/* +------------------------------------------------------------------------------| File: socket.c+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : This Modul contains the socket driver adaptation+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifdef _VXWORKS_#define GNU_COMPILER#endif#undef SOCK_TRACE#undef SOCKET_DEBUG/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/#if defined _NUCLEUS_ || defined _TOOLS_ /* socket-driver running on windows OS *//*lint -e717 suppress info do...while(0); *//*lint -esym(550,rc) suppress info not accessed *//*lint -e813, suppress Info 813: auto variable has size > 100 -> uncritical in this context *//*lint -e801, suppress Info 801: Use of goto is deprecated */ #include <windows.h> #include <winsock.h> #include <stdio.h> #ifdef SOCK_TRACE #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <io.h> #endif /* SOCK_TRACE */#endif /* #ifdef _NUCLEUS_ */#ifdef _PSOS_ /* socket-driver running on pSOS */ #define _PNA_30_BACK #include <psos.h> #include "bsp.h" #include <pna.h> #include <prepc.h> #include <rescfg.h>#endif /* #ifdef _PSOS_ */#ifdef _VXWORKS_ #include "vxWorks.h" #include "sockLib.h" #include "inetLib.h" #include "ioLib.h" #include "selectLib.h" #include "errnoLib.h" #include "logLib.h"/* undefine the MALLOC and FREE of VxWorks to avoid warnings */#undef MALLOC#undef FREE#endif /* _VXWORKS_ *//* More operating systems go here */#ifdef _LINUX_ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h>#endif#ifdef _SOLARIS_ #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/tcp.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <errno.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <sys/filio.h>#endif#ifndef OLD_FRAME #include "typedefs.h" #include "os.h"#endif#include "socket.h"#include "tools.h"#include "vsi.h"#include "drvconf.h"#include "tstheader.h"/*==== DEFINITIONS ==========================================================*/#define MAX_PENDING_CONNECTS 5 /* The backlog allowed for listen() */#define SEND_TIMEOUTUSEC 500 /* minimal timeout value for sending*/#define INVALID_HANDLE NULL#define INVALID_SIGNALTYPE 0#define NO_FLAGS_SET 0 /* Used with recv()/send() */#define MAX_ETH_LEN (1500-40) /* Maximum size of a Ethernet packet without IP headers */#define WRBUF_LEN 2048#define ALLOWED_SOCKET_SIGNALS (DRV_SIGTYPE_READ|DRV_SIGTYPE_CONNECT|DRV_SIGTYPE_DISCONNECT)#if defined _NUCLEUS_ || defined _TOOLS_ typedef ULONG SIZETYPE; #define GETTIME(t) (t = GetTickCount()) #define GETREADSIZE(sok,psiz) ioctlsocket(sok, FIONREAD,(ULONG*)psiz) #define READ_SOCKET(s,b,l) recv((s),(b),(int)(l),NO_FLAGS_SET) #define WRITE_SOCKET(s,b,l) send((s),(const char*)(b),(l),NO_FLAGS_SET) #define CLOSE_SOCKET(s) closesocket(s)#endif /* #ifdef _NUCLEUS_ */#ifdef _PSOS_ typedef int SOCKET; typedef int SIZETYPE; typedef struct hostent HOSTENT; #define h_addr h_addr_list[0] typedef HOSTENT * PHOSTENT; #define FAR /**/ #define SOCKADDR_IN struct sockaddr_in #define SOCKET_ERROR (-1) #define INVALID_SOCKET (-1) #define GETTIME(t) os_GetTime (0, &(t)) #define GETREADSIZE(sok,psiz) ioctl(sok, FIOREAD,(char*)psiz) #define READ_SOCKET(s,b,l) recv((s),(b),(int)(l),NO_FLAGS_SET) #define WRITE_SOCKET(s,b,l) send((s),(char *)(b),(int)(l),NO_FLAGS_SET) #define CLOSE_SOCKET(s) close(s)#endif /* #ifdef _PSOS_ */#ifdef _VXWORKS_ #define SOCKADDR_IN struct sockaddr_in #define FAR /* nil */ #define SOCKET_ERROR ERROR #define INVALID_SOCKET ERROR typedef int SOCKET; typedef int SIZETYPE; #define GETTIME(t) os_GetTime (0, &(t)) #define GETREADSIZE(sok,psiz) ioctl(sok, FIONREAD, (int)psiz) #define READ_SOCKET(s,b,l) recv((s), (b), (int)(l), NO_FLAGS_SET) #define WRITE_SOCKET(s,b,l) send((s), (char *)(b), (int)(l), NO_FLAGS_SET) #define CLOSE_SOCKET(s) close(s)#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#if defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_) #define SOCKADDR_IN struct sockaddr_in #define FAR /* nil */ #define SOCKET_ERROR (-1) #define INVALID_SOCKET (-1) typedef int SIZETYPE; #define GETTIME(t) os_GetTime (0, &(t)) #define GETREADSIZE(sok,psiz) ioctl(sok, FIONREAD, (int)psiz) #define READ_SOCKET(s,b,l) recv((s), (b), (int)(l), NO_FLAGS_SET) #define WRITE_SOCKET(s,b,l) send((s), (char *)(b), (int)(l), NO_FLAGS_SET) #define CLOSE_SOCKET(s) close(s)#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#define PORT_NO 6392#define TX_BUFFER_SIZE 8192#define RX_BUFFER_SIZE 8192#define TX_TIMEOUT_MSEC 10000#define RX_TIMEOUT_MSEC 10000#ifdef _VXWORKS_#define SOCKET_PRIO 115#define SOCKET_STACK 8192#elif defined _PSOS_#define SOCKET_PRIO 110#define SOCKET_STACK 1024#elif defined _TOOLS_#define SOCKET_PRIO 1#define SOCKET_STACK 1024#else#define SOCKET_PRIO 1#define SOCKET_STACK 1024#endif#define TI_MODE 0x0001/*==== TYPES ================================================================*/typedef enum{ SST_PL0, /* 0 bytes of packet length read*/ SST_PL1, /* 1 bytes of packet length read*/ SST_DATA0, /* 0 bytes of data read*/ SST_DATAx /* not all data read */} T_SOCK_STATE;typedef struct{ USHORT Connect; SOCKET Listener; SOCKET Socket; USHORT EnabledSignals; OS_HANDLE ThreadID ; USHORT SocketHandle; T_DRV_CB_FUNC Callback;} Client_Type;/*==== EXTERNALS ============================================================*/EXTERN BOOL socket_flush;/*==== LOCAL VARS ===========================================================*/LOCAL socket_DCB_Type L_DCB ;LOCAL Client_Type L_ClientData ;LOCAL BOOL L_ThreadActive ;LOCAL T_DRV_SIGNAL SocketSignal;LOCAL UBYTE wrbuf[WRBUF_LEN+2];LOCAL UBYTE *wrbuf_pos = wrbuf;T_SOCK_STATE sock_state = SST_PL0;#ifdef SOCK_TRACEULONG fh_sock = -1;LOCAL char stbuf[80];#endifLOCAL BOOL isLittleEndian = TRUE;int tst_socket; /* for psos */int tst_socket_initialized; /* flag for pSOS */int tst_socket_in_TxLen; /* for pSOS *//*==== DIAGNOSTICS ==========================================================*/#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG#include <STDIO.H>static char *logfile = "socket.log";static char *bufferfullfile = "bufferfull.log";static char *inprocessfile = "inprogress.log";static char *noconnectfile1 = "noconnect1.log";static char *noconnectfile2 = "noconnect2.log";static char *noconnectfile3 = "noconnect3.log";static char *readerrorfile = "readerror.log";static FILE *fp = NULL;#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG *//*==== END DIAGNOSTICS ======================================================*/extern USHORT ext_data_pool_handle;GLOBAL ULONG drv_socket_task_stack_size = SOCKET_STACK;GLOBAL USHORT drv_socket_task_prio = SOCKET_PRIO;/*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================================*//*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : L_CreateThread+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function creates a thread.