * by another macro some time.
  VSI_PPM_REC (&prim->custom, __FILE__, __LINE__);

  opc = prim->custom.opc;

  result = sock_api_handles_primitive(sock_api_inst, prim);
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */
  if(FALSE EQ result)
    // primitive is not a GSM primitive - forward it to the environment
    if(opc & SYS_MASK)
      vsi_c_primitive (VSI_CALLER prim);
      primitive_not_supported (P2D(prim));
      return PEI_ERROR;
  return PEI_OK;

|  Function     : pei_init
|  Description  :  Initialize Protocol Stack Entity
|  Parameters   :  handle    - task handle
|  Return       :  PEI_OK    - entity initialised
|                  PEI_ERROR - entity not (yet) initialised
static short pei_init (T_HANDLE handle)
  short ret_value = PEI_OK;
  BOOL ret = FALSE;
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_init()");

  /* Initialize task handle */
  APP_handle = handle;
   * Initialize global pointer app_data. This is required to access all
   * entity data.
  app_data = &app_data_base;

  /* initialize socket API */
  ret = sock_api_initialize(&sock_api_inst, handle, ENTITY_NAME_APP); 
  if (FALSE == ret)
    TRACE_ERROR("sock_api_initialize() failed") ;
    return PEI_ERROR ;
  TRACE_EVENT("sock_api_initialize()d successfully") ;
  ret_value = app_initialize_tcpip(handle) ;
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */

  return ret_value;

|  Function     :  pei_timeout
|  Description  :  Process timeout.
|  Parameters   :  index     - timer index
|  Return       :  PEI_OK    - timeout processed
|                  PEI_ERROR - timeout not processed
static short pei_timeout (unsigned short index)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_timeout");

  /* Process timeout */
  switch (index)
    case 0:
      /* Call of timeout routine */
      TRACE_ERROR("Unknown Timeout");
      return PEI_ERROR;
  return PEI_OK;

|  Function     :  pei_signal
|  Description  :  Process signal.
|  Parameters   :  opc       - signal operation code
|                  data      - pointer to primitive
|  Return       :  PEI_OK    - signal processed
|                  PEI_ERROR - signal not processed
static short pei_signal (unsigned long opc, void* data)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_signal()");

  /* Process signal */
  TRACE_ERROR("Unknown Signal OPC");
  return PEI_ERROR;

|  Function     :  pei_exit
|  Description  :  Close Resources and terminate.
|  Parameters   :            - 
|  Return       :  PEI_OK    - exit sucessful
static short pei_exit (void)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_exit()");

  sock_api_deinitialize(sock_api_inst) ;
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */

  exit_flag = TRUE;

  return PEI_OK;

|  Function     :  pei_run
|  Description  :  Process Primitives, main loop is located in the
|                  Protocol Stack Entity.
|                  Only needed in active body variant
|  Parameters   :  taskhandle  - handle of current process
|                  comhandle   - queue handle of current process
|  Return       :  PEI_OK      - sucessful
|                  PEI_ERROR   - not successful
static short pei_run (T_HANDLE taskhandle, T_HANDLE comhandle )
  T_QMSG message;
  unsigned long timeout = APP_TIMEOUT;

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_run()");

  while (!exit_flag)
    vsi_c_await (VSI_CALLER comhandle, &message, timeout);
    switch (message.MsgType)
      case MSG_PRIMITIVE:
        pei_primitive (message.Msg.Primitive.Prim );
      case MSG_SIGNAL:
        pei_signal ( (USHORT)message.Msg.Signal.SigOPC, 
          message.Msg.Signal.SigBuffer );
      case MSG_TIMEOUT:
        pei_timeout ( (USHORT)message.Msg.Timer.Index );
        TRACE_ERROR("Unknown Message Type");

  exit_flag = FALSE;

  return PEI_OK;

|  Function     :  pei_config
|  Description  :  Dynamic Configuration.
|  Parameters   :  in_string   - configuration string
|  Return       :  PEI_OK      - sucessful
|                  PEI_ERROR   - not successful
static short pei_config (char * in_string)
  char *errmsg = 0 ;   /* Error message from application. */

  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_config()");
  TRACE_EVENT_P1 ("Command:%s",in_string);

  if (ConfigTimer (VSI_CALLER in_string, NULL) == VSI_OK)
    return PEI_OK;
  /* BEGIN testing via PCO config strings */
  if (in_string)
    /* Test commands for GDD (BAT adapter) are prefixed with 'gdd' */
    if(!strncmp("gdd", in_string, 3))
      errmsg = app_handle_command_gdd(in_string);
    else if (!strncmp("at_", in_string, 3))
      errmsg = app_handle_at_command(in_string);
/*    else if(!strncmp("batcfg_", in_string, 7))
      errmsg = app_handle_command_bat(in_string);
    /* Test commands for BAT Lib are prefixed with 'bat' */
    else if(!strncmp("bat", in_string, 3))
      errmsg = app_handle_command_bat(in_string);
      // returns '0' in case of success, errorstring else
      errmsg = app_handle_command_tcpip(in_string) ;
#endif /* FF_GPF_TCPIP */
    if (errmsg)
      TRACE_ERROR(errmsg) ;
      TRACE_EVENT("command successful") ;
    TRACE_ERROR("empty config primitive") ;
  return PEI_OK;

|  Function     :  pei_monitor
|  Description  :  Monitoring of physical Parameters.
|  Parameters   :  out_monitor - return the address of the data to be monitored
|  Return       :  PEI_OK      - sucessful (address in out_monitor is valid)
|                  PEI_ERROR   - not successful
static short pei_monitor (void ** out_monitor)
  TRACE_FUNCTION ("pei_monitor()");

   * Version = "0.S" (S = Step).
  app_mon.version = "app 0.1";
  *out_monitor = &app_mon;

  return PEI_OK;

/*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =====================================================*/

|  Function     :  app_pei_create
|  Description  :  Create the Protocol Stack Entity.
|  Parameters   :  info        - Pointer to the structure of entity parameters
|  Return       :  PEI_OK      - entity created successfully
short app_pei_create (T_PEI_INFO **info)
  static T_PEI_INFO pei_info =
    ENTITY_NAME_APP,         /* name */
    {              /* pei-table */
    0x03           /* flags: bit 0   active(0) body/passive(1) */
  };               /*        bit 1   com by copy(0)/reference(1) */

  /* Close Resources if open */
  if (first_access) {
    first_access = FALSE;
  else {
    pei_exit ();

  /* Export startup configuration data */
  *info = &pei_info;

  return PEI_OK;

/*==== END OF FILE ==========================================================*/