l1_cust.c: added function that exports the calibrated Vbat conversion
for use by the new battery charging code
line source
| File: vsi_tim.c
| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG
| All rights reserved.
| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas
| Instruments Berlin, AG
| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey
| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to
| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in
| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of
| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.
| Purpose : This Module defines the virtual system interface part
| for the timer handling.
#ifndef __VSI_TIM_C__
#define __VSI_TIM_C__
/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/
#include "typedefs.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "vsi.h"
#include "os.h"
#include "tools.h"
#include "frm_defs.h"
#include "frm_types.h"
#include "frm_glob.h"
#include "frame.h"
/*==== TYPES ======================================================*/
typedef struct _T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY
T_HANDLE entity;
T_TIME value;
USHORT index;
USHORT mode;
struct _T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY *next;
/*==== CONSTANTS ==================================================*/
LOCAL const T_STR_IND StrInd[] =
/*==== EXTERNALS ==================================================*/
/* -------------- S H A R E D - BEGIN ---------------- */
#ifdef _TOOLS_
#pragma data_seg("FRAME_SHARED")
extern OS_HANDLE ext_data_pool_handle;
extern T_HANDLE TimerHandleField[];
/*==== VARIABLES ==================================================*/
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
char timer_configured;
extern char timer_configured;
extern T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY *t_config;
#ifdef _TOOLS_
#pragma data_seg()
/* -------------- S H A R E D - END ---------------- */
/*==== FUNCTIONS ==================================================*/
int GetTimerStartValue ( T_HANDLE Caller, USHORT TimerIndex, T_TIME OrgValue, T_TIME *NewValue );
#ifndef RUN_FLASH
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : GetTimerStartValue |
PURPOSE : get start time modified by dynamic configuration
int GetTimerStartValue ( T_HANDLE caller, USHORT index, T_TIME org_value, T_TIME *new_value )
T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY *t_config_entry;
int found;
if ( t_config != NULL )
found = FALSE;
t_config_entry = t_config;
while ( found == FALSE && t_config_entry != NULL )
if ( t_config_entry->entity == caller
&& t_config_entry->index == index )
found = TRUE;
switch (t_config_entry->mode)
*new_value = t_config_entry->value;
*new_value = org_value;
*new_value = org_value / t_config_entry->value;
*new_value = org_value * t_config_entry->value;
return VSI_ERROR;
vsi_o_ttrace ( caller, TC_TIMER, "Timerstart: Index %d, Time %d -> %d",index, org_value, *new_value );
t_config_entry = t_config_entry->next;
if ( found == FALSE )
*new_value = org_value;
*new_value = org_value;
if (*new_value == 0)
*new_value = 1;
return VSI_OK;
#ifndef RUN_FLASH
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : vsi_t_start |
PURPOSE : start timer that expires only once
int vsi_t_start (T_HANDLE Caller, USHORT TimerIndex, T_TIME Value)
OS_HANDLE TimerHandle;
vsi_o_ttrace ( Caller, TC_TIMER, "Timerstart: Index %d, Time %d",TimerIndex, Value) ;
if ( TimerIndex >= pf_TaskTable[Caller].NumOfTimers )
vsi_o_assert( NO_TASK, OS_SYST_ERR_TASK_TIMER, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"TimerIndex > NumOfTimers for entity %s", pf_TaskTable[Caller].Name );
TimerHandle = (*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + TimerIndex) & TIMER_HANDLE_MASK);
if ( !TimerHandle )
if ( os_CreateTimer ( Caller, pf_Timeout, &TimerHandle, pf_TaskTable[Caller].MemPoolHandle ) == OS_ERROR )
vsi_o_assert( Caller, OS_SYST_ERR_SIMUL_TIMER, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"Number of started timers > MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TIMER" );
if ( timer_configured && GetTimerStartValue ( Caller, TimerIndex, Value, &Value ) == VSI_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + TimerIndex) = TimerHandle;
if ( os_StartTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle, TimerIndex, Value, 0 ) == OS_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
return VSI_OK;
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : vsi_t_pstart |
PURPOSE : start periodic timer
int vsi_t_pstart (T_HANDLE Caller, USHORT TimerIndex, T_TIME Value1, T_TIME Value2 )
OS_HANDLE TimerHandle;
vsi_o_ttrace ( Caller, TC_TIMER, "Timerstart: Index %d, ITime %d PTime %d",TimerIndex, Value1, Value2) ;
if ( TimerIndex >= pf_TaskTable[Caller].NumOfTimers )
vsi_o_assert( NO_TASK, OS_SYST_ERR_TASK_TIMER, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"TimerIndex > NumOfTimers for entity %s", pf_TaskTable[Caller].Name );
TimerHandle = (*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + TimerIndex) & TIMER_HANDLE_MASK);
if ( !TimerHandle )
if ( os_CreateTimer ( Caller, pf_Timeout, &TimerHandle, pf_TaskTable[Caller].MemPoolHandle ) == OS_ERROR )
vsi_o_assert( Caller, OS_SYST_ERR_SIMUL_TIMER, __FILE__, __LINE__,
"Number of started timers > MAX_SIMULTANEOUS_TIMER" );
if ( timer_configured && GetTimerStartValue ( Caller, TimerIndex, Value1, &Value1 ) == VSI_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
if ( timer_configured && GetTimerStartValue ( Caller, TimerIndex, Value2, &Value2 ) == VSI_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + TimerIndex) = TimerHandle | PERIODIC_TIMER;
if ( os_StartTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle, TimerIndex, Value1, Value2 ) == OS_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
return VSI_OK;
#ifndef RUN_FLASH
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : vsi_t_stop |
PURPOSE : stop timer
int vsi_t_stop (T_HANDLE Caller, USHORT TimerIndex )
OS_HANDLE TimerHandle;
vsi_o_ttrace ( Caller, TC_TIMER, "Timerstop: Index %d",TimerIndex) ;
TimerHandle = (*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + TimerIndex) & TIMER_HANDLE_MASK);
if ( TimerHandle && ( (TimerHandle & TIMER_HANDLE_MASK) < MaxTimer ) )
if ( os_StopTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle ) == OS_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
if ( os_DestroyTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle ) == OS_ERROR )
return VSI_ERROR;
os_StopTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle );
os_DestroyTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle );
*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + TimerIndex) = 0;
return VSI_OK;
return VSI_ERROR;
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : vsi_t_status |
PURPOSE : request remaining time
int vsi_t_status (T_HANDLE Caller, USHORT Index, T_TIME *Value )
OS_HANDLE TimerHandle;
if ( (TimerHandle = (*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + Index) & TIMER_HANDLE_MASK) ) < MaxTimer )
if ( TimerHandle == 0 || (*(pf_TaskTable[Caller].FirstTimerEntry + Index) & TIMEOUT_OCCURRED) )
*Value = 0;
vsi_o_ttrace ( Caller, TC_TIMER, "Timerstatus: Index %d, Remaining_time %d",Index, *Value) ;
return VSI_OK;
In case the timer interrupt occurrs just after the check 5 lines above, this will be handled by
os_QueryTimer() returning a Value of 0 because thew expired timer can no longer be found in the list.
