diff src/cs/services/dar/dar_const_i.h @ 0:b6a5e36de839

src/cs: initial import from Magnetite
author Mychaela Falconia <falcon@freecalypso.org>
date Sun, 15 Jul 2018 04:39:26 +0000
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/src/cs/services/dar/dar_const_i.h	Sun Jul 15 04:39:26 2018 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   File Name:   dar_const_i.h                                             */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   Purpose:   Internal constants used by DAR instance                     */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   Version    0.1                                                         */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   Date                        Modification                               */
+/*   ------------------------------------                                   */
+/*   26 Septembre 2001    Create                                            */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*   Author          Stephanie Gerthoux                                     */
+/*                                                                          */
+/*                                                                          */
+/* (C) Copyright 2001 by Texas Instruments Incorporated, All Rights Reserved*/
+#include "rv/rv_defined_swe.h"
+#ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE
+   #ifndef __DAR_CONST_I_H_
+      #define __DAR_CONST_I_H_
+       #include "config/chipset.cfg"
+      #ifdef __cplusplus
+         extern "C"
+            {
+      #endif
+      /* Define a mask used to identify the events */
+      #define DAR_EVENT_EXTERN                            (0x0C00)
+      #define DAR_EVENT_INTERN                            (0x0300)
+      /* The DAR task run without any time out */
+      #define DAR_NOT_TIME_OUT                            (0)
+      /* The DAR entity processes only the messages send to the following mail box */
+      #define DAR_MBOX                                    (RVF_TASK_MBOX_0)
+      /* The DAR entity takes into account only the following events: */
+      #define DAR_TASK_MBOX_EVT_MASK                      (RVF_TASK_MBOX_0_EVT_MASK)
+      /* The DAR entity waits all event type */
+      #define DAR_ALL_EVENT_FLAGS                         (0xFFFF)
+      /* The DAR use max group elements used */
+      #define DAR_MAX_GROUP_NB                            (4)
+      /* RAM max buffer size    */
+      #define DAR_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE                         (3000)
+      /* Recovery data max buffer size    */
+      #define DAR_RECOVERY_DATA_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE           (50)
+      /* Dar invalid value    */
+      #define DAR_INVALID_VALUE                           (0xFFFF)
+      /* Dar initialization */
+      #define DAR_INITIALIZATION_VALUE                    (0x0000)
+      /* Define the Watchdog timer register mode */
+      #define WATCHDOG_TIM_MODE                           (0xFFFFF804)
+      #if ((CHIPSET == 7) || (CHIPSET == 8) || (CHIPSET == 10) || (CHIPSET == 11))
+	      /* Define the Debug Unit register mode */
+		  #define DAR_DEBUG_UNIT_REGISTER                     (0x03C00000)
+      #elif	(CHIPSET == 12)
+		 /* Define the Debug Unit register mode */
+		  #define DAR_DEBUG_UNIT_REGISTER                     (0x09F00000)
+      #endif  
+      /* Mask to enable the Debug Unit Module */
+      #define ENABLE_DU_MASK                              (0xF7FF)
+      /* Mask to disable the Debug Unit Module */
+      #define DISABLE_DU_MASK                             (0x0800)
+      /* Extra Control register CONF Adress */
+      #define DAR_DU_EXTRA_CONTROL_REG                    (0xFFFFFB10)
+      /* Define the size of the Debug Unit register      */
+      /* This size is 64 words of 32 bits = 64*4 bytes */ 
+      /* Size in bytes */
+      #define DEBUG_UNIT_BYTES_SIZE                       (256)
+      /* Define the size in words */
+      #define DEBUG_UNIT_WORD_SIZE                        (64) 
+      /* Define the size of the X_dump _buffer */
+      /* This size is specified in the gsm_cs_amd4_lj3_test.cmd (in "system" directory) */
+      /* Its size is 38*32 bits = 38*4 bytes = 152 bytes */
+      #define DAR_X_DUMP_BUFFER_SIZE                      (152)
+      /* Define the exceptions */
+      #define DAR_NO_ABORT_EXCEPTION                      (0)
+      #define DAR_EXCEPTION_DATA_ABORT                    (1)
+      #define DAR_EXCEPTION_PREFETCH_ABORT                (2)
+      #define DAR_EXCEPTION_UNDEFINED                     (3)
+      #define DAR_EXCEPTION_SWI                           (4)
+      #define DAR_EXCEPTION_RESERVED                      (5)
+      #ifdef __cplusplus
+          }
+      #endif
+   #endif /* __DAR_CONST_I_H_ */
+#endif /* #ifdef RVM_DAR_SWE */