/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Project : | Modul : line edit+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG| All rights reserved.|| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Purpose : This modul ...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#ifndef LINE_EDIT_INTERN_H#define LINE_EDIT_INTERN_H#define WS 0x20#define SLASH '/'typedef struct S_LEDIT_ATCMD_M{ T_LEDIT_ATCMD *cmd; struct S_LEDIT_ATCMD_M *next;} T_LEDIT_ATCMD_M;typedef struct S_LEDIT_INTERN{ UBYTE src_id; USHORT len; BOOL isStr; /* flag for start and end of "....." */ USHORT copyIter; /* copy iterator from src to cmd buffer */ USHORT srcBufIter; /* iterator over the srcBuffer */ USHORT srcBufIterE; /* from here all chars to echo */ const UBYTE *srcBuffer; char *lineBuffer; /* cmds without "AT" and removed WS,BS,... */ USHORT lineBufIter; char *origBuffer; /* cmds without "AT", removed WS,BS,... - NOT converted to upper case */ USHORT origBufIter; char *execBuffer; /* the current command(s) as well as */ USHORT execBufIter; /* for AT/ the copy of the last cmd line */ char *smsBuffer; /* text of a SMS */ BOOL txtChunk; /* received a chunk of text only */ T_LEDIT_ATCMD_M *cmdm; /* */ UBYTE cmdIndex; /* */ UBYTE cmdGetIter; /* needed in ledit_get_next() */ T_LEDIT_RSLT (*state) (struct S_LEDIT_INTERN *atiInt); /* state machine function pointer */ T_LEDIT lineHabit; /* the behaviour of the line */ T_LEDIT_ERR err;} T_LEDIT_INTERN;typedef struct S_LEDIT_SRC_MAINTAIN{ T_LEDIT_INTERN *leditInt; struct S_LEDIT_SRC_MAINTAIN *next;} T_LEDIT_SRC_MAINTAIN;/* moved from line_edit.h to avoid multiple memory allocation in different modules */static const T_LEDIT_ERR ledit_err[] ={ {"out of memory", LEDIT_ERR_NoMemory}, {"no maintenance for src_id", LEDIT_ERR_NoMaintenance}, {"no valid command", LEDIT_ERR_NoValidCommand}, {"last cmd line is pending", LEDIT_ERR_LastCmdPending}, {"unkown error", LEDIT_ERR_Unknown} };#endif