if ( os_QueryTimer ( Caller, TimerHandle, Value ) == OS_ERROR )
*Value = 0;
return VSI_ERROR;
vsi_o_ttrace ( Caller, TC_TIMER, "Timerstatus: Index %d, Remaining time %d",Index, *Value) ;
return VSI_OK;
vsi_o_ttrace ( Caller, TC_TIMER, "TimerHandle out of range: Index %d, TimerHandle %d",Index, TimerHandle ) ;
return VSI_ERROR;
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : vsi_t_config |
PURPOSE : timer configuration
int vsi_t_config (T_HANDLE caller, USHORT index, UBYTE mode, ULONG value )
T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY *t_config_entry = NULL;
T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY *t_next_entry;
int found = FALSE;
if ( index < pf_TaskTable[caller].NumOfTimers )
if ( t_config != NULL )
t_next_entry = t_config;
t_config_entry = t_next_entry;
if ( t_config_entry->entity == caller
&& t_config_entry->index == index )
found = TRUE;
t_next_entry = t_config_entry->next;
} while ( t_next_entry != NULL );
if ( found == FALSE )
if ( os_AllocateMemory ( caller, (T_VOID_STRUCT**)&t_new_entry, sizeof(T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY), OS_NO_SUSPEND, ext_data_pool_handle ) == OS_TIMEOUT )
return VSI_ERROR;
t_new_entry->next = NULL;
if ( t_config == NULL )
t_config = t_new_entry;
t_config_entry = t_new_entry;
if ( found == FALSE && t_config_entry != NULL )
t_config_entry->next = t_new_entry;
t_config_entry = t_new_entry;
if ( t_config_entry != NULL )
t_config_entry->entity = caller;
t_config_entry->index = index;
t_config_entry->mode = mode;
t_config_entry->value = value;
timer_configured = TRUE;
return VSI_OK;
return VSI_ERROR;
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| Function : _vsi_t_config
| Description : Parse a timer configuration string into the components
| timer index, timer mode, timer value.
| Parameters : Caller - calling task
| *CfgString - configuration string
| *pTable - pointer to configuration string table
| Return : VSI_OK
int _vsi_t_config ( T_HANDLE Caller, char *CfgString, const T_STR_IND *pTable )
T_TIMER_CONFIG_ENTRY *t_config_entry;
char token[20];
unsigned int offset = 0,len;
BYTE Mode;
int i = 0;
unsigned int Value;
if ( pTable != NULL )
len = GetNextToken (CfgString, token, " #");
offset = offset + len +1;
while ( StrInd[i].Str && strcmp ( token, StrInd[i].Str ) )
{ i++; }
if ( StrInd[i].Str == NULL )
return VSI_ERROR;
if ( (Mode = (BYTE)StrInd[i].Ind) == TIMER_CLEAN )
t_config_entry = t_config;
while ( t_config_entry != NULL )
t_next = t_config_entry->next;
os_DeallocateMemory ( Caller, (T_VOID_STRUCT*)t_config_entry );
t_config_entry = t_next;
t_config = NULL;
return VSI_OK;
len = GetNextToken (CfgString+offset, token, " #");
offset = offset + len +1;
while ( pTable->Str && strcmp ( token, pTable->Str ) )
{ pTable++; }
if ( pTable->Str == NULL )
vsi_o_ttrace ( 0, TC_SYSTEM, "Timer not found!") ;
return VSI_OK; /* VSI_OK is returned to avoid creating a new return code */
Index = pTable->Ind;
len = GetNextToken (CfgString+offset, token, " #");
Value = ASCIIToHex (token, CHARS_FOR_32BIT);
return ( vsi_t_config ( Caller, Index, Mode, Value ) );
return VSI_ERROR;
#ifndef RUN_INT_RAM
| PROJECT : GSM-Frame (8415) MODULE : VSI_TIM |
| STATE : code ROUTINE : InitializeTimerConfig|
PURPOSE : initialize timer configuration
void InitializeTimer ( void )
int i;
for ( i = 0; i <= MaxTimer; i++)
TimerHandleField[i] = 0;
timer_configured = FALSE;
t_config = NULL;