/*************************************************************************//* *//* Copyright (c) 1993-1996 Accelerated Technology, Inc. *//* *//* PROPRIETARY RIGHTS of Accelerated Technology are involved in the *//* subject matter of this material. All manufacturing, reproduction, *//* use, and sales rights pertaining to this subject matter are governed *//* by the license agreement. The recipient of this software implicitly *//* accepts the terms of the license. *//* *//*************************************************************************//*************************************************************************//* *//* FILE NAME VERSION *//* *//* cs_defs.h PLUS 1.2 *//* *//* COMPONENT *//* *//* CS - Common Services *//* *//* DESCRIPTION *//* *//* This file contains data structure definitions used in the common *//* service linked list routines. *//* *//* AUTHOR *//* *//* William E. Lamie, Accelerated Technology, Inc. *//* *//* DATA STRUCTURES *//* *//* CS_NODE Link node structure *//* *//* FUNCTIONS *//* *//* None *//* *//* DEPENDENCIES *//* *//* nucleus.h Nucleus PLUS constants *//* *//* HISTORY *//* *//* NAME DATE REMARKS *//* *//* W. Lamie 03-01-1993 Created initial version 1.0 *//* D. Lamie 04-19-1993 Verified version 1.0 *//* W. Lamie 06-01-1993 Added padding conditional into *//* CS_NODE structure, making *//* version 1.0a *//* D. Lamie 06-01-1993 Verified version 1.0a *//* W. Lamie 03-01-1994 Moved include files outside of *//* the file #ifndef to allow the *//* use of actual data structures, *//* resulting in version 1.1 *//* R. Pfaff - *//* D. Lamie 03-18-1994 Verified version 1.1 *//* M.Q. Qian 04-17-1996 updated to version 1.2 *//* *//*************************************************************************/#include "nucleus.h" /* Include Nucleus constants *//* Check to see if the file has been included already. */#ifndef CS_DEFS#define CS_DEFS/* Define a common node data structure that can be included inside of other system data structures. */typedef struct CS_NODE_STRUCT{ struct CS_NODE_STRUCT *cs_previous; struct CS_NODE_STRUCT *cs_next; DATA_ELEMENT cs_priority;#if PAD_1 DATA_ELEMENT cs_padding[PAD_1];#endif} CS_NODE;#endif