|| Parameters : ThreadFunc - pointer to the function beeing a thread|| Return : FALSE - Thread not created| TRUE - Thread create (Thread ID stored in| L_ClientData.ThreadID|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#ifdef OLD_FRAMEBOOL L_CreateThread (USHORT (*ThreadFunc)(USHORT,ULONG)){ return (CreateThread ((LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES) NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ThreadFunc, (LPVOID) NULL, 0, &L_ClientData.ThreadID) != NULL);}#elseBOOL L_CreateThread (void (*ThreadFunc)(T_HANDLE,ULONG)){ if ( os_CreateTask (0, (char*)"SOCKET", ThreadFunc, drv_socket_task_stack_size, drv_socket_task_prio, &L_ClientData.ThreadID, ext_data_pool_handle) < 0L ) return FALSE; if ( os_StartTask (0, L_ClientData.ThreadID, 0) < 0 ) return FALSE ; return TRUE;}#endif/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : L_SetSocketBuffer+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function sets the IP read and write buffer|| Parameters : in_TxLen - size of transmission buffer| in_RxLen - size of receiver buffer|| Return : FALSE - either the read or write buffer could not| be set.| TRUE - OK|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/LOCAL BOOL L_SetSocketBuffer (USHORT in_TxLen, USHORT in_RxLen){ int in_TxLen1 = (int) in_TxLen; int in_RxLen1 = (int) in_RxLen;#ifndef _PSOS_ int nodelay = TRUE;#if defined (_VXWORKS_) || defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_) struct linger nolinger = {0, 0};#else int linger = TRUE;#endif int rc=0; if (in_TxLen > 0) { if ( (rc=setsockopt(L_ClientData.Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&in_TxLen1, sizeof(in_TxLen1))) != 0) {#ifdef _VXWORKS_ rc = errnoGet ();#else #if defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_) rc = errno; #else rc = WSAGetLastError(); #endif#endif#if defined _NUCLEUS_ || defined _TOOLS_ printf("SOCKET: setsockopt() returned error code %d\n", rc); #endif return FALSE ; } }#if defined (_VXWORKS_) || defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_) if (setsockopt(L_ClientData.Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_LINGER, (char*)&nolinger, sizeof(nolinger)))#else if (setsockopt(L_ClientData.Socket, SOL_SOCKET, (int)SO_DONTLINGER, (char*)&linger, sizeof(linger)))#endif return FALSE ; if (setsockopt(L_ClientData.Socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&nodelay, sizeof(nodelay))) return FALSE ;#else /* PSOS */ tst_socket_in_TxLen = in_TxLen;#endif /* PSOS */ if (in_RxLen > 0) { if (setsockopt(L_ClientData.Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVBUF, (char *) &in_RxLen1, sizeof(in_RxLen1))) return FALSE ; } return TRUE ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : L_Disconnect+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is called when the connection to the peer entity| is lost. If the release signal is set a signal is generated.|| Parameters : -|| Return : -|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/LOCAL void L_Disconnect (void){ L_ClientData.Connect = FALSE; if (L_ClientData.EnabledSignals != INVALID_SIGNALTYPE) { SocketSignal.SignalType = DRV_SIGTYPE_DISCONNECT; SocketSignal.DrvHandle = L_ClientData.SocketHandle; (*L_ClientData.Callback)(&SocketSignal) ; }}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : L_AsyncSelect+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function waits (blocking) for either something to read| or an execption on the socket.|| Parameters : -|| Return : FALSE - failure on the socket| TRUE - a read event was signalled|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/LOCAL BOOL L_AsyncSelect (void){ fd_set fd_r ; fd_set fd_e ; int status, rc; /* wait for possibility to read */ FD_ZERO(&fd_r); FD_SET(L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_r); FD_ZERO(&fd_e); FD_SET(L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_e); status = select(FD_SETSIZE, &fd_r, NULL, &fd_e, (struct timeval *) 0); if (status > 0) { if (!FD_ISSET (L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_e)) { if (L_ClientData.Callback != NULL) { if (FD_ISSET (L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_r)) { SIZETYPE size ; if ((rc = GETREADSIZE( L_ClientData.Socket, &size)) != 0 || !size) {#ifdef SOCK_TRACE if (fh_sock != -1) { char sstop[10]; ULONG stop = GetTickCount(); sprintf(sstop, "%03d:%03d", (stop/1000) % 1000, stop % 1000); sprintf(stbuf, "reset at %s rc=%d size=%d left %d \n", sstop, rc, size, wrbuf_pos-wrbuf); write (fh_sock, stbuf, strlen(stbuf));/* close(fh_sock); fh_sock = -1; */ }#endif os_SuspendTask ( 0, 2 ); CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Socket); L_ClientData.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; wrbuf_pos = wrbuf; sock_state = SST_PL0; return FALSE ; } /* Indicate that it is possible to read something */ if (L_ClientData.EnabledSignals & DRV_SIGTYPE_READ) { SocketSignal.SignalType = DRV_SIGTYPE_READ; SocketSignal.DrvHandle = L_ClientData.SocketHandle; (*L_ClientData.Callback)(&SocketSignal) ; } } } return TRUE ; } } return FALSE;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : L_ClientThread+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is a thread used if the driver is configured to| be a client.