/*+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| File : gdd_dio_txf.c+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Copyright 2002 Texas Instruments Berlin, AG| All rights reserved.|| This file is confidential and a trade secret of Texas| Instruments Berlin, AG| The receipt of or possession of this file does not convey| any rights to reproduce or disclose its contents or to| manufacture, use, or sell anything it may describe, in| whole, or in part, without the specific written consent of| Texas Instruments Berlin, AG.+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| Purpose : This modul is part of the entity gdd_dio and implements the| dtx service functions.+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/#define ENTITY_GDD_DIO/*==== INCLUDES =============================================================*/#include "typedefs.h" /* to get Condat data types */#include "vsi.h" /* to get a lot of macros *//* GDD stuff */#include "gdd_dio.h" /* to get the global entity definitions */#include "gdd_dio_con_mgr.h"#include "gdd_dio_dtxf.h"#include "gdd_dio_rxf.h"#include "gdd_dio_drxf.h" /* Needed for allocate_gdd_desc_list() etc */#include "gdd_dio_queue.h"/*==== CONST ================================================================*//*==== LOCAL VARS ===========================================================*//*==== PRIVATE FUNCTIONS ====================================================*//*==== PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =====================================================*/GLOBAL GDD_RESULT gdd_dio_dtx_get_send_buffer( T_GDD_CON_HANDLE con_handle, T_GDD_BUF ** send_buf, U16 data_size ){ T_GDD_INST_ID inst; T_GDD_DIO_DATA * gdd_dio_data; T_GDD_DIO_CON_DATA * con_data; T_dio_buffer * dio_buf; TRACE_USER_CLASS(TC_FUNC_DATA_FLOW, "[GDD] gdd_dio_dtx_get_send_buffer()"); inst = (T_GDD_INST_ID)inst_num_from_dev_id(con_handle); /** * Do the necessary checks. */ if(inst < 0) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Invalid connection handle"); return GDD_INVALID_PARAMS; } if(inst >= GDD_NUM_INSTS) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] inst id out of bounds"); return GDD_INTERNAL_ERROR; } gdd_dio_data = &gdd_dio_data_base[inst]; if(gdd_dio_init_flag[inst] EQ FALSE) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Instance not initialized"); return GDD_INVALID_PARAMS; } if (gdd_dio_data->ker.state NEQ GDD_DIO_KER_READY) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] DIO driver not initialized"); return GDD_INTERNAL_ERROR; } con_data = get_con_data(gdd_dio_data, con_handle); if(con_data EQ NULL) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Invalid connection handle"); return GDD_INVALID_PARAMS; } if(data_size EQ 0 || data_size > con_data->dio_cap.mtu_data) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] requested data_size (MTU size) out of range"); return GDD_INVALID_PARAMS; } if( con_data->con_state EQ GDD_DIO_CON_CONNECT || con_data->con_state EQ GDD_DIO_CON_SENDING || gdd_dio_queue_peek_next_for_dequeue(&con_data->rx_queue, &dio_buf) EQ FALSE) { /* Set the flag indicating the somebody (the client) is waiting for a send buffer. As a consequence, the signal GDD_SIGTYPE_SEND_BUF_AVAILABLE will be sent as soon as we receive a new RX buffer from PSI. */ char * reason; if(con_data->con_state EQ GDD_DIO_CON_CONNECT) reason = "con_state=GDD_DIO_CON_CONNECT"; else if(con_data->con_state EQ GDD_DIO_CON_SENDING) reason = "con_state=GDD_DIO_CON_SENDING"; else reason = "no buffer available in RX queue"; con_data->wait_send_buf = TRUE; TRACE_EVENT_P2("[GDD] Cannot return buffer [con_handle=0x%4x: %s]", con_handle, reason); return GDD_NO_BUF_AVAILABLE; } else { /* Make sure that buffer can hold what is requested. We must take into account that the first 2-byte segment holding the protocol ID which is not part of the pay-load */ if(data_size > (dio_buf->length-2)) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Requested buffer size too large"); return GDD_REQ_BUF_TOO_LARGE; } else { /* Setup current descriptor list and pass it back to the client */ (*send_buf) = (T_GDD_BUF *)dio_buf; con_data->con_state = GDD_DIO_CON_SENDING; return GDD_OK; } }} GLOBAL GDD_RESULT gdd_dio_dtx_send_buffer(T_GDD_CON_HANDLE con_handle, T_GDD_BUF * buf) {#ifdef GDD_MAKE_DTX_CONTEXT_SWITCH U32 signal = GDD_DIO_SIGNAL_SEND_DATA | (U32)con_handle;#endif /* GDD_MAKE_DTX_CONTEXT_SWITCH */ T_GDD_INST_ID inst; T_GDD_DIO_DATA * gdd_dio_data; T_GDD_DIO_CON_DATA * con_data; T_dio_buffer * dio_buf; TRACE_USER_CLASS(TC_FUNC_DATA_FLOW, "[GDD] gdd_dio_dtx_send_buffer()"); inst = (T_GDD_INST_ID)inst_num_from_dev_id(con_handle); /** * Do the necessary checks. */ if(inst < 0) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Invalid connection handle"); return GDD_INVALID_PARAMS; } else if(inst >= GDD_NUM_INSTS) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] inst id out of bounds"); return GDD_INTERNAL_ERROR; } gdd_dio_data = &gdd_dio_data_base[inst]; if(gdd_dio_init_flag[inst] EQ FALSE) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Instance not initialized"); return GDD_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; } if (gdd_dio_data->ker.state NEQ GDD_DIO_KER_READY) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] DIO driver not initialized"); return GDD_INTERNAL_ERROR; } con_data = get_con_data(gdd_dio_data, con_handle); if(con_data EQ NULL) { TRACE_ERROR("[GDD] Invalid connection handle"); return GDD_INVALID_PARAMS; } /* The pointer which is next for dequeue must be the one which corresponds to the buffer for sending ! */ if(gdd_dio_queue_peek_next_for_dequeue(&con_data->rx_queue, &dio_buf) EQ FALSE) { return GDD_INTERNAL_ERROR; } #ifdef GDD_MAKE_DTX_CONTEXT_SWITCH#ifdef MEMORY_SUPERVISION vsi_c_ssend(hCommGDD_DIO, signal, (T_VOID_STRUCT*)dio_buf, sizeof(T_VOID_STRUCT*), __FILE__, __LINE__);#else vsi_c_ssend(hCommGDD_DIO, signal, (T_VOID_STRUCT*)dio_buf, sizeof(T_VOID_STRUCT*));#endif return GDD_OK;#else /* GDD_MAKE_DTX_CONTEXT_SWITCH */ /* Call the corresponding RX function directly instead of sending signal */ gdd_dio_rx_sig_send_data(con_handle, dio_buf); return GDD_OK;#endif /* GDD_MAKE_DTX_CONTEXT_SWITCH */ }