Preparing the build environment for TMS470==========================================In order to compile FC Selenite with TI's original TMS470 compiler, you willneed a Unix/Linux system. Even though the compiler itself exists in the formof Windows .exe binaries and thus has to be run under Wine (see below),everything that we have built on top of it is Unix-based. The Mother currentlyuses Slackware Linux release 14.2 (32-bit) and previously used Slackware 13.37,also 32-bit.You will need to install the following 3 pieces of software on whatevermachine you will use to run the FC Selenite build process:1. Wine: self-explanatory. The Mother uses the following Slackware package: I originally used it with Slackware 13.37 and I am still able to use it with 14.2 without any issues.2. FreeCalypso Wine environment: Extract the content of the above tarball into your ~/.wine/drive_c directory - that's all there is to it!3. nowhine wrapper around Wine: The purpose of this wrapper is to suppress the following obnoxious whine which wine emits on my system: preloader: Warning: failed to reserve range 00010000-00110000 Wine will also emits a bunch of other whines if you have to run it in an environment without an X11 display (e.g., on a machine that you ssh into), and our nowhine wrapper suppresses those as well. If wine does not emit those preloader whines on your system and you never find yourself in a situation of having to run without an X11 display and thus you find our nowhine wrapper to be unnecessary, you can skip the wrapper and create a nowhine symlink pointing directly to wine.The mokosrec2bin flash image file format conversion utility is now includedlocally and no longer needs to be provided externally.