|| Parameters : -|| Return : -|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/void L_ClientThread (T_HANDLE Handle, ULONG Value ){ L_ThreadActive = TRUE ; L_SetSocketBuffer (L_DCB.tx_buffer_size, L_DCB.rx_buffer_size) ; /*------------------------------------- Listen what's goning on on the socket -------------------------------------*/ while (L_ThreadActive) if (!L_AsyncSelect()) { L_ThreadActive = FALSE ; L_Disconnect() ; }}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : L_ServerThread+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is a thread used if the driver is configured to| be a server. It serves only one client. It cycles between| two modes, wait for a client to connect and listening on the| connection for any further action.| The thread exits when the flag L_ThreadActive is set to false.|| Parameters : -|| Return : -|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/void L_ServerThread (T_HANDLE TaskHandle, ULONG Value){ BOOL BufferSizeSet; SOCKADDR_IN local_sin; /* Local socket - internet style */#ifdef _VXWORKS_ SOCKADDR_IN clientAddr; /* client */ int sockAddrSize = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); memset ((char *) &local_sin, 0, sockAddrSize); local_sin.sin_len = (u_char) sockAddrSize;#endif/* _VXWORKS_ */ L_ClientData.Listener = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (L_ClientData.Listener == INVALID_SOCKET) goto error; if (L_DCB.port == SOCKET_INVALID_PORT) goto error; local_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY); local_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; local_sin.sin_port = htons(L_DCB.port); /* Convert to network ordering */ /*------------------------------------------- Associate an address with a socket. (bind) -------------------------------------------*/#ifdef _PSOS_ if (bind (L_ClientData.Listener, (struct sockaddr_in*) &local_sin, sizeof(local_sin)) != 0)#else#ifdef _VXWORKS_ /* Look at the following cast of local_sin. * This is from VxWorks Network 5.4 Programmer’s Guide, example 7-1, page 131 */ if (bind (L_ClientData.Listener, (struct sockaddr*) &local_sin, sockAddrSize) == ERROR)#else /* _VXWORKS_ */ if (bind (L_ClientData.Listener, (const struct sockaddr FAR *) &local_sin, sizeof(local_sin)) != 0)#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#endif { CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Listener); goto error; }#ifdef _VXWORKS_ if (listen (L_ClientData.Listener, MAX_PENDING_CONNECTS) == ERROR)#else /* _VXWORKS_ */ if (listen (L_ClientData.Listener, MAX_PENDING_CONNECTS) != 0)#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */ { CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Listener); goto error; } BufferSizeSet = FALSE ; L_ThreadActive = TRUE ; while (L_ThreadActive) { /*------------------------------------- Wait for somebody to connect -------------------------------------*/ if (L_ClientData.Socket != INVALID_SOCKET) {#ifdef SOCK_TRACE if (fh_sock != -1) { char sstop[10]; ULONG stop = GetTickCount(); sprintf(sstop, "%03d:%03d", (stop/1000) % 1000, stop % 1000); sprintf(stbuf, "close at %s socket=%d\n", sstop, L_ClientData.Socket); write (fh_sock, stbuf, strlen(stbuf));/* close(fh_sock); fh_sock = -1; */ }#endif CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Socket); L_ClientData.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; wrbuf_pos = wrbuf; sock_state = SST_PL0; }#ifdef _VXWORKS_ if ((L_ClientData.Socket = accept (L_ClientData.Listener, (struct sockaddr *) &clientAddr, &sockAddrSize)) != ERROR)#else /* _VXWORKS_ */ L_ClientData.Socket = accept(L_ClientData.Listener, NULL, NULL) ; if (L_ClientData.Socket != INVALID_SOCKET)#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */ {#ifdef SOCK_TRACE if (fh_sock == -1) fh_sock = open("SOCK_S.dbg", O_WRONLY| O_TEXT| O_TRUNC| O_CREAT, 0666); if (fh_sock != -1) { char sstop[10]; ULONG stop = GetTickCount(); sprintf(sstop, "%03d:%03d", (stop/1000) % 1000, stop % 1000); sprintf(stbuf, "accept at %s socket=%d listener=%d\n", sstop, L_ClientData.Socket, L_ClientData.Listener); write (fh_sock, stbuf, strlen(stbuf)); }#endif#ifdef _PSOS_ { ULONG tid; int err; /* for pSOS */ /* wait for TST task */ while( t_ident( FRM_TST_NAME, 0, &tid ) != 0 ) tm_wkafter( 10 ); tst_socket = shr_socket( L_ClientData.Socket, (int)tid ); if( tst_socket < 0 ) { err = errno; goto error; } }#endif if (!BufferSizeSet) L_SetSocketBuffer (L_DCB.tx_buffer_size, L_DCB.rx_buffer_size) ; /* Signalisiere Connect */ L_ClientData.Connect = TRUE; if (L_ClientData.EnabledSignals & DRV_SIGTYPE_CONNECT) { SocketSignal.SignalType = DRV_SIGTYPE_CONNECT; SocketSignal.DrvHandle = L_ClientData.SocketHandle; (*L_ClientData.Callback)(&SocketSignal) ; } /*------------------------------------- Listen what's goning on on the socket -------------------------------------*/ while (L_ThreadActive) if (!L_AsyncSelect()) { L_Disconnect() ; break ; } } }error:#ifndef OLD_FRAME for(;;) os_SuspendTask( 0, 1000 );#endif}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Create+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to set up the driver to act as a| server. The function tries to initialize the socket, creates| a thread in which it awaits first awaits the establishement| of a connection by a client. As soon as a client has| connected a signal (SOCKET_CONNECTED) is generated (call| socket_SetSignal() to activate a signal). From this time the| driver is able to send data (socket_write()) to the client and| to read received data (socket_read()). To get notified about| the reception of data the apropriate signal has to be set.| In the case of a successful completion the driver returns| DRV_OK.| If the driver is already busy DRV_INPROCESS is returned.| If the driver is not configured, the function returns| DRV_ NOTCONFIGURED.|| Parameters : -|| Return : DRV_OK - Function successful| DRV_INPROCESS - The driver is currently reading data.| The data is incomplete.| DRV_NOTCONFIGURED - The driver is not yet configured| SOCKET_ERRORUNSPEC - Error occured during initialization|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/LOCAL UBYTE L_CreateServer (void){ if (!L_CreateThread (L_ServerThread)) { CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Listener); return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; }#ifdef _TOOLS_ printf("SOCKET: now listening on port %i ...\n",L_DCB.port); #endif return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_WriteToOS+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to write data to the driver of operating| system.