view src/gpf2/misc/tok.c @ 662:8cd8fd15a095

SIM speed enhancement re-enabled and made configurable TI's original code supported SIM speed enhancement, but Openmoko had it disabled, and OM's disabling of speed enhancement somehow caused certain SIM cards to start working which didn't work before (OM's bug #666). Because our FC community is much smaller in year 2020 than OM's community was in their day, we are not able to find one of those #666-affected SIMs, thus the real issue they had encountered remains elusive. Thus our solution is to re-enable SIM speed enhancement and simply wait for if and when someone runs into a #666-affected SIM once again. We provide a SIM_allow_speed_enhancement global variable that allows SIM speed enhancement to be enabled or disabled per session, and an /etc/SIM_spenh file in FFS that allows it to enabled or disabled on a non-volatile basis. SIM speed enhancement is now enabled by default.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 24 May 2020 05:02:28 +0000
parents cd37d228dae0
line wrap: on
line source

|  File:       tok.c
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  This Modul performs Configuration string functions

#ifndef __TOK_C__
#define __TOK_C__

#include "typedefs.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

#include "tok.h"

#ifdef _VXWORKS_
#undef ERROR     -1                   /* Token types               */
#undef EOS        1
#define ERROR     -1                   /* Token types               */
#define EOS        1
#define COMMA      2
#define EQUAL      3
#define IDENT      4
#define STRING     5
#define LBRACK     6
#define RBRACK     7

static SHORT tok_gettok (char **);
static SHORT tok_value  (char **);
static int tok_issep  (char);

   List   ::= Token
          ::= Token , Token, ...

   Token  ::= Ident
          ::= Ident = Values

   Values ::= Value
          ::= (Value)
          ::= (Value , Value , ... )
          ::= ()

   Value  ::= Ident
          ::= "String"


#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
static TOK_DCB  tok_dcb;
static char     tok_buf[80];

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJEKT : TETRA-PS (6143)            MODUL   : TOK.C              |
| STATUS  : code                       ROUTINE : tok_key            |

   PURPOSE : Return code value of a keyword from table.


SHORT tok_key (KW_DATA * keytab, char * keyword)
   * Empty string terminates
  while (keytab->keyword[0])
    if (strcmp (keytab->keyword, keyword ) == 0)
      return (keytab->code);

  return (TOK_NOT_FOUND);

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJEKT : TETRA-PS (6143)            MODUL   : TOK.C              |
| STATUS  : code                       ROUTINE : tok_init           |

   PURPOSE : Initialize token scanner.


void tok_init (char * s)
   tok_dcb.tokbuf      = tok_buf;
   strncpy (tok_dcb.tokbuf, s, 79);
   tok_dcb.tokbuf[79]  = '\0';
   tok_dcb.nexttok     = tok_dcb.tokbuf;
   tok_dcb.lastchar    = 0;

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJEKT : TETRA-PS (6143)            MODUL   : TOK.C              |
| STATUS  : code                       ROUTINE : tok_next           |

   PURPOSE : Get next token (and its values) from token string.
             Return number of value strings.


SHORT tok_next (char ** keyw, char * value [])
  char * val;

  if (tok_dcb.nexttok == NULL)
    return (TOK_EOCS);

  if (tok_gettok (keyw) != IDENT)
    tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
    return (TOK_EOCS);

   * Check next token
  switch (tok_gettok (&val))
     * No value present
    case COMMA:
      return (0);
     * Value(s) follows
    case EQUAL:
      return (tok_value (value));
     * No value present and EOS
    case EOS:
      tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
      return (0);
     * Syntax error
      tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
      return (TOK_EOCS);

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJEKT : TETRA-PS (6143)            MODUL   : TOK.C              |
| STATUS  : code                       ROUTINE : tok_value          |

   PURPOSE : Get list of values for token.
             Return number of values found.

             Formats:  Value
                       (Value, Value,...)

static SHORT tok_value (char * value [])
  SHORT   count;
  SHORT   tok;
  SHORT   inbrack;
  char  * val;
  char  * val2;

  inbrack = 0;
   * Get next token
  tok = tok_gettok (&val);

  switch (tok)
    case LBRACK:

    case IDENT  :
    case STRING :
      tok = tok_gettok (&val2);
      if ((tok != COMMA) && (tok != EOS))
        tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
        return (0);

      value[0] = val;
      return (1);

    case EOS :
    default  :
      tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
      return (0);

   * Get first token of list

   tok = tok_gettok (&val);
   count = 0;
     if ((tok == IDENT) || (tok == STRING))
       value[count++] = val;
       tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
       return (0);

     tok = tok_gettok (&val);
     switch (tok)
       case COMMA:

       case RBRACK :
         if (inbrack)
           if (((tok = tok_gettok (&val)) == COMMA) ||
                (tok == EOS))
             return (count);
          * Fall through
       /*lint -fallthrough */
         tok_dcb.nexttok = NULL;
         return (0);
     tok = tok_gettok (&val);
   /*lint -e527 suppress Warning -- Unreachable */
   return (0);
   /*lint +e527 */


#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJEKT : TETRA-PS (6143)            MODUL   : TOK.C              |
| STATUS  : code                       ROUTINE : tok_gettok         |

   PURPOSE : Return next token in input string.


static SHORT tok_gettok (char ** token)
  SHORT   tok;
  char   hadnull;
  char  * cp;

  cp      = tok_dcb.nexttok;
  hadnull = tok_dcb.lastchar != 0;

  if (tok_dcb.lastchar)
    * tok_dcb.nexttok = tok_dcb.lastchar;
    tok_dcb.lastchar = 0;
   * Skip leading white space
  while (isspace (* tok_dcb.nexttok))

  * token = tok_dcb.nexttok++;

  switch (** token)
    case '\0':                         /* End of string             */
    case '\n':
      tok = EOS;

    case ',':
      ** token = '\0';
      tok = COMMA;

    case '=':
      ** token = '\0';
         tok = EQUAL;

      case '(':
      case '<':
      case '[':
        ** token = '\0';
        tok = LBRACK;

      case ')':
      case '>':
      case ']':
        ** token = '\0';
        tok = RBRACK;

      case '"':
         * Get first char of string
        * token = tok_dcb.nexttok;
        while ((* tok_dcb.nexttok != '\0') && (* tok_dcb.nexttok != '"'))

        if (* tok_dcb.nexttok != '\0')
            * tok_dcb.nexttok++ = '\0';

        tok = STRING;

         * Read an identifier
        if (!tok_issep (** token))
          while (!tok_issep (* tok_dcb.nexttok))

          tok_dcb.lastchar = * tok_dcb.nexttok;
          * tok_dcb.nexttok = '\0';

          tok = IDENT;
          tok = ERROR;
    * '\0 was replaced with char
    * Replace original '\0'

   if (hadnull)
     * cp = '\0';

   return (tok);

#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJEKT : TETRA-PS (6143)            MODUL   : TOK.C              |
| STATUS  : code                       ROUTINE : tok_issep          |

   PURPOSE : Return 1 if special character.


static int tok_issep (char c)
   switch (c)
      case '\0' :
      case '\n' :
      case ','  :
      case '='  :
      case '('  :
      case '<'  :
      case '['  :
      case ')'  :
      case '>'  :
      case ']'  :
      case '"'  : return (1);

      default   : return (isspace (c));