view src/cs/layer1/gtt_include/ctm/ctm_defines.h @ 638:cab2f315827e

FFS dev.c: added Spansion PL032J to the "generic" table With the discovery of first GTM900 and then Tango, it now appears that Openmoko was not the only manuf after all who kept TI's TCS211 firmware largely intact (as opposed to changing it beyond all recognition like Compal, Chi-Mei and BenQ did), thus we are now getting new "alien" targets on which we reuse the original manuf's FFS with IMEI and RF calibration tables as if it were native. On these targets we use the original device table for FFS, even though we previously thought that it would never apply to any target other than dsample, leonardo and gtamodem. We have previously added Samsung K5L33xxCAM (a new kind of multi-ID device) to the generic table to support its use in Huawei GTM900-B modules; now we got news that some slightly older GTM900-B specimen used S71PL032J instead, so we are now adding PL032J as well.
author Mychaela Falconia <>
date Thu, 30 Jan 2020 17:45:48 +0000
parents 945cf7f506b2
line wrap: on
line source

*      90411 NUERNBERG, GERMANY, Tel Int + 49 911 5217 100
*      The program(s) may be used and/or copied only with the
*      written permission from Ericsson or in accordance
*      with the terms and conditions stipulated in the agreement or
*      contract under which the program(s) have been supplied.
*      File          : ctm_defines.h
*      Purpose       : Global constants for the Cellular Text Telephone Modem
#ifndef ctm_defines_h
#define ctm_defines_h "$Id: $"

#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(A, B)  ((A) > (B) ? (A) : (B))

#define MAX_IDLE_SYMB        5  /* Number of Idle Symbols at End of Burst    */
#define CHC_RATE             4  /* Rate of the Error Protection              */
#define CHC_K                5  /* Constraint length of Error Protection     */
#define SYMB_LEN            40  /* Length of one CTM symbol                  */

/* The following constant determines whether the signal processing takes */
/* place sample-by-sample or frame-by-frame (160 samples per frame)      */
// #define LENGTH_TONE_VEC  160  /* signal frame size                         */
#define LENGTH_TONE_VEC      1  /* signal frame size                         */

/* Number of bits that are processed during each call of the main loop   */
//LN March 13, 2002
#define LENGTH_TX_BITS   2

#define BITS_PER_SYMB        8  /* bits per symbol                           */

#define NCYCLES_0            2  /* Number of periods for symbol #0           */
#define NCYCLES_1            3  /* Number of periods for symbol #1           */
#define NCYCLES_2            4  /* Number of periods for symbol #2           */
#define NCYCLES_3            5  /* Number of periods for symbol #3           */

#define THRESHOLD_RELIABILITY_FOR_XCORR                 1
#define MAX_NUM_UNRELIABLE_GROSS_BITS                 400

#define NUM_BITS_GUARD_INTERVAL   6       /* length of silence after a burst */

#define WAIT_SYNC_REL_THRESHOLD_0 20316   /* = 0.62*32768 */
#define WAIT_SYNC_REL_THRESHOLD_1 17039   /* = 0.52*32768 */
#define WAIT_SYNC_REL_THRESHOLD_2 23265   /* = 0.71*32768 */
#define RESYNC_REL_THRESHOLD      26542   /* = 0.81*32768 */

#define GUARD_BIT_SYMBOL     0  /* "magic number" indicating that a          */
//                              /* bit shall be muted                        */

#define intlvB               8  /* Interleaver block length                  */
#define intlvD               2  /* Interleaver block distance (interlace)    */

#define demodSyncLns         1  /* Nr of demodulator sync lines              */
#define deintSyncLns         0  /* Nr of deinterleaver sync lines            */

#define IDLE_SYMB         0x16  /* UCS code for Idle Symbol                  */
#define ENQU_SYMB         0x05  /* UCS code for Enquiry Symbol               */

#define ENQUIRY_TIMEOUT     20  /* number of frames for negotiation          */
#define ENQUIRY_TIMEOUT   (1320/5) //19*160 

#define NUM_ENQUIRY_BURSTS   3  /* number of enquiry attempts                */

#define NUM_MUTE_ROWS        4  /* duration of muting interval, 4 rows=80ms  */
#define RESYNC_SEQ_LENGTH   32  /* must be a multiple of intlvB              */

#define NUM_BITS_BETWEEN_RESYNC  352 // 352 = 320+32
/* 352 is a multiple of CHC_RATE, intlvB, and BITS_PER_SYMB,                 */
/* and must be greater than  intlvB*((intlvB-1)*intlvD+NUM_MUTE_ROWS         */

#define PLAYBACK_VOLUME      0xC000 /* volume for sound card playback        */

//#define DEBUG_OUTPUT  /* comment this out for regular operation mode!     */