| The parameter thr_BufferSize contains the number of| characters to write. In the case of a successful completion,| the function returns DRV_OK.|| Parameters : in_BufferPtr - This parameter points to the buffer| that is passed to the driver for| further processing| thr_BufferSize - number of characters to write.|| Return : DRV_OK - Function successful| DRV_INPROCESS - Driver is busy writing data| SOCKET_NOCONNECT - Connection not available|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/LOCAL UBYTE socket_WriteToOS (void* in_BufferPtr, USHORT thr_BufferSize){ int err; USHORT c_written;#ifndef _PSOS_ fd_set fd_w; fd_set fd_e; struct timeval tv; if (L_ClientData.Socket == INVALID_SOCKET) return SOCKET_NOCONNECT; if ( L_ClientData.Connect == FALSE ) return SOCKET_NOCONNECT ; tv.tv_sec = (int)(L_DCB.tx_timeout_msec / 1000) ; tv.tv_usec = SEND_TIMEOUTUSEC ; FD_ZERO(&fd_w); FD_SET(L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_w); FD_ZERO(&fd_e); FD_SET(L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_e); if (select(FD_SETSIZE, NULL, &fd_w, &fd_e, &tv) <= 0) {#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG char buffer[200]; char *ptr = in_BufferPtr; char c = ptr[21]; fp = fopen(inprocessfile, "at"); if ( *ptr == 'P' ) ptr[21] = 0; else ptr[thr_BufferSize] = 0; strcpy (buffer, "errno:" ); sprintf (&buffer[6], "%8d", WSAGetLastError() ); buffer[14] = ' '; memcpy (&buffer[15], ptr, (thr_BufferSize)+1); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer ); ptr[21] = c; fclose(fp);#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */#ifdef _VXWORKS_ err = errnoGet ();#else /* _VXWORKS_ */ err = errno; printf("SOCKET: socket write failed with error code: %d\n",err );#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */ return DRV_INPROCESS ; } if (FD_ISSET (L_ClientData.Socket, &fd_e)) {#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG char buffer[200]; char *ptr = in_BufferPtr; char c = ptr[21]; fp = fopen(noconnectfile1, "at"); if ( *ptr == 'P' ) ptr[21] = 0; else ptr[thr_BufferSize] = 0; strcpy (buffer, "errno:" ); sprintf (&buffer[6], "%8d", WSAGetLastError() ); buffer[14] = ' '; memcpy (&buffer[15], ptr, (thr_BufferSize)+1); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer ); ptr[21] = c; fclose(fp);#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */ return SOCKET_NOCONNECT ; } /*--------------------------------- Send the data ---------------------------------*/ c_written = (USHORT) WRITE_SOCKET(L_ClientData.Socket, in_BufferPtr, (USHORT)thr_BufferSize); if (c_written == (USHORT)SOCKET_ERROR || c_written != thr_BufferSize) {#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG char buffer[200]; char *ptr = in_BufferPtr; char c = ptr[21]; fp = fopen(noconnectfile2, "at"); if ( *ptr == 'P' ) ptr[21] = 0; else ptr[thr_BufferSize] = 0; strcpy (buffer, "errno:" ); sprintf (&buffer[6], "%8d", WSAGetLastError() ); buffer[14] = ' '; memcpy (&buffer[15], ptr, (thr_BufferSize)+1); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer ); ptr[21] = c; fclose(fp);#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */ return SOCKET_NOCONNECT ; }#ifdef SOCK_TRACE if (fh_sock != -1) { char sstop[10]; ULONG stop = GetTickCount(); sprintf(sstop, "%03d:%03d", (stop/1000) % 1000, stop % 1000); sprintf(stbuf, "sent %d at %s\n", thr_BufferSize, sstop); write (fh_sock, stbuf, strlen(stbuf)); }#endif return DRV_OK ;#else /* pSOS */ /*--------------------------------- Send the data ---------------------------------*/ c_written = (USHORT) WRITE_SOCKET(tst_socket, in_BufferPtr, (USHORT)thr_BufferSize); if (c_written == (USHORT)SOCKET_ERROR || c_written != thr_BufferSize) { err = errno; return SOCKET_NOCONNECT ; } return DRV_OK ;#endif /* _PSOS_ */}/*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =====================================================*//*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Exit+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : The function is called when the driver functionality is no| longer required. The function "de-allocates" the resources| and releases active connections. The driver terminates| regardless of any outstanding data to be sent.|| Parameters : -|| Return : -|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/void socket_Exit (void){ os_DestroyTask ( 0, L_ClientData.ThreadID ); socket_Close() ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Open+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to establish a connection to server or| activate the driver to act as a server, using the settings of| the socket_DCB. A hostname must be specified to open a| connection to a server, in this case the driver runs in the| client mode. If no hostname is specified the driver will run in| server mode. In the server mode it serves a single client. As| soon as a client is connected the CONNECT signal is generated.| In case of a successful completion the driver is no able to send| data (socket_write()) to the peer entity and to read data| received from the peer entity (socket_read()). To get notified| about the reception of data the appropriate signal has to be set| (socket_SetSignal()).| In the case of a successful completion the driver returns DRV_OK.| If the driver is already busy DRV_INPROCESS is returned.| If the driver is not configured, the function returns| DRV_NOTCONFIGURED.| If an error occurs while establishing the requested mode, the| function returns SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC.|| Parameters : -|| Return : DRV_OK - Function successful| DRV_INPROCESS - The driver is currently reading data.| The data is incomplete.| DRV_NOTCONFIGURED - The driver is not yet configured| SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC - Error occured during initialization|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_Open (void){ SOCKADDR_IN dest_sin; /* DESTination Socket INternet */ SOCKET connectsocket;#ifdef _VXWORKS_ int sockAddrSize;#else /* _VXWORKS_ */ #if defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_) struct hostent* phe; #else PHOSTENT phe; #endif#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */ if (L_ThreadActive) { return DRV_INPROCESS ; } /*--------------------------------- if no hostname is specified we open as a server ---------------------------------*/ if (!