/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Project : | Modul : +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : This module defines the signalling functions of the| protocol stack adapter for the registration part of| the UPM entity.+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #if defined GPRS#ifndef PSA_UPMS_C#define PSA_SNDS_C#endif/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/#include "aci_all.h"#include "dti.h" /* functionality of the dti library */#include "aci_cmh.h"#include "ati_cmd.h"#include "aci_cmd.h"#include "aci.h"#include "dti_conn_mng.h"#include "dti_cntrl_mng.h"#include "gaci.h"#include "gaci_cmh.h"#include "psa.h"#include "psa_sm.h"#include "cmh.h"#include "cmh_sm.h"#ifdef FF_WAP#include "psa_tcpip.h"#include "wap_aci.h"#endif /* FF_WAP *//*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*//*==== TYPES ======================================================*//*==== EXPORT =====================================================*//*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*//*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*//*+-------------------------------------------------------------------+| PROJECT : UMTS MODULE : PSA_UPM || STATE : finished ROUTINE : psa_upm_count_req |+-------------------------------------------------------------------+ PURPOSE : Requests UPM count.*/GLOBAL void psa_upm_count_req ( UBYTE c_id, BOOL reset ){ PALLOC (upm_count_req, UPM_COUNT_REQ); TRACE_FUNCTION ("psa_upm_count_req()"); upm_count_req -> nsapi = c_id; if( reset ) { upm_count_req -> reset = NAS_RESET_YES; } else { upm_count_req -> reset = NAS_RESET_NO; } PSENDX (UPM, upm_count_req);}#endif /* GPRS */