view src/aci2/bmi/mmiSmsBroadcast.h @ 638:cab2f315827e

FFS dev.c: added Spansion PL032J to the "generic" table With the discovery of first GTM900 and then Tango, it now appears that Openmoko was not the only manuf after all who kept TI's TCS211 firmware largely intact (as opposed to changing it beyond all recognition like Compal, Chi-Mei and BenQ did), thus we are now getting new "alien" targets on which we reuse the original manuf's FFS with IMEI and RF calibration tables as if it were native. On these targets we use the original device table for FFS, even though we previously thought that it would never apply to any target other than dsample, leonardo and gtamodem. We have previously added Samsung K5L33xxCAM (a new kind of multi-ID device) to the generic table to support its use in Huawei GTM900-B modules; now we got news that some slightly older GTM900-B specimen used S71PL032J instead, so we are now adding PL032J as well.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 30 Jan 2020 17:45:48 +0000
parents 93999a60b835
line wrap: on
line source

   PURPOSE : header of template for MMI smscb dynamic event handling

   EXPORT  :

   TO DO   :
 * *****************  Version 1  *****************
 * User: RSA           Date: 04.08.00   Time: 19:50
 * Created in $/GSM/Condat/SND-MMI/MMI
 * Initial

#include "mfw_mfw.h"
#include "MmiBookShared.h" //GW-SPR#762 For definition of NUMBER_LENGTH

#define SMSCB_SWITCH_ON  0

//GW-SPR#762 - removed #define NUMBER_LENGTH    20       /* count of digits to be transferred to phonebook */
#define NO_MID 0xFFFF         /* Invalid MID number.      */

#ifdef FF_2TO1_PS
#define CB_PAGE_LENGTH 93
#define CB_TAG_LENGTH 10
#define CB_MID_LENGTH 4

#define CB_STORE_LENGTH (MAX_STORED_PAGES * CB_PAGE_LENGTH) + 1            /* 25 pages of 93 characters + 1 */

#define IMMEDIATE_CELL_WIDE  0x0000
#define NORMAL_PLMN_WIDE     0x4000
#define NORMAL_CELL_WIDE     0xC000

typedef enum

//T_MFW_HND smscb_M_CB_start(T_MFW_HND parent_window, void *dummy);
void smscb_InitData (void);
SHORT smscb_get_new_cb_messages_count(void);
T_MFW smscb_getCBsettings(void);
/*SPR 1920, removed cellbroadcast_start() header*/
int temp_smscb_M_CB_ExeRead (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);

/*MC SPR 1920 moved from .c file */
int smscb_M_CB_TOP_ExeConsult(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
int smscb_M_CB_TOP_ExeAddNew(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
int smscb_M_CB_ACT_ExeNo(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
int smscb_M_CB_ACT_ExeYes(MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);
int sms_cb_select_read (MfwMnu* m, MfwMnuItem* i);

void sms_cb_init (void);
void sms_cb_exit (void); /*MC SPR 1920, added new function*/
void sms_new_incoming_cb (T_MFW_SMS_CB *Message);
int sms_cb_read_msg (T_SMSCB_STATUS status);

void info_screen (T_MFW_HND win, USHORT TextId, USHORT TextId2,T_VOID_FUNC  Callback);
#define THREE_SECS  0x0BB8             /* 3000 milliseconds.                  */
#define FIVE_SECS   0x1388             /* 5000 milliseconds.                  */
#define TEN_SECS    0x2710             /* 10000 milliseconds.                 */
#define TWO_MIN     0x1D4C0            /* 2 min                               */
#define FOREVER     0xFFFF             /* Infinite time period.               */

/* SPR759 - SH - moved from .c file */


			cell broadcast fifo & lists declaration


/* Stored Cell Broadcast message attributes. */
typedef struct
    SHORT           msg_id;              /* message identification          */
    T_SMSCB_STATUS status;              /* Read status of this message.    */
    CHAR            name[CB_TAG_LENGTH]; /* Alphanumeric message tag.       */
    CHAR          * text;	         /* Pointer to cell broadcast msg   */

/* Cell Broadcast message list. */
typedef struct 
    int length; /* actual number of entries */
    T_SMS_CB_ATT entry[MAX_MIDS];

/* Cell Broadcast topics attributes. */
typedef struct 
    USHORT       msg_id;              /* Message identifier.             */
    SHORT        dcs;                 /* data coding scheme              */
    char         name [CB_TAG_LENGTH];/* Alphanumeric message tag.       */

/* Cell Broadcast topics list. */
typedef struct 
    int length; /* actual number of entries */

/*SPR 1920, removed defn of T_SMSCB_CLASS_0_MSG, not used*/
/* class 0 Cell Broadcast Message */
/* storage for Cell Broadcast lists */
typedef struct 
    T_SMSCB_TOPICS      CBTopics;                         /* list of topics to be received */
    /*SPR 1920 removed SmsCbInfo, smsCBList, and Class0CBMessage from structure*/

//end; will be delete later


	// The CB fifo is organized over the
	// link list. The "used_pointer" is giving the
	// starting point of the CB-fifo list. The "next_xxx"
	// is giving the link to the next pointer and so on.
	// used_pointer = FF means ->no cb messages stored 
	// next_used   = FF means ->end of the cb messages list.
	// free_pointer = FF means ->no free spaces !
	// next_used   = FF means ->end of the free spaces list

/* Stored Cell Broadcast message attributes. */
typedef struct
    SHORT           sn;                  /* serial number in integer format */
    USHORT          mid;              /* message identification          */
    UBYTE           dcs;                 /* data coding scheme              */
    UBYTE           page;                /* number of this page             */
    UBYTE           pages;              	 /* number of total pages           */
    UBYTE           msg_len;        	    /* length of short message         */
    T_SMSCB_STATUS status;       	       /* Read status of this message.    */
  	/*SPR 1920, removed name field*/
	UBYTE 	    	 next_link;
	/*SPR 1920, memory for header string now dynamically allocated as needed*/
	char*			 header/*[25]*/; //header information for the menu list
	UBYTE 	    	 start_page; //indicate the first page of the multipage; need for the menu list

T_MFW smscb_setCBsettings(UBYTE State);