view src/cs/layer1/gtt_include/ctm/ctm_receiver.h @ 600:8f50b202e81f

board preprocessor conditionals: prep for more FC hw in the future This change eliminates the CONFIG_TARGET_FCDEV3B preprocessor symbol and all preprocessor conditionals throughout the code base that tested for it, replacing them with CONFIG_TARGET_FCFAM or CONFIG_TARGET_FCMODEM. These new symbols are specified as follows: CONFIG_TARGET_FCFAM is intended to cover all hardware designs created by Mother Mychaela under the FreeCalypso trademark. This family will include modem products (repackagings of the FCDEV3B, possibly with RFFE or even RF transceiver changes), and also my desired FreeCalypso handset product. CONFIG_TARGET_FCMODEM is intended to cover all FreeCalypso modem products (which will be firmware-compatible with the FCDEV3B if they use TI Rita transceiver, or will require a different fw build if we switch to one of Silabs Aero transceivers), but not the handset product. Right now this CONFIG_TARGET_FCMODEM preprocessor symbol is used to conditionalize everything dealing with MCSI. At the present moment the future of FC hardware evolution is still unknown: it is not known whether we will ever have any beyond-FCDEV3B hardware at all (contingent on uncertain funding), and if we do produce further FC hardware designs, it is not known whether they will retain the same FIC modem core (triband), if we are going to have a quadband design that still retains the classic Rita transceiver, or if we are going to switch to Silabs Aero II or some other transceiver. If we produce a quadband modem that still uses Rita, it will run exactly the same fw as the FCDEV3B thanks to the way we define TSPACT signals for the RF_FAM=12 && CONFIG_TARGET_FCFAM combination, and the current fcdev3b build target will be renamed to fcmodem. OTOH, if that putative quadband modem will be Aero-based, then it will require a different fw build target, the fcdev3b target will stay as it is, and the two targets will both define CONFIG_TARGET_FCFAM and CONFIG_TARGET_FCMODEM, but will have different RF_FAM numbers. But no matter which way we are going to evolve, it is not right to have conditionals on CONFIG_TARGET_FCDEV3B in places like ACI, and the present change clears the way for future evolution.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Mon, 01 Apr 2019 01:05:24 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

*      90411 NUERNBERG, GERMANY, Tel Int + 49 911 5217 100
*      The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the
*      written permission from Ericsson or in accordance
*      with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement or
*      contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.
*      File             : ctm_receiver.h
*      Author           : EEDN/RV Matthias Doerbecker
*      Tested Platforms : Sun Solaris, Windows NT 4.0
*      Description      : header file for ctm_receiver.c
*      Changes since October 13, 2000:
*      - added reset function reset_ctm_receiver()
*      $Log: $
#ifndef ctm_receiver_h
#define ctm_receiver_h "$Id: $"

*                         INCLUDE FILES

#include "init_interleaver.h"
//#include "tonedemod.h"
#include "wait_for_sync.h"
#include "conv_poly.h"
#include "viterbi.h"
#include "ctm_typedefs.h"
#include "fifo.h"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> 

/* ******************************************************************/
/* Type definitions for variables that contain all states of the    */
/* Cellular Text Telephone Modem (CTM) Transmitter and Receiver,    */
/* respectively.                                                    */
/* ******************************************************************/

typedef struct {
  /* simple variables */
  WORD16    samplingCorrection;
  WORD16    numBitsWithLowReliability;
  WORD16    cntIdleSymbols;
  WORD16    numDeintlBits;
  WORD16    cntRXBits;
  WORD16    syncCorrect;
  WORD16    cntUnreliableGrossBits;
  WORD16    intl_delay;
  /* structs (state types) */
  fifo_state_t          rx_bits_fifo_state;
  fifo_state_t          octet_fifo_state;
  fifo_state_t          net_bits_fifo_state;
  //demod_state_t         tonedemod_state;
  // interleaver_state_t   intl_state;
  interleaver_state_t   deintl_state;
  wait_for_sync_state_t wait_state;
  viterbi_t             viterbi_state;
  /* vectors (not to be allocated) */
  WORD16    mutePositions[intlvB*NUM_MUTE_ROWS];
  WORD16    mutePositions[1];

  /* vectors (to be allocated in init_ctm_receiver()) */
  WORD16    *waitSyncOut;
  WORD16    *deintlOut;

} rx_state_t;

/* init_ctm_receiver()                                                 */
/* *******************                                                 */
/* Initialization of the CTM Receiver.                                 */
/*                                                                     */
/* output vaiables:                                                    */
/* rx_state :   pointer to a variable of rx_state_t containing the     */
/*              initialized states of the receiver                     */

void init_ctm_receiver(rx_state_t* rx_state);

 * Shutdown_ctm_receiver()                                             *
 * ***********************                                             *
 * Shutdown of the CTM Receiver.                                       *
 *                                                                     *
 * Input variables:                                                    *
 * rx_state :   pointer to a variable of rx_state_t containing the     *
 *              initialized states of the receiver                     *
void Shutdown_ctm_receiver(rx_state_t* rx_state);

 * reset_ctm_receiver()                                                *
 * ********************                                                *
 * Reset of the Cellular Text Telephone Modem receiver, state          *
 * machines and buffer pointers.                                       *
 *                                                                     *
 * Input variables:                                                    *
 * rx_state :   pointer to a variable of rx_state_t containing the     *
 *              initialized states of the receiver                     *
void reset_ctm_receiver(rx_state_t* rx_state);

/* ctm_receiver()                                                          */
/* **************                                                          */
/* Runs the Cellular Text Telephone Modem Receiver for a block of          */
/* (nominally) 160 samples. Due to the internal synchronization, the       */
/* number of processed samples might vary between 156 and 164 samples.     */
/* The input of the samples and the output of the decoded characters       */
/* is handled via fifo buffers, which have to be initialized               */
/* externally before using this function (see fifo.h for details).         */
/*                                                                         */
/* input/output variables:                                                 */
/* *ptr_signal_fifo_state      fifo state for the input samples            */
/* *ptr_output_char_fifo_state fifo state for the output characters        */
/* *ptr_early_muting_required  returns whether the original audio signal   */
/*                             must not be forwarded. This is to guarantee */
/*                             that the preamble or resync sequence is     */
/*                             detected only by the first CTM device, if   */
/*                             several CTM devices are cascaded            */
/*                             subsequently.                               */
/* *rx_state                   pointer to the variable containing the      */
/*                             receiver states                             */

void ctm_receiver(fifo_state_t*  ptr_signal_fifo_state,
                  fifo_state_t*  ptr_output_char_fifo_state,
                  BOOL*          ptr_early_muting_required,
                  rx_state_t*    rx_state);