*L_DCB.hostname) { return L_CreateServer() ; } connectsocket = socket (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (connectsocket == INVALID_SOCKET) { return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; }#ifdef _PSOS_ if ( !gethostbyname(L_DCB.hostname, phe)) { CLOSE_SOCKET(connectsocket); return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; }#else /* _PSOS_ */ #ifdef _VXWORKS_ sockAddrSize = sizeof (struct sockaddr_in); memset((char *) &dest_sin, 0, sockAddrSize); dest_sin.sin_len = (u_char) sockAddrSize; dest_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; dest_sin.sin_port = htons(L_DCB.port); if (((dest_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr (L_DCB.hostname)) == ERROR) && ((dest_sin.sin_addr.s_addr = hostGetByName (L_DCB.hostname)) == ERROR)) { CLOSE_SOCKET(connectsocket); return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; } #else /* _VXWORKS_ */ phe = gethostbyname(L_DCB.hostname); if (!phe) {#ifdef _TOOLS_ printf("SOCKET: host %s not found ;-(\n",L_DCB.hostname); #endif CLOSE_SOCKET(connectsocket); return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; } #endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#endif /* _PSOS_ */#ifndef _VXWORKS_ memset(&dest_sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); memcpy((char*)&(dest_sin.sin_addr), phe->h_addr, (unsigned int)((int)(phe->h_length))); dest_sin.sin_family = AF_INET; if ( L_DCB.config & TI_MODE ) dest_sin.sin_port = L_DCB.port; else dest_sin.sin_port = htons(L_DCB.port);#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#ifdef _PSOS_ if (connect (connectsocket, (struct sockaddr_in*) &dest_sin, sizeof(dest_sin)))#else /* _PSOS_ */ #ifdef _VXWORKS_ if (connect (connectsocket, (struct sockaddr*) &dest_sin, sockAddrSize) == ERROR) #else /* _VXWORKS_ */ #if defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_) if (connect (connectsocket, (struct sockaddr*) &dest_sin, sizeof(dest_sin))) #else if (connect (connectsocket, (const PSOCKADDR) &dest_sin, sizeof(dest_sin))) #endif #endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#endif /* defined(_PSOS_) || defined(_VXWORKS_) */ {#ifdef _TOOLS_ printf("SOCKET: connection to %s on port %i failed ;-(\n",L_DCB.hostname,L_DCB.port); #endif CLOSE_SOCKET(connectsocket); return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; }#ifdef _TOOLS_ printf("SOCKET: successfully connected to %s on port %i\n",L_DCB.hostname,L_DCB.port); #endif if (!L_CreateThread (L_ClientThread)) { CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Listener); return SOCKET_ERRUNSPEC; } L_ClientData.Socket = connectsocket ; L_ClientData.Connect = TRUE; if (L_ClientData.EnabledSignals & DRV_SIGTYPE_CONNECT) { SocketSignal.SignalType = DRV_SIGTYPE_CONNECT; SocketSignal.DrvHandle = L_ClientData.SocketHandle; (*L_ClientData.Callback)(&SocketSignal) ; } return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Close+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used by a client to close the connection or| by server to shut down the server functionality.| In case of a successful completion the connection is shutdown| and neither socket_Read nor socket_Write will be successful.| To get notified about the termination of a connection the| appropriate signal has to be set (socket_SetSignal()).|| Parameters : -|| Return : -|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_Close (void){ L_ThreadActive = FALSE ;#ifdef SOCK_TRACE if (fh_sock != -1) { char sstop[10]; ULONG stop = GetTickCount(); sprintf(sstop, "%03d:%03d", (stop/1000) % 1000, stop % 1000); sprintf(stbuf, "socket_Close at %s socket=%d listener=%d\n", sstop, L_ClientData.Socket, L_ClientData.Listener); write (fh_sock, stbuf, strlen(stbuf)); }#endif if (L_ClientData.Socket != INVALID_SOCKET) { CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Socket); L_ClientData.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET; } if (L_ClientData.Listener != INVALID_SOCKET) CLOSE_SOCKET (L_ClientData.Listener); L_ClientData.ThreadID = 0 ; return DRV_OK;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Read_with_Timeout+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to read data from the USART driver.| For more details see socket_Read()|| Return: >= 0 - Number of bytes read| SOCKET_ERROR - error occurred+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/LOCAL ULONG socket_Read_with_Timeout( void* destBuf, ULONG reqLen ){ ULONG timeout, totalBytes = 0, stop_timeout ; int readBytes, attempts = 0; /* calculate timeout time */ GETTIME( stop_timeout ); stop_timeout = stop_timeout + L_DCB.rx_timeout_msec ; /* read nonblocking until requested data is read or timeout */ do { readBytes = (SHORT)READ_SOCKET( L_ClientData.Socket, ((char *)destBuf) + totalBytes, reqLen - totalBytes ); if( readBytes < 0 || readBytes == SOCKET_ERROR ) {#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG#ifndef _PSOS_ fp = fopen(readerrorfile, "at"); fprintf (fp, "WSAGetLastError returned: %8d", WSAGetLastError() ); fclose(fp);#endif#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */ return 0; } else { totalBytes += (unsigned int)readBytes; GETTIME (timeout) ; if( totalBytes < reqLen ) { if (attempts++) /* try to get data by two consecutive accesses then sleep (but this should not be necessary) */ {#ifdef OLD_FRAME Sleep (1) ;#else os_SuspendTask ( 0, 1 );#endif } } else { return totalBytes; } } } while (timeout < stop_timeout); return 0;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Read+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to read data from the USART driver. The| data is copied into the buffer to which out_BufferPtr points.| The parameter *thr_BufferSizePtr contains the size of the| buffer in characters.| In the case of a successful completion, the driver's buffer| is cleared. The driver keeps the data available when calling| the function drv_Look().| If the driver is not configured, the function returns| DRV_NOTCONFIGURED.|| NOTE: When calling the function with a buffer size of 0, the| function will return DRV_OK. The size of the buffer| needed to store the available data is stored in the| parameter *thr_BufferSizePtr. In this case, the| out_BufferPtr can be set to NULL.