line source
| File: tcpip_utils.c
| Copyright 2003 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
| All rights reserved.
| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
| Instruments Berlin, AG
| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
| Purpose : Utility functions for GPF-based TCP/IP
/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/
#include <string.h> /* String functions, e. g. strncpy(). */
#include <stdio.h>
#include "typedefs.h" /* to get Condat data types */
#include "vsi.h" /* to get a lot of macros */
#include "custom.h"
#include "gsm.h" /* to get a lot of macros */
#include "prim.h" /* to get the definitions of used SAP and directions */
#include "pei.h" /* to get PEI interface */
#include "tools.h" /* to get common tools */
#include "dti.h" /* For DTI library definitions. */
#include "glob_defs.h"
#include "tcpip.h" /* to get the global entity definitions */
/* RNET includes
#include "rv_general.h"
#include "rnet_api.h"
#include "rnet_rt_env.h"
#include "rnet_message.h"
#include "rnet_rt_i.h"
/*==== Local prototypes =====================================================*/
/*==== Macros ===============================================================*/
/*==== Types ================================================================*/
/*==== Local data ===========================================================*/
/*==== Other public functions ===============================================*/
unsigned long tcpip_sim_fake_data(int socket, U16 len)
static char tmp[100000] ;
/* MALLOC(tmp, len) ; */
*tmp = 0 ;
if (len > 30)
sprintf(tmp, "data len 0x%0.4x for socket %-.2d\n", len, socket) ;
if (len > strlen(tmp))
memset(tmp + strlen(tmp), '0' + socket, len - strlen(tmp)) ;
return (unsigned long) tmp ;
void tcpip_dump_packet(char *title, U8 *data, U16 len)
static char buf[80] ;
int i = 0 ;
strcpy(buf, "pkt dump from ") ;
strcat(buf, title) ;
strcat(buf, "\n ") ;
while (len-- > 0)
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " %02x", *data++) ;
if (!(++i % 4))
if (!(i % 8))
sprintf(buf, " ") ;
sprintf(buf + strlen(buf), " ") ;
printf("%s", buf) ;
static char *inet_ntoa(U32 ipaddr)
static char ipaddr_string[sizeof("")] ;
UBYTE *addrbyte_p ; /* Pointer to single address bytes. */
addrbyte_p = (UBYTE *) &ipaddr ;
addrbyte_p[3], addrbyte_p[2], addrbyte_p[1], addrbyte_p[0]);
return ipaddr_string ;
void tcpip_if_properties(NGifnet *netp)
char *name ;
U32 value ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_NAME, &name) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1("Interface name %s", name) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_OUTQ_MAX, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_OUTQ_MAX = %d", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_ADDR, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_ADDR = %s", inet_ntoa(ngNTOHL(value))) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_NETMASK, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_NETMASK = 0x%x", ngNTOHL(value)) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_DSTADDR, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_DSTADDR = %s", inet_ntoa(ngNTOHL(value))) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_FLAGS, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_FLAGS = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_DEV1, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_DEV1 = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_DEV2, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_DEV2 = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_DEVPTR1, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_DEVPTR1 = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_DEVPTR2, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_DEVPTR2 = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_PROMISC, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_PROMISC = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_ALLMULTI, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_ALLMULTI = 0x%x", value) ;
ngIfGenCntl(netp, NG_CNTL_GET, NG_IFO_MTU, &value) ;
TRACE_EVENT_P1(" NG_IFO_MTU = %d", value) ;