view src/g23m-aci/aci/line_edit_intern.h @ 547:c3f2f79dc5b8

l1_rf12.c compiled-in default RF band tables: a round of cleanup * Uncalibrated default g_magic values changed from old Clara RF numbers (yes, Clara, not even Leonardo) to the approximately correct value for our current hw; * Uncalibrated default Rx and Tx channel calibration tables providing neutral correction values: fixed bogus ARFCNs from blind copy-n-paste between different bands; * Restored #if (ORDER2_TX_TEMP_CAL==1) in the Tx temperature compensation tables; * Fully rewrote the big comment before these rf_XXX structures to reflect the current situation. This change is part of the larger transition in FreeCalypso from reverse to forward engineering, from reconstruction of lost original bits to ongoing forward development and maintenance.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Sat, 17 Nov 2018 19:57:34 +0000
parents 53929b40109c
line wrap: on
line source

|  Project :  
|  Modul   :  line edit
|  Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 All rights reserved.
|                 This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas 
|                 Instruments Berlin, AG
|                 The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
|                 any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
|                 manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
|                 whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
|                 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
|  Purpose :  This modul ...


#define WS 0x20
#define SLASH '/'

typedef struct S_LEDIT_ATCMD_M
         T_LEDIT_ATCMD   *cmd;
  struct S_LEDIT_ATCMD_M *next;

typedef struct S_LEDIT_INTERN
  UBYTE   src_id;
  USHORT  len;
  BOOL    isStr;                                         /* flag for start and end of "....."       */
  USHORT  copyIter;                                      /* copy iterator from src to cmd buffer    */
  USHORT  srcBufIter;                                    /* iterator over the srcBuffer             */
  USHORT  srcBufIterE;                                   /* from here all chars to echo             */
  UBYTE  *srcBuffer;
  char   *lineBuffer;                                    /* cmds without "AT" and removed WS,BS,... */
  USHORT lineBufIter;

  char   *origBuffer;                                    /* cmds without "AT", removed WS,BS,...
                                                          - NOT converted to upper case */
  USHORT origBufIter;
  char   *execBuffer;                                    /* the current command(s) as well as       */
  USHORT execBufIter;                                    /* for AT/ the copy of the last cmd line   */

  char   *smsBuffer;                                     /* text of a SMS                           */
  BOOL    txtChunk;                                      /* received a chunk of text only           */
  T_LEDIT_ATCMD_M *cmdm;                                 /*                                         */
  UBYTE   cmdIndex;                                      /*                                         */
  UBYTE   cmdGetIter;                                    /* needed in ledit_get_next()              */
  T_LEDIT_RSLT (*state) (struct S_LEDIT_INTERN *atiInt); /* state machine function pointer          */
  T_LEDIT lineHabit;                                     /* the behaviour of the line               */
  T_LEDIT_ERR  err;

typedef struct S_LEDIT_SRC_MAINTAIN
         T_LEDIT_INTERN       *leditInt;
  struct S_LEDIT_SRC_MAINTAIN *next;

/* moved from line_edit.h to avoid multiple memory allocation in different modules */
static const T_LEDIT_ERR ledit_err[] =
  {"out of memory",             LEDIT_ERR_NoMemory},
  {"no maintenance for src_id", LEDIT_ERR_NoMaintenance}, 
  {"no valid command",          LEDIT_ERR_NoValidCommand},
  {"last cmd line is pending",  LEDIT_ERR_LastCmdPending},
  {"unkown error",              LEDIT_ERR_Unknown} 