||| Parameters : out_BufferPtr - This parameter points to the buffer| wherein the data is to be copied| thr_BufferSizePtr - On call: number of characters to| read. If the function returns DRV_OK,| it contains the number of characters| read. If the function returns| DRV_INPROCESS, it contains 0.|| Return : DRV_OK - Function successful| DRV_INPROCESS - The driver is currently reading data.| The data is incomplete.| DRV_NOTCONFIGURED - The driver is not yet configured| SOCKET_NOCONNECT - Connection not available|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_Read (void* out_BufferPtr, ULONG* thr_BufferSizePtr){#ifdef _VXWORKS_ SIZETYPE pending_data_size = 0;#else ULONG pending_data_size = 0;#endif ULONG bytesToRead, bytesReq; int rc; static USHORT packet_size; union { USHORT s; UBYTE b[2]; } conv;#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG static ULONG BytesRead = 0;#endif#ifdef SOCK_TRACE static ULONG start; static ULONG lasttime = 0;#endif bytesReq = *thr_BufferSizePtr; *thr_BufferSizePtr = 0; /* no bytes returned yet */ while ( (rc = (GETREADSIZE( L_ClientData.Socket, &pending_data_size ))) == 0 && pending_data_size > 0 ) { switch (sock_state) { case SST_PL0:#ifdef SOCK_TRACE GETTIME (start) ;#endif packet_size = 0; if (pending_data_size >= 2) { bytesToRead = 2; sock_state = SST_DATA0; } else { bytesToRead = 1; sock_state = SST_PL1; } if ( !(L_DCB.config & TI_MODE) ) { if (socket_Read_with_Timeout(&packet_size, bytesToRead) != bytesToRead) { sock_state = SST_PL0; return SOCKET_NOCONNECT; } } break; case SST_PL1: if (socket_Read_with_Timeout(((char*)&packet_size)+1, 1) != 1) { sock_state = SST_PL0; return SOCKET_NOCONNECT; } sock_state = SST_DATA0; break; case SST_DATA0: if ( !(L_DCB.config & TI_MODE) && isLittleEndian ) { conv.b[0] = *(((UBYTE*)&packet_size)+1); /* LSB */ conv.b[1] = * (UBYTE*)&packet_size; /* MSB */ packet_size = conv.s; } /*lint -fallthrough*/ case SST_DATAx: /* now read the packet payload or a part of it */ if ( L_DCB.config & TI_MODE ) { bytesToRead = (pending_data_size < bytesReq) ? pending_data_size : bytesReq; } else { bytesToRead = (packet_size < bytesReq) ? packet_size : bytesReq; if (pending_data_size < bytesToRead) bytesToRead = pending_data_size; } if( (*thr_BufferSizePtr = socket_Read_with_Timeout( ((char *)out_BufferPtr), bytesToRead )) != bytesToRead ) { *thr_BufferSizePtr = 0; if ( !(L_DCB.config & TI_MODE) ) sock_state = SST_PL0; return SOCKET_NOCONNECT; }#ifdef SOCK_TRACE if (fh_sock != -1 && sock_state == SST_DATA0 && bytesToRead >= 13) { char split[10+1]; char sstart[20], sstop[20]; static ULONG c_received = 0; ULONG len = packet_size; ULONG stop = GetTickCount(); if (((char*)out_BufferPtr)[13] == 'T') { memcpy(split, ((char*)out_BufferPtr)+9, 7); split[7] = '\0'; } else { memcpy(split, ((char*)out_BufferPtr)+9, 4); split[4] = '\0'; } if (start != lasttime) { if (lasttime - start > 11) sprintf(sstart, "->%d %03d:%03d\n", c_received, (start/1000) % 1000, start % 1000); else sprintf(sstart, "%03d:%03d\n", (start/1000) % 1000, start % 1000); c_received = 0; } c_received += packet_size + 2; if (start != stop) { sprintf(sstop, "->%d %03d:%03d\n", c_received, (stop/1000) % 1000, stop % 1000); c_received = 0; } sprintf(stbuf, "%s%d %s\n%s", (start != lasttime) ? sstart : "", packet_size + 2, split, (start != stop) ? sstop : ""); write (fh_sock, stbuf, strlen(stbuf)); lasttime = stop; }#endif if ( !(L_DCB.config & TI_MODE) ) { if (*thr_BufferSizePtr == packet_size) sock_state = SST_PL0; else { packet_size -= (USHORT)*thr_BufferSizePtr; sock_state = SST_DATAx; } } return DRV_OK; /*lint -e527 suppress Warning -- Unreachable */ break; /*lint +e527 */ } /* switch */ } /* while */ if (rc) { sock_state = SST_PL0; return SOCKET_NOCONNECT; }#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG { static char Buffer[2000]; memcpy (Buffer+BytesRead,out_BufferPtr,*thr_BufferSizePtr); BytesRead += *thr_BufferSizePtr; if ( (Buffer[0] == 'P') ) { OS_TIME time; char c = Buffer[21]; fp = fopen(logfile, "at"); Buffer[21] = 0; os_GetTime ( 0, &time ); fprintf (fp, "P%ld IN: %s\n", time/10, &Buffer[9] ); Buffer[21] = c; fclose(fp); } }#endif return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Write+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to write data to the driver. The| parameter *thr_BufferSizePtr contains the number of| characters to write. In the case of a successful completion,| the function returns DRV_OK.| If the data cannot be written because the storage capacity of| the driver has been exhausted, the function returns| DRV_BUFFER_FULL and the maximum number of characters that can| be written in *thr_BufferSizePtr.| If the driver is currently busy writing data and therefore| cannot accept further data to be written, it returns| DRV_INPROCESS and sets the parameter *thr_BufferSizePtr to 0.| If the driver is not configured, the function returns| DRV_ NOTCONFIGURED.|| NOTE: When calling the function with a buffer size of 0, the| function will return the number of characters that can be| written in the parameter *thr_BufferSizePtr. In this| case, the in_BufferPtr can be set to NULL.|| Parameters : in_BufferPtr - This parameter points to the buffer| that is passed to the driver for| further processing| thr_BufferSizePtr - On call: number of characters to| write. If the function returns| DRV_BUFFER_FULL, it contains the| maximum number of characters that can| be written. If the function returns| DRV_OK, it contains the number of| characters written. If the function| returns DRV_INPROCESS, it contains 0.