view src/gpf3/inc/pco_inifile.h @ 662:8cd8fd15a095

SIM speed enhancement re-enabled and made configurable TI's original code supported SIM speed enhancement, but Openmoko had it disabled, and OM's disabling of speed enhancement somehow caused certain SIM cards to start working which didn't work before (OM's bug #666). Because our FC community is much smaller in year 2020 than OM's community was in their day, we are not able to find one of those #666-affected SIMs, thus the real issue they had encountered remains elusive. Thus our solution is to re-enable SIM speed enhancement and simply wait for if and when someone runs into a #666-affected SIM once again. We provide a SIM_allow_speed_enhancement global variable that allows SIM speed enhancement to be enabled or disabled per session, and an /etc/SIM_spenh file in FFS that allows it to enabled or disabled on a non-volatile basis. SIM speed enhancement is now enabled by default.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sun, 24 May 2020 05:02:28 +0000
parents c41a534f33c6
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  PCO2
|  Modul   :  inc\pco_inifile.h
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 All rights reserved. 
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG 
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey 
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to 
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in 
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of 
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. 
|  Purpose :  Contains declarations of the class IniFile. (Based on 
|             File from Adam Clauss)

#ifndef _PCO_INIFILE_H_
#define _PCO_INIFILE_H_

/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/

#pragma warning (disable: 4786) /* ignore warning about to long template names */

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "cms.h"

using namespace std;

/*==== PROTOTYPES ==================================================*/

//all Keys are of this type
struct Key
	//list of values in key
	vector<string> values; 

	//corresponding list of value names
	vector<string> names;

  //corresponding list of modified state
  vector<bool> modified; 

class IniFile  
	//all private variables

	//stores pathname of ini file to read/write
	string path;
	//list of Keys in ini
	vector<Key> keys; 

	//corresponding list of Keynames
	vector<string> names; 

  // semaphore to protect file reading/writing
  CMS_HANDLE m_file_sema;
	//all private functions
	//overloaded to take string
	istream & getline( istream & is, string & str );

	//returns index of specified value, in the specified Key, or -1 if not found
	int FindValue(int Keynum, string valuename) const;

	//returns index of specified Key, or -1 if not found
	int FindKey(string Keyname) const;

	//public variables

	//will contain error info if one occurs
	//ended up not using much, just in ReadFile and GetValue
	mutable string error;
	//will contain warning info if one occurs
	//ended up not using much, just in ReadFile 
  mutable string warning;

	//public functions
	//default constructor

	//constructor, can specify pathname here instead of using SetPath later
	IniFile(string inipath);

	//default destructor
	virtual ~IniFile();

	//sets path of ini file to read and write from
	void SetPath(string newpath);

	//returns path of currently selected ini file
  const char* GetPath() const { return path.c_str();}

	//reads ini file specified using IniFile::SetPath()
	//returns true if successful, false otherwise
  //may contain warnings in warning-variable
	bool ReadFile(bool refresh=false);

	//writes data stored in class to ini file
	bool WriteFile(bool refresh_first=true); 

	//deletes all stored ini data
	void Reset();

	//returns number of Keys currently in the ini
	int GetNumKeys() const;

	//returns number of values stored for specified Key
	int GetNumValues(string Keyname) const;

	//gets value of [Keyname] valuename = 
	//overloaded to return string, int, and double,
	//returns "", or 0 if Key/value not found.  Sets error member to show problem
	string GetValue(string Keyname, string valuename) const; 
	int GetValueI(string Keyname, string valuename) const; 
	double GetValueF(string Keyname, string valuename) const;

	//sets value of [Keyname] valuename =.
	//specify the optional paramter as false (0) if you do not want it to create
	//the Key if it doesn't exist. Returns true if data entered, false otherwise
	//overloaded to accept string, int, and double
	bool SetValue(string Key, string valuename, string value, bool create = 1);
	bool SetValueI(string Key, string valuename, int value, bool create = 1);
	bool SetValueF(string Key, string valuename, double value, bool create = 1);

  bool modified(string keyname, string valuename);
  bool set_modified(string keyname, string valuename, bool modified=true);

	//deletes specified value
	//returns true if value existed and deleted, false otherwise
	bool DeleteValue(string Keyname, string valuename);

	//deletes specified Key and all values contained within
	//returns true if Key existed and deleted, false otherwise
	bool DeleteKey(string Keyname);

#endif /* _PCO_INIFILE_H_ */