FreeCalypso > hg > fc-pcsc-tools
libutil: shorthand decimal string parsing implemented2021-02-26, by Mychaela Falconia
libutil: pack_reversed_nibbles() moved to revnibbles.c2021-02-26, by Mychaela Falconia
libutil: hex digit functions factored out2021-02-26, by Mychaela Falconia
libutil split from libcommon2021-02-26, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool bfsearch: missing newline in output2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool bfsearch: handle more weird SW response cases2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: bfsearch-full is also bfsearch-mf2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool bfsearch-{adf,mf} implemented2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: elem_select_op() implemented like in fc-simtool2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool factored-out GET RESPONSE implemented2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
libcommon/file_id.h: add FILEID_ADF2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool bfsearch-full implemented2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool bfsearch: better reporting of EF structure2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
increase max number of skip-ID arguments for bfsearch2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool bfsearch: forgot output redirection support2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool bfsearch implemented2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool code: cmd_get_response() factored out of stktest.c2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool code: added elem_select_op() function2021-02-25, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool create-file needs to read the hex voodoo from a file2021-02-24, by Mychaela Falconia
read_hex_data_file(): add maxlen argument2021-02-24, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool delete-file implemented2021-02-24, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool create-file implemented2021-02-24, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: support output redirection for select commands2021-02-23, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: added STK test commands2021-02-22, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: FDN enable/disable documented2021-02-21, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: update for output redirection2021-02-21, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Simtool-command-shell article written2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: command shell features match fc-simtool2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: local cd command implemented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: '!' escape in command dispatch2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: search added to file-reading commands2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
libcommon: initial support for file search2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: raw apdu command documented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: INVALIDATE and REHABILITATE documented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
rehab-{imsi,loci} commands implemented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: {inval,rehab}-adn commands implemented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: add low-level cur-ef-{inval,rehab} commands2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Sysmocom-SIM-notes article written2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool verify-sjs1-adm1 command implemented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool & fc-uicc-tool: raw apdu command implemented2021-02-20, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: {pin,puk}-attempt-cnt commands implemented2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: remaining PIN commands from fc-simtool2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: verify-pin command family implemented2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool user-sum: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool sst: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-dump: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool pnn-dump: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool plmnsel-dump: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool opl-dump: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
pb-dump command family reworked for new output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool iccid, imsi, spn: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool fplmn-dump: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool a38: support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
hexdump output commands reworked to support redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
EF_DIR dump commands support output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool: infrastructure for output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: infrastructure for output redirection2021-02-19, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool fplmn-* commands implemented2021-02-18, by Mychaela Falconia
plmnsel-erase-all command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
plmnsel-dump can now write to file2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
plmnsel-erase command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool plmnsel-write command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: spn, pnn-dump and opl-dump documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: grammar fix2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: a38 command documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: restore-file documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: update-* commands documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: savebin command documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: readef command documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: readbin and readrec documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: new lnd-* commands2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: pb-restore documented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
lnd-restore command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
pb-restore command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool/restorebin.c: make write functions global2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
pb-update implementation: rm vestiges of uicc unification attempt2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
lnd-erase command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
lnd-write command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
lnd-dump command can save to file like pb-dump and smsp-dump2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
EF_LND code refactoring in prep for adding more lnd-* commands2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool restore-file: add support for cyclic files2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
EF select logic: detect invalid record count > 2552021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool update-rec-prev command implemented2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: dump-lnd command renamed to lnd-dump2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool: dump-lnd command renamed to lnd-dump2021-02-17, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/Low-level-commands: document started2021-02-16, by Mychaela Falconia
grcard2-set-{adm,super}-hex commands implemented2021-02-16, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: smsp-* commands documented2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: SMS manipulation documented2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: dump-lnd documented2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: phonebook commands documented2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: started phonebook description2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool write-iccid command implemented2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
forgot to hook in newly added write-imsi command2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool write-imsi command implemented2021-02-15, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: basic info commands documented2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
doc/User-oriented-commands: document started2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
bug in last commit2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
add {dis,en}able-{chv,pin}1 command aliases for consistency2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool user-sum command implemented,2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool: C module implementing sst command renamed2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool sst-dump command shortened to just sst2021-02-14, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool dump-lnd command implemented2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool *-erase-range commands: allow "end" keyword2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-uicc-tool iccid command: same change as in fc-simtool2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool iccid command: strip padding F digits from display2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool opl-dump implemented2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool plmnsel-dump implemented2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool pb-* commands support new EF_MBDN phonebook2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
add EF_MBDN, EF_MBI and EF_MWIS to known EFs2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool pnn-dump implemented2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool sst-dump: much more compact output2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool sst-dump implemented2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool verify-hex command added2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool code: chvext.c split from chv.c2021-02-13, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-set-tag command implemented2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-set command implemented2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
encode_phone_number_arg() now supports both encoding modes2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool sms-erase-* command family implemented2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-restore: forgot to set parameter indicator bits2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-erase-* command family implemented2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-restore implemented2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool smsp-dump implemented2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
-p reader selection implemented in fc-uicc-tool2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
-p reader selection implemented in fc-simtool2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
better error message for non-existent reader request2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
-p reader selection implemented in fc-pcsc-atr2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
more refactoring of (select reader by number) logic2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
recent libcommon/cardconnect.c change: missed2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-pcsc-list utility written2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
first round of refactoring for selection among multiple readers2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool & fc-uicc-tool: add explicit atr command2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-simtool & fc-uicc-tool: show card reader name and2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
top Makefile: add misc, fix dependency for uicc2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
fc-pcsc-atr trivial program added2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
LICENSE added (public domain)2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
README added2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
top Makefile: add uicc subdir to PROGDIR2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
new trimmed fc-uicc-tool is here2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
GSM7 quoted string output factored out, uses new escapes2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
GSM7 string parsers accept new bypass-encoding escapes2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
meaty function of pb-dump moved back into simtool, out of libcommon2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
alpha tag from file parsing functions factored out of pb-update2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
GSM7 encoding function factored out of pb-update-imm2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool: saverestore.c split into savebin.c and restorebin.c2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool/readcmd.c: missed #include <ctype.h>2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool/pberase.c: comment update2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool: pbupdate.c split into separate modules for each command2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
gsm7_encode_table[] factored out into libcommon2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
phone number encoding factored out of pb-update code2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool/pbupdate.c: a little refactoring from fc-uicc-tool2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
pb-dump meaty function factored out into libcommon2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
phone number decoding factored out2021-02-12, by Mychaela Falconia
reversed nibbles parsing functions factored out into libcommon2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
EF_DIR dump meaty function factored out into libcommon2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
check_simresp_all_blank() factored out into libcommon2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool/grcard[12].c: rm unnecessary #include's2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
encode_pin_entry() factored out into libcommon2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
top Makefile added2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
simtool: first refactored version2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia
starting libcommon: factored out of fc-simtool2021-02-11, by Mychaela Falconia