||| Return : DRV_OK - Function successful| DRV_BUFFER_FULL - Not enough space| DRV_INPROCESS - Driver is busy writing data| DRV_NOTCONFIGURED - The driver is not yet configured| SOCKET_NOCONNECT - Connection not available|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*//*lint -esym(613,auxb) suppress warning possibly use off NULL pointer auxb *//*lint -esym(644,auxb) suppress warning possibly not initialized *//*lint -e668 suppress warning possibly passing NULL pointer to memcpy */USHORT socket_Write (void* in_BufferPtr, ULONG* thr_BufferSizePtr){ UBYTE rc = DRV_OK; int max_len, rest; char * auxb; ULONG buffer_size; buffer_size = *thr_BufferSizePtr & ~PRIM_FLAG_MASK;#ifndef _PSOS_#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG UBYTE Prim = 0; { char *ptr = in_BufferPtr; if ( *ptr == 'P' ) { OS_TIME time; char c = ptr[21]; fp = fopen(logfile, "at"); ptr[21] = 0; os_GetTime ( 0, &time ); fprintf (fp, "P%ld OUT: %s\n", time/10, &ptr[9] ); ptr[21] = c; fclose(fp); Prim = 1; } }#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */#else /* _PSOS */ if( !tst_socket_initialized ) { if (tst_socket_in_TxLen > 0) { int nodelay = TRUE; if (setsockopt(tst_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (char*)&tst_socket_in_TxLen, sizeof(tst_socket_in_TxLen))) return DRV_INITFAILURE; if (setsockopt(tst_socket, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char*)&nodelay, sizeof(nodelay))) return DRV_INITFAILURE; } tst_socket_initialized = 1; }#endif /* _PSOS_ */ if ( L_DCB.config & TI_MODE ) { /* add TI-MUX header */ auxb=(char*)malloc(buffer_size+2); memcpy((void*)(auxb+2),in_BufferPtr,buffer_size); auxb[0]=19; /* assigned to L23 */ auxb[1]=(char)buffer_size; in_BufferPtr=auxb; buffer_size+=2; } max_len = (L_DCB.tx_buffer_size < WRBUF_LEN) ? L_DCB.tx_buffer_size : WRBUF_LEN; if (max_len < (int)buffer_size) {#ifndef _PSOS_#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG char buffer[200]; char *ptr = in_BufferPtr; char c = ptr[21]; fp = fopen(bufferfullfile, "at"); if ( *ptr == 'P' ) ptr[21] = 0; else ptr[buffer_size] = 0; strcpy (buffer, "errno:" ); sprintf (&buffer[6], "%8d", WSAGetLastError() ); buffer[14] = ' '; memcpy (&buffer[15], ptr, (buffer_size)+1); fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer ); ptr[21] = c; fclose(fp);#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */#endif /* _PSOS_ */ if ( L_DCB.config & TI_MODE ) free(auxb); *thr_BufferSizePtr = (unsigned int)max_len | (*thr_BufferSizePtr & PRIM_FLAG_MASK) ; return DRV_BUFFER_FULL ; } rest = MAX_ETH_LEN - (wrbuf_pos - wrbuf); if (buffer_size + 2 >= (unsigned int)rest) /* more than maximum ethernet packet size needed ?*/ { /*--------------------------------- send the buffer ---------------------------------*/ rc = socket_WriteToOS(wrbuf, (USHORT)(wrbuf_pos - wrbuf)); wrbuf_pos = wrbuf; if (rc != DRV_OK) { if ( L_DCB.config & TI_MODE ) free(auxb); *thr_BufferSizePtr = (*thr_BufferSizePtr & PRIM_FLAG_MASK) ; return rc; } } if ( !(L_DCB.config & TI_MODE) ) { /*------------------------------------------------ put the size of the data into buffer (MSB first) ------------------------------------------------*/ if (isLittleEndian) { *wrbuf_pos = *(((UBYTE*)&buffer_size)+1); /* MSB */ *(wrbuf_pos+1) = * (UBYTE*)&buffer_size; /* LSB */ } else *((USHORT*)wrbuf_pos) = (USHORT)buffer_size; wrbuf_pos += 2; } /*--------------------------------- put the data itself into buffer ---------------------------------*/ memcpy(wrbuf_pos, in_BufferPtr, (size_t)buffer_size); wrbuf_pos += buffer_size; if (socket_flush) { /*--------------------------------- send the buffer ---------------------------------*/ rc = socket_WriteToOS(wrbuf, (USHORT)(wrbuf_pos - wrbuf)); wrbuf_pos = wrbuf; socket_flush = 0; if (rc != DRV_OK) { *thr_BufferSizePtr = (*thr_BufferSizePtr & PRIM_FLAG_MASK) ; } } if ( L_DCB.config & TI_MODE ) { free(auxb); } return rc ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Flush+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function flushes the socket write buffer where data| is stored until a complete packet can be sent or the| transmission is forced by an external setting of the| socket_flush flag. || Parameters : ---|| Return : DRV_OK - Function completed successfully|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_Flush ( void ){ULONG len = 0; socket_flush = 1; return ( socket_Write(NULL, &len) );}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_SetSignal+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to define a single or multiple signals| that is/are indicated to the process when the event identified| in the signal information data type as SignalType occurs. The| USART uses only the standard signals defined in [C_8415.0026].| To remove a signal, call the function socket_ResetSignal().| If one of the parameters of the signal information data is| invalid, the function returns DRV_INVALID_PARAMS.| If no signal call-back function has been defined at the time| of initialization, the driver returns DRV_SIGFCT_NOTAVAILABLE.|| Parameters : in_SignalIDPtr - Pointer to the signal information| data|| Return : DRV_OK - Function completed successfully| DRV_INVALID_PARAMS - One or more parameters are out of| range or invalid| DRV_SIGFCT_NOTAVAILABLE - Event signaling functionality is| not available|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_SetSignal (USHORT SignalType){ if (L_ClientData.Callback == NULL) return DRV_SIGFCT_NOTAVAILABLE ; if (SignalType & ALLOWED_SOCKET_SIGNALS) L_ClientData.EnabledSignals |= SignalType; else return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS ; return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_ResetSignal+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to remove previously set single or| multiple signals. The signals that are removed are identified| by the Signal Information Data element called SignalType. All| other elements of the Signal Information Data must be| identical to the signal(s) that are to be removed (process| handle and signal value). If the SignalID provided cannot be| located, the function returns DRV_INVALID_PARAMS.| If no signal call-back function has been defined at the time| of initialization, the driver returns DRV_SIGFCT_NOTAVAILABLE.