/* +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Project : PCO2| Modul : inc\pco_inifile.h+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG | All rights reserved. | | This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas | Instruments Berlin, AG | The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey | any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to | manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in | whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of | Texas Instruments Berlin, AG. +----------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Purpose : Contains declarations of the class IniFile. (Based on | File from Adam Clauss)+----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef _PCO_INIFILE_H_#define _PCO_INIFILE_H_/*==== INCLUDES ===================================================*/#pragma warning (disable: 4786) /* ignore warning about to long template names */#include <iostream>#include <string>#include <vector>#include "cms.h"using namespace std;/*==== PROTOTYPES ==================================================*///all Keys are of this typestruct Key{ //list of values in key vector<string> values; //corresponding list of value names vector<string> names; //corresponding list of modified state vector<bool> modified; };class IniFile { //all private variablesprivate: //stores pathname of ini file to read/write string path; //list of Keys in ini vector<Key> keys; //corresponding list of Keynames vector<string> names; // semaphore to protect file reading/writing CMS_HANDLE m_file_sema; //all private functionsprivate: //overloaded to take string istream & getline( istream & is, string & str ); //returns index of specified value, in the specified Key, or -1 if not found int FindValue(int Keynum, string valuename) const; //returns index of specified Key, or -1 if not found int FindKey(string Keyname) const; //public variablespublic: //will contain error info if one occurs //ended up not using much, just in ReadFile and GetValue mutable string error; //will contain warning info if one occurs //ended up not using much, just in ReadFile mutable string warning; //public functionspublic: //default constructor IniFile(); //constructor, can specify pathname here instead of using SetPath later IniFile(string inipath); //default destructor virtual ~IniFile(); //sets path of ini file to read and write from void SetPath(string newpath); //returns path of currently selected ini file const char* GetPath() const { return path.c_str();} //reads ini file specified using IniFile::SetPath() //returns true if successful, false otherwise //may contain warnings in warning-variable bool ReadFile(bool refresh=false); //writes data stored in class to ini file bool WriteFile(bool refresh_first=true); //deletes all stored ini data void Reset(); //returns number of Keys currently in the ini int GetNumKeys() const; //returns number of values stored for specified Key int GetNumValues(string Keyname) const; //gets value of [Keyname] valuename = //overloaded to return string, int, and double, //returns "", or 0 if Key/value not found. Sets error member to show problem string GetValue(string Keyname, string valuename) const; int GetValueI(string Keyname, string valuename) const; double GetValueF(string Keyname, string valuename) const; //sets value of [Keyname] valuename =. //specify the optional paramter as false (0) if you do not want it to create //the Key if it doesn't exist. Returns true if data entered, false otherwise //overloaded to accept string, int, and double bool SetValue(string Key, string valuename, string value, bool create = 1); bool SetValueI(string Key, string valuename, int value, bool create = 1); bool SetValueF(string Key, string valuename, double value, bool create = 1); bool modified(string keyname, string valuename); bool set_modified(string keyname, string valuename, bool modified=true); //deletes specified value //returns true if value existed and deleted, false otherwise bool DeleteValue(string Keyname, string valuename); //deletes specified Key and all values contained within //returns true if Key existed and deleted, false otherwise bool DeleteKey(string Keyname);};#endif /* _PCO_INIFILE_H_ */