|| Parameters : in_SignalIDPtr - Pointer to the signal information| data|| Return : DRV_OK - Function completed successfully| DRV_INVALID_PARAMS - One or more parameters are out of| range or invalid| DRV_SIGFCT_NOTAVAILABLE - Event signaling functionality is| not available|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_ResetSignal (USHORT SignalType){ if (L_ClientData.Callback == NULL) return DRV_SIGFCT_NOTAVAILABLE ; if (SignalType & ALLOWED_SOCKET_SIGNALS) L_ClientData.EnabledSignals &= ~SignalType; else return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS ; return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_SetConfig+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to configure the driver (port,| transmission rate, flow control, etc). The driver can be| configured at any one time before a connection is opened. The| parameters that can be configured are included in the USART's| device control block socket_DCB_Type. For detailed information| about the contents of the device control block, refer to| Chapter 2.1.1. If any value of the configuration is out of| range or invalid in combination with any other value of the| configuration, the function returns DRV_INVALID_PARAMS.| Call the socket_GetConfig() function to retrieve the driver's| configuration.| The driver needs to be configured after initialization. Only| the following functions can be called while the driver is not| configured: socket_Clear, socket_SetSignal and socket_GetSignal.| All other functions return DRV_NOTCONFIGURED.|| Parameters : in_DCBPtr - Pointer to the driver control block|| Return : DRV_OK - Function completed successfully| DRV_INVALID_PARAMS - One or more parameters are out of| range or invalid|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_SetConfig (char* in_DCBPtr){char token [SOCKET_MAX_LEN_HOSTNAME+1];USHORT port;unsigned int len; if ( (len = GetNextToken (in_DCBPtr, token, " #")) == 0) { return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS; } else { in_DCBPtr += (len+1); } port = (USHORT)atoi(token); if ( (len = GetNextToken (in_DCBPtr, token, " #")) == 0) { return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS; } else { in_DCBPtr += (len+1); } if ( !strcmp ( DRV_TI_MODE, token ) ) { L_DCB.config = TI_MODE; sock_state = SST_DATAx; } else if ( !strcmp ( DRV_DEFAULT, token ) ) { L_DCB.config = 0; sock_state = SST_PL0; } else return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS; if ( (len = GetNextToken (in_DCBPtr, token, " #")) == 0 ) {#ifdef _TOOLS_ gethostname (token,SOCKET_MAX_LEN_HOSTNAME);#endif /* _TOOLS_ */ } if (L_ThreadActive) { /* check if host is already used */ if (strcmp(L_DCB.hostname, token)==0 && L_DCB.port==port) {#ifdef _TOOLS_ printf("SOCKET: keeping connection to host %s on port %u\n",L_DCB.hostname,L_DCB.port); #endif return DRV_OK; } socket_Close(); } L_DCB.port=port; strcpy ( L_DCB.hostname, token); if (socket_Open () != DRV_OK) { return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS ; } return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_GetConfig+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : This function is used to retrieve the configuration of the| driver. The configuration is returned in the driver control| block to which the pointer provided out_DCBPtr points. For| detailed information about the contents of the device control| block, refer to Chapter 2.1.1. The configuration can be| requested at any one time.| If the driver is not configured, the function returns| DRV_ NOTCONFIGURED.|| Parameters : out_DCBPtr - Pointer to the driver control block|| Return : DRV_OK - Function completed successfully| DRV_INVALID_PARAMS - One or more parameters are out of| range or invalid|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/USHORT socket_GetConfig (socket_DCB_Type* out_DCBPtr){ if (out_DCBPtr == NULL) return DRV_INVALID_PARAMS ; memcpy (out_DCBPtr, &L_DCB, sizeof (L_DCB)) ; return DRV_OK ;}/*+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Function : socket_Init+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Description : The function initializes the internal data of the driver.| The function returns DRV_INITIALIZED if the driver has| already been initialized and is ready to be used or is| already in use. In the case of an initialization failure,| i.e. the driver cannot be used, the function returns| DRV_INITFAILURE.|| Parameters : in_SignalCBPtr - This parameter points to the function that| is called at the time an event that is to| be signaled occurs. This value can be set| to NULL if event signaling should not be| possible.|| Return : DRV_OK - Initialization successful| DRV_INITIALIZED - Driver already initialized| DRV_INITFAILURE - Initialization failed|+------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/GLOBAL USHORT socket_Init ( USHORT DrvHandle, T_DRV_CB_FUNC CallbackFunc, T_DRV_EXPORT const **DrvInfo ){static const T_DRV_EXPORT Socket_Info ={ "SOCKET", 0, {#ifdef _TOOLS_ socket_Init,#endif socket_Exit, socket_Read, socket_Write, NULL, NULL, socket_Flush, socket_SetSignal, socket_ResetSignal, socket_SetConfig, NULL, NULL, }};union{ USHORT s; UBYTE b[2];} test;#ifndef _PSOS_#if defined (_VXWORKS_) || defined (_LINUX_) || defined (_SOLARIS_)/* ToDo: vxWorks-libs initiieren sockLib inetLib*/#else /* _VXWORKS_ */ WSADATA WSAData; if (WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &WSAData)) return DRV_INITFAILURE;#endif /* _VXWORKS_ */#endif test.s = 1; isLittleEndian = (test.b[0] == 1); L_ThreadActive = FALSE ; L_DCB.config = 0; L_DCB.port = 6392; L_DCB.tx_buffer_size = TX_BUFFER_SIZE; L_DCB.rx_buffer_size = RX_BUFFER_SIZE ; L_DCB.tx_timeout_msec = TX_TIMEOUT_MSEC; L_DCB.rx_timeout_msec = RX_TIMEOUT_MSEC; *L_DCB.hostname = 0 ; L_ClientData.Connect = FALSE; L_ClientData.SocketHandle = DrvHandle; L_ClientData.Socket = INVALID_SOCKET ; L_ClientData.Listener = INVALID_SOCKET ;#ifdef _PSOS_ tst_socket = INVALID_SOCKET ; tst_socket_initialized = 0; tst_socket_in_TxLen = 0;#endif L_ClientData.Callback = CallbackFunc ; L_ClientData.EnabledSignals = ALLOWED_SOCKET_SIGNALS ; *DrvInfo = &Socket_Info;#ifdef SOCKET_DEBUG fp = fopen(logfile,"wt"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(inprocessfile,"wt"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(bufferfullfile,"wt"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(noconnectfile1,"wt"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(noconnectfile2,"wt"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(noconnectfile3,"wt"); fclose(fp); fp = fopen(readerrorfile,"wt"); fclose(fp);#endif /* SOCKET_DEBUG */ return DRV_OK ;}/*==== END OF FILE ==========================================================*/